Terrariafags on suicide watch. It's over, Starbound won

Terrariafags on suicide watch. It's over, Starbound won.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>0.01 chucklefuck dollars have been deposited on your account


Coping with what, nigger? With how shitty your game is? lmao

How is it different from the cookie cutter missions that random NPC's give you on planets?

cool, time for pirate again :)

dude minigolf lmao XD dolphins XD

Cope harder, Terrariacuck.

Are they going to bring back the lore and race intros from before launch
Are they going to revamp the main storyline?
this game had soul once and they just ripped it out:

>can't even answer a basic question

Meanwhile Terraria is gonna get another FUCKHUGE update for the game that's gonna add another 800~ items and shit.

It isn't, it's literally the same shit, but the scummy devs pretend it to be new.

d-delete this..!!!! DELETE THIS!!!


what's with the fucking you versus us mentality everywhere now
they're fucking video games, not countries

this they're adding all the epic featuresp layers wanted like razer chroma support its gonna be lit XD

I am a Terraria fag and I don't fucking know what the fuck a Starbound is and I doubt Starbound has 25 million sales

>Shitbound 1.4: Alpacalypse
Whats the difference between starbound and star citizen?
star citizen succesfully fooled people.

Total bait thread. Terraria has been pushing out content ever since release for free to all its owners, and is still doing it. Starbound had many periods of hiatus and infinite planets don't matter when all of them have the same dungeons and settlements with generic and boring quests. Terraria will always be the better of the two.

What is wrong with Razer Chroma devices?

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>le vaporwave aesthetic to sell to zoomers

that's a rather small uptate bro.

>consoles finally reach 60fps 720p on a paltry few games, using a supercharged console
>pc has been at 1440p 144fps for a while
>consoles finally reach 60fps 1080p for a paltry few games specially downgraded
>pc has been at 4K for a while
that's what this is right here
>terraria has 200,000 reviews and an overwhelmingly positive rating
>starbound finally leaves early access
>terraria releases major 1.3 update
>starbound finally releases...something, but the game remains dead and empty with no motive or reason to play for long
>terraria releases huge 1.4 update
just accept that chucklefuck stopped caring about starbound and left it with a skeleton crew after they scooped up enough retard neetbux to fund the fucking thing and then from all the buyers remorse purchases to found their own publishing company, which immediately sucked up bigger, better games like starjew valley including a fat and easy slice of its profits in the process
if you supported starbound, you got kiked - you really kickstarted some guys dream of having no talent and being paid for it, kim kardashian style
starbound is dead
and OP is a faggot

cool, a new update that's barely gonna add anything on top of breaking all 3 of the mods that are worth anything

Did they fix the lag yet?
PS, Frackin Universe sucks.

yeah let me fire up my interplanetary builder game to go hunt randomly generated NPCs for money that has no point in a game with nothing to do and no reason to do it



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>instead of spending post release delivering on promises and rebuilding all the content that was cut they're wasting time and development on more stupid shallow systems they'll ultimately never flesh out or give depth.

Reminder that they
>Cut out all the lore
>Cut half of the items
>Cut a bunch of biomes
>Changes the character sprites to have less defined female forms making male and female hard to tell apart for a couple of the races for basically no reason
>Failed to deliver on the separate race story lines/intros
>Gave every race the half baked human one
>Removed random monster generation, one of their biggest selling points at one point
>Removed random generated weapons
>Removed race specific weapons
>Went back on race unique ship AIs and cut boob horse because of idiot feedback
And probably more shit I can't even remember.

What a bunch of wasted potential, last early access game I ever bought.

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this game was very fun for a few hours but after a while there is literally no need to explore or do anything since you get the best gear pretty quickly

is there anything else like it that isn't terraria?

>PS, Frackin Universe sucks.
How? It adds actual content to the game, without it Starbound is shit.

>go to magma planet
>dig under the magma ocean
>its the same 5 recycled underground prefabs as on every planet
Years after the promised release date.

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The funniest thing is that the retard furries won't let Starbound fully die, they're always 1 - 3 thousand people playing that won't let go, forcing Chucklefish to keep supporting the game even though it's a huge embarrassment they want to leave behind

Meanwhile everyone loves Terraria to the point that the devs pretty much gave up on any kind of sequel because they don't want to release anything that would tarnish the Terraria name

you are fucking retarded and can't even post a fucking link properly

it lurks below. but its pretty slim atm compared to terraria.

>all that time and effort for something not even part of the main campaign
God damnit. Even a after the game is finished they still manage to disappoint me. Can they at least add more space station content?

^This. Planets are not all that different from each other since they use prefabs. It's just laziness.

>imblying it won't get delayed last second

This game never had soul, you grass muncher. Fuck off with your deviant art tier shit.

You think that's bad?
>dig under the magma ocean
>get through layers of magmarock
>it's fucking ice and snow

>Terraria announces it's final major content update slated for the end of the year
>both excitement and sorrow are shared by fans, both for what this will bring, and that it means the definitive end of Terraria's development cycle
>Update will bring countless new content and update old content to be useful again

Meanwhile at Chuckle Fish HQ

>razer chroma support its gonna be lit XD
They already added that, it's old news.

Two major things to note is the new boss shown in pic related and a new difficulty beyond Expert.

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>Have this in my library
>Never even started it once because art looks atrocious

Is it worth a play, vee?

Ironically, despite being a terrible game in comparison, Starbound is probably the best Terraria clone. Games like Edge of Space, Planet Centauri, and Crea are incomprehensibly bad.

