ITT: We predict the plot of BOTW2
ITT: We predict the plot of BOTW2
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It's going to be about the Twilight Realm. You will eventually get to transport in between realms like Link did in Dark Realm (Link to the Past).
I really hope the majority of the story is set in the present. Though I expect there to be flashback memories of Ghoulndorf explaining how the fuck he ended up as a mummy.
>no zelda companion.
>one town
>dindu gannon
>SS tier everywhere is a dungeon.
Yeah I hope this is fake or subject to change.
It all sucks
Ganon/Demise/Ganondorf will be present in the game. Stealing the whole idea of multiple Xehanorts from KH3 idea.
Can people please shut the fuck up about
It isn't Literally Ganondorf. We call him Ganondorf because he's a Gerudo king with red hair and a connection to Ganon. But this shit is like 10 million years after WW and/or TP. In any case, OG Ganondorf is dead. Either at the bottom of the ocean or with the master sword sticking out of his chest. I don't know how BOTW timeline bullshit works. But either way, he's not stuck in a cave somewhere held down by a spooky ghost hand. This someone entirely different. A Gerudo king who lived after OG Ganondorf. Someone with an entirely different backstory. Don't know his name. Call him Ganondorf v2 or nu-Dorf or simply Chad. It doesn't matter. But it isn't Ganondorf, it's someone new.
but he wasn't evil in WW, just misunderstood
>editing the post date
Then why does he look like Ganondorf?
Thank God.
Because he's a member of the same race with similar background and therefore inevitably shares similar physical characteristics? Are you being dumb on purpose?
Annnd it's fake.
Good. It was terrible.
They wouldn't make a new guy look like Ganondorf if it wasn't actually Ganondorf. That's retarded.
The E3 2020 trailer will show Link and Zelda looking defeated as Ganondorf holds the master sword, before shattering the blade into pieces.
It was short lived
So this is Ganondorf, right?
It's the same sword he uses in OOT
Haha nice try OP
Something bad happens and you have to walk a lot.
The only character to be reincarnated every cycle is Zelda/Hylia.
Link is either a descendant of a previous hero or a new bloodline every time, with the obvious exception of direct sequels such as MM.
Ganon(dorf) has been the same entity since OoT, following every timeline split, being blessed/cursed with the both the Triforce of Power and Demise's hatred for Link/Zelda.
Add the fact that the malice is literally leaking from his mummified/life supported body and it's pretty clear that it is indeed some form of Ganon, likely the TP split.
Please God, this is all I want, it would make the world more fun to explore.
Aozumi confirmed its Ganondorf on treehouse live apparently
Remember when everyone thought botw link was a grill?
You eat an octorok.
You tried
>bottom of the ocean
That ocean dried up
I just realized that none of the parts dropped by an octorok can be eaten in botw.
Some fucked up stuff is gonna start coming out of the ground, so link and Zelda will go underground to learn what's going on. When this happens a seal on an ancient evil (demise?) breaks. The power that was sealing demise or whoever attaches itself to links arm granting him special powers and link and Zelda must set out to defeat this new force. Zelda will follow you around and support you with magic.
>they wouldn't make a gerudo look like a gerudo because my headcanon would get crushed
This is how stupid you sound.
It is impossible for the man in the cave to be Ganondorf. At the end of the Adult timeline his corpse rots at the bottom of the sea. At the end of the Child timeline he's killed by Link in TP, not sealed. And at the end of the Hero Defeated timeline he gets stuck permanently in pig form. There is no reality in which the man in the cave is Ganondorf.
Good news.
Its fake
>green eyes
>Enemy weapons are much stronger than Master Sword
I am very much not a fan of this. Master Sword is supposed to be a legendary weapon, that makes it useless and they specifically said how they had to be careful on how to balance it in BotW in order not to ruin it.
>everywhere is a dungeon
this sounds like it could work with how Lost Woods worked but I'm not really into it. that basicalyl cuts out overworld exploration.
They did say they want to give even more freedom to the player in future title.
>Ganondorf good theory yet again
>Zelda is in Sacred Realm and in Hyrule Castle at the same time
Not even trying
And he's still fucking DEAD, not sealed away. It isn't Ganondorf.
Reposting with a bit more.
Calamity Demise is wrecking Hyrule. Zelda and her Knights and Champions face him. Link dies, but passes on the Mastersword to his best friend Ganondorf, the last Champion alive. Goddess allows Ganondorf to wield the Master Sword to defeat Demise, him and Zelda successfully beat back Demise but realize Ganondorf can't wield the full power of the sword and can't defeat Demise for good. Ganondorf tells Zelda to seal it within him, Zelda cuts off her own arm and seals him deep underground. Demise's malice corrupts Ganondorf and his malice that leaks out creates Calamity Ganon.
