>Literally THE defining Banjo Kazooie Level
>From a time when celebrating Christmas was ok, tons of references to gifts, christmas tree etc
>get some fucking hill instead
Fuck you Freezeasy peak or that big tree level would have been way better
>Literally THE defining Banjo Kazooie Level
>From a time when celebrating Christmas was ok, tons of references to gifts, christmas tree etc
>get some fucking hill instead
Fuck you Freezeasy peak or that big tree level would have been way better
Other urls found in this thread:
I had that stage but it isnt that good. And I want the music.
Super Mario 64 is better than Banjo kazooie,the movement is so much more satisfying.
I love Freezeezy Peak, but Spiral Mountain is much more iconic.
>from a time when celebrating Christmas was ok
Shut the fuck up, you moronic /pol/tard
its true though, tranny
I made it
When banjo is added with (presumably) music from each kazooie level available, I think I'll make a bunch of stages in stage builder for each BK level.
Click Clock Wood is probably the most iconic. I would like rusty bucket bay boiler room as a stage though
>spiral mountain level actually cycles through several Bk + Bt levels
>Treasure Trove Cove
>Clanker's Cavern
>Freezeezy Peak
>Click Clock Wood
>Mayahem Temple
>Jolly Rodger's Lagoon
>Cloud Cuckooland
It just wasn't shown in the trailer since they are still working on it
That shot with Banjo looking into Grunty's Lair while the camera pulls out was a hint
I love a lot of your stages friend. I just dont like the big gaps in that one. I still believe I have the Alligator one.
If it werent for the stage cap, Id have downloaded all of your work. One problem with a lot of your stages is the ceiling is too high on a lot of them.
Thanks for making all of them though, hope I didn't hurt your feelings banjo-user
this has got to be a cope. no way it cycles through.
>Literally THE defining Banjo Kazooie Level
Bullshit, man. Spiral Mountain has appeared in every single game - it's definitely the most iconic in teh series. It was the tutorial area in the first two, the final boss area in N&B, a course in Banjo-Pilot and the hub world in Grunty's Revenge. There's nothing in the series that comes close to it.
Freezeezy is one of the first I did, it definitely needs a rework to be actually playable imo, I think the later ones I made are better to play on. I appreciate the feedback user
Why wouldn't it? Do you really think we'll just get the top of spiral peak with no platforms or anything?
I wish I could save more of your work, but too many of Blargs stages are better lmao, my apologies friend. Great music choice too for most stages
literally yes
user it's no problem, you don't need to explain yourself. I have loads of blarg's stages as well they make good shit
they? isnt it just one guy?
if it is he pumps them out fast
um yes you got the character they dont need to try now
I never want to remember the boiler room again. That and the final boss are such weird difficulty spikes.
too good to be true
Why, arent you thankful you got your fucking character in Smash, you greedy fucking nigger?
There ARE platforms.
>dragonflies in the back
And the bridge is nowhere to be seen. Clearly there is more to the stage than what we've seen, so I don't know why there are autists reeing about another world tour level
It isn't though for real
>extra life floating over the chimney
Holy fuck look at all that SOUL
k then tell me why there hasnt been a christmas level since like 2004. Mario Odyssey wanted to have one but they couldnt get away with it.
It looks like it's a 2D image of a 3D model like the original one, too.
That's a fucking ridiculously huge forward smash
>Mad disjoints with Kazooie
>Grenade shenanigans
>Good projectile game
>One of those recoveries you can act of out
>Invincibility feathers
>Fast ass talon trot
Are they going to be, dare I say it, top tier?
Not really, the fucking white christmas song nearly got banned by some college shitlib while merry christmas is now happy holiday to be more "inclusive"
this level is annoying
go back to /pol/ retards
>talk about videogames and how they change in relation to political and cultural changes
*kills himself
mayahem temple kinda sucks
the war on christmas is literally made up bullshit that's why you need to go back to /pol/ so you all can jerk each other off to other made up nonsense
>Freezeezy Peak is the defining BK level
>not the level that gives you incentive to keep returning to it
Sjw coming through.
Why do you even care? Winter levels are still a thing. Does propping up a few lights on a tree suddenly make it better?
Animal Crossing still does this, so there's that.
I agree that white Christmas fight is dumb, along with baby it's cold outside.