It Lurks Below is rad as hell but I wouldn't really consider it anything like Terraria apart from aesthetics, it's Diablo through and through

I love terraria and I really enjoy starbound. Why can't you retards be enlightened like me and just enjoy both without having a fucking hissy fit about which is better. Although terraria is 100% better.

Play it untill you get off the first planet in your ship. Then youve seen everything. The other planets are just the same shit.

I think its definitely worth a try. It's no terraria, of course. But the game is still enjoyable with a nice soundtrack and very pretty looking landscapes.

You forgot
>Cut out interest conspiracy plot involving various factions pulling the strings.
>Replaced it with a "Racism cults bad" plot.

>>it's fucking ice and snow
What? Are you goddamn kidding me?

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It's worth some of your time, its' early-midgame just don't last anywhere near as long as they do in terraria. Once you unlock Tier 3 planets it becomes an extremely linear gear upgrading race.

Don't bother with story mode.

Post yfw this update if you backed starbound

>was promised Terraria in space
>got 2D minecraft in space instead
>years later it hasn't gotten any better
>it's even gotten worse in some ways

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they will rue the day they jewed me out of $10

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Just think of it as a on-rails pixel adventure with built-in grind-walls.
Ignore all mech-content.
Keep a low expectation and you might find some enjoyment.

>hasnt gotten any better
its legitimately gotten fucking worse.
two words: gun update.


Is Starbound even playable yet?

Me and my whole crew got it on early access.
Back when beta was out I was commenting how shit the controls felt and how barren it was. Everyone else was like "Nah, you*re just imagining it.". Then the full game came out and they didn*t change jack shit.

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>they haven't ported Starbound because modern consoles are unironically incapable of running it

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huh, it's actually happening.
It's fucking nothing.

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>that intense, stammering lag form just standing next to the final warp gate in story mode
I unironically would love to see the code in that game. How do you fuck something like this up.

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Does being gullible enough to fall for early access count?

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I think they removed the sexy plant-girls, so no.

>the composer is doing Halo now
Honestly really happy for the guy. This game didn't even deserve music of that quality to begin with.

I payed $70 to get my name in the game
>they haven't even done that

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Eh, give it a go I guess, I'm hugely disappointed but it's worth a touch since you have literally zero expectation
Heed my advice user it'll make shit less tedious and streamline your experience, they give you a "scan" ability, scan as much fucking furniture as you can when you find villages, it'll let you use it to decorate with if you're into that, but more importantly, they occasionally gate your progress until you "know more about a race" which basically means you need to go out to each races settlements and find the scannable furnitures, which is tedious as fuck to do when its all your looking for specifically.
But if you do it as you explore it's less tedious.

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>release a new update
>your whole base disappears
nothing personel kid

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The biggest mistake Starbound made is to have absolute trash tier movement. It's either a massive chore or boring as hell. Meanwhile in Terraria it's a chore at the very beginning but once you get a couple items you're zipping all over the place.

I put a few hours into the unstable release for this. Complete fucking grind with zero redeeming qualities.
>Pick up missions
>Travel back and forth to the same systems and same planets
>Spend literally five seconds on some planets to kill an animal then beam up
>""""""""""""""Track down""""""""""""""" bigger bounties but that's just traveling to more planets for no reason
Fucking bogus

Wow A E S T H E T I C colors! Dude, it's just like the 80's!

>starbound won
it literally has 10% of the people playing it as terraria

>terraria updates focus on improving on the base game and just adding extra content
>adding some gimmicks no one asked for

I'm not really sure why they even bother to update Starbound, it has always and only served to be a comfy building simulator by comparison

>game is still as stable as water

Oh man, I have a whole bunch of mods installed, including Fracking "Borrowed Assets" Universe. I'm LITERALLY SHAKING in anticipation of how much of my shit will break.

Not him but the content is all over the place and there's no sense of progression, you're gonna waste hours trying to get something done and if it isn't already obsolete by the time you're done, it will be very shortly after. It's just a mishmash that doesn't seem to go anywhere. Not saying it's any worse than the base game but it's a real shame that it's the only "big" mod around.

does anyone remember the name of that starbound/terraria ripoff where building actually had structure and gravity, and the night time was a tower defense lite?

why did Starbound fail tho?

This game was such a massive dissapointment, I still remember when they promised that they'd let you invade and conquer planets from other players and you'd be able to form guilds to do so. What a scam.

Interesting, but mods will always be ahead of any update the devs put out. It's to the point where there's no catching up to what the Frackin Universe community has added to the game.

Funny enough, I think Terraria mods add nothing but bloat to the game. Probably because Terraria feels more like a completed game that doesn't need adjustments from outside of the team.

>I'm not really sure why they even bother to update Starbound
To say "Fuck you" to re-logic.

The whole reason Starbound exists is because Ty got fired from re-logic and wanted to get revenge on them.

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Lazy devs. For reals tho.

no point in touching Starbound anymore now that No Mans Sky is actually good and terraria is just better to play in general

>why did Starbound fail tho?
It failed because the hack who got fired from terraria development hired other hacks to help him make a revenge game.

There was never any love or care put into starbound, just a bunch of flashy concepts and ideas, when it came time to put things into action, they had nothing to show for it.

A great example of this is the community implementing Novakids as a mod years before Chucklefish.
And when Chucklefish finally does it, they have far less features than the mod did.

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I don't even care anymore. There is no hope for this game. I just hope the modding community won't die and actually manages to give Starbound the depth it should've had.

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yes, there's no rhyme or reason to biomes on planet. any fucking planet can have a tiny city biome. any planet can have an ice biome. any planet can have a poison biome

literally dirt color, required EPP and surface features are the only differences between planets

i've been following the devblog for ages
this bounty hunting update took a solid 2 years, and for WHAT?

