>this is an official trailer
This is an official trailer
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well, saves me the bother of checking it out
good riddance
Tranny SJW shit. Go away fucking shill.
It literally is just a woman, the bar for “SJW shit” is lower than ever
Is this the "What are your Red Flags" thread?
Yeah best game. Is that why it got completely erradicated from everyone's memories after 3 days?
>Jim Sterling
Jim Sterling should be publicly hanged, disgusting fat unhinged swine
>redacted prefix “it’s not -“
it's about the quality of writing
It's been a while since I last saw a space elevator thread. Do we even have carbon nanotubes yet?
I think he needs to play more games
>the Inquisition went around kidnapping nobles to use in black magic rat controlling rituals and weren't just legal busybodies who occasionally told lynch mobs that witches weren't real
Who's Jim Sterling? I liked the game though, may buy it once in sale. Good graphics, great music, attachment to characters could have been better. The attention to history through the collectibles was nice.
The bbeg is a heretic occultist. I'm not sure what his endgame was supposed to be, but he gets excommunicated in the game by a visiting bishop.
Writing quality is a "Tranny SJW" issue?
>magic are literally miracles
>miracles can only happen by God will
>ergo witches and sorcerers aren't real, at best/worst they are scammers or delusional idiots
Holy shit, someone on Yea Forums with an education.
The "we don't have strong enough materials for a space elevator" meme is a dangerous one. While true in that we don't have materials for a static structure of that scale; active supports are more then capable of building an orbital elevator.
The loftstrom loop was proposed in the 1980s and would have only cost 1 billion dollars in today's money. While not a true orbital elevator, it was high enough to greatly reduce the launch costs of rockets.
I'm not sure that applies for constructing a gallows for Mr. Sterling. But I'd love to hear how that would work in the space elevator case if you don't mind elaborating.
This game looked interesting, anyone here played it? Is it good? People are bashing and praising just based on the female lead so it's hard to tell.
Yeah, it's nice. The puzzles and fights are varied enough to not get stale, but you never really form a deep connection with the characters like in TWD or The Last of Us. Cool setting too.
It's a game where you'll have a miserable time if you try to think outside the box or do things that the developers clearly didn't intend for you to do.
I'm going to give it a shot, the setting is a big selling point for me.
Make a circuit of super conductors and link it to a particle accelerator. Double up the top bundle. The vertical momentum of the particles traveling along the superconductor is what keeps the structure up, not tensile strength of materials. Horizontal momentum is canceled by the loop being doubled up.
From what ive seen its pretty much just the Last Of Us: Black Death edition, lots of walking, some of puzzles, once in a while you fight humans, theres crafting, moving around things with your child companion, and many many rats. Not saying its bad, if you liked TLoU, you will like this game.