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rip frankie muniz

literally who


>no longer with us
where is he?


he moved to Ubisoft


edgy zoomers


Horizon zero dawn was the most fun game i played last year. Anyone who hates on it didn't play past the linear intro.

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hell be in a better place soon

I'm 35 and had to google Guerrilla Games.
So they made Killzone. I don't give a fuck about consoleshit shooters, playing an FPS with an analogue stick is abhorrent.

Why is it so hard to tell the cause of death?

Go dilate.



No Billy. Have sex.

He overdosed on onions.


In heaven, there's a giant fridge with infinite bottles of onions.

damn rip markiplier

Lose weight

Press K for Kek

How can you overdose on vegetables?

sorry, not sorry. All wh*tes deserve death desu.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
No wonder I didn't recognize the name or the studio with garbage titles such as these.

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based senko poster

rule of thumb: sudden but undisclosed cause of death often means suicide

Aren't all blacks Playstation fans? This guy is relevant to you

Drink a shake.


Did he kill himself over how shit HZD was?

is this the dude that got arrested for trying to rape children?

i'm 33 though
literally who?

In the onions dimension

What he do to get died?

Also Zero Dawn was a 7/10 but now that they established the groundwork a direct sequel could become a truly great game.

Another day spending the day playing video games and browsing Yea Forums, another day closer to death.

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forgot pic

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What did he mean by this?
That he is gay or?

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He's in jail for sexting with a minor..

Virtue signaling at its finest folks!

did he die or just leave the studio? it's not very clear

>not recognizing guerilla for killzone
no user you're just a zoomer

dantes inferno

It was boring, especially the story. Also everyone is ugly and lacks any charm whatsoever.

no idea who he is but that's still very unfortunate for his loved ones. F

what's it smell like in there?

Nice try but I don't bother remembering the studios of shit games, I obviously know what Killzone is but as it never interested me I never bothered to remember the devs.
Sorry to say but it was shit.

Did he not give them advance notice, or why are they being so melodramatic? People quit all the time.

killzone 1 and 2 were actually good though you tasteless faggot

that said HZD is garbo

Shellshock Nam, you zoomer twink.

Pour one for my homie. Hope his wife is sucking the biggest black dick she could find in his honor.

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it was pretty mediocre, I played it while visiting a friend for awhile. he kept saying it was good, but he also plays MMO's by himself because "eh why not? it passes the time when I'm off".

Oh right, who could forget that classic of a game.
Truly a game worth remembering. Come the fuck on user, this game is a ghost for a reason, because it was garbage.

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in the barber shop of course.

I didn't even know he was sick

If it's not UT2k4, not Quake, not CS 1.6.
it's fucking trash. Get the fuck off my lawn.

Based retarded weeb

Imagine unironically looking up the metacritic score of a game you've never heard of (because you're underage) and then just absorbing the aggregated opinions of 37 video game journalists and taking it as your own. You absolute fucking cretin.

The Phantom Zone

He cut Superman in line at Burger King

wow epic hardcore gamer but not hardcore or oldschool enough pong is clearly better

t. zoomer.

I would ask what the cause was, but I already know.

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The reason I never heard of this game is simply because it was a shit game user.
It is fine to like bad games but don't pretend it is some hidden gem that only (you) discovered and only (you) could appreciate it.
I understand that Killzone was one of your primary titles growing up but that won't change the fact that they are shit games.

Was he in charge of killzone mercenaries? Cause that game was fucking excellent, criminally underrated.


>liking shitzone games
Go back to Resetera, tranny.

Fuck you, you fucking faggot. You don't even know what the fuck you are saying. How the fuck did you jump to tranny and resetera? If you ever said that shit to my face I'd beat you with an inch of your life.

MY GOD that is a really cute dog!
Why are animals always able to melt my otherwise black heart?

>The reason I never heard of this game is simply because it was a shit game
Dumbest post I've read in ages.
You're a fool. You haven't just discovered the best of it all, you just have a basic surface level knowledge of video games.
Head on back to metacritic and consider playing the critically acclaimed Dragon Age II.

killzone mercenaries?
Why have I never even heard of this game. And I assure you I have patrician tastes.

>Why have I never even heard of this game.
vita lol

>If you ever said that shit to my face I'd beat you with an inch of your life.
The classic dudebro response, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Killzone fans.

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>shitzone loving tranny having a breakdown

Once you get past the "muh robot dinosaurs" it gets very repetitive sadly and the world is empty

Obviously died of kanker.

how can he get away with defending that game? The only thing console is good for is jrpgs and gauntlet legends dark legacy. Maybe battle tanks on N64.