>getting this worked


I hurt myself today.

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the combat is far too terrible for it to work as that kind of game
if anything it's a really good 2D dollhouse makng gamei

>Mod community having a chance
>when FU and its endorsed mega-jewery exists.
lol gg l2p no re.

Even when crippled and incomplete, Starbound is way more enjoyable than Terraria.

Good one

s-s-shield + melee can be f-f-fun

no hes right, if youre crippled and retarded starbounds way more fun.

Thanks. Facts are inherently good.

>get briefly excited once i find out that i can recruit people onto my ship
>run around for hours doing their insipid fetch quests until they agree to join me
>half of them do nothing
>other half walk around you and hit things
Special mention to the worthless motherfucker that improves your fuel capacity.

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>mfw I bought myself the $70 tier
>mfw I bought a few of my other friends the $10 tier

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Literally one ONE (1) good thing came out of this terrible game.

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what did you get for your $70 user?
let us share in misery

>samefagging this hard

Good sir, please, do you know any good repository of floran lewds? r34 is fucking shit.

>got Starbound when it was $10 with a humble bundle for the first X purchases
>made sure the Starbound devs got no money from it
>never even redeemed the key
Feels good man

I'm glad I pirate games before buying them. Ironically, I didn't do it with Terraria, and I had no regrets.

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>she'll probably try to bite your dick off

>everyone i dont like is the same person
Cope harder chucklecuck.


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not him, but pic related, this is what we got.
>the NPC and credits name hasn't even been implemented and probably never will

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Nah probably not if she likes you.

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>being so mad you set up proxies and photoshop screenshots

holy shit you mean they haven't bothered to even deliver on purchase promises with names and credits?
It's even worse than I thought...

It doesn't really seem like much, actually.

Come on, user. That was aways a thing.
Either with politics, sports, games, companies.
You just seem to perceive it more because the internet as a whole give it more visibility.

I've seen people with the tier 6 badge before.

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>used to steal code
>integrates as many fucking mods as possible
>advertises itself as this big fundamental change of mechanics
>just barely increases the depth of some mechanics
>now working on some clusterfuck research tree
>ywn have the temperature system back and other similar environmental effects that can be countered with more than just an armor or EPP check

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That looks fucking putrid, some things are meant to stay in 2D, this is clearly one of them.

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I feel bad for not pirating starbound, risk of rain and stardew valley and not sending the devs of RoR and SDV the money over mail.

Disgusting little plant creature. I want to kill it.

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crafting a grappling hook in terraria has so many recipes that i always have one before 15 min elapses
and once i have one of them, i can zip around at wild speeds, horizontal or vertical. everything else is just QoL after that point

and the terraria overhaul mod that eliminates maximum speed.. holy fuck i love it

disappointment, literally a pile of lies in a trench coat pretending to be a game.

The only reason to play Starbound these days is if you're fucking around with the Vore mod.

is it worth a pirate now

>Master mode
Fuck me, i haven't even been able to do wall of flesh on expert

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my rock bigger than your rock

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There's also a fat mod now that lets you experience being a useless, slow and fat person.

I wish Starbound had more static enemies.
The patchwork planets and variety just aren't satisfying, it feels so shallow.

If that's changed since beta, then I take it back and will reinstall it immediately.

Alright nigs calm down jeez.

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I got stuck at plantera
I just can't be fucked doing all the potions and shit.


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>look at me dude I played a shitty game more time than a good one am I accepted on Yea Forums yet?

I've seen that pic a number of times, what's the sauce?

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I never did the potion nonsense and was able to beat it. I can understand dropping it at plantera though, hunting for the bulbs and preparing the arena just for that fight is annoying. The fight itself is fine but going through the jungle is probably my least favourite part of the game.

it's funny how NMS dragged itself out of the dirt (at least for multiplayer) while starbound just sat and rotted
i had such high hopes for both and then so disappointed

>zyklon b gas chamber
>not a wooden door

No, it's not worth it. It will literally never be worth pirating, since it's just that shitty.

Why did they kill GOOD MODS?!

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Wait what? Did they remove boobs from the game?

must suck having shit taste.

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>Even the porn mods are pretty lacking

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Why did they remove all that shit?

It shouldn't be applied to countries either imo

Starbound is not a fun game at it's core.
I regret ever giving Chucklefucks my money.

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Dunno, I'm not you


It looks like that sexbound mod is slowly coming together but it's still pretty lackluster, there's barely any content for it aside from support for some furfags' OC races.

WoF and Plantera are both easy. WoF becomes easier the closer you stay to it due to the angle of the lasers, and Plantera's first form will miss every single shot if you circle it in close proximity.


too much for them to handle and they didn't want to refine it all I guess

>the NPC and credits name hasn't even been implemented and probably never will
absolute awe of that level of laziness
2 .txt files. literally two plaintext documents injected into the game code and that's all you need

Because chucklefuck is a studio of hacks

Game is still bad and would need coding and re-writing entierly to make it not bad. Post Florans in the meantime to appreciare the only good thing Starbound had going.

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unironically no, not even worth the effort to download and run

feels bad man

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>2,141 playing now
>2,636 today's peak
>88,355 all-time peak
>2,000,000 - 5,000,000 Owners
>3d 0h 18m Average playtime
>0h 38m Average playtime in the last two weeks
>90% of the 57,057 user reviews for this game are positive.
>26,032 playing now
>27,699 today's peak
>158,947 all-time peak
>10,000,000 - 20,000,000 Owners
>4d 2h 24m Average playtime
>9h 38m Average playtime in the last two weeks
>96% of the 201,031 user reviews of this game are positive.

lmaoing @ ur life chucklefucks

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Can you pick and choose ships yet or are you stuck with your race specific one?

