Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2019 Day 3

Today is the final day of E3 and Nintendo Treehouse Live, and as officially stated by them yesterday evening, today will be fully dedicated to covering indie titles, including Cadence of Hyrule and Hollow Knight Silksong. All first party titles received at least one dedicated segment on Day 1 and 2.

Starts in one hour, so keep it bumped.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Cadence of Hyrule

Maybe I'll actually stick around for this one.

still hoping for warioware

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>Starts in one hour, so keep it bumped.
Or you could've just waited.


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Will there be a demo for Cadence? I'm somewhat interested in it but I'd like to try out the mechanics before buying it.

Just play Crypt of the Necrodancer mate. It's going to be the same style of gameplay.

Is there a demo of that?

Are the Aussies there? Really hyped about seeing this.

Just pirate it and play the first two hours or something. That'll be enough to tell you how Cadence is going to work.

I don't think so, but it's 4 dollars and you can cover the price if you have some coins on your account

It's £3 on switch eshop right now

Dare I hope for a surprise King Knight appearance, in spite of the complete radio silence?

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The game is playable at Nintendo's booth. I read that the devs aren't there though just a representative, like a PR guy. It's nice how much Nintendo has been promoting TC though I mean they've repeatedly featured them at E3 now.

>It's nice how much Nintendo has been promoting TC
HK is real popular mate. It's basically replaced Shovel Knight, until the King of Cards update at least, as the BIG indie title on the Switch.

Like I have a bro who went to E3 and apparently the line for the Silksong demo was one of the longest ones in the Nintendo booth. Only really beaten by Link's Awakening.

I remember Team Cherry saying it was Nintendo's idea to release it immediatly at E3 last year and Game sold like hotcakes on Switch (I think its lifetime sales on Switch are higher than on PC).
Before it came out on Switch there wasn't much discussion at all but switch release really gave it second wind, and I'm so glad about it,

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Who is top waifu this year

So who's the biggest hunk of three houses Yea Forums?

>Posted a day after E3.

Try harder.


I want more Fire Emblem without people talking over it UwU

Hey George, or Rich, whichever your first name is.
Where's bayo 3 and pikmin 4?

Weird that they'd spend the last day purely on indie titles but whatever.

well there's no Smash bros DLC to show so there's nothing else. Unless you want Mario Maker 2 AGAIN.

Who here /gonna buy Cadence of Hyrule today/

give me fucking animal crossing


It's not on the show floor. What you saw Tuesday was all there is

i wish that leak was true, though im hoping for the next direct. Warioware NEEDS to happen.

>Unless you want Mario Maker 2 AGAIN.
I've been enjoying all footage of that so yes

The leak got almost literally everything else correct and clearly had some kind of genuine inside knowledge. I reckon Warioware will feature in the next direct, and Metroid 5 will be the big reveal of a future one.

I want more Pokemon to see the devs squirm.

There is still mario and sonic, they seem to be going all out this time since the olympics are in japan this time, would have prefered that to a segment on a port of a pay to win mobile game

I've been pretty excited waiting for it to release
should be a fun game

>hasnt even started yet

I could be watching Ricardo Milos memes right now.

remember elder scrolls blades? fucking lmao

I already bought it
Now waiting for it to unlock, hopefully in a few minutes...

Had to go back to work today and won't be around to make webms for the threads. I will be reading the threads later anyway... drop some good Theresa caps for me please.

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If you look at their VODs it's the shortest segment of them all so far, just 16 minutes.

what's the schedule for today?

same here, really hoping it unlocks before I have to go to work

Audrey is getting more and more revealing with each day.

>Wrong Sam on stream

Whatever they say seconds before the segment ends.

>indie day


post her
I want to see those giant MILKERS

isn't zelda and chill a reference to some normie sex thing?

We getting Cadence first lads.

Fuck indie games. Show More Mario maker and AC

Audrey THICC

I hope CrossCode gets shown.

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Audrey jiggling when she chuckles.

