Why are they obsessed with tr*ns?
Why are they obsessed with tr*ns?
Marketing. They’ll add anything in a game if it means they can sell two copies to one dipshit. Any drama, positive or negative, is still free advertising to them.
trying to understand them is waste of time because they don't even know what they are thinking, is almost as if their have some mental complication
>western trannies
>eastern trannies
>very based
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?
Question of the decade
Was that elf a tranny tho? I remember when Geralt thinks he had sex with Dandelion the elf corrects him saying he only does it as a roleplay
It's really obvious what most people who transition are thinking but no one wants to say it because it hits too close to home.
They're desperately looking for affection of any kind. For anyone to be genuinely interested in them. The see how effortlessly women are able to accomplish this and the seed is planted.
>western trannies
>men bad! women stronk! IT'S MA'AM!
>eastern trannies
>*just minding their business without bothering anyone*
because we have redditors and resetera migrants intentionally causing flamming threads so they can share it on their jewbook
Why are you?
>why are wh*te people obsessed with trans
fix'd that for you
There's a key difference between the two examples. If you look closely you might be able to tell what that is.
It's called Crossdressing and it's been a topic of ridicule for generations.
>western trannies
>actual white dudes chopping off their dicks and wearing dresses -> still look like male and attract neither straight men nor straight women
>eastern trannies
>2d girls drawn with dicks -> fetish for straight men
Ngl, if a super feminine trap wants to fuck me in the ass, I might do it. And that's 100% straight.
>That is true freedom!
So being a tranny is freedom?
No wonder murricans are obsessed with crossdressing and chopping their dicks.
They're both trannyshit, don't project.
Oh, (((FellowWhitePeople))), yea why are they so obsessed with the GloboHomo Agenda?
>2 instances among thousands
japanese just make girls and call them boys to cater to the straight male audience
Yea, that's not straight dude. You might need some pushing around and some light taps on your chin to get that idea to sink in.
>2d girls drawn with dicks -> fetish for straight men
Don't get ahead of yourself now.
He was just a crossdresser.
jews and their most loyal supporters, white people, are the ones normalizing LGBT and forcing it down the world's throat yes.
It's not an ideal fetish but at the end of the day it's purely fictitious since they don't actually exist irl.
La Creatura
Oh you mean Jews and their "Fellow Whites"? Sure thing.
Why are you?
Don't see either of them shitposting on twitter nor promoting their mental illness agenda.
They good in my book.
Male or female, a giant erect penis riding up your stomach is disgusting.
Based. I'd pick Ella Hollywood.
if you think both are the same you have a problem
Well the small group of white people that stood up to the jews were ganged up on pretty hard by the rest of the white people, most notably america and britain.
I hear alot of people involved with the Major Media companies are Jewish. And those that aren't are married to one.
>dat bulge
Passable sexiness, pure cuteness > leftism and ugliness.
It's not rocket science.
The guy on the left isn't a tranny he just likes dressing up in various costumes
If you're going to portray a futurist depressing bureaucrat gang technonightmare it should be filled to the brim with faggots, trannies, and state enforced multiracial relationships.
Trannies get my dick SWOLE.
Because they like to shit up vidya and the real world with their idpol.
The main supporters of jews in america are the christian whites.
there is big difference in the personality and how they are done how they react etc... basically in the west the main trait for these characters is the gender or sexuality in the east it is not done in this way
It's not even 25 and the wall hit it like a japanese truck.
The Anglo were lied to and were forced to endure a Harbor attack that was known ahead of time by a Socialist that resided in the HuiteHouse at the time.
left is a dude who want to wear makeup
They can be pretty hot
Not for long my dude. Not for much longer. It's time to blow the lid off of Shlomo.
For being the master race they seem quite stupid and easily manipulated.
that's not true and youre making shit up
because they hate themselves, thus they hate any trans representation out there for some twisted reason.
Except I'm literally not. evangelical support for Israel is well-known. But you're of course deluded with a severely contradictory ideology.
Who said anything about a Master Race? We're just a race of people like any other Race of People. We're all different in our own ways.
You might want to reduce the angle on that Fedora my dude.
oh you're a crosscuck practicing your regular dissimulation, gotcha.
let's be honest here, it's because some of them make our dicks hard
is it ok when Japan does it?
Its actually pure unbridled faggotry 100% of the time which is why weebs need to be bullied IRL.
they're just like Yea Forums
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies? Especially /gif/. That place has been taken over by resetera, it's fucking gone. More than half of the threads fall under the lgbtbbq category.
No but I think you guys are for making this same thread over and over
most straight men can tell the difference between trap and tranny. Trannies can't however, and think they'll look like the former.
CDPR has a tranny dev. Even one of the characters in TW3's DLC is based on """""her""""
the sheer horror in its eyes
more and more wh*te people are coming out of the closet. Expect more and more LGBT(and furry-zoophilia) to come. Non-English internet is not obsessed with gay and furry porn like Yea Forums etc.
