Rpg has same stats between genders instead of for example +int -str for women

>rpg has same stats between genders instead of for example +int -str for women

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Women get +1 to CHA and Willpower
Men get +1 to strength and constitution

>game has +int -str for women
>not +cha -int -str for women

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>+int for women

Women should have

>-2 STR
>-2 INT
>-4 WIS
>-2 CHA
>bonus spell-like ability: give birth

Have sex

they'd get a minus to willpower if anything. the average white woman can be swayed from a years-long marriage by a single pic of a nice cock in their DMs.

>+int for women

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>+cha for women
Charisma doesn't mean being pretty. Women don't know how to be charismatic. It's a requirement of being a good diplomat, for example, and men are FAR better at that. Women are a lot more likely to lash out at people because of muh feelings when they should show a poker face.

>+int for women

Not possible in the age of political correctness.

women have a lower median and average IQ than men, user. not much, about 3 IQ points, but its there.

shouldn't it be -int and -str

>for example -str -int +cha for women

Nah they get the charisma bonus because they are pretty. But it should only be a bonus that applies during interactions with men.

>rpg game gives women an extra inventory slot

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>men should have higher constitution
>uhhhmmm actually women have a stronger passive immune system

literally you

- int
- strength
- con

Bonus Feats: Cooking and Dancing

>-int -str for women
>+int +str for men
ye I'm thinking based.

+2 STR
+4 INT
+4 WIS
+1 CON
-2 AGI
+1 DEX
-5 CHR

-2 STR
-2 INT
-6 WIS
+3 CON
+6 AGI
-1 DEX
+10 CHR

>think males deserve +1 int
>be caught shitposting on sausage fest Yea Forums for years

There is literally nothing where women are better at than men. NOT ONE THING.
Strength? They are far weaker physically, male amateurs destroy female professional sportswomen.
Dexterity and agility? About equal.
Constitution? Men have thicker bones and more muscle mass, which protects internal organs better. Men should have more HP.
Intelligence? NOPE, all of the great inventors were male.
Wisdom? Don't even get me started on this, women rely on their feelings, not their wisdom.
Willpower? At the level of a 6 years old boy.
Charisma? See

oblivion made something like that

Attached: oblivion.png (959x659, 87K)


>Women don't know how to be charismatic.
Guess you weren't here for E3 when Yea Forums went full insect and swarmed their new queen because some woman stood on one leg for a second. Literally charmed hundres of thousands of virgins by doing nothing.

>RPG doesn't have an appearance stat.
>If you're an attractive man, you can clear almost any female persuasion check
>if you're an unattractive man female NPCs call the cops just for trying to talk to them.
Shit RP boyos

>women are worse at everything
>"why are all these women with no intelligent thoughts getting elected reeeeee"

Yea, I think you need to have sex

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that was a boy though.

And different anal circumference!

Even DnD let go of that shit by this point.

>"why are all these women with no intelligent thoughts getting elected reeeeee"
Literally the only time a woman will get into a position of power is when it's forced with a gender quota. They have no leadership skills.

t. toasty roastie

wait the US government has a gender quota? wtf when did this happen

Umm its +4 CHA and an ability to summon a white knight the moment she gets attacked

>for women
what did he mean by this?

You bring up a good point. A woman doesn't even have to be a woman or even actually exist to have her charisma charm people. A dude can dress like a woman or you can just draw a woman and virgins will still do whatever it says. That's how powerful a woman's charisma is.

.. either that or how weak a man's willpower is. Either way it still applies.

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>+int for women
It's ++cha -int -str.

It's called Affirmative Action.

Pretty sure stats are based on class.

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It's why there are separate chess tournaments only for women. Women are so smart that they would destroy men if they were allowed to compete against them.

>+1 str
>+1 int
>-1 cha
>+5 to anal circumference potential roll

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whoa wtf we got rid of elections?

>men: +10 on all stats
>women: -10 on all stats but its easy mode

>women dominate the service sector, from waiting tables to serving as community managers for companies
>b-b-but no one would want to talk to a WOMAN more than me, a MAN!

>REEEEEEEEEEE the thread

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>inb4 shut up white knight nigger discord leftypol tranny

women would have +cha and -int -str -dex -con -wis but that would not at all be fair. There's a reason men are leading in powerlifting, archery, sprinting, throwing, hiking, swimming, soccer, basketball, climbing, politics, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and programming just to name a few things.

>+3 cha
>+3 luck
>-2 str
>-1 sta
>-1 dex
>-1 int

>game allows women to fuck through most challenges
>but only if they have moderate to significant charisma as well, which is a stat that effects more than just speech, but looks, scent, personal grooming and hygiene, how you carry yourself
>there's no penalties for having sex with dregs of society or even being power fisted by giant mutants
>almost always a positive outcome
>male options for sex are largely optional and are merely there "because you can" rather than bypassing challenges
>requires high charisma, positive reputation, and in many cases one or more perks
>often leads to negative outcomes

>-34% gold from quests

it's not because women are better at those jobs
it's just that most men dont want to do them
men are smarter and they can get better jobs

Women excel at one on one personal interaction where you talk about feelings. They're better at men than that. The minute you get into stuff that's more impersonal or expand the scope to beyond one on one, men are better. In the context of an RPG, the former situation is more likely to apply. You're not going to be running a character that gives speeches about taxes to huge crowds most of the time

>there's a negro race
>bonuses to agility and endurance
>bonus to disease resistance
>penalty to intelligence
>penalty to charisma
>penalty to personality

Should be +++Str for women

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Then why are even psychiatrists traditionally pictured as a man with a beard?

>able to use 80% of the gold from male party member's inventories to make purchases

Who cares? Psychiatrists are scam artists

y-yea... I wouldn't want to make over six figures for making posts of social media for a giant corporation haha...

(((men with beards)))

lmao at people who think humans are the apex fantasy race when every advantage belongs to one gender instead of making optimal use of both

>over six figures
If you're lucky. And it also means having to work around a bunch of women, who are interested in getting mostly other women hired

t. has a Public Relations degree and regrets every minute of it

>public relations degree

Oh so you're a woman, no wonder you're retarded.

I realized my mistake and am currently learning to code like the memes told me to.I just wanted to get paid to write things, I never knew how shit journalism was

That's okay user, I majored in multiple STEM fields and minored in a few more and now all I can do to make money is by explaining what autistic coders do to boomer CEOs. And my meme-major wife makes significantly more money than me just by talking to people and organizing spreadsheets