I've been telling you retards they arent showing any more ac. Theres 3 parts of Mario maker on YouTube already

What song is this? Nintendo usually use their own songs in the breaks but I can't pin-point this song. It sounds like DK music though.
2h 19m 46sec if timestamp doesn't work.

>game overs: 14

Press X to "Zelda and chill" with Audrey

It used to be a cool and hip thing.

Indies. Not specified which, but Cadence is basically guaranteed.

>the visuals failed just as he showed what happens if you miss the beat

The game looks so good but I am scared I'll suck major ass at it
I'm musically autistic

Gib Sam or theresa

Would you Zelda and chill with Zelda, Yea Forums?

I would let Audrey beat up my cocko

What was Sam wearing on Treehouse yesterday

This looks better than Link's Awakening does

is this game roguelike? i hate roguelike games. seem fun otherwise though

Has there been a single new game announcement?

Netflix and Chill, my dude

Leather jacked over tshirt

It's easy as fuck to keep a basic rhythm, literally 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

I would suckle every last drop of delicious rich lon lon milk out of Audrey's swollen udders that's for sure

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Well, there's your answer.

>all zelda overworlds in one remix

No. There usually isnt samus returns was the exception

Don't really care about these indie games, I'm just here for the comfy Treehouse thread.

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I dont like the constant jumping to move why cant they just walk

You are fucking blind

Holy FUCK this overworld music
>Great Sea theme

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>Zelda and chill
>Cock-a-riko village
Is this guy horny?

Thats nice that they don't have the beat in towns.

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peak soul graphics.
is it out already or later?

unfortunately her udders are filled with silicone instead of milk

>Randomly generated

Absolutely fucking DROPPED

>Hyrule Warriors 2 with these mashups + guitars
One day anons, one day

This game looks beautiful, I want a physical version

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Danny Baranowsky is so good

It's out sometime today.

I don't see the point of making the overworld procedural

Does it look turn based to you, retard

Damn! I missed the start of it.

I hope this game has a Coda-tier autistic mode like Necrodancer as well.

It's unironically one of the hardest challenges in a rhythm game.

Same here. Although I am looking forward to Silksong.

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Replay value nigga


They definitely went for the LttP aesthetic, looks nice


t. I dated her a while ago (pic is proof) and she nursed me on the backseat of my prius afterwards

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I don't mind it for the crypts but it's stupid for the overworld

It released today

So do they have to memorize all this shit or are they reading off a prompter?

man the spritework sure is nice

Bros.... She can’t even hide how busty she is.

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I probably won't play the game, but I will listen to the soundtrack.


I love the music and sound so much in this game

But that's what the procedual crypts are for

i dont even own a switch

Don't really know what that is but I'm happy that there's one you want to see bro.

I have a 2006 Prius where's my milk truck gf

This looks good as fuck but I already bought Collection of Mana after seeing Ninty's stream, my wallet can't handle it.

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>that filename
You’re really going all out lmao.

More replay value nigga

Boosette is the official mascot of the Treehouse threads. Please look forward to her in Luigi's Mansion 3 later this year

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the game seem to be much, much easier than the original crypt
health drop everywhere
look nice as hell tho, and the soundtrack is still fire

Not out yet actually.

They probably just have to memorise a general outline of what they need to talk about and just fill in the exact words themselves on the fly

Neither do I mate, although I was considering one after the Astral Chain stuff.

>Theresa: "Dammit Audrey I thought you agreed to cover up as best as you can... you know what those people in twitch chat and on Yea Forums will do now"
>Audrey: "Oh yeah... oh well, sorry, totally forgot about it haha!"

Why are all of nintendos whores like 40+ ?

The overworld is generated for every new game. The crypts are like the original.

This guy cant keep a beat for his fucking life

yeah wtf, he's utterly terrible at this

Damn, i thought i had enough of crypt of the necrodancer but this looks neat.
Why is it not available in the store then? AAAAAAH yuropoor here

She is 32

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I tweaked my neck pretty badly at the gym yesterday and I relapsed on a two week nofap streak last night. I need rest, I need strength, I need this comfy thread today

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Hes white what do you expect. Somebody get a black guy asap


>horse shoes
you just know

>co op
Neat, was that in the first game? Didn't know about it.