I wish I could just play terraria with the starbound races

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Yeah, I don't have the comparison pic anymore but they toned down the female bodies they had more defined boobs and stuff and I think they even chipped a pixel or two off lol.

The latter.

Stuck with the race specific ones, although you may as well download one of the ships that allow you to build it your self out of blocks.

>avians still eat and emote with their eyebrows

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They literally never said why, didn't even acknowledge it.
What was more confusing was how basically no one called them out for it at the time.

What pisses me off most is not only did they cut and change so much shit over the games lifetime, but why the fuck does it also have to run like absolute shit as well. It was working fine for a good long while during the start of development, excluding the few patches that fucked it completely, then they just left it a laggy unoptimized piece of shit and called it good.

half of the devteam is pixel "artists", so lots of visual assets were there, and half-implemented early on. Not wanting to polish EVERYTHING, they just ditched a ton of stuff and moved towards a far simpler set of objects to work with. This is also why there's such an enormous variety of blocks, furniture, etc. Easier to implement as just a static object with some collision detection than weapons or creatures or whatever.
for a long time the devblog consisted of new armor and furniture and nothing else as each person wanted their work to be in the spotlight for a while

They still fucked up the origins of every race so I'm never coming back.
Fuck the stupid Peacekeeper bullshit and fuck the stupid super granny garbage character.

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not even worth pirating

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>starts to rain
>3 monsters onscreen
>framerate cuts down to a third of what it should be
it's pretty amazing to be honest


I can't even launch it now. It crashes after chucklefuck logo.

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>Implying Chucklefuck hasn't already moved on from your shit game

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>teehee boys what if i was some matriarch old lady in a wheelchair who's also really smart and a renowed adventurer
she got paid to shit on the community, kill a dog, and inject herself into the game

Isn't that a good thing?

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I count two

this happened to me after the 1.3 stuff dropped and persisted until i deleted my savegames
no mods or anything outside of the base vanilla game, just shit the bed and refused to run. tried a reinstall first and that didn't work, deleting saves was a shot in the dark that in no way should have worked

Holy shit they did fix the game, it's genuinely better if it just doesn't start

Renaming my mod folder helped. But that means "fuck your progress". Fuck that.

Yeah, kinda.

>zoomer going zoomies

Whst's the other one?

stupid animeposter

It took almost two years for a new update to happen. And I'm going to assume it's largely optional, shit content akin to the mech stuff? Christ.

I think he's talking about tiddie

Why did Chucklefuck put the Peacekeeper shit on Earth of all things? Did none of them get good basic history class grades? Because it doesn't take a historian to see just how violent, fragmented, tribalistic and how terrible stupid shit like Globalism will not and never will work.

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Everyone who isn't a braindead fanboy quit years ago is why.

Starbound is unironically one of my all-time favorite indies, because it delivered on the things I wanted:
>Focus on exploration and travel
>Exceptional building mechanics
>Good art

I put a lot of hours into the game in its early access phase and have put even more into it post-1.0. Idk. People complain about cut content and poor combat and while I understand that those are legitimate criticisms and Chucklefish kinda screwed up on them, I definitely don't think they sour the game and, at its core, Starbound is still a game I can load up, relax, build, explore, whatever.

Terraria could never catch my attention in the same way. It doesn't feel as comfy, I guess.

Tried playing it last year. It was so fucking boring compared to Terraria. Design choices were all over the place and the game felt like it wanted to do everything without really doing anything well. Really wanted to enjoy it as well since it's a unique and interesting idea.

What tiddie?

>They still fucked up the origins of every race so I'm never coming back.
what did they do?

>Fuck the stupid Peacekeeper bullshit and fuck the stupid super granny garbage character.

wait.... what?

>tfw the rain is likely made out of a thousand raindrop objects instead of a single shader

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Fuck, I know I'll just be disappointed all over again, but I'm almost tempted to install it and fuck around for a day before dropping it for another two years.
Any recommendations for a much better way to waste my time, not that's a very high bar to reach mind you. Might as well just tell me to learn how to tie a noose. Haven't really had a game catch my interest in the same vein as Terraria in forever.

Ah geez I don't know, user

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This was the last game I ever backed and/or preordered.
Thank you for teaching me a lesson chucklefucks. Now I don't even think about buying anything before cracks are out.

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>facebook click ID
go back

What's with Chucklefish and desexualisation/uglification?

Oh, those are nectar sacks not tiddie.

It is. They did it that way so that individual raindrops add water to puddles and pools in predictable and accurate ways. Each drop has a small volume of water (like 1/8 of a block or something). Makes optimization ass but can occasionally be useful I guess

Don't know what to say user. Terraria was fantastic but I can't think of any other crafting game quite as engaging and interesting. I'd suggest Starsector but it has nothing to do with crafting and is essentially mount and blade in space if that's your thing.

why did this game flop again? it had everything to surpass terraria, especially the whole space setting which sounds like terraria with steroids in space, was the whole game rushed or something?

didn't this come out years ago what the fuck

Against the wall, globalist

TL:DR Chucklefuck rewrote the entire game for garbage story, prove they're shit at history class and created shitty Space Rangers where everyone is welcome on Earth.

I've pirated this shit and still feel like i was scammed.

How can cucklefish still be this seeething after all these years?
Getting BTFO consistently by terraria, BTFO by furry sex mods and is so insecure they have to shit out their own 1.4 its ogre update that will break sex mod for about 1 week.

