What vidya does your dad play?
What vidya does your dad play?
buncha pinball games
that's all he plays
Pokemon Go
Facebook games about finding clues and pirates
Arcade games and Candy Crush
none, because he's dead
he doesn't play videogames and doesn't like that I play videogames, he thinks all of my problems are a result of me playing videogames
Fifa. It's the only video game he's ever played. He gets the new one each Christmas and when he gets back from work, besides watching documentaries, all he does is play it.
Sims mostly, but all he does is mod it. Played Fallout 4 and Wolfenstein New Order recently.
When I was a kid until I was 16, my dad used to cut my nails, shave me, trim my pubes, pop zits on my face and back until I would bleed and weep, smell my penis and armpits after I showered, and sometimes showered with me. He would beat me if I ever denied him. This went on until I was 16 and my mom and I moved to another state. He also loathed video games because he was amazing at sports in high School and college
Cod:BO2. Zombie mode only. Solo. The legit baby boomer misses his friends when they would sit on the sofa and co OP waves of zombies past wave 100. Too bad the mode is legit cheesy as fuck and is just a game of conga bullet lineup
He really enjoys Forza and SimCity, and he's played a fair bit of Halo and Banjo-Kazooie.
Survival and RTS games
He's over 50 and he's hype for that Conan RTS
DCS World and Call of Duty mostly
My dad played Cod 4 with me when I was in highschool. Haven't seen him in years and I've been out of school for over half a decade so I don't know if he plays anything else.
Sega Genesis, his favourite games are Streets of Rage 2, Castle of Illusion and Golden Axe 3.
He got me into vidya and used to beat CoI for me almost erryday.
Thanks for everything, pops
The only games he played the shit out of was Forza 1 and Black.
My parents are Pokemon Go fans. I'm thinking about trying to introduce them to Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee so they can get into console gaming.
every friday he sits down with a couple beers and runs through halo 1 to reach on legendary.
I'd play with him, but i'd probably just hold him back
Alcoholic sim 2k19
Jack the Giant Killer and Phantasy Star for the master system.
solitaire and spider solitaire
Age of Empires 2
Command and conquer generals
Nothing these days but he told me he used to get stoned and play SNES a lot in the 90s
AoE2, CoD2, and Battlefront2, refuses to play anything else
Are you 12?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R and cod
Colin McRae Rally 04
super leave my family rpg: legend of the single mom
CoD modern warfare remastered.
he saw me playing tetris a few months ago and sends me pictures of his high scores sometimes.
I only ever saw my father play two games when I was very young and he wanted to test them a little to see if they were ok for me. He liked MGS2 and Age of Empires 2. He also pirated the original Prince of Persia back in the day
Space invaders
My brother is trying to get him to play Metal Gear Solid since he likes spy movies
comment on my brother in law:
"did you see that grown man getting excited about some silly little thing on the screen?"
his input on my own gaming was to not ever mention it or talk about it
the man did the best he could I suppose
He used to have an Atari 2600.
Fuck the Wal-Mart whore: Florida edition
Nothing but UT99. Only game he's played for the past 15 years
Ah yes, one of the first games with a black main character
Whatever AAA he gets his hands on these days. He used to be a PC gamer. Doom, Quake, HL1, Blood, Redneck Rampage, C&C, Diablo, some adventure games too.
none, because he's a self-made wealthy but jaded and cynical sandnigger immigrant who managed to pick up some of the absolute worst cultural aspects of both his homeland and america.
He played crystal caverns back in the day
Now that I am a dad I play just about everything. Right now tales of vesperia and smash.
CK2 lately. Otherwise simulators. He plays anything, really, as long as it's not shootan or animu. He used to be really into MMO's but there is nothing good on the market right now.
Bejeweled and that game where you add coloured ball to a grid that keeps advancing on you and matching colours pops them.
We used to play Battle Tanx, Army Men, and a few other games back in the day. He got super mad all the time and broke my controller, then one time when he rented Medal of Honor he didn't know how to control a first person perspective so he threatened to beat me if I didn't show him how (I had never played one before either)
My dad and I play Mario Golf and Mario Baseball.
Occasionally Mario Kart.
COD WAW zombies with my brother
Pretty much any open world game
don't know or care.
my dad can literally die tomorrow and it wouldn't affect me unless i get money from it.