Wait, coop?

It is in Europe

>there's a co-op option
Well I can't buy this anymore. All my friends are utterly incapable of keeping a beat. We won't make it far.

Did they just show that this game has not only the ALTTP world but multiple others you unlock later?

Holy shit.

>ywn play comfy video games with audrey

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Should I buy hollow knight on switch?

2015 wants it's retarded broscience back

Me to user.

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Imagine not wanting a Nintendo mommy.

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Just woke up. Did I miss anything?

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How different is the original Crypt of the Necrodancer compared to this?

its noon
games still not out


Dat Gerudo theme

The guy playing is also the one explaining right? Makes sense he'd skip some beats

Holy fuck, I didn't realize that there was going to be an entire Zelda map for this

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Yes it's a very good game

>Still won't get any news on A Hat In Time
It's the new FFVII-R

Alright mate, well good luck.

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Eh. It's still got performance problems to this day on Switch. I'd get it on PC or another home console if you can.

that gerudo beat SLAPS

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There's no overworld and it's way harder.

>this music
10/10, buying the second its out

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Crypt of the Necrodancer is old, but I've never thought of this. The whole beat mechanic solves the whole issue of multiplayer roguelikes. Since each turn always happens on the beat. That's kind of genius, though probably coincidence and not the original intent behind the mechanic.

Wait so is peetzer not playable?

they are synchronizing for an "available, right now" after the demo, i swear
and i miss the start. everyone start with a broadsword? and heart sure drop a lot, as long as you can kill enemies
the barrier of entry is lower than the original game for sure

>gerudo valley


I'm curious about this too. I had no idea Crypt of the Necrodancer existed until right the fuck now, but this game looks kind of fucking cool.

>no busta rhymes remix

user... there are five. From multiple zelda games.

well damn, got any more?

They're gonna announce it at the end of this segment I can feel it

I was thinking the same thing
Looking at the map one area seemed black and white like a Link's Awakening area

I was tempted since its on sale but seeing this game on the stream is making me reconsider

How hard is to follow the beat Jesus

They've only shown Cadence so far.

So when is silksong gonna get the limelight?

Just got here what did i mis-




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This looks really good

yea, it has a ton of content. took me over 60 hours to do everything.

this bitch sucks lol

>Synth gerudo valley
I'm hard

dang this gerudo remix is sick

whatever could you be referring to user?
please enlighten me. do you mayhaps mean that Audrey is very lucky?

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Holy shit this actually looks amazing.

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Jesus fuck this music is amazing.

I want to but I would hate if a physical copy came out later. Graphics are a nut aswell

Did she swear?

This e3 is going to bankrupt me

Did Necrodancer have a physical release?

It’s not even a fucky beat. Literally 4/4

literally 4 dollars on eshop right now if you don't mind burning a couple of bucks to try

It sounded like she did, but caught herself before the -ck came out.

gerudo valley music sounding nice

Remember that time gamers rose up and deleted one of the treehouse girls? Her name was Kendra I think

Is danny b doing the music again? It fucking rules.

No, it was during the MS conference, and before all the rest.

Holy shit this fucking soundtrack

I was already impressed with Necrodancer's soundtrack but goddamn this is some quality Zelda rearrangements.

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Follow the beat while talking and playing. Unless you speak in rhythm, it's hard as fuck.

>people actually find post-ign audrey attractive
Plastic whore is who she is. Whatever was she thinking?
Also, why do you always talk so much about her instead of the games? It's distracting, and I know I am being a hypocrite with making this post, but it's really annoying.

how much is this game?

that's a wig, right?

>t's still got performance problems to this day on Switch.
Like what? I haven't come across anything.

Audrey's laughter is so cute.
I wish I could play video games with her in co-op and just have fun.

