About to play this for the first time. (DX Version)
What I am in for?
About to play this for the first time. (DX Version)
What I am in for?
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pure [SOUL]
The best top-down Zelda ever made
My favorite Zelda game. Enjoy
A pretty good game with occasionally very frustrating dungeons / obtuse hints, though I haven't touched the game since I was a kid.
Have fun finding 20 shells.
worst zelda game
It's honestly right up there with LTTP as "high tier 2d zelda games"
fuck off
A soulless remake of the original gameboy version.
What you would be getting for $60 this fall except Link doesn't look like Charlie Brown.
Good on you for playing this first before the remake comes out. It's one of the best games ever and downright amazing that they managed to do it on the original GameBoy.
Glory. It was the first Zelda game I completed.
Remember that some rocks can be pushed. It took me a while to figure that out as a kid.
Expect to be bamboozled at the 2nd dungeon
Then make a thread about it on Yea Forums and ask
100% Kino
I remember asking around as a kid because I was stuck there and it was that fucking room that you're required to kill the three enemies in it in a specific order.
It only has 14 hearts instead of 20?
Not a real Zelda.
Honestly, I love Link's Awakening so much that I'll probably still get the re-make full price. Wish U.S. was getting the edition with the Steelbook Case because import shipping is a bitch.
Do you have dyslexia?
20 shells is a lot easier than 900 koroks
You know Zelda 1 only had 16 right?
It's just as good as LTTP.
But you don't need 900 koroks to complete the fucking game
Lots of slow unskippable text.
BOTW has 18
Get ready for some sick T U N E S
Links awakening and the oracle series are godtier topdown zeldas
and i prefer them over link to the past
You don't need 20 shells either, especially if you get the bow or boomerang
Ganon is unkillable without the Level 2 sword and as far as I can recall, only able to be acquired if you get 20 shells. If you're using Bow / Boomerang to cheese then your argument is irrelevant.
I actually never knew either. Why can't they just name it a bat and a god damn rabbit head?
this was my ringtone for a long time, had to get rid of it because I never wanted to pick up and just listen to it instead
My favourite 2D Zelda game. It’s short if you know what you’re doing though
Easiest row of bosses of any Zelda game.
That's literally wrong though, you can just use the lv-1 sword and defeat him with spin attacks or pegasus boots
It's pretty fun and full of soul. After you beat it you should definitely play the Oracle of Ages/Seasons games.
.ffo kcuf
Brrrr... This is a block of solid ice! It's very cold!
>Ganon is unkillable without the Level 2 sword
That's completely wrong
Man fuck that dungeon, friggin ridiculous
Is there a DX on the switch or do I only have the Boomer edition available to me
An extremely overhyped game. With an unskippable long trading sequence.
I’m kind of annoyed as even the we are getting is already sold out.
tfw never managed to finish LA, despite calling it one of my favorites
tfw too smoothbrained for Oracle of Ages without a guide also
Goron dancing
DX means Deluxe you fucking faggot, it's not some shitty mash up of 2 letters that makes up no sense like Pokemon XD
Seasons is much better anyways
Dude, if i was able to beat Ages and Seasons at the age of 8 without a guide, you can do it now.
comfy adventure with nice characters and neat secrets, shitty ass tapeworm bosses
You can get it on the 3ds store
better dungeons
better final boss
better oracle
less water
Am I the only one who honestly hates Oracle dungeon designs?
Every room is just too big and empty desu.
It's called pol's voice because the Japanese version was meant to use or did use a mic peripheral that let you stun them by making a loud noise into the mic or something like that
>16*16 grid = 256 screens
>256*4 seasons = 1024
>not including subrosia, dungeons, houses, and caves
man this game is pretty massive for a gbc game. Although the seasons are probably just sprite swaps with some extra info on where to place snow and leaves attached to each screen.
OP here. I just finished the 1st dungeon.
