Why does the new IGA game seem so soulless? What gave Castlevania the soul which bloodstained seems to lack?
Castlevania & Bloodstained thread
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Bloodstained's a rushed product and has a dev that's fine with his game being a buggy mess as long as it can boot up.
about 20 years of reused assets you know and love.
>rushed product
>Delayed twice.
because Castlevania was made by a strong dev team and Iga was not the only person carrying it.
And yet it still needed a day 1 patch. QA's not in the dev's mind right now.
Everything gets a day one patch.
Limited run Games Physical releases of old ass digital games get day one patches.
simple but stunning, more emphasis on the character himself, his personality and attitude, through his posture and attire
The character is literally a show-piece littered with unnecessary accessories and ornaments. The design is all over the place with the emphasis on being unique just for the sake of being unique.
Pic related is 1000x better than what Nu-Iga has done now.
Soma's design just oozes style
Bloodstained the rise of a generic unreal game series. the art style kills it
He's the same Iga, which means, unsurprisingly, he's still not the fucking character designer.
...For that matter, what his design tells me is that
>he's some sorta total faggot who wears a Steve Jobs Turtlejeck, 2 chains, cowboy boots with bell-bottom yehaw buttonflap jeans, and has a bigass retard coat
His posture is like what 15 year olds do to try to look cool, and I can't wait to see him awkwardly flip flop between his coat being on his elbow and being behind his arm
Miriam's pose is pretty shit too, mind. She's holding her sword like she's inspecting it but she's not looking anywhere fucking near it, and she looks like she's gonna topple sideways at any given second.
I've played neither.
Not this shit again. Castlevania lost its soul right after sotn. DoS might be an exception though.
Because you are approaching every game with the preconceived notion that it must be garbage and therefore that's what you see from your own confirmation bias. Stop looking for the next TORtanic and learn to enjoy games, please.
Contrarian of the contrarians here. must be great being an autist like you.
>choosing the worst, most gay protag to ever shit up a CV game as SOUL
this OP's trans for sure.
>He believes the game will be genuinely good.
Is this the power of hope?
But Soma literally has the most souls in the series, owing to his soul steal ability.
Well so far everyone who got copies from stores that broke street date said so
>can't even say what he thinks is bad, just regurgitates stale memes and image macros
It's the power of pattern recognition.
I chose soma to compare with miriam as they both the same dominant colour scheme, blue and white.
Now in hindsight I think Richter from SOTN would also have been a good choice as a comparison.
Are you so oblivious or do you choose to ignore the cues?
>The abysmal graphics
>The average music (Michuru Yamane is not in her form)
>The run-of-the-mill gameplay with nothing to spice it up
> The messed up art design
Ha! Subtle joke, OP.
>His posture is like what 15 year olds do to try to look cool
well, he is a teenager who is concerned with looking cool, so yeah, I'd say the design does tell you enough about the character
>That blood
I’m playing through the classic Castlevanias for the first time. Beat the first and second, but 3 is pretty fucking hard. Any tips? I grabbed Syfa, but I’d be willing to restart if Grant or Alucard would be easier.
>I think Richter from SOTN would also have been a good choice as a comparison.
Yep. even more soul.
>anime soma
you fucked up
>art design
I don't know what else you expected from a title made on an indie budget that's clearly trying to be Castlevania. Again, this is just more 'muh TORtanic' whining.
I'll admit that the music doesn't have me hyped, but again, still par for the course with Igavania games, which usually only have one memorable track, the one used in the first area
We'll see in regards to gameplay.
the point is he's trying to look cool and failing
what the fuck is with the goddamned cowboy boots and yeehaw pants with a fuckin turtleneck
Nope. I did not.
Play on the MSX/PC-Engine version. NES version is fucked.
Sypha with Lightning is the best boss killer, the other two are better for navigating the stage (Grant can climb walls and ceilings, Alucard can fly).
>Being this soulless
you unequivocally fucked up
The game takes place in 2035, of course his sense of fashion is going to seem outlandish. Again, an element of the setting conveyed through his design.
Aren’t they supposed to patch the Nip versions of all the games in the newer collection at some point?
In that case I wanna fuck something soul-less.
>made on an indie budget
Again are you simply ignorant or delusional? The game had a huge crowd funding of 5.5 Million dollars in kickstarter whereas normal indie games would make a max of 500,000 dollars.
The game we get is literally no better (perhaps even worse) than those 500k indies and that's the problem.
>implying Soma isn't a sexbomb
Why do i always see a AoS Soma image on these CV threads?
because soma is best boy and best game
>why are images of the character design being discussed in the op being posted?
corrected your picture.
We already got a completely separate game for that money, presumably some of the money went into that, alongside backer rewards, advertising, multiplat ports, subcontracting to different studios, etc. Either way, I don't expect it to have been made with the same amount of money that actual Castlevania games were made with.
How to get into Castlevania? Go
Someone was streaming the game yesterday; it looked great.
I don't understand why Yea Forums wants this game to be bad so much
People have the game now and reactions have been extremely positive beyond a couple glitches so how much longer are you gonna try and push this narrative?
Rondo of Blood into Symphony of the Night
Release order
Play Order of Ecclesia first.