But no one gives a shit what you say to people during the holidays. Fox News exaggerates just like all media
how is it bullshit? The fact that christianity isnt the default like it used to be is apparent and visible. Fuck off kike cock sucker
Switch it for glittergulch then
Click Clock Wood you nigger
Because I want CHRISTMAS levels, not just generic snow. Christmas has a unique music and aesthetic charm to it. Its the warmth in the cold. It's beautiful, its white, its european, its comfy as fuck.
there is no war on you saying merry christmas to people or playing christmas music, that shits made up
The war is on the broader culture not being prominently christmas themed. You fucking nigger, I dont give a fuck if me, in my own damn bedroom, can celebrate christmas. I want my SOCIETY to celebrate christmas. I want my fucking videogames to have christmas levels. I want my TV shows to have christmas episodes. I want to live in my own damn society, fucking jew nigger
You wouldn't know what it feels like to be a part of a broader community that loves you and IS you. You want everyone to be atomized interchangeable cogs that jews can pluck and tug. Its disgusting and I cannot understand your soulless way of life
style is much worse though
>complaining christianity isn't the default
News flash, it never was. Just the majority.
Also plenty of games still have the jingle jangle music for winter levels. Instead of frequenting /pol/ and drinking their water you should actually play some video games
how is it now true tranny nigger faggot
Don't know where you from but that ano is correct from where I'm from.
Britfag here and in the department shop i work in we're not to have any decorations up over Christmas or use the the term 'christmas' to describe anything. Has to be 'holiday lights' or decorative seasonal tree'. No christmas music either unles it generic holiday music. Apparently it make some customers who don't celebrate it feel alienated and spend less
see this is why you need to go back to /pol/ with all the other lunatics, all i said was that nobody actually cares if you say merry christmas to others and suddenly you spout off this crazy bullshit
If it makes you feel better, Trump will probably corral his followers onto an island and declare himself leader. Have at it until then
Majority, default, same fucking shit. Just like whites was the default before we imported literally every human been under the sun
Why would it even matter if we had a christmas level. I dont want rip off non-christmas christmasy jingle jangle generic shit, I want CHRISTMAS themed shit, like in Banjo Kazooie
cringe muh ancestry mutt
go get shot
Thats literally not true, they wouldnt even feel alienated, its a jewish lie and the real reason is to make the whites that live in britian feel atomized in their own society. its fuck, I hate jews so much
fucking this. I live in a libcuck city and christmas is still widely celebrated and loved. in fact as time goes on christmas is becoming more celebrated, and the whole 'christmas as a christian holiday' sort of thing is being flushed down the drain and its becoming a time when you can spend time with your friends and family and appreciate your lives.
>is an illegal immigrant resetera invader
>tells /pol to go back
A store deciding to not put up decorations is extremely different from it being socially unacceptable to say merry christmas. a store trying to sell shit to as many people as they can is common sense
Because I have to do it in private, polite company. It isnt anywhere else. I want christmas in my media and entertainment, not just in my own fucking living room.
i can hate you and the people who post on resetera, it's very easy
Try going outside
just go dilate already
Its a sign of a declining culture. Look at South Africa. its only a matter of time before whites are killed in the streets.
>it's the beginning of summer and amerimutts sperg out about their "war" on christmas
you first
christmas movies come out every year brainlet, and you don't HAVE to do anything. Why do you think other people should be obligated to celebrate christmas with you?
you haven't returned my dilator yet though
>an extreme obsession with trannies
>most likely gets off to them
Yep, our security guard is muslim and even he thinks its fucking stupid. Literally none of the customers give a shit, its the dopes in head office fearing backlash that no one will actually give out
because its MY COUNTRY and its cultures and traditions are for MY PEOPLE
America shouldnt be some shopping district. Its a HOME and a PLACE for ME and MY PEOPLE
it's the sign of nothing, you're just making shit up because that's what poltards do
i agree controlling Mario feels better, but Banjo's skills,stage design and feedback loop are just waaaay better, you just can't compare banjo's level design to a Mario 64's
ok retard.
>game makes no audible reference to Christmas, and at best throws a mishmash of culturally recognizable themes that say "holidays as seen by the West"
>"don't you see, it's a representation of how Christmas is a celebrated holiday and flies in the face of political correctness, and it's so obvious when you read into it"
This is how paranoid mental problems start.
>all these people claiming to love Christmas
>what they want has nothing to do with the birth of Christ, but instead its commercialized bullshit with a bunch if pagan symbols.
>From a time when celebrating Christmas was ok
What did he mean by this?
Seriously, because I see people starting to get ready for Christmas months before December to the point it becomes annoying
Its fucking christmas.
>america shouldn't be some shopping district
>wants more christmas garbage media everywhere
nobody else is obligated to pander to your weird ass obsession with your own race.
that's definitely the funniest part to me, everyone is complaining that their local department store doesn't put up a tree every year like that's what's important about christmas
>a snowman with a carrot nose
where is that mentioned in the bible??
