stop killing rat in vidya, they are cute and innocent
Stop killing rat in vidya, they are cute and innocent
Good goy stop the killing the innocent rats.
unironically adorable, fuck off fag
They spread disease and destroy property
Isn't that a chinchilla
*kills 1/3 of Europe*
Based rat
i think it's a hamster
I'd love to kick this Chinchilla in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch it with the full force of my steel capped toe under its chin, send that little faggot flying through the air. As it lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on its own blood, its jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of its skull, I stand over it and laugh wickedly. It looks up at me in fear and pain, its eyes searching, begging me for mercy. It finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting its skull like a melon and finally ending its pathetic life
Literally Lmfao right now what the fuck is wrong with you
if i ever find you, i will kick your head first
i can't even beat a human, so you choose to beat a little rat
You aren't supposed to put water on them you fool
You better watch your inbred whore mouth user-kun.
games with small critters as protags?
It's a copypasta of that midget actor
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a rat
Ur fat
I've been laughing/wheezing since I replied holy fuck
my face
my soul
I don't that makes it any better
*honks airhorn*
heh, nuthin personnel kid
that's not a rat thats a chinchilla
Let's kill 6 million (((rats)))
They are still the same species
Anim youre only supposed to do this to warwick davis
so are you and nignogs
it's lights out for you ya rat bastard
It's okay ratbro, I say the same thing about crabs.
yess... yess.... feeed me human....
do they bite?
Chinchillas and hamsters aren't rats, rats are fucking ugly pests like pic related.
That's not a rat, it's a chinchilla.
An that's a walking scrotum.
is that yours chinchila? how much it cost?
only when they're scared or feel in danger, that's usually when they bite to kill or harm. got my finger munched on once but it was pretty much my fault since i scared it, tip of the finger wouldn't stop fucking bleeding, luckily i didn't need stitches.
sometimes they also nip on your fingers thinking it's food or something, but they usually do that do everything else, they like to nip at everything.
Based Warwick punter
My hamster was an asshole and he bite me all the time when I tried to pick him up.
>stabs you while hacking
Heh, nothin' personel
>is that yours chinchila?
It's mine now for about 2 years. I ''adopted'' it if you can call it that from my boomer father who didn't know shit about raising it, he legit thought it was a big rat, would only feed it junk, keep in confined in some really small hamster cage and overall abuse by ''playing'' (spinning it around the floor as if it was a bayblade spinner)
>how much it cost?
Gerbils and mice also do this, i've never owned a rat but i don't see them being an exception. It seems to me rodents just bite whenever they fuck they're feeling like being cheeky little cunts, seemingly biting at times for no reason whatsoever.
why chincila fat bitch?
This guy
I've dissected quite a few rats in my day but I still find them cute even if I can't help but think of their insides the entire time I'm seeing one.
That's clearly a raccon.
Hello good folks of the Empire, mind if we hang around for a bit?
bro that nigga looks pissed off
Post emenius porn already
hmmmmmm you don't say...
>no Chinchilla RPG game where you are a smol chinchilla adventurer in a big world
el rato......
>user wants to appear edgy so he makes a post about hurting animals.
Kill mice.
>dude what if kid drawings but edgy
>video games
I sleep
>animal thread
>western comics
wish my chinchilla would look this happy but he's never going to become better, little shit's gotten depression or something
there is a mouse game on Steam, I dont remember the name now
he's not happy with you, just send it to me and i will make sure he lives in peace
should have killed the other 2 thirds
I get the joke but a chinchilla doesn't feel the same emotions as a person (even a defective person), they're too stupid to beg for for mercy and look at you in fear. It wouldn't be satisfying at all.
Do you know what a species is?
Chinchilla are terrible pets.
so you can do this ??
you're not fooling me faggot
Is this the skaven thread?
Something's really sexy about those eyes and the smooth slick fur...
you are just poor bastard and jealous because you can't afford one
Outta my way rat fucking shits
I'll stop killing rat when I get a cute rat gf I can hold hands with
I saw a hawk or crow lift away a rat from under my truck a few days ago
thanks hawk bro
>turn on enemy scaling
>rats appear
>one shot you
>run in field
>try to kill bunny
>takes 30 hits
I love games because of moments like these.
The vermintide comes for you man-thing.
I once saw a rat eat a mouse.
Why do they do this?
virgin mouse
chad rat
youre on RODENT GANG turf, pal
He tore out his intestines and ate them as he was trying to get away.
Nothing personal kid
seductive you say?