For some reason it is really satisfying to play. The controls are very smooth and there is a lot of action, but the riddles are also quite sophisticated. The characters are charming and the map is huge as fuck with 16x16 screens. (Over 200 screens.)
I guess I like this game.
more combat, less water, that's all that was better
dungeons of ages are better.
both oracles are cool
based and redpilled
you don't need the seashells to complete this either
A good game with a game breaking flaw. When traversing the overworld, you will be forced to pause the game and change your item loadout constantly.
>implying a 9 year old me would even know that
Fuck them, I spent like fucking hours wandering everywhere because I thought I needed a fucking key somewhere else. Maybe they shouldn't have named an animal "Keys"
>accidentally get in the same time zone as a rock at the beginning
>it's far too heavy to move or whatever that message was
a shitty boring game like every other zelda
The Oracle games are just like soulless versions of Link's Awakening.
Shut the fuck up.
Ages, Seasons, and Link's Awakening were the peak 2D Zelda games. You trashtalk one of them, you might as well trashtalk all.
>The Oracle games are just like soulless versions of Link's Awakening.
Here's your (you)
The best Zelda game, almost. Primes you for the real best Zelda games, Oracle of Ages and Seasons.
>We will never get a 2D Zelda with Awakening/Oracle aestatics ever again
Why even live bros
They're just Link's Awakening for zoomers.
Worst zelda game because you can't even do a 3 heart challenge
I remember getting this for christmas as a kid. Great zelda, sure, but i remeber spending most of my time do the dog house glitch thing.
Fuck this thread makes me so sad that I never figured this game out as a kid. I spent hours running around the village and exploring the world just trying to find where the fuck I was supposed to go next
Kill marry fuck
>He didn't read the manual of the first game
Maybe it's just becuase LADX was the only zelda game I had up until I entered high school but I've always loved its aesthetics and wished more games looked like it. I think the GBC pokemon games do a decent job and the various neo geo pocket color fighting games are even better, but those are the only things that come to mind with similar aesthetics.
It's not keys. It's keese. You were a retarded kid who couldn't read.
The only good option. Nayru can have her orbiter Ralph for all i care.
I do know this feel man...
Gen Z were in their diapers when Ages and Seasons came out, what the fuck are you talking about
get a guide to get the required amount of seashells in the game to get the lvl 2 sword
you need the shovel for that, so don't trade it away before you get those seashells
once you get it, then trade the shovel away for the final item of the trade sequence, which is REALLY good (and as far as I remember, you can trade back to the item you traded for it, but it's annoying, and the shovel is near useless)
the shroom magic powder is useful a couple of times after the beginning of the game, so keep that in mind (though it's very rare)
I think that about sums it up, other than that just try to figure shit out by yourself
Early vidya censorship.
It was packed with those 100 in 1 games, there's no manual for those.
>get a guide
It is basically the first zelda game that do'nt actually need a guide. I know, I 100% it without any help. At worst, there is Ulrira.
Don't buy bootlegs then
a mandatory trade quest that spans the entire game and is never once fun
>hear that by using Tracy's Medicine, you can bumrush through the flamethrower blocking Turtle Rock without the Mirror Shield
>get soft-locked out of progressing through the game because I don't have the items I need to progress or go back
>have to restart the file
I encountered a similar problem playing Gato Roboto recently.
can you really get all seashells without a guide? inb4 you tell people to dig every fucking tile in the game
The indice given by the stone was enough. Mind you I was able to solve it before I could read English.
That was some of the only option for countries not supported by Nintendo.
Good dungeons and an absolutely horrific overworld.
I wonder how the fuck we used to beat some games without needing guides, were we just more clever?
>can you really get all seashells without a guide?
Yes, mostly because there is more than 20 (also, the seashell house give you 2 freebee)
>inb4 you tell people to dig every fucking tile in the game
Literally what I did when I played that game as kid
-dig every tile that was duggable
-Explored every damn tile of water while underwater
-Rammed into every damn fucking tree. All of them.