Don't reply user. Whether he's trolling or a straight up lunatic, it's best to ignore
its a white people thing, fuck off
>america shouldn't be some shopping district
>america was built on capitalism
What did he mean by this?
it's not YOUR country, you're not the only one who lives here
We'll have to wait and see what the rest of their moves are like and if they have a specific gimmick, but a lot of what we've seen point to good things.
>Kazooie Disjoints presumably matching DHD
>Item Play with Grenade Egg
>Strictly Better Flare Blitz that completely shuts down projectile camping (Will have to see if Gold Feathers regenerate and how it works in the air)
>Shock Spring Jump looks a tad slow, but if it has a hit-box then it will be a moot-point, combined with Wonderwing, their recovery will be pretty good.
no it wasnt. it was built by white men.
You have time to get help, user. You picked it up early, and now you can work to accept things you clearly don't want to accept about the world.
Your kid's game is a kid's game, that uses symbolism recognizable by children to evoke a feeling. It isn't a commentary defending a Christian commercial holiday.
please quote the part of your abrahamic religion where it says that
Even if this is the case, and it is pho-christmas, pho-christmas is still something they dont even do in games today at all. Because of leftist jews like you
It predates the bible. Christmas, yes, is based on yule, but who cares, I LIKE the yule parts of it. Its still christmas and the reason its being attacked is its association white WHITE people that predominantly celebrate it.
show me a big company that celebrates christmas. show me big entertainment like games that do it.
oh, you cant
>even more we wuz shittery over a fucking snowman
the fact that you need big companies to celebrate the holidays for you, instead of celebrating them with your friends and family like everyone else, speaks volumes
Love this image for how is shows the two pairs seem to be friendly despite Banjo jumping on him in the reveal trailer.
i can understand where you are coming from, but part of living in a society is that it overall reflects the values of the people. To have to fake and pretend to adhere to this "nobody is left out" ideology means that the majority is never advocated for and everybody is miserable and alienated
Treasure Trove Cove>Mad Monster Mansion>Freezeezy Peak>Gobi’s Valley>Mumbo’s Mountain>Click Clock Wood>Bubble Gloop Swamp>Clanker’s Cavern>Rusty Bucket Bay
nobody is asking you to fake or pretend, this is why i keep saying you people just make shit up constantly. the most you have to do is just not be a racist but that's probably too difficult for people screaming about how society is collapsing because of the jews or some other bullshit
not being racist is literally asking me to lie about reality
stop being fucking lazy, here: tiermaker.com
here's mine
It’s always been a time when you could spend time with friends and family for a while though?
He's right though.
Judging from the list (and if it were to actually happen) it looks like there are 2 different cycles that can happen where you either go through bk levels or bt levels. That sounds pretty fucking hype. To add on top of that, the concept sounds promising as far our music selection goes
Going a little off topic, what songs are going to be in, and which ones are getting remixes?
user, those platforms turn into the bridge. Grunty magic baby
>There is no resistance to Christmas themes
>Well actually no one cares it doesn't make a difference
>You're not the default.
Just fuck off. I can't stand people that shit on and attack tradition when it's something as simple as a Christmas theme that isn't even about the Lord Christ. My fucking city (San Diego) has had hell every year for the last decade and a half with Antitheists trying to spread their misery about the city putting up trees and lights. I just want to fucking have Christmas and not these dumb fights.
>Don't do something due to social repercussion
>"Actually that's not the same as being socially unacceptable. You just get shunned by bigger and bigger groups every year, and you will face punishment for referring to it properly too many times."
He's right though, you freak of nature.
Agree to disagree
I don't like the heavily momentum-based movement
i know, I live in North East american city, the pride parade was the most massive, heavily funded thing I had ever seen, we never have anything like that to celebrate christmas, and this was to celebrate infertility and sodomy!
correct. The leftist nihilists in this thread are too stupid to understand
>Paid DLC
Yes, yes they are.
Viatnamese christmas?
Frosty The Snowman is a Christian rooted story about sacrifice for the good others, and being killed for his good acts, and then of course, resurrection, and then promise to return one day, after showing triumph over death.
So while the story it's self isn't from the bible, it's a Christian cultural icon that is based in the winter, when we celebrate Christmas, and is an iconic part of the Western Christmas culture. That's why you don't have like, Hindu Snowmen stories, even though the Hindus believe in rebirth.
Why is n64 emulation so shit? Can I inject this game as a wad and play it on my Wii U?
>western cristmas culture
not the same, far from it
>my city can't put up trees and lights so that means I'm not allowed to celebrate!
