So this is the power of jungle fever...
So this is the power of jungle fever
Sonia would look so much hotter without that coat
it doesn't show off her form well
have sex
Having skin color is normal. Not having skin color is not. Whites are a race without skin color hence an unnatural evil race going extinct.
true lul why are nintendo fans so pathetic?
Skin color not = race, user. This character have caucasian skull, for exemple
someone failed science class
white is every color
black is the absence of color, or, a shade
>inb4 artfags and not lightmasterrace
>it's okay when japan does it
fucking why
weebs are fucking hypocrites
Everyone hates ugly girls user.
how many posts until someone posts those weird photos saying that anime people are in reality white?
>snk heroines, not even nintendo exclusive
>putting fan-made characters
Some modern anime actually have asian designed characters
Nessa is cute
Ikumi is a yakuza whore.
No such thing.
You're not white you dont have skin color you stupid white supremacist and yiu4cgoing extinct negative birthrate
Everyone hates ugly people
this is clearly just uglycel cope and deflection
so this is the power of seething snoylet cope
preemptive strike
have se
>if I use a woman without a manjaw it will make you look silly!
nice try
keep them coming user, post your whole wojak folder
no one likes unattractive people, male or female
>jungle fever
But she doesn't resemble a nigger.
So, this person is asian?
I thought Sony won E3 by not showing up. And I thought noone gives a fuck about Nintendo and their games. So why are Snoys so triggered?
i dare you to find anyone that ever posted on Yea Forums that said audrey hepburn has a manjaw or is unattractive
Spic, so it has some asian blood in her.
So, these are also anime girls?
looks more asian than white honestly, it's crazy how much having a smaller nose helps.
wow white women are ugly, crazy
They are US citizens, they have negroid genes.
>looks more asian than white
this but unironically
>some butthurt jap actually drew this
posting that retarded image again
>Water Type Trainer
I am triggered if she is the Loch Ness easter egg because that would belong to a pale white girl with ginger hair if anything. London can be blacked for all i care
a jap drew the first one lmao
>no slanted eyes
>blue eyes
>wide jaw
>asian looking
Those a 3d women nothing to do with anime.
you're actually retarded, or asian
So basically, japs say they like whites, but weebs insist they prefer japs?
Why can't Americans stop telling others how their nations and cultures should be?
For years I thought jungle fever referred to an infectious pathogen
It is dangerous, user
are... are they seriously trying to those insanely photoshopped pictures as evidence of anything?
Whites are more pink than actually white.
fucking kek
it practically is, considering how it spreads
Everyone always misses the point of this image, the usual reply is always "yeah duh bottom girls are cute" but the entire point is that the characters on top, regardless of how ugly or masculine, are still meant to be actual normal, mostly hetero women, and that the bottom is actual men except feminized. The west replacing male characters with female ones is seen as diminishing men, but the east literally turning men into women is seen as based. Fairly hypocritical for a board that won't shut up about Discord trannies.
I know "much censorship," but honestly how much would this board improve if wojak and pepe we're autobans?
anybody got that jojo edit on hand?
Here's a handy list
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
why are jap girls so cute
Go back to crying over Tifa's tits.
Liking a piece of art/ character > making wojak edits