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And don't forget several screens of falling blocks like sand or pools of water making everything slow to a crawl. Reminds me of that time I set of several hundred blocks of TNT in Minecraft and it took 3 hours for my computer to recover.

>nectar sacks

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Starbound taught me to never crowdfund anything.

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It wasn't rushed it was delayed nearly like four or five years, and it was still half baked because the developers are hacks and weren't making the game from a place of passion, the game was made out of spite from tiyuri being kicked off the terraria art team.

Who is Ty ?

Fedora wearing autist who ripped FF sprites and scammed people with Kikestarter money.

The tasmanian tiger of course.

The shittiness of the game will never make me stop liking Floran and the fish weebs.

there are far less retarded ways to do this

>sure its a shit game
>but its okay because m-muh DIIIICKKKK
waifufags are fucking cancer, no one cares

I like them too but because of the shittiness od this game they wont recieve any new art, and that makes me sad.

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How do you remove so much shit? What the fuck


I really want to like this game because a space sandbox is great and the races are really neat, yet it all feels super mishandled? The only thing it has over Terraria for me is the space stuff, I like the idea of being able to travel different planets and space stations and whatnot, but then progression is absurdly easy and most of the planets are like rehashes of each other.

>space game
>put 99% of content on shitty dirtballs.

Can Terraria just add shit like playable MIDI instruments and mechs so I can finally uninstall Starbound? Starbound's dumb, unnecessary shit that I fuck around with is the only reason I open it now.

Based piratenigger making sure no one releases games on Piss Sea

moment someone mod, or devs do that feature from Starbound in i'm uninstalling mentioned Starbound from my PC with joy and happiness

I don't see a possible implementation of mechs that would be good for Terraria, except maybe as some specific enemy.

>This handprint couldn't of been made too long ago, i'm reckonin'!
Jesus fucking christ who writes this shit? It's "I reckon" not "i'm reckonin'"

Chucklefucks, ladies and gentlemen.

>With a window

How would you make content on Gas Giants?

feels great

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Man I wish Terraria had as many cool furnitures as Starbound. Honestly the only thing I really like about Starbout is the space theme and the amount of furnitures, especially stupid stuff like the arcades and neon signs. Fucking sucks. Maybe Terraria 2 will be better in that regard, probably so.

Literally same as moons used to be, but with gas storms.

I regret every buying this game and supporting the developers. This is the game that made me stop pre-ordering and buying EA.

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i pirated this game day 1 and deleted it 20 mins later because it was just that fucking bad.

I had a lot of fun annoying anons with the midi instruments when this was a flavor of the week. I'd just run around with a saxophone playing youtube.com/watch?v=p0_der_5hRM

Next update is supsposed to add quite a bit of stuff for Terraria too, so I don't doubt new furniture will be part of it.

But there's no ground surface on Gas Giants unless you count the metallic liquid Helium and Hydrogen.

Starbound (Beta)
>Planets require special gear to protect from extreme temperatures
>Races all have their own unique AI, unique weapons, unique guns, unique lore, etc.
>Randomly generated weapons and monsters
>Bosses similar to Terraria, build an item to summon them
>Racial benefits

Starbound """finished"""
>Shoehorned story
>Can only fight bosses by replaying story missions
>No reason to ever build (I beat the game by just filling my ship with crafting stations + storage, never ever built a single house)
>All characters and races are exactly the same and have the same exact start and same everything, no unique weapons or AI or bonuses, everyone's the same
>0 postgame content, once you beat the game you're done, it's basically just Skyrim's radiant quest system

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Are you retarded?
You can build automatic fuel making bases on water/acid worlds.

If the game had any content you could build airships or boats on a gas giant. Thank fuck for sexbound and fracking.

What SW have to do with anything?

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>space game
>still using torches
>can't even craft or buy lights
>have to find one in the world somewhere and scan it
>then you have to pay "money" to print them from your ship

the only people who like starbound are furry ERP faggots like OP.

>Install Starbound to check the
>Find the reqruitment poster in outpost
>Visit the bounty hunter base
>Get cutscene explaining how the peacekeepers are like the protectorate, except they kick ass while protectorate kisses ass.
>Get tasked to find dude in Groucho Marx mask
>Do that, find him and he escapes to some other hideout
>There is a computer telling where he is
>A container has a notesaying where he is
>Scanner on your manipulator can scan a handprint that actually puts a quest marker to follow
>Go to that other planet
>Compass points underground
>Go kick Marx ass again, this time catching him.
>Return to HQ to pick up the reward and ranking xp
>new bounties appear and I assume most follow same pattern, when its not killing some wandering wild animal in act of mercy

Has anyone grinded enough to reach new rank and see if anything significant happens? Will the crummy asteroid HQ get more posh?

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Torches are okay as a starting light source but yes it is fucking stuoid how normal advanced lights cost money to be made.

*nervous sweating*

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Thank you for the summary on the new content. Saves me time.

Chucklefish is the publisher.

I think you need to re-adjust your expectations son, this is fucklefish not relogic.

Stardew Valley is actually good.


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Good is a stretch, SW is average at best.

People got burned so hard on starbound they're avoiding anything published by chucklefish on principle to avoid giving them money. Can't blame them.

Didn't they announce this was cancelled?

>mfw i like buidling on acid and ice planets in starbound
>but hate needing to use a fucking hex tool to craft any of the blocks since they are all locked for zero reason other than stupid devs.

At least in terraria i can craft anything i want without resorting to modding, why is crafting so shit in a crafting game?

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Terraria updates
>New bosses, blocks, furniture, weapons, costumes, music, events, enemies, NPCs, mechanics, etc.

