Have you preordered the games yet?

Have you preordered the games yet?
You're an entitled manbaby unironically throwing a fit over Game Freak cutting unnecessary content, are you?
It's simply unrealistic to expect them to continue including all the Pokemon, they don't have an infinite budget.

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I don't give a shit about not being able to transfer but that doesn't change the fact that these games look like hot garbage.

Nope, not buying it while Gamefreak continues to be lazy. Magic’s gone, Yen.

Sorry, but I don't play pokemon games like a retarded manchild

they arent on the eshop yet , so no
I have two vouchers ready but those Im using on Fire Emblem and Astral Chain

>You're an entitled manbaby unironically throwing a fit over Game Freak cutting unnecessary content, are you?
No, I just don't buy crap games from lazy developers

>Have you preordered the games yet?
No. Call me when they do the ultra versions.

it is unrealistic because the console is a piece of shit

>playing Pokemon
You need autism, shit taste, or friends to play this shitty game, and I have none of those things.

>they don't have an infinite budget
Heh. Ok, have a (you).

Buddy, fuck you, they've been slowly throwing quality content into an incinerator for years now, and this is the final straw. This was the ONE thing that made XY-USUM not absolutely shit tier garbage.

you could have make a pun but decided not to



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its videogames arent the one who make the most money

This is sheer laziness on their part, they ARE the Pokemon company that's literally all they do so they should at least do it well

I'm going to download this game for free and play it on my hacked switch thanks

This. I keep saying this exact thing and I still get called a shill by the underage and the tranny's

Yeah, they don't have an infinite budget, but after the Treehouse stream and people starting datamining all of their older games, its obvious that they also don't have the brain power to learn from their mistakes from the past 7 generations. I don't give a shit about the Pokemon transfer since I always start a clean slate every game, but if they cut out Pokemon and the game manages to look and move like shit, their poor coding skill just becomes fucking inexcusable.

I already cancelled my pre-order yesterday. Suck my dick, OP.


Yup. I haven't bothered transferring since Gen 5. But fuck me they don't even give the pokemon proper animations and it quite literally looks like a wii game.
Unless they pull out like 10 more super hot waifus this is a hard pass from me.

Here’s your (you)

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Same but I honestly don't know if the leak hype can keep me playing a game that looks this bad.

Even if I don't like it I'm sure my 7 year old nephew will so it's worth wasting the bandwidth

You're right OP. GF is such a small financially stuggling company. Forgive me for being a meanie weenie.

>don't have an infinite budget.
They do. Nice bait post. Fuck Pokemon, I'm an Animal Crossing fan now.

Please hang yourself you faggot cuck.


Nice try, matsuda

Not even worth pirating lol

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Don't give a fuck about transfers, but I never pre-order games. I'll probably end up buying it to give to my wife for Christmas.

>Being an entitled manbaby doesn't wor-

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I genuinely considered getting a Switch for a new mainline pokemon, but they're obviously phoning it in. Gen 5 was the last time this series showed any ambition.

I really don't understand why Pokemon games don't get an actual budget. It surely can't be for the sake of shovelling money into the higher-ups mouths, because the Pokemon franchise doesn't even make much money through the game compared to all its other endeavors.

Then they pull shit like "limited pokemon" which is obviously just laziness and not any kind of design vision - if the game had design vision, it wouldn't look like complete ass in the first place.

Nah, haven't cared about Pokemon since Gen 5, I tried Y and thought it was the most bland boring experience ever
Pokemon is a tired concept, call me when there's some cool side games like Colosseum again

Good choice. With the $60 saved from this game, I'll probably be picking up DQ11.

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until they fire the retards who decided to make dynamaxing a thing, along with the incompetent morons who thought it was a good idea to render their giant models as separate pokemon entirely, along with the black hole halo thing being part of said render. Pointless bloat is like half of gamefreaks code for some reason

The game is inferior than the previous product in many ways.

Fans have been waiting for a mainline entry on a console for eons.

(You) honestly believe this is acceptable for a company that grosses 1.5 billion dollars a year. If they claim than they're bogged with work, they're under staffed.

I haven't played Pokemon since X/Y and I'm still mad a Game Freaks absolute lack of ambition driving one of the biggest media franchises in the world. They've continuously showed they don't care to the point their B team is harolding a flagship title. People I rightfully upset, best case scenario is they rip the IP from their hands and give it to anyone more competent.

Picking that up too. Still can't believe 2D mode got in. Square Enix has been pretty based with the Switch, Capcom too.

Yeah I preordered like months ago because my Best Buy GCU discount was gonna expire and had some rewards coupons, so I paid like $35 for it.
Whatever sure it sucks not all Pokemon but I still wanna play it.

>most of the money, like 2/3rds, from licensed merchandise
Ohh noo it's retarded

Nothing inherently wrong with cutting pokemon, especially if it means that the balance will be better, and they'll have more time to perfect the animations of the other pokemon.

It looks like trash but I will buy it anyway because it’s pokemon. Yes I hate myself.

>shield pokemon
>has his face in front of the shield

>move to a more powerful home console instead of handhold
>graphics looks subpar at best with some textures as bad as PS2 games
>cut more content out of it than any previous title had cut out in a handheld
>introduce lamest one shot gimmick yet
>don’t animate anything
>using the same models from XY
>not true open world; only one sandbox
>replace rideable Pokémon with bike
>cutting out Pokémon and saying that you can’t use them in this game

Why would I EVER buy it?

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Nope, everything about these games is just sad.
Graphics, animations, artstyle, performance and the fact that they cut monsters because of "muh budget". Fuck off.

>well, I can get over not having all pokemon, as long as the graphics are good
>well, I can get over the graphics being shit as long as the animations are good
>well, I can get over the animations being shit as long as the gameplay looks good
>well, I can get over the extremely barren looking wild area, and the shallow looking dynamxing, as long as...

>tfw LGPE were legit better games than Sword and Shield