God, I'm so lonely.

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Should I get Necrodancer in the switch or is better in PC?

would people really be bothered if BotW2 was Link Zelda co-op?

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Go on

>bolero of fire in the cave
those are some deep cuts.

nope, digital on all platform

on eshop, 4 bucks, like, right now
the game is pretty fucking amazing, and the soundtrack is swell as fuck


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crypt of the necrodancer is more of a traditional roguelike where you go down a dungeon floor by floor but you move to the beat.
This looks more like a 2D zelda except you move to the beat. Wondering how progress is handled in this one if you die.
Crypt of the necrodancer was pretty forgiving in that regard in that you could restart on the lower levels if you had reached them before.
Can't imagine this being much rougher in terms of losing progress.

>The game is playable at Nintendo's booth

Her instagram is adrakewashere
Seek help

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Why does Necrodancer take up over 5gbs of memory space despite being a pixel indie game? Does it have a lot of content?

If you like to play on the go or in bed, yes.

Nope, that makes me feel a little better about buying it. Shit looks great

Not that worried about the price, but adding another long game in my backlog.

25 bucks

the switch version is on sale for 4 bucks atm to celebrate cadeance of hyrule come out today

I hope it is. It'd make for an interesting gameplay mechanic.

>resetera booblet SJW triggered over Audrey getting all the attention from men

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fuckton of music

24, iirc
and if you want the original, its on sale at 4 too

Honestly I'd be thrilled with a playable Zelda I'd just be concerned about implementing multiple playable characters simultaneously.

How hard is it to keep a fucking beat goddamn it holy fuck

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tfw have a gf to play with but we'll probably just end up arguing over a game like this


Audrey is the Hannah Minx of video games.

I'm still not clear on what the punishment is for missing a beat, the stream crapped out as they were explaining

pokefags are so annoying

So its procedurally generated or not?

I think that'd be great as long as it had online coop.
Knowing nintendo though, I doubt it.

so why did Yea Forums shit on this game before? it looks good and with co op it's great

he isn't wearing headphone and talking while playing, it would fuck your rhythm up desu

And that's a good thing

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It's starting to hit too close to home

>some beats

the dungeons are

lol you mean Allison Rapp?

nu-Yea Forums shits on everything user

Plastic surgery is not attractive.

steam version is 1.3GB. Maybe the switch version comes with all the DLC music? would explain why it's so much bigger.

I honestly loved it in Spirit Tracks (even if it was very different there) so I'd be all for it.

No one remembers? She turned out to be an escort or “girlfriend experience” or something like that and Yea Forums found out and started enough shit to get her fired. iirc she was into /ss/ too

Not to mention they're probably playing with major lag since god knows how this shit is set up. I doubt it's just a TV in front of them.

>mobile games are okay when Nintendo does it

Well I'm sold on the game, gonna leave the stream so I don't spoil myself.

Afaik the overworld is procedurally generated once when you start a new game and the dungeons are every time you enter.

Redditors who fell for the "Yea Forums hates everything" meme

>Classic ALTTP inspired graphics and sounds


A very vocal subsect of Yea Forums mercilessly shits on indie games without regard for how good it is

Because indie=bad to them

you lose the coin multiplier ala less gold gain
its nothing too detrimental, but can cripple your run if you can get good enough random drops and have to rely on the shop (in the original game, at least)

so, "new stuffs" so far
>weapon and shovel has durability
>more heart drop
>mobs that use the terrains
>more item slots(?)

I didn't shit on it, just though it was an odd choice and it looked kind of meh but seeing it played it actually looks pretty nice.

It's technically a short game, but it's a roguelike so it could take you many hours before you beat it.

Audrey is based as fuck.
>Treehouse's localization team censoring the fuck out of Fates to virtue signal
>meanwhile Audrey when playing Fates basically goes on about how she wants to ravish Xander's toned body

they didn't really explain, basically you have a multiplier you build by killing enemies while not messing up.
Multiplier in the first game affected the amount of gold you got, and the damage of a specific group of weapons.

it hurts a bit when someone like Audrey is watching with comments like 'you got this!'

