Images you are legally not allowed to post on Yea Forums anymore

Images you are legally not allowed to post on Yea Forums anymore.

Attached: 1544163807360.jpg (605x766, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so you can not post it and have no fear of legal repercussions?

Joker isn't taking Banjo's invite in that pic, he's giving it to him.

Attached: 1543617799821.png (745x612, 579K)


Joker stole an invite from the character (You) wanted the most and gave it to Banjo.

doesn't make sense cause I most wanted banjo

Attached: games for girls.jpg (599x800, 249K)

What about this one?

Attached: banjo working hard for that invite.png (662x672, 507K)

duck hunt dog is just giving Banjo a nice massage to get him ready for his Smash debut

Next panel: Donkey Kong has a million invites and gives one to Banjo.

>slap plap

I think he is being smashed...

Attached: 1449547899406.png (991x1073, 305K)

A nice prostate massage, maybe.

I need to steal this dude style

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Attached: 1560205128700.jpg (680x477, 98K)

Nah dude, he stole it from ol' blockhead.

Attached: stevesin.png (1920x1900, 2.76M)

Delet this

He did steal their invite, they were supposed to be a first but a second invite had to be arranged

Charlotes web ds was pretty gun
or maybe it was a gameboy game I played

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God I fucking love Mama-chan

>throw a bunch of facts on the upper
>insert a single lie and a braindead troll face to dismiss the truth as tinfoil speak

>throw a bunch of common sense on the bottom
>insert a single non argument

>this makes the entie board wrong

I don't even go to /pol/ and this comic pisses me off

Soon Doomguy will be out of there and all that will be left is rightfully labeled trash (for character picks, I like 2hu games too much)

lmao I can recognize URLs, you’re defense mechanism means nothing.

anything that has to do with steveposting

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Do lewd commissions, because he certainly won't.

lol I only posted it because the Banjo assist trophy reminded me of it, calm yourself you autist before I have to force my hands.

Not doing this bit again today user.

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Attached: 1556152559129s.jpg (250x171, 12K)

Girls dont play mgs3