Which one is more soulful?
Crash vs Banjo
It still kinda amazes me a shitty cartoony bear and an autistic bird were among the most wanted characters ever. Boomers are weird.
The game is actually pretty fucking good though
Crash has more than 2 good games
says the dabing, steve fucker zoomer
Banjos games are great though. The charm that comes with them is just a bonus
Agreed although as much as i love crash, Banjo is more soulful. I think Ctr is better than any banjo game though
Kazooie and Tooie are better than anything Crash has ever been in, but Crash is still cool and soulful
>boomer furrybait vs boomer furrybait
Crash, Banjo is a decent game but it's setting is just weird as fuck
Evil scientist who turns animal into mutants and talking tribal masks aren't weird? Not to mention aliens too now
it's just that furry characters disgust me unless they're cute to a certain degree
This desu senpai
sounds like you are a huge faggot that gets turned on by banjo and you are trying to cope.
the thought hasn't even crossed my mind stop projecting
>the thought hasn't even crossed
we believe you son.
Geno is practically confirmed at this point, right?
I do take pride in my believability after all.
It’s weird but not weirder than “everything has eyeballs and can talk”
cringe, who can one man be so wrong.
I always found it funny though
And what the fuck even is a “jinjo”?
The fuck is a bandicoot?
Get out of here with your made up animals and blue and yellow scientists
Crash is peak soul
Banjo is peak zoomer and has one mediocre game the rest are shit
Bandicoots are real animals though
Don't think Crash has any chances of being in now. Doomguy will certainly be one of the last reps, the other will be a female.
Sure they are user, Sure they are
I absolutely loathe the music and sound design in the Banjo games, makes them unplayable. Maybe it appeals to americans, I don't know.
I'm not American and I absolutely love them, I never even played the game as a kid. They just make me smile
British Humor and Creations > American Humor and Creations.
*fart noises and bone noises*
if they fucked each other who would be the top?
Banjo is undoubtedly more soulful. Its almost not even a contest when you put them side by side, at least give Crash a chance.
Crashes soul comes from: the villains, level design, and le wacky faces me makes. That is IT. There is nothing more to the character outside of wacky face and Cortex being a great villain. Every SINGLE level in Crash is some random mish-mash of boxes and textures that are almost completely unmemorable outside of "that one level with the hard jump"
Banjos soul comes from: The MC's characteristics themselves. Banjo is down to earth, Kazooie is sassy and makes remarks, which made for great commentary when comes to helping people. An even better example is how greatly put together and USEFUL the idea of a bird in a backpack can be utilized. Flight, eggs, ground speed, shield, double jump, boot abilities, you name it.
Every level is memorable in its own way. Giant mechanical shark that needs help with indigestion. Polar bear family needs presents because their fat fuck father is busy dying. Hell, even the helpers are a bit more interesting. Shaman and Indian women with a rivalry over their magic? What did Crash have again? A mask? With no story related to him at all outside of being Crash's dragonfly life bar?
Crash plays like an arcade game that used 3D to its advantage. Banjo plays like an adventure game with secrets in every corner. It's just not a contest.
Just the quality of those models says it all.
I was given nuts & bolts for my 15th birthday played for 20min. Never again.
I've 100€ every single Crash (naughty dog ones & woC) so you're wrong
>le wacky faces he makes
It’s clear you don’t understand. The character dynamics, designs of the worlds, music, etc are GREAT in Crash. The PS1 games had a lot of style in the environments. It’s really fun to platform and get good at making judgements on where to jump and land and combo jumps off of boxes and enemies. That at least has SOME skill needed. Walking from one point of a level to another, collecting tokens to transform, or searching a level doesn’t take skill, just patience.
>plays like an arcade game
That’s the best part. “Wahhh I need to make it feel like an adventure :(“.
Ok maybe not all of them