Starbound "updates"
>Here is something a modder did 10x better several years ago

Attached: GRz29o2.jpg (231x205, 7K)

>that one image with shampoo ginger cock

Wow, more shallow procedurally generated stuff on top of the already shallow procedurally generated stuff in a Terraria-esque package, with worse art, worse items, worse weapons, and worse enemies.

Stop being a fag.


Terraria is still relevant, zoomie. It stole the show at E3 and the mad chinks had to cut the trailer off when they realized ReLogic dabs on them.

love it

me too. the races are the only good part of this game.

>tfw your posts appear in most the compilation images of chucklefuck fucking up.

I miss /sbg/ sometimes but I'm happy it's gone.

>Hey, welcome to the Bounty Hunter guild. For your first task, we need you to stop a pirate insurrection in sector G483 by scanning every single pirate themed artifact on this empty planet filled with sunken ships. Think you can handle it, Hunter?

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I forgot it had a kickstarter, I bought it in Early Access though
I regretful purchase on my part

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Unironically based.

help me

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You are like a little baby.

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Why is Starbounds "stoty" so fucking bad Yea Forums? For a bunch of ideas guys the ideas aren't really great.

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Who got cucked harder?

Cubeworld fags or Starboundfags?
The first still clinge to their game while everyone accepted the laters demise ages ago.

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Starbound is at it's best when you ignore everything and just build and farm some shit. It's the only thing it has over Terraria

>backed both

I feel shame. deep in the bones.

This, Starbound is a free form meme factory, not a game

Attached: starbound eggs.png (1356x386, 144K)

holy shit i forgot about that
What even happened there?

Cube World was actually fun. It was just lacking in content which we never got but I did greatly enjoy the time I spent playing it.
Can't say the same about Starbound.

the pathetic ringmaster behind all this, according to someone from the dev team he's an """artist""" who doesn't do jackshit

I can't into Starbound desu. Maybe will try again

>The first still clinge to their game
Haven't heard anyone even talk about it in years.

>850h in Starbound
My condolences.
somehow I managed to hit 300 myself

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>build shit
and how do you do that when 90% of the building blocks are not craft able without modding the printer?

I'm a patent now?

Devs went into hiding for years with the game getting removed from their store.

Came back some time ago again to announce "some" update only to fuck off yet again. Cubeworld fags still think they will come back and eventually finish it.

Forced story shit is awful and no fun.

Starbound at least got mods that are sort of like the original vision of the game
Cube World fags got pumped and dumped hard


Terraria: Based rightwing normal person, and family man with wife and baby, no political correctness. Result: Best video game ever made, millionaire, respected by all

Starbound: Le Randum Hipster Political Correct snarky faggots who like the beatles and being faggots, and wacky pinguin *Holds SPORK*

Results: Failed liars and scammers, addicted to heroin

Why the fuck didn't they just make five handcrafted planets instead of falling for the procedurally generated meme of everything is the fucking same?

Because they are liberal hacks

At least it's not like Star Citizen or Bannerlord fags.

>all the eggs

Attached: all the eggs.jpg (970x1139, 210K)

There is a Cubeworld reddit that is still active and they will plug their ears and go LALALALALALALALA if you tell them they are fucking retarded for holding out hope for Cubeworld

Lmao what are you people doing with your lives?

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They could do procedural and make it not shit, Terraria does fine with much less.

i heard this at the same time a rap beat was palying, the sincrony was the best
thanks user

Isn't this the game that cucks you?

Bannerlordfags atleast didn't put any money into it

I don't remember any love interests at all so not really.

Remember when Chucklefish killed a puppy?

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youre thinking of Stardew Valley

I remember them getting it but I quit following the game in disgust soon after so I never got the story of how it died.


Remember when that puppy was bought with kickstarter donation money?

literally no
metaphorically yes
we were cucked of a good game

Talking about Cube World, there's an open source clone very early in development. Probably more likely to ever be finished than the original.

i don't actually really like either

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I never heard of this, please enlighten me user

I just heard it on /pol/

What do you dislike about Terraria?

RIP Rosie

Attached: dog.jpg (480x794, 121K)

This game worth playing yet? Got it free years ago, was ok for a while but got bored and flushed it. Haven't paid attention since.

I just can't get into it, I guess I'm not creative enough. I try to build cool shit but end up with lopsided dirt boxes. I try to venture out and get wrecked by eyeballs or whatever because I suck at the combat. I try to dig and it all feels samey. It's probably just not my kind of game.

Hey guys. Thank you for playing and enjoying our game! We sincerely hope that you enjoy Journey's End! Don't put too much emphasis on the "end" part, think of it more as a new beginning. :)

Tell us the story Grampanon!
Tell us the story of how Chucklefish killed a puppy!

can I get a quick rundown?

>I try to build cool shit but end up with lopsided dirt boxes
I have never built anything but commieblocks for NPCs and I have several hundred hours in the game. It's not the 2D Minecraft you may have been lead to believe it is.
But if you can't get into the combat even after you got a non-shit weapon and a hook it probably really isn't for you.

Well, you're usually not good at something when you just started. Does this happen for you in other games?


I wasn't expecting 2D minecraft, minecraft is way too unstructured for me.
I'm never really creative in games but sure, there's other games that I don't get into. Never played anything else like terraria (apart from starbound) so I can't say if it's a problem with the genre specifically.

i keep trying to get my friends to try this with me because it looks good but everytime i bring it up they call it 2d minecraft and they dont play. I havent tried the game but it looks interesting can someone give me a rundown of what happens in the game?

