What are you thoughts on having Keanu Reeves in cyberpunk?

What are you thoughts on having Keanu Reeves in cyberpunk?

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Cool? Because literally
>Keanu Reeves are protag's holographic wingman
What can be better?

remain calm, remain calm, remain calm *keanu pops up* me: OVERHYPE MODE ENGAGED

Keanu may just be the most liked person...Ever!

while neat, it is the sign of the games demise.

This game 6 years ago when it was announced was aimed directly at RPG fans and tabletop fans and was pinned to be that way. Somewhere along the way it changed.

They wanted normies, and how do you get normies, just put a thing they recognize in.

Enter Keanu.

With that move it was a signifier that this game was done trying to be an RPG and instead wants to be the 'action adventure' game that flies off shelves and sells like hotcakes for dumbfuck normies.

Meanwhile RPG fans and Cyberpunk 2020 fans get left in the dust feeling cheated.

Cyberpunk 2077: John Wick: We have a city to burn. My Wallet: Ah shit, here we go again!

The night before everyone found out, I had a dream about him. He was a fox, but when I picked up the fox and put it back down, it would transform into Keanu Reeves and he would give me life advice. Weird.

Bad guys: he’s out of ammo! *John wick’s robot arm turns into a pencil*

It' s a win/win.

Dilated trannies tried so hard to shittalk Cyberpunk, but they cannot shittalk against Keanu.

I LOVE seeing them tucking their little tails behind their legs and run back to social media mommy.

Is there anyone who doesn't actually like the matrix?

never seen it


So we are gonna burn a city to the ground with Keanu Reeves as a partner? *SOLD*

Celebrity worship is retarded, and Keanu is r*ddit attractant.

KINO. From 10/10 to 11/10. Much better than spic hombre.

Hyped raised by 1000% in 10 seconds Wake the f*** up samurai, we have a city to burn Takes off sunglasses revealing Keanu Reeves

Doesn't make sense, why did they include him in the game except for the fact he's popular?

Very few in its target demographic, I imagine. Excellent pacing and action, cool story, likable characters. What's not to like?

*John Wick runs out of bullets* Enemy: Yes, we can finally kill him! *John Wick pulls out crayon* Enemy: *Cries*

>no third person
red dead 2 pulled off both 1st and 3rd person yet these hacks cant do it? fuck that

You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who didn't like the first The Matrix movie.

The sequels on the other hand...

I saw a trannie talking shit about keanus appearance

Famous actor from cyberpunk flicks Johny Mnemonic and Matrix will boost sales. CD Project use Kojima tricks.

What the fuck?! Keanu Reeves?!

edit: oh my god he knows how to play to the crowd so well I love him

Feels like they using him to make everyone forget about why Cyberpunk might be shit, and it worked

Keanu fucking Reeves?

This is amazing.

It's nice, but not necessary. Neutral about it. Reminded me just how much s o i flows in the industry tho.

He's going to follow you around everywhere

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Here I thought that CP2077 is already a 10 on the hype meter and then they bring in Keanu Reeves.


He's going to be Cyberpunk's Navi

I like keanu reeves but cameos are a red flag, he'll probably be front loaded as "tutorial mission guy" and by the second half of the game he'll die or something to avoid having to paying a hollywood actors ridiculously high price


CD Project Red knows EXACTLY who their target market is and bringing in Keanu is just great awareness.

I usually don't like hollywood puppets appearing in vidya but if you have to have one then you can't do much better than Keanu. He's a solid dude. First I was worried that he's just some cameo that has like a dozen of lines but then the CEO said that he has the second most lines of dialogue out of all characters, first being the player character.

It makes me worry about the quality of the game.

you lash out because you know im right

also you're a cunt fuck off

fuck off retard.

No they're just doing the resnov story from black ops

I think it bastardizes the experience desu. Random real-world celebrity is immersion breaking.

meh i hope we will see this beauty

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Wow it's Neo!

Thought he was a selectable AI companion, unless the twist will be something stupid like AI are dead people

Keanu's cool but I'm starting to get annoyed by people putting actors in their games.

Not a cameo, CDPR described him as a major character that stays with you pretty much from the beginning to the end.

I think He will be an AI programmed on the basis of a dead char or something like he was a Net runner and something went really bad with experimental tech.

I barely know anything about cyberpunk but the hype around it and I wasn't gonna buy it, but I like based keanu so much I'm probably gonna get it now desu

He's a main character, your choice of childhood hero doesn't change him being your ai bro.

>Somewhere along the way it changed.
where and what?

it has actor so it bad now

It will be fine game. Polacks make solid games. Don't expect second coming of Christ. Keanu will be cherry on top.