He has like 3000 hours in Elite: Dangerous
Lately he has been playing Battlefront 2 and the Mad Max game, we sometimes play Lord of the Rings battle for the middle Earth 2 and Unreal Tournament 2k4, but I beat his ass so bad that he doesn't want to play anymore with me
I saw him play all the way through Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. Gears of War 1, 2 and 3. And we played the whole Halo 2 and Reach campaign together
Zuma fucking Deluxe, aka the best puzzle game ever made.
He played with me when I was a kid and I fucking loved it.
He died 4 years ago.
But when he lived, he sometimes played NFS Porsche Unleashed. Exclusively.
Kirby's dream course.
Ass Creed, C&C, Stronghold, Mass Effect, and CoD are his go to games that aren't Facebook games. He got a bit into The Witcher but he likes doing all the side content in games and wound up getting burnt out
The game of laying in the cemetery
fucking based
He plays WOW and Diablo and Starcraft.
I got him into Minecraft and he seemed to be enjoying that
The old Command and Conquer games
Metal slug. We still play from time to time.
My dad loved mkwii. He used to get really fucking pissed at all the hackers.
BLOP3 unironically. He has my old PS3 and he plays matches daily
Not much anymore, but Halo, Skyrim, Fable, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, some RTS, and others
cool dude
Used to play Tropico because he likes Che Guevara.
He's a big western fan too, I once asked him if he was interested in Red Dead Redemption but he said he's too old now although he's not even 60. Could've easily seen him play E.U. or other strategy games but he's more of a handyman.
All and every Zelda ever, rinse and repeat
A lot of rpgs, mostly Skyrim
Living alone by himself because his alcoholism, abuse and habit of stealing drove his wife to suicide and made his kids completely cut contact from him.
Wonder if there will be a sequel.
my dad played champions of norrath and champions return to arms as pretty much the only game he played, for nearly 10 years. was bizarre just how much time he squeezed out of that
Battlefield 1 and fallout 4, we used to play halo a lot together
Why wont he play with you user?
Some golf mobile game
It was funny hearing him experience pay-to-win mechanics and microtransation bullshit for the first time
>It's fucked! because this asshole is too bad at the game he has to buy golden clubs just so he can win
I used to play a lot of Mario Golf Toadstool Tour with him
My dad used to love Total War.
He's been dead for 2 years :(
I'm sorry, user. I send you hugs
if there's a street fighter cabinet you bet your ass he's gonna play it and beat the whole story mode till he makes me fight him and kicks my ass, doesn't matter what street fighter it is he always enjoys all of them. Funny enough he's not that much into gaming but it does make me smile seeing him play
pleb phone games like bejeweled. other than that nothing
>tomb raider
>twisted metal 2
I remember he used to beat dark tooth so easily on hard, he just let me finish him off with the machineguns. My mom and me used to play fishing games together. Nowadays none of that family bonding will ever happen again
Much appreciated
my dad died in October of last year
but he played a lot of Myst and those sorts of games
wise old fellow
They play Lan games and I could never get the multiplayer to work properly. I live across the country
UT 1999 and Deer Hunter.
We play console borderlands together.
Kirbys pinball land
Pokemon Puzzle League.
Microsoft flight sim
Your answer...
House of Dead 2 & 3 Return...
Two wii remote gun props at same time.
Far cry 1, all dooms (yes 3 too), max payne, cod wm multiplayer he got max lvl like 10 times
Skyrim and GTA V
He doesn't have a job so he's put like, at least 1000 hours into each
He normally hates video games but sometimes I'll catch him playing fuckin flappy bird of all things when he's relaxing
My dad passed away in 2012 aged 59, but used to play gran turismo, ssx tricky, virtua fighter, dead or alive, mortal combat, tekken, then got into PC gaming, meddle of honour, vietcong, COD1, 2, UO, WaW, MW1, RO Ostfront, RO2, and the Empire and Napoleon Total Wars.
He used to play a lot of the console fighters and SSX with my mum too, she mostly played the resident evil games, parasite eve, final fantasy, dino crisis etc, she's in her 60s now and mainly plays Guild Wars and has done almost daily since GW1 was released
My dad played a lot of flight sims and Need for speed. He would pirate newer games and buy the ones he liked. He really liked gears of war too.
Mine's been dead 4 years, it gets easier.
Flight Simulator. He's really excited for the new one.
My condolences to all of you
He doesn't play video games because he isn't a retard like me.
Cheer's it happens to us all eventually, grief for all the pain it causes is a bitter-sweet gift; the ones who never had or will never have the chance to grieve over a loss are the ones people should feel sadness for