If you preferred the linear level design and the hardcore platforming in the Training Room area, play some of the classic games (Castlevania 3 and Rondo of blood are my favorites)
If you preferred the exploration aspect, try Aria of Sorrow and Symphony of the Night
>All these people missing the joke
you cheeky cunt
Who else Glorious Ayami Kojima Art tier here?
We all got it. It wasn't funny and OP seems to seriously believe what he's saying anyway
>OP seems to seriously believe what he's saying anyway
I mean he's not wrong
It's not soulless, you're just cynical and dead inside. I'm 35 and have loved castlevania since the first one on NES. There's just as much love and attention put into this game, if not moreso.
The idea and concept of " soul " in a video game is dumb, and people thinking their subjective view is objective truth are just smooth brain losers who can't use proper thought process to realize that something like " soul " in a game is a fundamentally base concept.
also you a fuken niger
>Play Order of Ecclesia first
No. Sotn must be the first metroidvania one must play.
Can confirm, have a copy, at work so I can't play right now but I had trouble not just calling into work this morning.
Its just as good as I expected it to be ( kept a nice modicum of cynicism in case if was a flop ) but they improved so much from the backer demo I got a while ago.
The game is good, its keeping me actively engaged.
Doesn't justify the end product being pretty mediocre. Spending most of their funding on auxiliaries seems like a dumb decision.
I wanna FUCK that pink girl!
OoE is the game that comes closest to fusing both styles of Castlevania. Most fans will gravitate towards one or the other, so it makes a good litmus test
it's the power of having played the demos and it feeling exactly like I wanted it to.
OP never mentions anything about bloodstained being bad yet niggers are here shitting about it.
The character design and art work seems pretty unimaginative that's the major issue. Bloodstained and it's over the top design is unironically average. It may be because Iga wanted to attract and appeal to the widest possible audience by making a game with flashy characters.
I didn't say most of. I don't know that. But I do know that a lot of money was spent on things that won't be in the game. The whole dev process was shared with backers and backers got to vote regularly on what kind of shaders or color schemes they thought were best. Time and money obviously went into some of the stuff that wasn't chosen. Of course, just the fact that this happened also puts some of the onus for how the game looks on the backers themselves. Not all of it, but at least some. And so it comes down to your taste vs their's.
OoE is a hybrid castlevania for the true experience of the Castlevania series, one should play Rondo and Sotn.
Yet people who have played it say it's great even with the goofy graphical issues.
>The character design and art work seems pretty unimaginative
This... God but now anything would pass since people are desperate getting a castlevania-esque game after a long dearth.
how long are shitposters gonna mindlessly spout "ITS SHIT" even though everyone who's played it is liking it?
then again i still see people say DMC5 is shit, so i guess we're gonna be seeing those people for a while
new boss at the end
That's what the game was pitched as. That's what backers paid for. The gothic style of Bloodstained isn't supposed to be "imaginative," it's supposed to be a successor to a beloved but now sadly dead franchise.
Not that user but I think starting with OoE would give an inaccurate portrayal of the difficulty in the metroidvania games. For the metroidvanias I'd still recommend SotN first, if only for the fact that playing it after the later games would make its flaws more apparent.
If you've got a PS4 get Requiem. SotN isn't the best but it's definitely one of the most iconic, and a good starting point for the metroidvanias (after which play Aria and the DS games). Requiem comes with Rondo of Blood too, the predecessor to Symphony and a great classic Castlevania. It's one of the easier classic games, but still a challenge for new players. If you don't have a PS4 or don't want to give Konami money just emulate.
Even with SotN's flaws, I still think it's the best nonlinear Castlevania aside from Aria and OoE, and yeah, I played it last.
>the yells of Miriam as she attacks and gets hit
Ughh... The sound design is so obstrusive and awful, unlike castlevanias where it kind of blends with the music.
Otherwise I am surprised that the game actually looks kinda fun.
>Aside from AoS and OoE
DoS is a better metroidvania than those 2 though
best one is DoS with the romhack that fixes all its problems
that's dawn of dignity and the luck stat mod right?
DoS is a garbage-tier grinding simulator that is a pale imitation of the game it is a sequel to.
>Doesn't get rid of the grinding, just makes it go faster
>Level design is still just as bland
Only part I even kind of liked in DoS was that part where you had to reorganize the room structure to create your own pathwaay
Hope there is a way to reduce her voice or patch it out into a slight grunt than a shout. It is seriously annoying.
DoS definitive edition i think
>Doesn't get rid of the grinding
why would you want to get rid of one of the most fun part of the game?
Hitting the same enemy over and over again isn't fun
Not him, but AoS grinding was pretty fun
it is though, nothing like entering a room, killing an enemy, exiting and re entering it to kill the enemy again until you get that sweet rare drop
cant wait to do a 100% shards run as my first run in bloodstained
shit's gonna be so cash, i can understand plebs wouldnt like it though, but you can just go back to hollow knight or some other lame game that doesnt have big loot and gear
It was alright in that game since you only ever needed one soul from an enemy. Dawn is just pointless bloat
>t.autist just like me
Can't blame you. I loved grinding that muramasa in sotn to level 100.
The first castlevania game i played is harmony of dissonance, and i loved it! Still need to try symphony
As long as the gameplay and exploration is good I'll be satisfied.
Can't believe that I'm missing the time I used to play the Harmony of despair Unity port with Yea Forums bros.
Now It is impossible to play it again on PC.