>I am already forgotten

so, after pandering to SJW, mocking Christians and using nostalgia, this game is going to flop hard because of Cyberpunk 2077 (a white man game) and Death Strandings?

Attached: borderlands-3-siren.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

>after pandering to SJW,

have sex

>pandering to SJW
Does she use those ghost arms to punch neo nazis?

Piss off, randy.


No it's not forgotten
And the only real outrage is the game being Epic only shit and Randy being a massive retard

>makes a new thread about it
rent free

>No it's not forgotten
Yes it is

Thought this was out already.

They've been giving away BL2 and the handsome collecation and have even put it on services like gamepass

That and the new DLC

There's little chance BL3 won't be a massive success

Out of all the looter-shooters out there it's still the series that does it the best.

It also doesn't have any competition in September except some shitty DLC for Bungies f2p game no is playing.

Why do all the women look like fucking monkeys? They changed the artstyle for some reason?

Will pirate. Might finish if the game play loop is decent enough. I couldn't give a shit about the story / characters.

Chink money already paid for my copy anyway.

And I will play it for free, thx to Epic buying me a copy

Its going to flop because the hype for BL evaporated years ago.

epic can suck my giant balls
thx for the free game swiney

Christians deserve to be mocked, desu. Same goes for every other organized religion. Islam, Judaism, all of it deserves to be shit on.

>after pandering to SJW, mocking Christians
When did it do these things?

Thanks for reminding me, now I'm going to hide this hideous thread. Goodbye. It's so shit that it's not even worth discussing, fuck Epic, fuck the greedy dev.

>mocking Christians
But user, christian are SJW from the past. I don’t think neither we should disrespect all religion, but you can’t deny there is shit in between them *cough*muslim*cough*

>people still believe Borderland games flop

user, come on.

do you literally believe Activision of all corporations? they also said blops 4 was a financial flop but that game made upwards of 2 billion dollars in its first 2 weeks

Not forgotten, Yea Forums just other things to act like twitter trannies about.
It'll be popular again when they announce they aren't going to release on Steam at any point in the future.

based atheist tranny

Holy shit, calm down boy.
These kids are super edgy nowadays huh.

>pandering to SJW
Borderlands player characters were always diverse.
>mocking Christians
You must have the emotional fortitude of a Muslim if you think the cover is in any way offensive.
>and using nostalgia
Borderlands is fucking 10 years old. Why the fuck wouldn't they use nostalgia pandering to sell their next mainline game?

Boderlands 2 also had LGBT characters. It always was SJW

the first one wasnt
the lead writer for the 2nd one literally said he will always try to force in sjw type shit on his projects

t. shill

Weak bait
Try false flagging better ne xt time retArd

Attached: 1549741921395.jpg (480x480, 66K)

>Cyberpunk 2077
>a white man game

Attached: 1556191431037.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)