Oh yeah that’s the one

>haha it's a mobile game haha

wait, what the fuck is that guy talking about? i have it on switch since i love the game and wanted it portable, the game is less than 2gb. about 1.9gb

This game is so fucking cool
Nintendo should lend out their IPs way more often.

Just fuck off already

I think it's hilarious that if you google image search "theresa nintendo e3", the 6th result is this. I'm sure they've seen it, too.

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Oh god! A new villain!

Otto Octavius! It's Superior Spider-Man all over again!


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I'd be happy if you can switch between them. I'd only want co-op if it's online, but i know that not only will they not do that, it probably would fuck up everything about the game.

This boss fight looks bonkers


it might be

Lol you're not fooling anyone trannyera

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Wrong whore

Be a bit more choosey but crypt seems so perfect with Zelda. What other genres do you think would be good with a Nintendo IP?

Absolutely KINO game

Looks pretty bassic to me.

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I'm pirating the ultimate pack and it has almost 10 Gbs.

and another game to buy, thank you treehouse...

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Wait so this is a rhythm game rpg? Has anything like this ever been done before

holy shit the 1st boss sure is waay harder

What are you guys playing at the moment? Right now I'm doing some comfy Twilight Princess HD and Metroid Prime 2.

Is Crypt of the NecroDancer fun?

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>Bass Guitarmos

She is hella cute but.

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God damnit Carlos...

Do people actually like these soulless zoomer remixes of classic tunes?

>new antagonists
This reminds me of the Capcom games.
I am super excited for BotW2, don't get me wrong. The game I am looking forward to the absolute most of all games, but I am absolutely tired of Ganondorf.
Zelda was much more interesting when we had a new antagonist(s) with each game.

>procedural generation
Geez that's fucking generic.

I think only two other games have a ryhthm based combat system, and of the three, Mother 3 is one of them

Tone it down an octave, pedro

crypt of the necrodancer, this is a spinoff of it

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Video description
>© Nintendo. © Brace Yourself Games. © Spike Chunsoft.

hm really makes you wonder.


>the victory theme played on the bass
Also they're so bad at staying in beat holy shit

I never bought crypt of the necrodancer because the creators was one of the five guys

I would be bothered if Zelda goes around adventuring and fighting and being courageous, yes. But if there's asymmetrical co-op where Zelda solves puzzles and supplies information kind of like the Tingle Tuner in Wind Waker, that would be rad.

Wrapping up Torna right now. I was hoping for some Monolith announcements during E3, but I I got bupkis.

I'm working :c

Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle DLC, loving the Donkey Kong stuff


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>Dauntless is next

Out today!

that's gonna be a yikes from me

Oh hell yes

Dauntless next

Lobotomy Corporation.
If just on Nintendo stuff I'm going to go redeem my Shiny Tapu Fini

Wasn't Dauntless that EGS exclusive game?

>available this morning

Ace Attorney 2.

burgers and fries?

Interesting choice

no it fucking isnt.

Jesus Christ you couldn't be more pathetic even if you tried

imagine caring this much about SJW bullshit

I wonder if there is bongo boss

How is Dauntless an indie game?

Imagine having taste this bad

Could you imagine?

Fuck off it's only just past midnight



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I am playing the original Crypt of the Necrodancer. It's 80% off so I finally took the bait and bought it.

What is the punishment for missing a beat? I still don't get it. You lose a move`?
t. brainlet

I think it's monster hunter and had a lootbox controversy at some point.

>© Spike Chunsoft.

lmao look at that shit

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I have no idea what Spike Chunsoft makes besides Way of the Samurai which is a dead niche series ;_;

Is Dauntless any good?

Time to take a half hour dump.