Keanu Reeve's is probably the best mainstream idol for gamers.
>shitty childhood
>has mental disability
>partially autistic
>hover-hands women
>emotionally detached
>no children
>still made it big
I can't think of anyone better

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>your choice of childhood hero doesn't change him being your ai bro.

CDPR themselves stated he plays a big role in the story and that the childhood hero/life path thing will open up certain conversations and stuff like that. They didn't say you'd get a completely different AI living in V's head.

He's probably will have a very small role like every other famous actor in video games

>hover-hands women
That's just being smart.

So Arasaka is the main villain?

Don't have immediate proof but it's the most likely scenario. There's also this interview he did that does pretty much solidify his character being pivotal to the story.

>mental disability
>partially autistic

do you have any sources for this?

And he knee hands children.

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fuck you

How poor was your childhood that your parents couldnt afford a tv and a vcr player?
Did you immigrate to sweden from somalia or something?

red flags all around. I don't remember too many games with big name celebrities turning out too well. See Call of Kevin Spacey and you'll see why.

He’s confirmed to have the most lines recorded in the game behind V the main character.

He is the one

no u

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considering its an in lore character and not some cameo for reddit bucks yeah pretty cool

I liked him in Johny Mnemonic. The role could fit him here. I also liked when they used Jean Reno in Onimusha 3 because I loved him in Ronin.
All in all... The publicity stunt seems iffy and I don't really like the art direction so it doesn't matter to me.

- Can't enter buildings
- Super-edgy script and characters
- Cartoon dialogue
- Main character is straight out of a 2008 game
- Haven't seen anything which makes the game look remotely mechanically or structurally interesting

+ Keanu Reeves is in it

I'm torn honestly bros

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I can't really tell if it's ironic or if there's idiots that care this much about a celebrity likeness in a video game.

>Super-edgy script

In case you havent noticed theres people autistically shitposting about this game 16h a day, 7 days a week.
If it makes go "wait a minute, thats not right" they'll spam it over and over to get people to reply.

Don't know about autism but he had dyslexia which made him drop out of high school.

His best friend overdosed, his child was stillborn, he got divorced and his wife died a year later. Then his sister got leukemia

>Reeves addressed his never-ending grief in a 2006 interview. “Grief changes shape, but it never ends,” Reeves told Parade. “People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, ‘It’s gone, and I’m better.’ They’re wrong. When the people you love are gone, you’re alone.” Reeves has cited the deaths of Ava and Symes as the reason he avoids serious relationships and having children..

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that's just sad

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>Wants cyberpunk setting.
>doesn't want edgy writing.

Really nigga?

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>One of the most famous stories surrounding Keanu Reeves took place back in 1997, when he was spotted hanging out with a homeless person. Apparently, he was just minding his own business on the streets of Hollywood and chanced upon this man. He then shared some drinks, snacks, and listened to the man’s stories, even lying down on his back, clearly interested in what the man had to say. All of this might have gone unrecorded had some paparazzis not stopped by and noticed the two deep in conversation.

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I'd rather have games using celebrities to help shill the sales, over games having diversity check marks to shill the sales
So cyberpunk is still on my buy list, as long as they don't fuck up with a stupid announcement (like sword and shield)

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It's kinda stupid, gone are the days of actually creating interesting characters based on their own merit when you cna just pull a random celebrity off the straight and instantly have it. I suppose Quantic Dream does it well enough themselves though so maybe there's hope, their actors are usually more obscure however.

Why the fuck are you responding to your own thread you inbred retard?

>was our childhood hero with Neo in Matrix
>is the childhood of V with Silverhand in Cyberpunk

The amount of happiness and joy created by involving keanu seems to be worth it.
Some 10 million+ people going "woah" and giggling.

Name good Cyberpunk that's edgy

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thats like saying actors in movies cant be interesting.

it's guaranteed profit.

For me, its trucker Keanu

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Has a game with a celebrity appearance (not cameo, he/she had to be part of the story) ever convinced you to get a game before?

I remember being excited for World at War but finding out Gary Oldman and Keither Sutherland were in it made me go insane with hype.

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>“Keanu and I were often te only two customers at Animate, when it existed on Melrose. That’s my Keanu story. He likes anime,” Twilight Zone writer Heather Anne Campbell shared.

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wait the MC is voiced?
big red flag

what was the last mainstream rpg that was not voiced?

It does not make it any more or less likely for me to play the game.


You should have been wary long ago. Witcher 3 already pandered to the retarded casual demographic with its pointless sapped-on open world, and the trailers for CP2077 looked like fucking GTA

can't wait

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Lets be honest here, most people made the purchasing decision when they first saw those fantastic witcher 3 trailers



Why are people acting like this is the first time CDPR had a celebrity in their game? Charles Dance was in witcher 3, and iirc this was right after season 4 when his character died.

watch any of his interviews

Don't mind if he plays a character, but i didn't like it when Kojima did it with his actor friends, don't like it in other games, don't like it here. I like him, but i don't care for actors being scanned into games.