-Literally dinged my sword on everydamn reachable wall ever. ALL OF THE WALLS
I don't think I ever showed that much dedication to any other games. It was before the Internet, also.
Clever? No. Patient, yes.
>and an absolutely horrific overworld.
Get the fuck out. One of the most endearing overworld.
links awakening isn't oracle of ages
What is...”patient?”
>The Oracle games are just like soulless versions of Link's Awakening.
They're so much better than LA, though
LA was disappointing after hearing everyone hype it up
To be 100% honest, When I later replayed the DX version, I needed a guide to find all the picture. I still made sure to go anywhere with Marine because I rightfully suspected there would be several pictures with her.
But Richard's picture is basically impossible to get if you don't know about it. The game just doesn't flow for you to get it by chance.
LA is fucking great, but digging every tile? just no, that's as stupid as getting every Korok seed
A fantastic soundtrack and a very attipical story for a Zelda game.
>t. zoomer
I was a kid when I got that game. It was during vacation. We drove a lot. IT WAS BEFORE SMARTPHONE AND THE INTERNET.
trust me, I hadn't much else to do. Also, do you know how annoying it is to explore every tile of water underwater when you need to resurface every damn 5 seconds? It's very annoying.
which one first, age or seasons?
We had more time to figure it out.
A good but quick time
I'm not asking you to justify yourself, I'm saying that nowadays you should just use a guide for the seashells. For pratically everything else, however, you can probably figure it out by yourself no problem. And even then, the seashells are optional.
I could've sworn there was an item that made a noise whenever there was a seashell on that screen.
The last 2d zelda game i played was minish cap
is there anything else with this much SOUL?
Not even second best
>you should just use a guide for the seashells.
Honestly, they are in enough numbers to find 20 of them. Guessing where they could be become rather quickly instinctive.
That's the compas inside the Dungeons, for hidden treasure and keys. A very smart idea from the creator of the game.
Seasons then Ages
I think that's the case for probably like 16 of them, but I'm not sure, as it's been what, 15 years or something.
these games really need a modern version.
Being stuck to 2 buttons when the game requires you to swap too much gets annoying. Like OoT having to put on and off the Iron Boots level of annoying
Minish Cap had the same bullshit, despite wasting an entire button to that Kinstone shit.
>get soft-locked out of progressing through the game because I don't have the items I need to progress or go back
But that's completely wrong. Even if you somehow didn't get Manbo's Mambo to teleport you can still jump down next to the phone booth.
good ost
I'd settle for a romhack that allows cycling favorites if anything. L to cycle A selection and R to cycle B. I can't trust Nintendo to remake these anyway, since Capcom was the one that made them.
Play the Oracle games instead.
And now i remember these were GBC games, good lord it's been a while.
I was about to say, L and R on a GBC?
>mfw getting all photographs, even the one-time ones, accidentally on my first playthrough
Apparently it helps randomly walking around and revisiting areas for no reason.
What happens if you don't help the ghost? all he does is give you a seashell you don't need to finish the game. Does he annoy you till the end of the game?
I hear a lot of
>"man do these devs really expect people to figure out that you have do go back to 'x place' after passing through it before?"
when it comes to backtracking.
But I always thought devs did this cause they knew kids were dumb enough to just wander aimlessly and visit places multiple times cause they didn't know where exactly to go.
I always preferred the Ages map.
>cause they knew kids were dumb enough to just wander aimlessly and visit places multiple times cause they didn't know where exactly to go.
Or simply they do it because they hop the players just enjoy idling through their game.
>What I am in for?
Lot's of menuing
Nah, he'll just block you from going into any dungeons until you complete his story. On that note, how many of you ever tried spraying powder on his grave?
HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT? I thought I had basically done everything in that game.
I knew about CONDOM, yet I ignored this.
You're in for a treat then. Just skim this thread for a bit
They do it because most players don't 100% the game, they just want something cool to share with their friends for wandering out aimlessly and exploring. Something most games in the late 00s and early 10s have streamlined and harassed to death and thank god it's finally coming back.