>I was hoping for some Monolith announcements during E3, but I I got bupkis.
You got Breath of the Wild 2 my dude

that is not on switch, i thought we are talking about the switch version
i think you are talking about the steam one

>Zelda sways to the music
>slaps her thigh to it when not swaying

im actually playing the original crypt to prepare for this one to drop
and yes, its pretty bonker. bobbing head is tiring after a while tho

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Summon Night X got a TL patch some time ago, so I'm playing that
And yes, absolutely

Okay everybody. Come back in thirty.

Go grab a snack or take a shit or something.

wheres world portable capcom you CUNTS

>dont give a fuck about indies
>still gonna enjoy the last comfy treehouse stream

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I'm playing work

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She looked a lot better before the implants.

>Available this morning
>it's currently 9:30 AM in cuckistan E3 HQ


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Welp that convinced me, just picked up Cadence of Hyrule. Looks so much better than the first game

>mfw this technically counts as pre-ordering a game

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It's such a C grade game, I give it a 4/4!

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Is it actually theirs or are they just assisting like they did with BotW?

Actually it's evening

>making anything for switch besides ports

Me with almost every Switch game this E3... Trailer: looks kinda meh, who cares. Treehouse: this actually looks fun, I might wanna play this.

What's the point when MonHun exist
They got cucked on PC when Capcom announced World and went EGS to survive

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Dodongo + bongo boss maybe

I want to play TPHD but I was hoping for a port on Switch...

it is a multiplier combo build, you fuck up a beat and you gain less gold
think of DDR scoring system, if you get 20 perfect in a row the score shoot up, but if you fuck up and get a cool or good in between your score suffer

Seems like the bosses become braindead when you take out their minions

not on the west coast where e3 is

Not really. Capcom had shifted its monhun game to the other consoles so a free f2p alternative isn't a bad choice. At least until an actual monhun clone takes over.

MHGU while waiting for Cadence to unlock
Avoiding the stream for spoilers, but watching this thread in case I miss the unlock time.

>world portable
Just stop.
A new portable game is what we need.

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Yeah. I am pretty sure I had it confused with Ashen.


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Are they gonna showcase the Dark Crystal game?

Get ready to be fucked by a final boss that introduces two character one controller co-op out of nowhere. I dropped the game because of it.

Going to take a break and just chill with you guys
I'm still playing on 3DS, just got PQ2 but haven't opened it.

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botw 2 announcement made me want to replay botw, so I'm doing that

nintendo is generous spent like 3-4 minutes for the 2 ports of re 5 and 6 in the direct. i would have just put up a png file if that was me

The best advertisement for a game is to show off gameplay, Nintendo knows what's up.

I don't care anymore but anything relating to Quinn really leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I just avoided the game for the longest time. I'll probably pick the game during this sale.

There's worse games to preorder user, you'll be fine.

>patting your head, rubbing your tummy

Is CoH out yet?

Just cause it isnt pixel shit doesnt mean it wasnt developed by an independent publisher

Why is she so cute with short hair? I almost prefer it to the long one.

There's no way in all kinds of hell something like that would happen. PMD is big enough of a thing to get a few minutes even at the E3 main direct.

probably just assisting, thank god

sweet christmas

So he fucked a purple haired thot? Nice. Now I'm definitely buying his game.

Assisting, Fujibayashi is directing again
Fortunately, MS has a studio in Kyoto that was basically made to assist other games, so that means they own games won't have only 40 devs working on it like last time.

I hate that the FE showings during the Treehouse segments have sold me on it. I thought it looked like absolute trash on the lead up to it and now I'm contemplating getting it.

Although I've done a 180 on Sword and Shield, so it's not all good.

is dauntless really that shit? I know nothing can compare to MH, but still, it can't be that bad right?

Attached: 1508271659864.png (1280x720, 833K)

no, the only thing it had going for it was being multiplat MonHun
but then we had multiplat MonHun and it was great
the graphics are ugly, the weapons aren't interesting and it still does the thing where there's 3 variants of each monster

I'm just pissed that Gungho only had a tiny fucking room to show off the Grandia Remaster and like, two sites so far have given incredibly shitty news on it.