>Those lgbt colors
Liberals are terrible

>Molly sicks Tiys dick and asks to get puppy
>whips out Kickstartee paypig bank and buys 400 dollar Labridor pupper named Rosie
>Stupid bitch molly posts pictures of puppy sleeping next to electric cord on Starbound Forum
>people begin to go apeshit about how puppies teethe on anything
>suspiscously Rosie is never posted again
>new dog is picture is posted which is so obviously not the same
>people begin to think Rosie chewed on the electric blanket cords and had her heart pop like a pomegranate seed.

Hahah fucking brainlet

Dogowners must hide all cables in house? How they get lamp?

You don't need to be creative. The game is just you know...forgive me to say this but Dark Souls. RPG. You kill shit, you farm shit and make armor. Then you fight bosses. Bosses drop loot. Repeat. Explore the world - you will find more shit.

just make the main quest fucking good like the first 10 minutes of it and ill play ur shitty game its that simple. Its like they gave up after the intro and filled the other 95% with fetch quests.

Normally you don't allow a puppy to run around unsupervised. It's less that you need to hide your cords and more that you keep your eyes on it and don't let it get near them.


Just remove it via mods

Its all pre-set dungeon maps anyway because fuck you thats why.

I want to remix this

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This twitter is all I get when I look up that dog on google
is that dog really dead?

Attached: Rosie.png (910x866, 579K)

Yes, as you can see that's not a fucking white labrador.

I can't believe this game is still alive.

generally speaking, wires are kept behind objects and flush against walls, so dogs and children cannot reach them
i guess it depends on your level of virgin hipster faggotry vs chad clean aesthetic though

Dam i bought this ages ago, wonder what has changed

I don't know if you can call having a playerbase oif 1k furries erping "being alive"

>all this (Yous)
i love this shit everytime it gets posted

Attached: 1486075723592.jpg (720x720, 29K)

always great

Unironically a cringey zoomer from reddit.
Were you inspired by Rick and Morty

Have sex

So what went wrong?

Did the game fail because they were too ambitious?
Did the game fail because they had no real vision?
Did the game fail because it was being fueled by spite against Terraria instead of passion?

Cringe and basedpilled

Or maybe it failed because they didn't make anything after 5 years.

Attached: whoknows.png (310x109, 2K)

Mostly from the second one and the fact they had one (1) coder who couldn't move to the new London (5000 donation money) office space.

They failed because most of the team were shitty pixel artists.

Why do you want the game to die so much?
Development was a bit slow at start, but they kept every promise and didn't abandon the game. It was never a scam, deal with it.

Wait really? That's even sadder.

Don't forget you had a literal temperature-system that required you to equip warmer gear in accordance with the environment or seek shelter/build campfires during harsh weather conditions.

Now it's just "you missing the level 4 survival backpack nigger get back on yo ship".

The game is not even that bad, i enjoyed both starbound and terraria

>Terraria added a mode where tinyfuck projectiles do even MORE damage
Oh man that's so BASED and EPIC.

That's what happens when you literally just hire mediocre pixel artists as your dev team

Lol got gid scrub.

I'm lucky my friend is autistic and fucks with all the potion shit so I don't have to

So buy or no?

It failed because they didn't show up to work to work on the fucking game

It would be like going to a gas station and finding out they stopped putting fuel into the reservoir underneath. once the gas is out, it's fucking gone.

A couple days ago an user linked me to a floran lewd so that was okay.
Never actually played the game though.

this is literally the reason i mod and cheat. im make a farm, gather some of the materials, make a ton of potions, and just cheat them in after that. i already "acquired" it, i already made the farm, its just wasting time to keep doing it

>"Git Gud" when the combat is still the shallow kiddie pool of "Hold the mouse button until you can heal again"

This. And I played Terraria on gamepad. So you can beat everything easily

Legit can't stop laughing.
Based and cringepilled

user, this game is really easy. You don't even need to see the projectiles because they will always fly at you from a straight line between you and the enemy.

Does Starbound have a Terraria Calamity equivalent?

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And a keyhole

You need to be 18 to post here

Always good for a laugh.

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>Online lag when playing Singleplayer

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I don't even know how I played over 50 hours of starbound. I remember creating maybe 2 characters while playing with friends a couple of times but that's it

This, but also unironically.

Starbound has such a shit gameplay loop it can't be salvaged.

Starbound somehow has only ever gotten worse with each update and change. The original beta from fucking years ago was better than anything since and they gutted everything that made it ok because they didn't know how to balance for shit so just canned it.

Speaking of, does anyone else have trouble with latency issues when playing Terraria?
A friend and I have been trying to play together but everytime the lag is so severe that it's impossible to enjoy it.

The only good thing about this game is floran porn, prove me wrong.

All liberals should be beaten up to death

Boomer part was the best

Attached: W O K E.jpg (412x627, 54K)

Fuck this game

I still want to eat out Molly's pineapple pizza diarrhea encrusted asshole.

How do they even make the rent for the God awful studio?

Fucking hell, this game was better in its beta, it was great back then...what the FUCK go wrong?

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I have both

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They publish games

I really want to make a Starbound, but you know, this time it's actually a good game

Whatever happened to that one Terraria clone that was made by one of the dudes who worked on Diablo (i think?)?

It came out, it's good. Completely different genre though

Huh, really? I was expecting it to be mediocre at best, not gonna lie.
What's it called again? I completely forgot.

Terraria will always be remembered as the game that took the Minecraft formula and made something unique and successful out of it as well as having some of the best dev support ever. Starbound on the other hand, if anyone remembers it at all, will be remembered as the petty revenge that failed to deliver on its promises.



