Bro just let it go

>bro just let it go

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if you didn't abuse one of the dozen possible tactics to keep all of the gold bars then you're a cuck

Who write that kind of retarded shit ? There's so many way to get the money

>he didnt bug his way out whit every single gold bar estashed
Fucking casuals.

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I brute forced this shit and took the gold
>killed that one motherfucker
>put the gold bars in his body and dragged it to the force field
>ran to the other side, took the bars out and slowly ran to the exit
It took me many hours to do it but I did it without cheating

i chopped off his torso and traded all the gold bars to it and carried it with me kek

>player.modav carryweight 2000
I ain't got time for this bullshit

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Devs should have foreseen people were going to cheat and scripted the gold bars to turn into angry spiders after a set amount of time.

It doesn't even work. Everyone else in the DLC has deep rooted issues they need to get over because they're ruining their lives. All the player gets is some gold bars the game is actively taunting you into taking.

Maybe if it was actually straight up impossible to take the gold and get out alive it would come close to being as relevant for you as it is for the rest of the DM cast

Holy freakin based

The dlc wasn’t about your player character retard

>put gold bars into enemy corpse
>dismember corpse
>grab piece of dismembered corpse
>carry piece of dismembered corpse full of gold to load zone
>pick up gold
fuck your gay letting go shit.

repeating LET IT GO thousand of times during the DLC wasn't enough?

Are you agreeing with me or do you just feel the need to say something?

I just left it there because I was already super rich and didn't need more

Remember that if you cheated or autisticly looked up a cheesy guide to get away with all the gold bars, you cheated the game, yourself, and your brain.


>we can't be bothered making an extra scene for Christine and Veronica's reunion
>so um, how do we wrap this up?
>Christine decides to stay alone forever in the ghost city because I dunno let the player figure it out lol
>wow Chris, how come you're so good at this

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reminder that if you didnt take every gold bar you're a massive cuck

I unironically think that Dead Money is the worst written thing in Fallout, even worse than anything Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 has. Literally the solution the game forces on everything is LET GO. You are separated from your lover who is alive and well and waiting for you? LET GO. You are in a casino full of money and plan on taking the treasure? LET GO. You want to read the computer in the vault? LET GO.

>get all the god bars
>literally so expensive you automatically crash the economy

>he didnt just sneak past elijah with all 37 gold bars

Unless you have GRA installed, which means you might be able to buy most of the uniques and some mods if you have a decent Barter

Damn it's almost like narratives usually have themes that they reinforce throughout said narrative. So weird.

This is bullshit. Every time I stack the gold bars in his body they just fall off when I drag him

Honest Hearts is worse

This, the only real way to deal with it

Based retard.

This is the only correct answer.

>fallout fact: obvious story point
you can always take at least some of it, so the real metaphor is to do shit your way and leave the life lessons for the weaklings you're helping

that shit was just mad boring,

Mario fact #432: The reason was levels had a shorter timer in New Super Luigi U was to instruct the lesson of the DLC to you: you have to be fast some times

>not using turbo and implant GRX along with associated chem duration perks along with elijah's corpse as a duffel bag to hightail the fuck out of there with everything in the vault before 5 real time seconds pass by
its like you don't even play fallout m8

Honest Hearts was very straightforward though.

Just like literally everything that Sawyer touches.

>You are separated from your lover who is alive and well and waiting for you? LET GO.
This doesn't even happen in Dead Money, because you can't bring up Veronica. And that's because integrating DLC into the main game would have been problematic.
>You are in a casino full of money and plan on taking the treasure? LET GO.
Logic says that no one would have been able to walk out with all the gold bars. It would have been literally impossible. Plus the place is exploding, what did you expect?
>You want to read the computer in the vault? LET GO.
You can read the computer. You cannot read a specific entry which was placed as a trap there for one of the characters.

Bethesda babies, everyone.

>not using a Stealth Boy and walking out while he walks in so you can enjoy your gold while listening to him die in the dark

I earned the bars the good ol' fashioned way by sneaking out with them as Elijah tried to come down to speak with me.

>open console
>additem 01013f71 1000

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But it's such a vague thing that's applied to seemingly everything. Hell, Dean Domino's "let go" doesn't even make sense, he's not even trying to escape his past, he just wants to take some money and then return to the wasteland.

>Dead Money lesson was to let go
>Honest Hearts lesson was RELIGION BAD and people will use it to justify their actions no matter what
>Old World Blues lesson was that science without morality and self control leads to disaster and abomination
>Lonesome Road lesson was to never do anything because your actions can have big unexpected consequences

i'm pretty sure she wanted to make sure no one would ever use any of that op tech on the sierra madre.