Yes I know HK is cheaper but CoH looks fucking sick and has co-op


>tramp stamp

just emulate it senpai

>Electric Guitar boss
>Hard Octorock


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't news come out last year they were working on something?

Collaboration crossovers that would be BASED

>Souls game with the Zelda IP
>Monster Hunter game but in the Pokémon world, monsters are giant angry pokemon and you can use and capture smaller ones to help you in the fights, gameplay of MH
>dota-like game but with pokemon, develops itself cmon it's so obvious
>Mystery Dungeon game but with the Animal Crossing characters
>Team Ninja developed Nintendo Xtreme Beach Volleyball with all the Nintendo waifu characters from all kinds of Nintendo franchises

Attached: 1392592629969.gif (500x280, 123K)

not a complete dog shit game but it isn't the same

That convinced me to buy the first game, they have it going for a massive discount right now

eh, its the 1st boss, so its fine
at least it has some aoe gimmick
the 1st bosses of the original, esp Death Metal, was pretty damn easy too. that guy just spawn skelly (which is counter by a simple broadsword) and jump around

I need some porn of short haired Zelda

Lets find out together.

decent pun Carlos. Keep it up

What the hell, did Sam get hotter?

Get both nigga.

Though despite how much I love it, save HK for a rainy day and play Cadence first so you get to join us in the threads about it.

Why are they showcasing ports?

Did I miss Silksong
Someone people said it's gonna be here.
This is the only thing I care about

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Why does Sam always always always wear a jacket or sweater?


scrub detected

Cadence of Hyrule
Hollow Knight is overrated garbage

>watch Dauntless
>or watch female divegrass WC
This sucks

read the OP you dweeb

yes, jprg in sort of medieval setting. they posted a hire ads in 2018
they posted another hiring ads in march this year for botw2 team

go into the dwarf city instead and get the sprite girl

Same here. I'll play it while i wait for CoH


It's not that bad. It's a f2p casual monhun. It's a fun and casual way to play with your bros. Just don't expect too much out of it since it is f2p and all that entails.

Does it have co-op? And what are the songs, just generic tracks or something else?

Look at these duuuuuuudes

Attached: 1538306341950.jpg (416x487, 68K)

>no Theresa
Yeah I'll come back next segment.

I think they'll only stick to indie companies. You might get something from a Team Cherry or a Yacht Club

Not yet

>those character selections

hard pass

No, so far only Cadence of Hyrule has been shown


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Cadence is a new game mate. Go get that first.

Hollow Knight will always be waiting for you considering how disgustingly cheap it is.

Fucking retards it's obviously Danganronpa

Hollow Knight no matter what the other part of the question is.
Get Hollow Knight, you will not regret it.

Hollow Knight obviously
Dont listen to the fucking Plebs is a fucking good game

not yet nigga

Is there a name for this god awful Fortnite-like appearance?


Git gud. But, I did give up on the lion boss shortly after that because the walkthrough's advice was to just grind to a higher level then start stunlocking everything in the game.

Ayyy.... Yo... Where da.... cool g-games at.........ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Attached: 081778f7c112052dc38c23dcf3ef4154.png (847x612, 895K)

Nyaaaa~ >w

Attached: chrome_y9fvH80Kqv.png (249x319, 126K)

>the black female has dreadnaughts
Every fucking time

Looks like fortnite characters

Indie Treehouse feels much more comfy than Day 1/2

it's just for the demo
it literally said that on the screen
and they even said it themselves
dauntless a shit but come on man

"Overrated" is a meaningless term that just outs you as a contrarion faggot.



>Grandia Remaster

Attached: vqwevgqwr.gif (225x195, 1009K)

>"How is this game free to play?"
>"Microtransactions, stupid."


I seriously think its coming. If the Witcher 3 can come tot he Switch anything's possible.

I think it had a see it on treehouse tab during the direct so today is probably the day

Thank you, Now I'm calm.