Trash tier pets. These things cannot be tamed and jump around shitting everywhere whenever they are let out of their cages. Go get yourselves a cat or dog instead retards.
cringe and blue pilled
Get a dog or rabbit.
yeah i bet their mouths and bodies could fit my full length into them
>sleep with their asses on your face and infect you with toxoplasmosis
>randomly snap and maul your children or even you, anyone else around them for that matter
Yeah... Some great options those are.
Cats are shit desu. Dogs are good unless you get a shitty breed like pitbull or abuse it.
I wish I were a rat.
I wish I could meet the Great Horned Rat.
This jew rat was always cute to me
How difficult are these shits to take care of? I always hear how they require very specific temperatures and nibble on pretty much everything.
Which games have chinchillas? I can't think of any.
Then enjoy having shit pellets all over the place retard. Enjoy your stupid overgrown hamster that isn't good for nothing but shitting.
Imagine getting this mad over somebody else's pet.
I know this is a meme but I always never understood why someone would feel the need to do it.
I'm no animal obsessed guy but animal abuse seemed pointless since they can't really feel. Seemed childish to me
None of them senpai
I wish I could meet my future rat husband
poor chilla, hope it recovers soon from all that abuse
Haha why is it so round
It's thiccer than white women AND black women
I really love this artist.
he tooks my food
how did he get away with this?
Rats are way more nice. Mice and gerbils are assholes. Rats like cleaning your hair, they see you as family. Mice and gerbils never do that.
It's a good French comic. Miss don't touch me is better.
rats are smart af taught mine to jump in less than an hour by making it jump from tv tray to tv tray and to grab something for me and it took forever to teach my cat just to climb me for food
I'd say Intermediate difficulty.
They're definitely not a beginner's pet.
The temperature can usually vary as long as you keep it in a cool enough place. Don't keep them near drafts, wet, musky places or hot places in general like in direct sunlight or near radiators. (For example I keep mine in the hallway where we got a bunch of marble stone stairs built, so the temperature will usually be cool enough during the summer, and warm enough during winter since the hallway warms up from the radiator we got built up there.)
They do nibble on pretty much everything, which is why you need to get them toys or anything made out of wood like a house, special ''toy'' logs made out of wood that he can just munch on, they're teeth constantly grow and grow so they also have to constantly trim them by chewing on stuff. It's also because they're curious creatures so they'll sniff and nibble everything new or interesting they might see or find. It usually shouldn't become a problem as long as you have enough stuff for them to chew on to keep their teeth trimmed, if you don't, then they'll usually resort to chewing on their cage's bars...
Also their diet is pretty strict. NO meat, NO fruits and so on. You can feed them SOME type of fruits or vegetables, or even seeds in very very small quantities but never a lot and often because they either can't digest some of them, or they contain too much sugar for them, which is also not good. You can use them as some sort of ''treats'' when you want to teach it stuff or reward it for something good they did.
Other than that, you just feed it hay and grass pellets. Some other types of chinchilla food will spice things up by adding some sort flowers, plants or these weird ''chips'' that are a bit sugary but that's usually fine, they're balanced around the chinchilla's dietary needs.
Though I'd still recommended just feeding it grass pellets + hay if you manage since that's the most 'natural' diet for them by far.
I had a mouse that would crawl onto my shoulder and fall asleep while I played vidya, can't say anything about gerbils though
I'd love to pat this Chinchilla on the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch it with the full force of my glove covered hand on its head, send that little cutie crying tears of happiness. As it lies on the floor, laughing and mewing and stunned by its own happiness, its head a tangled mess of hair mussed up from the rest of its head, I stand over it and laugh joyously. It looks up at me in adoration and love, its eyes searching, begging me for friendship. It finds that. I raise my hand then pat down, scratching its scalp like a pet and finally loving its wonderful life
they're a ranged weapon in runescape
it is is
my rat keeps hiding my wallet.
Fair enough. Doesn't sound as bad as I thought. Pretty straight forward in fact. I keep my rabbit in a hutch outside and am lucky enough to have a big ol square garden closed off where he can run around all day erry day. Your chinchilla is very cute and I hope he feels better with time.
>Using your rat to retrieve your wallet
4d chess
why is it spasming like that at the start of the video?
brain damage?
If your chinny really does seem depressed and withdrawn, there are some thing you can try to help him. A bigger cage, more time roaming outside of his cage.
If you can afford it the best thing to do would be a second Chinchilla, they're social creatures and he has no one esle to interact with. I don't think it's wise to keep only one Chinchilla honestly.