Fallout fact #19: The reason you were abducted by aliens in Mothership Zeta was to instruct the lesson of the DLC to you: you have to avoid being abducted by aliens

I thought Lonesome Road's lesson was that that bulls and bears are bad animals?

>there are people who killed Elijah
Lmao what faggots. You should have just given what he wanted, the Vault. He got what he wanted, didn't say it had to be full of stuff or not have the deadswitch activated. Poetic justice to be trapped in that tomb until he suffocates, starves to death or ends it himself by jumping off the platform into the cloud smog

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The place is so fucked, getting out alive and in one piece is probably reward enough.

It's a wasteland. Who's going to buy a solid block of gold?

it was about letting go

>But it's such a vague thing that's applied to seemingly everything.
The problem is that one has to keep in mind the plot of the DLC itself. When you account for the plot, it makes sense. Mostly because it is about three specific characters with their specific vendettas.

because he wants to spite a man who's been dead for like 200 years you dumb bitch


>this is the thing that new vegas fanboys latch onto as something that makes the game smarter than fallout 3.

The moral of Lonesome Road is that both Sawyer and Avellone are hackfrauds who deliberately choose to misinterpret parts of any setting they're adapting.

The same people who bought gold from Redding mines until the Brotherhood Radiation bombed it. Gold will always have value because it's so rare and pretty looking.

Dean Domino has spent 200 years living in an inhospitable shithole because he can't get over the fact the world ended before he could ruin Sinclair's life one more time. He's trying to spite a dead man. He absolutely needs to let go of the past because he's let it control him for two fucking centuries.

what bothers me is the hologram technology was worth more than the combined shit in the game
>little emitters your genius level 10 Int 100 Science 100 Repair courier could no doubt jury rig in his sleep that created invincible unkillable soldiers that slaughtered things effortlessly
Mr. House would have given his left testicle to acquire something like that, as would the NCR
not to mention you could have easily taken over the world with it
probably even mobilised it such as sticking a hologram emitter on an eyebot with the shielding technology surrounding it from the BigMT
instead you walk away
is godhood and ability to reshape the world in your image the real thing you had to let go? all for some printable stimpaks and ammo and some gold bars that can't be that rare considering the legion have coins made out of gold lol

Sawyer didn't work at all on DM, OWB or LR

The Courier is just a killer for hire. Some people just aren't interested in shaping the world.

to be fair "smarter than fallout 3" is about the lowest bar possible

There are better ways to earn money, and you can do it as early as saving Ringo, and that's playing Caravan. Who needs the casino and the 37 35-pound gold?

Google 'gold standard' and give the first few results a good read haha lol maybe gold's wikipedia page history section too xP

That shit is fucking cursed. The only sane solution is to flee.

>functional hologram fucktoys

I let go of Dead Money after playing it for ten minutes, though.

The morals of Tenpenny Tower and You Gotta Shoot Them In The Head are objectively superior to Dead Money.

You can't touch them idiot, they're immune to stabbing, billets, eneegy weaoona explosions. They shoot focused light beams which probably burn worse than hell and can sever limbs.

The better way to earn money is to take all the Pre-War Money from the casino instead

>enter dead money
>save over your only save
>can't go back
>have to play this shitty survival horror simulator for god knows how long
>drop the game because of this

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Decent joke my friend

>is just a killer for hire
>except when he decides to become the leader of the strip

Heres something I recently figured about bodies, throw them instead of dragging them.
All you gotta do is swing and let go of them and move just a bit to do it againg quickly, so much faster than pulling them.

>duhhh dank u foh deaching mee my mowals bideo bame guuuuh!

Did you even play Honest Hearts? Siding with Graham, a deeply religious man, sees everyone saved and the only drawback to it is "These tribes lost their innocence and might be more violent in the future" which has basically nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the costs and necessity of using violence to protect what you care about.

Just trade all your gold bars for pre-war money before leaving the DLC. All shopkeepers inventories in DM reset after a few days, so you can get more pre-war money if they ever run out.

>only save

Why would you do that, is that some console thing?

nothing some clever 10 Int tricks with a can of cram and a fission battery with an oscillated charge can't fix

>301 caps per lb
Horrible deal, you are better of scrounging weapons and ammo from dead enemies and selling those. The Holorifle from dead money is worth 375 caps per lb, and that is not even a particularly high value weapon.