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Recommend me some Terraria games user

No walls where we’re going, isolationist.

Was unique then, maybe not so much these days.

It Lurks Below, it has a similar aesthetic to Terraria but if you're expecting it to play the same you'll be disappointed

when the fuck is terraria gonna go 3d? having the depth of terraria in a 3d environment would be nice

Dark Souls

Yeah, I found it after some googling.
I guess I kinda just misjudged it just from one of the screenshots I saw, and that's why I thought it was gonna be a Terraria clone.

>Chucklefuck (I think it was Molly not sure) buys a puppy
>Picture of the puppy shows it in a puppy bed beneath a desk - near a lot of computer wires and shit
>One day someone posts a picture of the wires being chewed through
>No more puppy pics after that

Dragon Quest builders

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Hahahahaha no. Starbound could have been great. It could have snatched a big piece of the Terraria pie.

But it did not. Game was garbage from the start. A HUGE letdown.

At least spears are very nice in this game

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RIP chucklepup

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I'm getting real fucking sick of the synthwave aesthetic meme
Once again another thing that I used to like has been run into the ground

a real nigga true to his taste will like it no matter what

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Very based.

There's a lot of toxic "my game better" going on in this thread but if you like terraria, starbound is basically made for you.

Why do you retards reply to such obvious bait? Do you think that it makes you look smart? It has the opposite effect.

>So what went wrong?

I am very smart

Well the dev was still active last january. Not NEVER EVER tier just yet.

Yeah but I can't say that I like it now because it has been flooded with absolute shit and the average perception has changed


>starts early access
>gets called out on lack of any content at all
>"don't worry, its just a beta"
>never adds any content
the (((story))) was just a fucking huge list of objects to tag so people couldnt refund the game since it takes over 2 hours to tag that shit.

then suffer

>letting the majority influence what you think and say

>starbound soundtrack
Man even that was fuckin disappointing and completely bland

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Can I not like both? They're basically the ideal posterchildren for how games in the same genre should diversify. Instead of copy/pasta'ing terraria's combat, exploration, and objectives(story maps with bossfight opposed to bullet hell on a player constructed boss arena) SB changed all of these to something very different.

This game had so much cool shit. It used to be a super fun Terraria in space. And then they removed everything for literally no reason. Maybe the biggest "wtf are these devs doing" moment I've ever had.


Member when in Beta(or alpha) every monster fight had orchestra music?


>playing starbound
Also you should buy property beach side in Silver Lake and donate to the Red Cross.


The music in both versions suck. I expect something similar to Borderlands with some Portal not out of place shitty orchestra.

Has anyone tried one of the terraria clones like planet centauri or edge of space? How are they?

Of all the things wrong with starbound you seriously think the sound track is one of them? Its about the only ok thing about this dumpster fire of a game.

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Same. I couldnt even touch terraria till I learned about the "N-Terraria" mod that gave it rpg leveling systems and classes. Grinding for stats and spells gave me a reason to tackle terraria content because there's very little in the way of exploration and base combat boils down to building specifically designed combat arenas for bosses that let you cheese each enemy repeatedly till they drop the items you want.

Planet Centauri was actually shaping up to be something nice. Terraria but add in Risk of Rain worm enemies, and nicer graphics overall. However because of Edge of Space which has fucking seizure inducing and repulsive graphics, character models and Starbound being shallow shit nobody was willing to fund it.

What's up with this thread being alive still? Are terraria players really enraged?

is the release version called some hip name too?
is it koala nightly? or wagecuck's dream stable 2.0?
fucking hipsters, I tell ya..

Planet Centauri was never, ever good. It was worse than Starbound from the beginning and never had any potential.

Are you having a stroke?

>i'm too cool for that hipster "fun"
kill yourself if you hate life so much

Its the gaming market as a whole not just CF. Lead designer will draft attractive females, feminist devs and basedboys on team question design, it gets toned down. Repeat.

this isnt even funny.

>Edge of Space
They tried to double-jew their customers by saying that "oh you want the FULL GAME? well you only bought the early access version, you need to BUY the full game at double the price"
Plus the game is fucking shit and rushed

That's not true at all.

Planet Centauri has cool stuff, but the progression in my 5 hour play was kind of shit. It's not like Terraria and it ramps up weird. Maybe if I play more, it might be better later on. If we're being honest, I played because I saw the mech, but apparently to make it is well.

This should play on a loop on Yea Forums for the duration of the summer.

>calling naming your game updates different animal names
your fun is so sophisticated, dear Cedric, please, forgive my lowly self for not comprehending the complexity behind it

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Man this game really wound up sucking dick
Too bad, it had a lot of potential

>generic ass synthwave aesthetic tacked on to small parts of the new content resulting in the entire marketing material being the most generic 80s/synthwave inspired visuals I've seen in a month.
>the trailer music is terrible and barely even synthwave related
What a fucking joke

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That terramart shop in the city hub sells 4 different colored flashlights you can equip in your hands.

So PC isn't something nice?

last time i played i had to stand at the edge of a chunk of terrain waiting for the rest of it to pop in
starbound is a joke

It would have been were it made. But thanks to Edge of Space and Starbound being shit nobody gave it a chance.

>he doesn't play CPU demanding games

Didn't laugh but agreed

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>ITT Avali faggots
Your species is autistic and uncreative.

based zoomber cringe

i love avians! they are cute!

>Changes the character sprites to have less defined female forms making male and female hard to tell apart for a couple of the races for basically no reason
You know why. And the reason is retarded.


Prepare for disappointment.

They changed a lot, but nothing really feels like it changed which upsets me quite a lot.