I set TWO cards face down and end my turn!

I set TWO cards face down and end my turn!
You are no match against me, Yea Forums!

Attached: Back-EN.png (400x581, 478K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Draw for turn
Activate twin twisters
Normal Neo-space connector, effect?
No ash? Cool.
Summon dolphin
Dolphin effect
Link 2, Phoenix
Link 1, Mermaid
Mermaid effect for Orcust Knightmare
Link 2, galatea
Knightmare banish to send harp
Harp effect summon cymbal
Link 3, Bardiche
Bardiche effect mill cloak set fog blade
Cloak banish, add boots
Cymbal effect, summon galatea
Galatea shuffle back Harp to set babel
Overlay Galatea for Dingirsu
Special summon boots
Link 2, another galatea
Banish boots to add and set fog blade
Pass to you

I summon Dark Magician Girl in attack mode!

Attached: Dark Magician Girl.jpg (540x720, 46K)

You think you've beaten me, but I'll prove you wrong right now. I play Pot of Greed.

Attached: PotofGreed-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png (461x669, 685K)

what does it do?

But I have this and Jinzo on the field. What are you doing?

Attached: HorustheBlackFlameDragonLV8-DL17-EN-R-UE-Purple.png (300x435, 283K)

Draw 3 cards from my deck

Nice try OP but not good enough. Chiihou daisangen, double yakuman. 32000 points from you and 16000 each from and .

Attached: 1446943649229.jpg (640x480, 68K)

It negates any attack.

Nice move, but not nice enough. Because of your move I can play red 6 directly from my hand.

Attached: uno_card-red6.png (410x585, 27K)

Post waifus

Attached: HarmonizingMagician-PEVO-EN-UR-1E.png (687x1008, 1.63M)


Attached: 1428898911660.gif (500x381, 377K)

i summon ass in attack mode if y'know what i'm sayin

Attached: olga_katysheva31.jpg (1267x1200, 213K)

active mystic mine
set 3, pass.

Draw for turn
Activate Twin Twisters, discarding Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Any responses? No? Alright.
Activate Red-Eyes Fusion
No ash? Okay.
Tossing Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Lightpulsar Dragon, Fusion Summoning Meteor Black Comet Dragon.
Comet Dragon's effect activates, sending Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning to the GY, burn for 1250.
Activate Inferno Fire Blast, chain Serial Spell.
Discarding hand, burn for 3500 twice.
Good game.

Attached: 300px-IbtheWorldChaliceJusticiar-DANE-EN-ScR-1E.png (300x437, 309K)

imagine playing with bricks like this.

I use both Cyclone Creators’ effect and discard one card to return your set cards to your hand.

Attached: FA0DC7D6-CBCB-4C05-84B8-274616BDE754.jpg (421x614, 63K)

imagine giving a fuck about the meta
I play this deck because it's my favorite archetype

Try triskaideka.net/mtg/shg

For dueling on Yea Forums.

quitted yugioh a long time ago. I still remember how much fun it was to play my gravekeeper deck against my friends playing shit like six samurais or monarchs, and that one faggot that played lightsworn.

But now I go and see a yugioh match and they go tru their entire deck and summon 5 monsters, each one with busted effects and enough damage to end the game at their second turn.

Why did they ruin the game this bad? the powercreep around the time I played was good enough that you could do amazing plays if you got the right cards, but now the game is a joke