Also ironic that you're dealing with that in conservative San Diego, while liberal Los angeles and it's surrounding cities can do all that just fine
Christmas stopped being about Christianity decades ago. It's been commercialized. Literally just a corporate holiday now.
>It's not socially unacceptable!
>You're just being restricted to practicing in your home and not out in society
Please stop moving the goal posts.
You know what would've been actually better? A new fucking game.
IIRC Kazooie yes, Tooie no
ok but its MY corperate shill holiday. Funny how leftists hate consumerism the moment white people benefit / enjoy it.
>self-sacrifice is exclusively a Christian concept
the ego you have.
it's truly about a winter solstice festival where they decorated trees which was muttified into an abrahamic religion
I hate consumerism period. Whether it panders to niggers or whites doesn't matter to me. The fact that we base our identities on brands and not ideals is probably one of the greatesf tragedies of man. I would think you as a Christian would agree.
Did I fucking imply that?
No. I said a fucking Snowman that is a Christ Allegory is an American Christmas cultural story as it embodies the core aspects of the morals of Christ, including being murdered, and resurrected by "Father" Christmas, Santa, as he departs with the winter, promising his flock "I will return again."
you're really reaching if you think Frosty the Snowman is a Christ allegory kek. No more a Christ allegory than chosen undead in Dark Souls.
christmas doesnt have to be about consumerism. Its the aesthetic that I care about
Standing at the top really gives me the feels.
/pol/ zoomers are fucking retards
No one is moving anything.
There has always been idiot protestors bitching about Christmas inclusivity. It's literally only a small portion though that gets blown up by the media.
Most people don't care what you celebrate or what you tell them. Turn off the television and go outside for once this December.
>conservatives get ass blasted by this every year for the past 5 years.
The media you say? Which media? The FAKE NEWS media?
>from a time when celebrating Christmas was ok
Is there a cross in the level or actual references to Christmas or is it (((Christmas))) as in the materialistic shit that has nothing to do with the religious aspect of the holiday.
I hope you realize Fox News is the same thing as CNN. Both pander to the extreme views of their respective side in order to get them all riled up
The only thing that SM64 has over Banjo-Kazooie is the movement. Everything else B-K outdoes it by miles.
Those are some nice file names you got there. So where are you from friend?
images.google.com, Copy image location, paste into browse bar, click OK.
Why the fuck would I keep this shit on my machine?
My company calls it a holiday party now. It's sickening.
>christmas is still widely celebrated and loved
>and the whole 'christmas as a christian holiday' sort of thing is being flushed down the drain
So it's "widely loved and celebrated" because it's been shed of all that icky religious nonsense and made into a proper, corporate holiday that every bugman can enjoy.
There's a cross (I think) and you climb up a Christmas tree. You also collect presents.
I'm sure your Christmas is just shattered now you goddamn snowflake
Is it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
less Russians this time around
>Can't call it Christmas because some brown people and fedoras will get mad
They don't get to celebrate the love and goodness of our holiday if they can't acknowledge the name that it all comes from. It makes me sick. Have some god damned morals.
All these neck bearded fedora tipping reddit zoomer faggot onions nigger trannies absolutely SEETHING
LMAO holy shit the retards in this thread. War on Christmas posts on fucking Yea Forums. What a sad joke, go to school.
bloo bloo cry me a river faggot you stupid snowflake
Christmas is the holiday, it doesn't matter if you're not Christian.
Happy holidays user. Or else.
I wonder where this shit comes from, honestly
Yea Forums is literally a boomer hangout spot now, those poor retired folk need a place to spend their time
Butt Blasted Zoomer detected
Boomer here, you're just a snowflake
OHHhhh Sooo FXKIn epic *tips fedora* gonna go watch sum amazing atheist videosand tranny porn!!!1!
>oh no people don't agree with what I call my holidays it's RUINED!
Merry Christmas NIGGER ;)
>people don't agree with what I call my holidays
If it's not your holiday you don't get to decide what it's called. There's no agree or disagree, Christmas is called Christmas and that's a fact.
you people are something else!
>its MY holiday!
that's the spirit
user! Dont get the trannies upset again! I just cleaned the floors!
No, it was made by God, dipshit.
>October of CURRENT YEAR
>stores everywhere put of massive displays of Christmas decor and stocking stuffers
>constant stream of Christmas specials and movies on TV
>radio stations and in-store muzak play Christmas songs every 5 minutes
>Christmas-themed junk food and products for the easy cash grab
>wagies say "Happy Holidays" to avoid the awkward "Oh I don't celebrate Christmas" response
>one company changes their coffee cup
Here's the steam version