His neckbeards shadow looks like batman

I don't wanna know the cause of his death

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I heard it was a Söy overdose. ( Or just the angry face model of Aloy)

Shut the fuck up fagboy, lmao

I completed and thought it was consistently mediocre throughout. I actually think the beginning was its strongest point, then it all kind of tumbles down into repetitive, forgettable garbage. It's probably Guerilla's best game though, even if that isn't saying much.

Same. Any time I hear this kind of news, I get hypochondriac as hell. Death and pain is catching us all.

>I don't wanna know the cause of his death
Sōylent overdose.

>dead europoor
May Allah forgive his sins.

Or drugs.

>gauntlet legends dark legacy
fuck that game was good.
>mfw after a decade and a half I found out you can unlock medusa and minotar as playable characters

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F. Never played Horizen Zero Dawn but I know the feeling of losing people who make cool shit. Hope the devs can keep making people good games while he's gone.

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to keep them from stinking up the whole fridge

Overdose 9 out of 10 times is ruled a suicide.

ok faggot

>The reason I never heard of this game is simply because it was a shit game user.
you've given yourself away, underage

Go back to your no brain nigger games please.

im 30 and never heard of killzone. It's a fucking console game. It's fucking shit dude, how are you gonna sit here and fucking defend a first person shooter on a console. Did school get out for summer?


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You're not wrong, I'm 34 and I vividly remember sonyfags desperately shilling killzone as the anti-Halo. It was a mediocre shooter and it died that way. I only played the first 2 but I can't imagine the following ones being any better.

Kinda. They do that to avoid a potential wave effect.

fag my nigger you niggering fag

im 31 and killzone 2 was at least 4 years ahead of its time graphically

>healthy 44 year old

This nigga popped himself. Why are liberals so fucking depressed all the time?

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I don't know who this is but I'm sad that someone died.

I liked halo but it didn't compare to any shooter on PC like Unreal tournament. It was just a fun casual shooter to play at sleepovers with friends. Killzone seems like a tryhard game on console, where as halo was just a fun arena shooter.

Killzone 2 was a genuinely great game though

It was a very solid rental, that's it. The whole buzz was all around "how they they get to bullshit graphics to get close to the cg demo" and there were long ass documents that got leaked with all the hundreds of baked light sources to simulate real time lighting and shit.

>havent heard of killzone
retard only started playing video games in your late 20s


Nah faggot, pretty sure i was playing KOTOR and NWN around that time. Why don't you kill yourself for defending a console stick shooter?

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>linear intro
why do games do this? linear intros are so boring, no one likes them. the one in skyrim is the worst

Fun fact: the reason people like this have these beards is to hide their neck fat.

im not console faggot and i already knew about killzone because of Yea Forums
why dont you go be a newfag fellow kid somewhere else retard

I guess you could say he went to the kill zone and now he's got zero dawns of a new day so he's heading towards the horizon

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because its easier to have empathy for animals.

yeah i really doubt you were surfing Yea Forums in 2004.

>anons pretending to be oldfags for having played killzone of all things
You're not cool or special, sorry. Nobody ever gave a shit about Killzone.

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Not a single person i know has ever mentioned it to me. i didn't even know about it before this thread.

It was exclusive to Playstation, which is probably why these anons are pretending it ever mattered.

I think the bigger bit of contention is having never heard of it. it was a big PS3 deal because of and had a lot of threads about it here. same for the PS4 launch game in the same series. it'd be pretty hard to have never have heard of it even though you had no interest in it.

I know that ps1 was worth buying for legend of dragoon and ffvii, but i honestly can't think of a ps2 exclusive i cared about.

Most of them have heard of Killzone though, it's the developer they've never heard of.

that's not how it's started it's more like people pretending not to be zoomers for having played killzone

PS2 is by far my favorite console and even I never touched Killzone.

Best part is they probably didn't even play the original on PS2.

Looks like that youtube guy that Yea Forums keeps obsessing over

I really want to play some Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98.
Too bad all my friends still live with their parents, and I won't invite them over to my house.


>all those "look how sad I am!" twitter replies
makes me fucking sick. fuck game over greggy

This right here. The whole intro was pretty good, but the story only started to get interesting to me when Lance Reddick was introduced. Then I was invested in learning more. Except the pay off and reveal was absolute shit and disappointing as fuck. Fuck this repetitive ass game

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9th plane, probably doing some stretches with Dekker's doctor. Good guy, helped with my poliosis once.

assassinated for trying to leak Kojima's master plan

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Because they force themselves to love degeneracy instead of following the natural desire of hating it.


so, was it s󠀀oycide?

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Lol dead from AIDS along with his shitty pozzed game