That has to be a shoop, it's huge and clearly visible.
How is this allowed?
I unironically feel bad for him, he doesn't look like one of those annoying trannies
he said "when japan does it" not "when weebs do it"
there's a huge difference
fucking love seeing pics of this mongo bastard. What a disgrace
Just wait until pedos rise up.
Well. He's posting on reddit, posts a lot of the usual annoying shit. Pulls the fear grimace a lot and is dead in the eyes
>comparing feminine boys that actually try with unwashed unga wymyn that screech IM STRONG but actually arent
>like some of them and their personalities
>don't like dicks
Tomboys still a best
>for straight men
I'll never forget that post by the russian that wished to have never learned englando so he would've been spared the horrors of this internet culture.
why is it okay for the guys to have massive fat chodes but girls can't have tits at all
I'm pretty sure the only tranny in that pic is masao, all the others are just cute crossdressing boys who know they are boys
Trannies are Yea Forums culture.
Trap threads used to always hit the pump limit back when Yea Forums wasn't moderated.
>why is it okay for the guys to have massive fat chodes
but that's a girl with a massive fat chode though.
Untreated malocclusions are one hell of a drug
I bet you've accomplished so much with this attitude that it's a wonder anybody supports israel at all anymore.
>back when Yea Forums wasn't moderated.
we started?
Triggers the shit out of undesirables. It's why they sweep all undesirables. Fat incel white kids demanding games to pander to them, transexuals demanding games to pander to them, other associated sjws demanding games to pander to them, probably also russians demanding (polish) games to pander to them somewhere in there.
It's a butthurt party.
It's Propaganda you fucking retard.
Elf wasn't a trans, though
Dressing up as chicks/cross dressing has a 2500 year old history in Europe. Romans and Greeks, both before and during the height of their glory had men dressing up as women, and women pretending to be dudes. The elf on the left suffers from an identity crisis and behaves more like a permanent actor than a cross dresser- the point is not to be sexually liberated as a woman, but to merely pretend to be someone else. The character on the right is a hypersexualized advertisement by a megacorp in the year 2077- if you're surprised to see chicks with dicks in cyberpunk 2077, might I suggest going back to 1998 and playing "Pico's School" on Newgrounds, where the poster 'Chicks with dicks, twice the fun!' has made an entire generation of people laugh and chuckle for 20 years.
Google has done analytics on this. Men who masturbate to futanari porn are more likely to masturbate to straight porn. Gay men do not have an interest in women with dicks, they have an interest in men with dicks. Gay men hate futa.
>the absolute vast majority of white people supporting LGBT is propaganda
Uhh suure.
crossdressers, trannies, traps, femboys, girly boys in general mess with a straight man's head, you want to fuck the cute ones, but the masc-looking, femme-acting ones are kinda weird to look at
japanese culture exemplifies very well what's going through a male's head when he comes across one of them, the feminine ones (traps) are ubiquitous in anime and the majority of them have a very feminine characterization because they're obviously made to be waifued by the horny audience, while the masculine crossdressers are often portrayed as comic relief
Trannies are taking both images as an insult so it works for me
Passing transgirls are better than real girls.
You dim witted trollop. Shut your fucking mouth.
a dialation a day keeps the tranny away
passing trannies dont exist
Hey whats a chode again? thinki first heard it on beavis and butthead.
passing trannies and traps belong to straight men
Learn to pronounce
the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
>Being this gullible.
Ok Mr. 90%-of-white-people-are-propagandizing-to-the-remaining-10%
>being in this much denial
Failed males who decide to pretend to be female. No wonder they kill themselves. These people need mental help, not makeup tips.
Oh now it thinks it can use statistics. Math is not your strong suit so I wouldn't advise trying to use it.
why lie? You're not fit, not old, not wise don't carry shit but your own mass, like 90% of actual anons..
If every man who decided to transition to a woman ended up looking, acting, and functioned exactly like a woman, a lot more people would be okay with trans people.
But as we know, these men are humans; inept, fragile, and imperfect humans. And so most of these men will transition and become hideous caricatures of women or even uglier men. Male and female appearances are virtually opposite, and this reflects in the clothing and accessories of each sex. A skirt is made to augment a woman's attractiveness and her other feminine traits. Meanwhile, a suit is made to augment a man's fortitude and his other masculine traits.
So when a mentally ill dude decides one day in his twisted mind that femininity = good and masculinity = bad, but gets his idea of femininity from Barbie, his transition will be extremely botched and his cries of "I'm a woman! I'm a woman!" will be met with disgust and horror as everyone else will see some ugly dude in makeup screeching around. We simply DO NOT have the technology to blur the biological limitations of man and woman so that anyone can be either gender. Besides, maybe if he put the work in, people would believe his ugly ass.