My method is better.

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This is equivalent of GTA freeroam being canon. No it'a fucking not Wildcard is a safetynet incase retards fuck up so bad they lose all three faction endings. Your 1000+ IQ loli sugoi Courier doesn't exist and is not canon. A 10 SPECIAL male Courier that acts as a mercenary who does the job and even shows people like Caesar how inept the NCR is that one freelance mercenary undermined his whole operations and offered you a better buyout.

the only thing of any value in a fallout game is leveling up the character, since resources are infinite and there is nothing to spend it on
and yes every middle school student comprehended that deep symbolism
hack writers always repeat themselves over and over in deeply emotional tones because they dont respect their audience

i just sneaked outside the vault with all the gold lmao

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No, convincing Graham to show a little mercy gets the best ending. Allowing him to go off on his little Deus Vult rampage makes things worse for everyone.

That's kinda sad you'd stick your dick in potted meat when you can have premium Tribal girl or Vault Stacy pussy at your leisure.

bruh i am the richest motherfucker in the wasteland by the time i do that shit.
the gold is not needed.

No NPC has that much money unless you've been deliberately fucking with them

Just console yourself a million caps and be done with it

>feeling sympathy for Daniel
No fuck that nigger he deserves to feel suffering for almost killing an entire Tribe.

>Taking the money in a game where money is useless

i can't be the only one who accidentally sniped follows-chalk at the start of this DLC and ruined the entire questline right
>saves exist, obviously but still
>spamming vats constantly is no way to play also

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Are you retarded? The gold bars are there merely as a test to the player. If you couldn't grab them the entire point of the DLC would be moot.

>money is useless

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Okay? My point is that the debate in Honest Hearts is between violence and pacifism, not religion. There's not even a little debate about religion being bad, Graham and Daniel are religious only in that it justifies where the crusader vs. punching bag philosophical contrast comes from. Both of these are biased readings of the bible.

Playing Dead Money coincidentally right now. Didn't YUP patch out all the exploits tho?

>play honest hearts
>be allied with the legion
>no option to side with the white legs

>playing an open world rpg game and not inherently collecting everything that is unique or rare in some way

Are you retarded? The entire point of the DLC is already fucking moot. It doesn't apply to the player at all. Adding some gold bars at the end doesn't change that.

You can kill Graham at any time and get an ending.
Did you forget because there was no "press X to kill" prompt?

>additem 01013f71 1000

>come in with Caravan
>surprised cannibals who don't speak english and kill anyone who isn't them don't have cooperation options
Wow, thinking make head hurt huh?

Yes it does, because you can't take the fucking bars unless you exploit or cheat, dumbass. And if you take them through an exploit then you didn't learn the DLCs lesson at all.

without any sarcasm or meanness, what have you ever spent a single currency unit on in a bethesda style game?

in fact new vegas actually had weapons that were worth buying, which is a bizarre anomaly, but it was still just a tiny fraction of the "money" the game is endlessly throwing at you

you end these games with thousands of whatever the most value thing is, like gems or stimpacks, or whatever, on any difficulty

>escape with all the gold
>now have enough money to fuck over the economies of the NCR, New Vegas, and the Legion combined
>but I can’t do anything with them because no vendor will trade it for its full price

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The only thing worth collecting were garden gnomes. I liberated gnomes at every opportunity.

You can still sneak past Elijah with a stealthboy, just make sure to save because the timing is still a pain in the ass to pull off first attempt.

I just used the console to go god mode and pick them all up

Implants and whores

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Dead Money is underrated. I think it's because of the bomb collar and that it took your equipment away; making most people annoyed with it. It's one of the few pieces of vidya I've played that fill me with a deep sense of sadness and loneliness, and even nostalgia over a fictional place. It should have ended with you blowing up the Sierra Madre and all of its pre war wonders and ideas though, to fully convey the message of letting go and moving on.

just put all the money into an dead enemy and drag that body to your base.

The combine worth at maximum Barter of all the bars is roughly 350k caps. House spent more than double that trying to find the Platinum Chip, so you won't be ruining dick.

>killing Elijah to get the gold
>still trying to look down on anyone
You leave him trapped down there so he has time to rage over being outplayed before dying in a hole underground. Killing him is for plebs.

This is what I did.

I managed to pick up all the gold by dropping all the ghost retard spears and traps and shit I didn't need. Wasn't even overencumbered.

