New RPG Assassin's Creed or Classic Stealth Assassin's Creed?

New RPG Assassin's Creed or Classic Stealth Assassin's Creed?

Which style is better?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_erikkain_files_2018_10_odyssey.jpg (960x540, 109K)

rpg is better but theyre all trash anyway

I actually enjoyed Odyssey so RPG I guess.

new one, but you're pretty burnt out after playing one of them because there's way too much to do.

No Assassin's Creed has ever had "classic stealth". It was a major point of sale that they weren't "classic stealth" because most people hate "classic stealth".

Stealth, obviously.

These new games are just assassins creed by name only.

So if I play Odyssey and haven't touched an AC game since the first, I'll probably like it if I go in without much expectations?

Origins is the only other AC game with the RPG experience, so you havent missed out on much yet

Origins 2

>These new games are just assassins creed by name only.
Which is a good thing.

Syndicate was the height of the series because it was the only Assassin's Creed game where the assassination missions were anything significant.

they're not even the same fucking games they only released them under the same brand for profit

>low tier
boring cinematic asscreed
>also low tier
boring cinematic asscreed with tacked on rpg elements
>good tier
asscreed with boats
>god tier
asscreed becoming the social stealth game it should have been with hitman-esque gameplay in cool historical settings

Stealth? There was stealth in these games?

those were downgraded Unity missions user lol

I don't really care but they killed what tiny bit of good story AC had left after third game when games switched to RPG so the classic's better I guess.

classic,fuck all this lvling bullshit

Old. The new "RPG" system is some grindy shit with storyline gated behind level requirements. At least in the old games, apart from the main quest, you could explore the content you wanted, and not forced do shit you didn't want.

And the whole loot and upgrading system is pure microtransaction bait.

RPG looter is a garbage format. Fuck the franchise and fuck levelling up to get a +5 damage sword so you can finally kill a fucking hyena.

>The new "RPG" system is some grindy shit with storyline gated behind level requirements
I finished the storyline and I never had to grind once. Are you just making shit up out of sheer hate or something?

As someone that started out with the very first AC back in 2007 and went on to play the rest of the franchise I do think the new style is better and AC has never been in a better position.

Classic. Something like AC Unity.

It was a terrible pseudo-stealth game and now it's a terrible pseudo-RPG.

I think the best compromise would be Origins with Odyssey's inventory system.
Just needs more urban settings.

Really? Never had to spend any extra time hunting and collecting upgrade materials?

Some "hardcore" AC fans out there seriously think AC was a stealth game back in the day and critize Ubisoft for going the RPG route. They are fucking retarded since AC was always an action adventure game that had stealth ELEMENTS at most.

AC has never really been stealth, so...


No, the problem is that they were finally going the proper route with Unity (although the controls needed a lot of work) and they just decided to inmediatly move away from that.

Right now it's trash because of all the leveling up gatekeeping crap that makes enemies 2 levels above you kill you instantly.

For the sole purpose of grinding or needing to reach a certain level because of a gated quest? Never. I just played the game and did things when I felt like it, and every level gate was fulfilled when I got to it.

I played AC1,2 and Black Flag. It is impossible to play stealth. You can hide in bush in Black Flag. At best you can kill and run away. I like that you can visit diferent historical settings but gameplay and story was always bad.

It wasn't the right direction, clearly, because people were getting sick and tired of classic AC games. The new direction wasn't because of Unity flopping, the entire series was losing sales and people were growing tired of it. Origins was in development long before Unity came out. Ubisoft knew that things needed to change.
Also if you seriously have problems with levelgating in these games you need to stop playing video games. Just playing it like a normal person eliminates any and all issues you might have with the "grind" and the "levelgating". The game wants you to explore the world and partake in its quests, not get through as quickly as possible.


But I honestly think AC1 had an interesting idea by focusing the entire game around doing assassinations and setting up for assassinations.

AC2 was the start of the decline by throwing all that out to make the series into historical GTA.

Classic. Ubisoft doesn't really have the writing chops to go in the arena with RPG developers. Not to mention Origins and Odyssey really are just "this is the trend games are moving in and we have to follow" without much identity of their own.

>ust playing it like a normal person eliminates any and all issues you might have with the "grind" and the "levelgating".
normal person apparently just goes for critical path and ignore side content. that's where all the "odyssey is grindy and wants you to buy shit" actually comes from.

Attached: ac-kassandra-autism_face.webm (640x640, 1.68M)

And what has changed?
That to do the same you did before you need to grind the shit out of everything?

>Just playing it like a normal person eliminates any and all issues you might have with the "grind" and the "levelgating".
My fucking ass, in both Origins and Odyssey I played the main quest and for certain missions I was up to 10 levels underneath.

>The game wants you to explore the world and partake in its quests
How about you do that by making a map worth exploring and quests worth playing, instead of forcing me through this leveled crap?

A normal person likes to do the content in the order he wants. Maybe blaze through the main quest because it's the most interesting, maybe leave the side stuff for post main game, or maybe just fuck around in the world. All this was very much possible in the older games.

Now it's all gated behind artificial "you must be this tough to proceed" system. Which is bullshit anyway because enemies scale with you, so you never actually feel you're becoming more powerful.

never was a stealth game. I think the first game had an alright formula. you sneak around and set up the hit in a very meticulous manner and the assassination itself was out in the open. this is more realistic than some hitman style silent kill. assassinations at the period usually were public and the assassins were caught and excecuted. the chase sequences ending in the assassin getting away is an interesting twist.

RPG since they have actually cool settings but TERRIBLY needed to not have regenerating health. No recovery items/spells/long-term-health management is truly something that's missing from the RPG mechanics.

>Some "hardcore" AC fans out there seriously think AC was a stealth game
so like MGS fans?

Not to mention that the method of assassination was quite historically accurate considering the actual order of assassins that were used as the basis for the franchise. Obviously the gameplay would have been more interesting if they made it more difficult, but it’s not a bad take on a game that was about doing political assassinations. I just wished they didn’t give into the casuals even further like they did from 2 onwards.

Seems like you haven't played Odyssey and are just repeating information that you've heard

I finished all three endings.

>new rpg asscreed or old dude-in-a-white-hoodie-with-tons-of-visible-weapons-holds-a-button-to-blend-into-a-crowd ascreed?

I think MGS fits the bill of a stealth game because it actually encourages stealth for the majority of the game while AC barely encourages it at all. Having forced action sequences doesn’t exclude something from being a stealth game— Blood Money, Tenchu and Chaos Theory all have forced action sections.

Assassins Creed for me was always about climbing over old buildings and walking through old cities
could care 2 shits about the story/combat
parkour is more important

I prefer the second one tbqh


The new games suck ass.
AC1-Revelations was peak, then 3 dipped and Black flag was decent. Shit from that point on. The more RPG elements they have introduced the worse the games got.

One thing I liked about the first game was how minimalist it was in terms of gear you got. You got a sword for combat, a hidden blade for stealth kills, throwing knifes for ranged kills and your fists for non-lethal combat. Everything else you got where movement upgrades and gradual health boosts.

2 introduced all these different weapon types and armour you didn’t need if you were anywhere near decent at the game. What was the fucking point?

New RPG ones all the way.