This keeps in line Skyward Sword with the Link, Zelda and Groose dynamic. Its clear Groose's line becomes the Gerudo and he reincarnates as Ganondorf, the king. He maintains his friendship with Hyrule and Link, will ride off into battle with them against Demise. Zelda sealing Demise into Ganondorf corrupts him and his reincarnations, possible even among the timelines. The other timeline Ganondorfs don't literally have the spirit of Demise in them, but they are still carrying his malice from birth, but as they age they mellow out as seen with Wind Waker Dorf, Demise malice fading.
>People believing this
That would mean they had BotW2 already planned out back then
>At the end of the Adult timeline his corpse rots at the bottom of the sea
I don't think rocks rot, user.
That doesn't mean that at all
You go to 5 different zones to grab an ancient relic/power/thing and at the end of the game you fight ganon or a variation of him.
You can at least make potions out of them. But yeah, apparently Octoroks are poisonous in every single part.
What if the guy in the cave is the remains of Ganondorf that came back as a zombie at some point?
Meh outta 10
A sacred sword to his chest didn't stop him in another timeline. Maybe something broke him out his stone sealing?
Wouldn't even be mad if Paper Hand was the companion of this game.
>it was in front of us all along
Un-stoning him wouldn't make him any less killed, stupid. Link drove the sword through his fucking brain.
That sounds really fucking stupid
Somehow he was still able to speak with a sword through his brain. Ganondorf doesn't necessarily die even if you kill him.
Ganondorf will attempt to flood Hyrule again from his floating castle, bringing an end to the Wild
Screencap this
zelda's ass on my face
They're obviously reusing a lot of their scrapped ideas, with link getting a new magic arm. I'm expecting some really fucked up monsters if you look at the guardian concept art. There's going to be fucked up lovecraftian monsters coming up from the underground and link and Zelda are gonna have to go down to kill the source. My guess is that each region in hyrule is gonna have it's own underground dungeon section. Until you clear it the area will be horrifically distorted which allows them to reuse the same location yet make it different.
Something happens to Princess Zelda and Link comes to town to save her.
>Ganon cast out the hatred of Demise that was within him
>Became good guy
>Became Zelda's original knight
>Confronted Demise's hatred known as Ganon in order to protect Hyrule and make up for his past sins
>Ganon, which is Demise's hatred, attempted to go back into the body because that is what bears the Triforce of power
>In a last ditch effort Ganondorf allowed hismelf to be sealed by the Shiekah-hand/power under the castle
>Hat is why the darkness is drawn to him, it wants to possess him again
>Because the hand kept him sealed and locked for so long, Demise's hatred went rampart
>Eventually the rampaging hatred resurfaces and wreaks havoc
>Link injured, the four other guys dead
>Zelda confronts the rampaging hatred
>BOTW begins
>Zelda and Link discover the still sealed Ganondorf
>The seal breaks
>Whatever remains of Ganon/Demise is outright charging into the chamber
>With the seal lifted old Ganondorf is whole again
Just kidding it's gonna the the usual Nintendo good vs. evil storytelling and we will all be wrong
>We call him Ganondorf because he's a Gerudo king with red hair and a connection to Ganon.
Lets be fucking fair here, even if he was a normal gerudo king with no relation to the big pig and the curse of demise, his name would still be ganondorf.
He was evil in WW, play the game zoomie.
I did, faggot. he was clearly a misunderstood and tragic figure.
"Oh Zelda, help me... my body..."
WW Ganon was basically Hitler. Yes.
He was a combinaton of evil at the core, and old and wise enough to become a long-winded philosopher. He was questioning the real purpose behind his own motivations and all of that shit, but that doesn't mean he was ever going to stop torturing and killing kids for a chance to get the triforce.
Some anons think it says 'Give me my body back'. I think it could be an old link corrupted from keeping the body of ganondorf contained from reincarnation for so long.
Probably some bullshit about me doing your mom
Yeah he gave a few dying words like he did in TP and then fucking died. It isn't fucking Ganondorf you dumb memers
his intentions were good, not his fault people kept trying to stop him
>I coveted that wind
He was literally ambition incarnate, total control of Hyrule is all he craved since he was born. Not to mention his horde of monsters who kidnapp pointy ear girls.
if zelda gets caught in hyrule castle it'd be fun to do playable segments as her with the sheikah slate like playable peach in paper mario or something like that.
BotW2 is actually the spiritual successor to Paper Mario 64
>has total control of hyrule
>wants total control of hyrule
>h h he's evil guise!
sure thing retard.
What if it was in fact a benevolent Gerudo king that wasn't Ganondorf, but Hylian myth dickriders basically inquisitioned him because legend says male Gerudo = Ganondorf, so they sealed a totally innocent person and now his zombie is PISSED
>One wants preosperity
>one wants to genocide mankind
Gee, such a hard moral dilemma!
Well he proved them right be becoming hate incarnate
Zelda has the divine right of kings, her rule is sacrosanct. Anyone who challenges her is a blasphemer who deserves to be purged.
t. Enlightened Centrist
It's a confirmed fake, don't worry about it.
Like pottery. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
What is this 10k shit?