>this is the same has having a questline respecting your characterization and previous choices
kill yourself
cringe, and dishonest
keep sucking Sawyer's cock numale

This. Sneaking out and locking Elijah in an empty Vault is the most poetic justice end to any video game villian. Now he can reflect on his shitty decisions before he either starves to death, runs out of oxygen or kills himself by jumping into the Cloud pit.

Where did you get that number?

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That's literally explained in the game. Go be retard single digit iq nigger somewhere else.

that's a cheap excuse you apologist retard

What number? You're a big boy who can read the link you've clicked on that says the first two digits correspond to the DLC's place in your load order, right

It's the truth nigger brained autist.

you understand that the plugin placement is the first two digits of any console code, right?

>dude the devs made it so so it's good no matter what! just turn your brain off!
Pathetic fanboy with no critical thinking.

They told me Joshua Graham was dead.

I made sure of it.

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Nice headcanon user.

>arms spread like he's crucified cause it was super important in the bible that one time


That mission made me feel like that greedy guy in the mummy who tried to carry out the gold while shit was collapsing. No other game managed this

>letting go

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Speaking of Honest Hearts, they dropped the ball not having Joshua as a companion unlock for the rest of the game. Could have been a nice takeaway for the DLC like how DM's takeaway is gold bars, OWB's stealth suit, and LR's courier's duster

Let go of a CtD every minute? Alright.

Doesn't HH have like THE best shotgun?

Rifle, not Shotgun. That's Riot Shotgun, especially with stay back perk

I only came for the agility exploit.

You get his gun, what else do you want

>leg cripple doesn't force you to walk
>arm cripple doesn't force you to use onehanded
>torso/head cripple doesn't fuck almost every stat/aim you have
it should have been more hardcore about being crippled, mending other wounds and treating radiation.

I want his blessing

Dead money was shit

>completely missing the point
The lesson was to get creative and figure out a way to get the gold bars out anyway.

So get the mod that lets you keep his companion perk and have a borderline OP Shiny Darkness in the Mojave

I heard NVAC is a no go with Win 10. The fuck do I use now?

Win 7 or 8

If you are using console commands might as well just cheat in the 100k caps as well

its a faggot narrative. letting go is for people who are too weak to get what they want. Keep your onions boy parables to yourself faggot.

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>onions boy

Tick fix, but NVSR still works if you want to go through the headache of ini tweaking. Check the NVSR comments

>not just typing what you meant regardless to stick it to the nigger mods

like I said, ur a fagget.

You are a kid.

>holding on to things is childish, letting go and accepting my being fucked by tyrone every night was one of the most adult things I ever had to do.

That's my first post in this thread, you have never called me a faggot.

So if this shit wasn't a video game and you couldn't cheat out your one chance at the gold you would rather die than flee the exploding building unencumbered?

>Lesson is you can be extremely rich if you stuff a dead old mans anus with bricks and push him through the border
>Cartels do just that


>just let it go lmao
but y tho?

You are still a kid, though. Specially after that empty reply that uses the same tired, inane joke. Don't you want to call me a tranny too?

>no critical thinking.
You're complaining that you can kill the guy your faction has functionally black-listed in the most extreme case, going as far as to execute people for even using his real name. What exactly are you wanting?

You just sneak past Elijah its not even that hard to do

I hate when people tell me to "just let it go bro!" Fuck me over 100 times, abuse me, harass me, subconsciously try to eliminate me from the gene pool, and then when I fight back? "wtf bro like don't dwell on the past just like L E T I T G O!"


>play this game on 3rd run
>try to not look the map and quest marker so often because that what make open world game fun
>finishing DLC before final battle because its canon
>already done HH (didn't like it first time but now i kinda like it) and OWB
>dead Money time
>getting rape by daddy elijah
>finish gathering the bros
>it's kinda easy because the linear path
>the opening of sierra madre
>trap the dog = done
>doing the ghoul quest next
>didn't check the map and quest mark and just follow my instinct
>go through the gas and survive because the ghoul lad
>keep doing that
>"why this place have so many branches"
>can't find way back because all place look so fucking same
>i think im lost
>go through many area/door
>ended up in top of tower
>ditch the run and never touch that dlc

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>huffs 50 cans of turbo
Don't think so bro

The gold bars aren't the problem, it's the escape sequence after. Who greenlit that trash?

>YOUR canon is wrong
>MY canon is right

>This user didn't know he could console command in shit from DLCs
>Probably tried a few times and actually typed "player.additem XX[item id]"

>don't learn the lesson
>get all the gold
fuck school

so the lesson cheat if you want to get everything in life?