Complaining completionists are the worst enemy for these kinda things
>you can get to see the Walrus again after its fall
Welp, fuck, I am an ignorant buffoon.
Based and oraclepilled
I've long considered myself a LA expert but there's loads of stuff here I didn't know about, wow!
Don't be too harsh on yourself. I've replayed some of these games upward to 30 times and there's still occasional stuff in there I didn't know about.
Wait til you play through the original Japanese release.
I know user, that's what this patch is for
>playing 30 times one and the same game when there are thousands of good games you haven't played
lmaoing at your unbelievable autism
>have to steal an item to get all photos
>name becomes THIEF for the rest of the game
This is new to me.
>he doesn't delve into a game and instead plays them shallowly end-to-end
You sound like a journalist. I bet you cross them off in your backlog too instead of just enjoying them.
it's fake
When I was a kid, I couldn't read English, I got stuck on the racoon part for weeks until I decided to just sprinkle everything with the magic powder. There is a lot of stuff hidden in that game. You can talk to the witch's rat or use Bowbow to discover where are hidden shells.
Except this patch doesn't change the dialogue to capture the flirtyness of the mermaid suggesting she will give you whatever (XXX) is meant to be...
Still, neat patch and I'm glad it at least gets the game back up to 99.9% faithful to the original intent.
you can 100% a game at the first try
I admit often you need 2 playthroughs to totally appreciate a game but 1 or 2 is totally enough to know every nook and cranny.
but not fucking 30. just how bad is your memory lmao?
I have recently (read, a year ago), decided I would get all of the ending of Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Samus Returns, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. I am not an experimented speedrunner, but it has been quite fun.
So you never replay metroidvanias just to see how early you can do late-game stuff? No lowlevel runs for you? I mean it's fine if you're not into that kind of stuff, but don't go barraging people that actually like experimenting with their games instead of bumrushing through shovelware just to say they beat it.
to each his own
Here is a useful one, if you get the bracelet and leave the second dungeon, Bowwow will still company you, now you can explore a good chunk of the island and he will grown in places where are secret seashells.
That way you can get most of the shells without having to look very hard.
Every time I see these games I want to make one.
Such simple, satisfying adventures with perfect graphics.
that one is well know. At least I thought so. It always hurt a little hen I see blind let's player rush back to Ms Mewmew,after they have finished the dungeon and don't even explore a bit around with Bowow.
I bet the hippo and the mermaid will be censored in ALL versions of the remake too.
Except for the fact that half the overworld is still locked away until you get the boots. But yeah, playing it as a first timer I probably would have never found the kennel seashell without looking it up if I didn't accidentally enter the wrong door with him. Never occured to me you can shovel indoors.
This map was planned unlike LTTP
I have had the weirdest experience with LA. My copy was in French, for some reason, which meant I barely understood what was being said. It really enhanced the feeling of Link being an outsider on a weird island.
>name yourself THIEF first
Somebody stop me
ATTPs map looks more natural and realistic.
It's too blocky and labyrintine. it resembles more a dungeon than the outside world.
I'm betting they're just gonna look at the DX version so we'll be getting the lobotomized dialogue as well.
I agree with you, but at the same time, the GB games where tight. While AlttP felt kind of empty on places.
>100%ing the game with 0 death means you can never go back to the shop after having stolen.
I wish there was an alternative where buying the bow at full price give you, like, in the same tone of this one, with a "Best client" banner above and the shopkeeper instead of the Zora.
I didn't even know the dialogue differed between versions. I've only played the DX version.
>didn't speak english when i played it
>only had english version
>didn't know what THIEF was, though they meant THING and i was confused on why they were literally objectifying me
I think shorter is better.
Aside from extra text for the extra content, DX has mostly more hints, typo and grammar fixes, and some fluff cutting. There was an entire autism thread on /vr/ listing every single change between versions.