>Charles Dance
Nobody knows who that is

I'm not allowed to hate the modern world meme or be afraid CP2077 is gonna be shit now? Just because some trannies are mad about the game?

They knew he was Tywin in game of thrones right after his character had been killed. That's enough for normalfags.


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Now explain why you think people would be equally excited for some TV extra as they would be for Keanu Reeves

Go paly some Ubisoft shit, you 14 year old

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I love that when Keanu sits down and boots up this game the first thing he thinks is "this is a game about me".


That's because it's a CoD past WaW.

I'm not saying he's as big as Keanu, but normalfags absolutely loved game of thrones and he was a fairly important character for half of the shows length.

he's keanu

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Good taste. I still laugh every time I see people discuss the differences between modern CoDs or arguing about whether modern BFs are better even though they're the exact same

>t. dilated tranny


he'll be like ninja ninja in afro samurai

To get that universal reaction of amazement you need some worldwide celeb like keanu.
Everyone has "oh this thing has some b tier actor like a kojimbo game" category in their brain that results in polite cheering and people go:
>this game indeed has a budget to hire a B tier actor, sweet

Idk who else would get that big reaction, madonna, Brad pit, DDL, that one star wars guy, Lindsey striling perhaps.

Cyberpunk needs high cut leotard kino

wake up basedmurai

Keanu is even doing mocap and has input into his character, his role is pretty involved.

We don't know yet. All we know is that everybody's after a chip that can provide immortality and you're caught in the middle of it.

I have a feeling said chip is the one mentioned in the pre-rendered cinematic released recently (the one with Jacky dying) and that you're stuck with it or at teh very least what's on it: Siveramds.

Since Silverhand's Alt Cunningham boyfriend and she was the one that developed the means to upload one's mind into the net (something she was forced to do before the death of her physical body) and he seems to be dead himself I think people are after you to get to Silverhand and use him to get to Alt.

Can't wait to smash him with my CyberFuta V.

Keanu's such a bro, holy shit.

Iwiński in his last interview with bloomberg said that Keanu the the second most lines besides V

Does he get paid extra for his likeness?

So, does this mean Yea Forums will be inundated with Keanu Reeves SFM porn in a year?

>>is lebanese

>His mother is English and from Essex. His father, an American from Hawaii, is of Chinese-Hawaiian, English, Irish, and Portuguese descent.


Get your filthy hands off Keanu you homo demons

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I know nothing about Cyberpunk, I didn't even know there was a 2020 that 2077 is apparently a continuation of, and I was a whole lot more receptive to Keanu's casting once I was informed of who his character is an AI hologram of. He sounds like a cyborg vigilante Kurt Cobain or some shit, it's basically Bill & Ted plus Johnny Mnemonic, Keanu was born for it. It's so much better than some throwaway celebrity cameo. He's SUPPOSED to have star power to the main character, and they kind of evoke that from the player in a meta way by exploiting real life star power.

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-johnny-silverhand.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Best thing ever. Neo is bro

>What are you thoughts on having Keanu Reeves in cyberpunk?
It's cool. I was already excited for cyberpunk, i even preordered. Having Johnny Mnemonic into a cyberpunk game seems only natural.

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That's actually pretty based

>Chippin' In™ starts playing

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Exactly what I was thinking

Its not a good song tho.
Cheap video game rock song you wouldnt listen out of game.

This, the old one sounded better

I unironically listen to that kind of music

That's because it is not made for us in the real world you retard. It is made to fit the Cyberpunk2020 world. If you know shit about the song it will have zero meaning for you.

no one cares about your shit taste

This desu. I thought the teaser song (Bullets by Archive) was in the same category when the first teaser came out. It's such a boring ass song and people are memeing the fuck out of it, it's annoying.

I care about your shit taste.

I'm indifferent to your shit taste

his tits are too small

I like it because they said he's not simply a cameo, but actually the character with the most lines after V.

it's cool Keanu was the butt of the joke for so long. I'm glad his rebranding is working out well.
I'll wait for reviews and videos before I'd buy or pirate the game.

i don't care about your shit taste.

>something to avoid having to paying a hollywood actors ridiculously high price

Nah Keanu has taken price cuts to make movies happen and he seems generally excited to be in this project (if a bit confused on how videogames work). I doubt the price is all that high.