Attached: thonking.jpg (612x574, 66K)

Only because we're allowed to hornypost about Audrey's giant milk bazongas again

Why would anyone play Dauntless when Monster Hunter, Toukiden, and God Eater exists. I usually don't buy into the Soulless meme but it just looks so Soulless

Attached: __kirin_monster_hunter_drawn_by_suzusiigasuki__f17804c88f26c2335f03c5e63b5c0ed2.jpg (1351x1913, 1.2M)

original tracks (really great) + daganronpa tracks (im serious)

The Chink Free to Play experience

Nyaa~ is greater than W but what is less than W?


Okay real talk faggots. Already played all the monhuns, godeater, toukiden, etc.

How many hours will Dauntless is give me if I don't want to spend a single fucking dime on it?


Holy shit the pop in on those shadows.

I would take that over dreadlocks

>dota-like game
I just want that with Nintendo characters, Smash but Dota

So Dauntless is the Poorfags Monster Hunter?


Looks like MonHun but with a Fortnite skin.

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I'll hold you to it

Attached: Okay.png (1021x102, 9K)

Wow this is somehow worse than Toukiden wtf

Honestly I'd rather if Nintendo does big collabs it sticks to stuff inside its wheelhouse rather than having to negotiate through Pokemon Company.

Yikes @ this game

Why would I play this when MHGU, the best and most complete MH of all time, is on the Switch?

Attached: 1536381847243.jpg (1500x1063, 405K)

>so this is the power of the switch
oh no no no no

Yeah, they were so busy keeping the timeskip a secret and in the end, all they had to market for a year was the school stuff.

Dauntless looks like they stole assets from Wildstar and copied Monster Hunter.

Jesus fucking chirst what is this eye cancer?

This shit is unwatchable

Attached: 1535578470910.gif (500x500, 352K)

game looks alright, but mobas burnt me out on f2p games.
games need a barrier to entry.

Holy shit this looks awful, I think I will stick to monster hunter

>Free to play
For me it's Paladins

Attached: large[1].jpg (500x325, 42K)

>that FPS
>that draw distance for shadows

Attached: 1388855529845.png (539x523, 338K)

mega man zx on the 3ds
post more short hair zelda

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Get Hollow Knight because I don't like Rogue-likes.

> Animal Dungeon: Mystery Crossing

No. But kinda yes.

how long will they be showing this game? another 20 minutes?

Dauntless already gets 20fps on ps4pro. Of course its gonna run and look like shit on switch.
mhgu is light years better.

it's mostly lazy developers desu

>MHGU during my work commutes
>MHW on PC at home
Feels good.

Get both. Both great games.

This is literally fucking Monster Hunter Fortnite

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I already did that, I'm actually having more trouble with the tiger boss. Is there anyway to block/dodge magic in this game or is it just gg?


Main reason I'm unsure is cause HK is on sale for $7.50 right now. If that weren't the case I'd just get CoH but I'm worried I might want it later and will end up paying more.
When it comes to metroidvanias on Switch Monster Boy looks more up my alley, though that's a bit pricier to say the least.
Also, usually when critics praise a game for "muh atmosphere" its not very good. I could be wrong though, considering this game seems to be relatively well-liked here.

Also is it just me or are there major frame rate drops?
not now but there were a couple eariler

it is western made, only japan should be allowed to make hunting game desu

Dauntless is like if someone tried to make the blandest game ever and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

>Cadence of Hyrule game play sold me on it
>Dauntless slideshow convinced me not to bother even if it's free
Today's treehouse is off to a good start.

>when MHGU, the best and most complete MH of all time
if it's so great then why aren't you playing it with me right now?

Oh shit I actually forgot that was happening

Why even play MHW at all. It's so inferior in all but technical graphics.

how in titty fuck is this performance acceptable? witcher 3 runs and looks better than this

Get Cadence now and get Hollow Knight later on literally any other platform.

Hoolow knight. its cheap, and you will be able to participate in the comfy lore thread once silksong comes
Candence is great too, but you can also play the original to tide you over