Ratchet and Clank

Give me your honest opinion on this game, including Quest for Booty since it's pretty much an epilogue

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Good but soulless as shit, the whole game felt like a rehash of the PS2 games without the charm. Half the bosses were spaceships, a fuckton of those pirate-bots as minibosses, they turned Qwark into a massive retard, arena was a massive step down from UYA, story was shit and the game literally peaked at the first level.
Since the formula simply works, I would still give it an 8/10 despite all its flaws because as a game is actually pretty good, just not as good as the others.

best of the ps3 games, probably better than the first game, but worse than gc, uya, and deadlocked, playing uya rn btw, very comfy

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I'm playing UYA for the first time, so far I'm not sure if I like it as much as GC

Good game but challenge mode is kind of a drag because they give every enemy a trillion HP which turns everything into a damage sponge. Never played QFB.

gc is better imo, uya feels much more linear and the ranger missions suck

Yeah so far my issue is the linearity, I'm not as invested in the plot as I think they want me to be which is funny because I enjoyed the PS3 sagas shtick, but maybe it'll grow on me.

foas is a gay and Yea Forums is a shit site

All three of the future games are all fine. If you're big fans of the PS2 games then you'll enjoy them simply because it's the same formula and it's a formula that works. They're rather bland and generic though. aCiT advances the formula more than the rest and it's a superior game because of it.

Good but incredibly formulaic and forgettable title. Insomniac litterlly took no risks. Aside from some motion control gimmicks, it's literally a rehash of everything the PS2 Ratchet's did. If you just play this game one off, it will be fun, but if you are playing all the games in a marathon, this one will feel tiresome since it really adds nothing new, just retreading old ground but slightly worse, as the artstyle is worse time time around.

Quest for Booty was much better I thought, though it's only like 2 hours long, it's basically DLC. But it has some neat new gimmicks with lighting and some cool atmosphere. It's basically a DLC level for Tools of Destruction, but has more effort put into it overall and is probably the best level of the game. Worth it and makes ToD better.

But overall, for PS3 Ratchet and Clank games, A Crack in Time is the undisputed king.

It's alright I guess. It's the most average R&C game to me. OfB I also feel the same towards

Brian Allgeier here to say please stop buying Ratchet and Clank games, i'm sick of this furry shit and wish I could move on to bigger and better things. I'm just hoping Sony forgets to renew the franchise so it can finally fucking die.
Thank you for listening and remember to buy Stormland!

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Acit has shit weapons and the levels are just too big and empty.

It's okay, the reboot sucked so I'm not interested in any more Ratchet games.

UYA isn't bad, but it's a pretty normal opinion to consider it worse than GC. Fuck people who actually hate UYA though, just because it was worse than GC doesn't make it a bad game. It's still fantastic, just too many gimmick levels getting in the way of the good levels, but when it's good, it's really fucking good.

It's really fucking gr-

>including Quest for Booty since it's pretty much an epilogue
Worst game in the franchise

I enjoyed the open levels, I thought it was a lot of fun to zip around with the hoverboots and levels like Krell Canyon had tons of collectables to make it worthwhile.

Nah, there are much worse games in this series than QfB. SM for starters.

Are the PSP titles worth emulating?

SM isn't that bad, I'd rather play it than FFA.

What was bad about Quest for Booty? Did having no clank really trigger you that badly?

If you liked the other ones then yeah, probably, just don't expect anything as good as the PS2 or future games.

Not really. The controls are super stiff and the weapons are probably the worst in the series. It's short, and the level design is subpar. Also the camera is way too close to the character.
It was impressive when it came out but the novelty has worn off.