Kind of agree with this user.
The game should dump the rock and stick to synthwave.

have sex

bend over

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im ok with it as long as he plays Johnny Silverhand and not 'Keanu in the future'

most problem you can have with celebs is their association with their previous work
you cant have Mr Bean in Cyberpunk, because everyone will expect a funny slapstik guy
Keanu always made this weird futuristic movies, so it kind of fits

Skater Keanu has the 'tism.

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First, if you're getting kissed by women then it doesn't matter if you hoverhand or not. Second, celebs hoverhand to not get #MeToo'd not because they can't touch a woman.

I'd rather have him in me

I care about your shit taste. Actually it's not half bad now that i am listening to it.Saved to my playlist.

wtf is this a bot?

that's rude

's cool. He has the most Cyberpunk cred of any actor I can think of. Still holding my breath for Rutger Hauer. He's been in games before.

that's offensive

His pregnant Mrs died in a car crash years ago, ironically she was the one.

your character has sex with keanu btw


You lie.

You can't fool me, Todd

update it bruh

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>- Can't enter buildings

We've seen the player enter buildings in practically every single gameplay video so far.

>- Super-edgy script and characters
>- Cartoon dialogue
>- Main character is straight out of a 2008 game

What does that even mean? That the game based on cheesy grimdark 80s/90s science fiction has some corny, old fashioned writing and art design? No shit.

>- Haven't seen anything which makes the game look remotely mechanically or structurally interesting

First Open World RPG set in a large, open, urban environment.

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He's got a reputation for being nice to fans, he didn't get a big ego after success - he wants to make Bill & Ted 3. I'd invite him over to play videogames.

- Super-edgy script and characters
- Cartoon dialogue
- Main character is straight out of a 2008 game
I don't see this as a problem

It’s cool and all but who’s recreating Chad Thundercock in Cyberpunk like me?

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>he's the second character with most lines, just behind V
>CDPR contact him one year ago

uhhh, is that normal? I mean, I bet Johnny was always in the game but that's too late idk

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Who gives a fuck about Hollywood actors in a video game? This and Death Stranding both suck by chasing an outside art form for legitimacy. How about making a game that doesn't look dull as fuck instead?

He's gonna be our Handsome Jack

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Most likely had all his dialogue written and ready to go so all it took was recording

People don't find it ironic that they use (current popular Hollywood actor) to shill for a Cyberpunk game?

He's an actor I quite enjoy and he's playing one of my favourite characters from 2020 lore, still not sold on the game because of it tho just think it's neat

Male or female V, Yea Forums?


>He has the most Cyberpunk cred of any actor I can think of.

What about Ryan "Literally Me" Gosling?

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the matrix was cyberpunk


I will consider the game excellent no matter how it is in reality. Simply because of the fact that he is in it. That's fucking Keanu Reeves we're talking about.

Don't know yet. I usually go with whomever's VA I like best.

this will lower suicide rates until April 2020

He's been in one Cyberpunk movie. Reeves has been in 5.

what are my thoughts on ciri in cyberpunk


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You forgot things like
>was in a rock band
>owned his own clubs
>healthy social life with many friends
>successful career as an exhibitionist
>not a fucking shut in
>many, many sexual partners in life
Oh yeah, he's EXACTLY like all you losers.


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>what are my thoughts on ciri in cyberpunk
>my thoughts
Let me see...

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The whole point of an "idol" is someone you aspire to be like, not someone you are already like you fucking mouth breathing troglodyte.

So gaga will play alt cunningham right?

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>he doesn't know Johnny's only motivation for helping V, is to enter the Net, reunite with Althea, and return her consciousness to her cryofrozen body.

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I think it's awesome!

What was being implied was that Keanu Reeves is the IDEAL idol for gamers because they have so much in common with him which is just fucking stupid. Keanu Reeves doesn't give a shit about video games or video gamers and he has little in common with them. His passions are well known to be shit like film, music, motorcycles, etc., etc. Not your shut in loser shit.

expect the unexpected

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Cool. Very cool.
I gotta say, I'm a pretty big fan.

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>the things someone enjoys are what define their entire personality and character
I know for a fact you are the most boring person on the planet.

I like the impression they're trying to give the audience by casting a superstar as a in-universe superstar. I hope they do the same for the other two childhood heroes.

>the cinematic trailer released 6 years ago was aimed directly at RPG fans
doubt it

hers is bigger :)

Ma è Maria De Filippi quella?

Good ol' 2007.
Simpler times...

It's pretty neat.

First movie had so much potential, then it got raped by fucking ayyy lmao aliens.

I like the idea of having an holographic companion for exposition.


they could've spend that money on creating more levels, more quests and stuff

>tfw you recorded that bananas episode of CPPT

Feels good being a Keanu chad


Have sex

Io esco