Okay, this is based

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why don't these people seek professional help?

don't care
next thread

Is get help the counter for have sex?

Because there are other people with mental illnesses online with a voice. Since the internet, these people can now talk among each other where they think they're normal and the rest of the world isn't.

Also, you can create your character black in Cyberpunk, what would they say if the character was black?

They dont get real help anymore. Doctors embrace cutting tranmies dicks off and giving them hormone pills.

because they spend too much time in a hugbox that convinces them that their mental illness is acceptable and a gift

Well shit, guess I'll have to buy it now.


so you get to kill roody-poos and fuck cyberfutas? If you can play as a loli this will be GOTY

sounds awesome

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Because they'd be told the uncomfortable truth instead of a comforting lie


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What if its lying to get you to buy the game?

You wouldn't want to have sex with some amateur, duh.

They will. And that professional help will chop their dick off, split their balls in half and stitch them back in a shape of a pussy.

>Hyped for Cyberpunk 2077
>Lose all hype
>Still not super hyped
>This post

Legit fucking hyped if that's the case.

Man xi sold me on the game! Thanks!

based retard twitterposter

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Haha epic lulz Yea Forumsrother i hope there us a lazor hax0r cannon so i can shout IMMA FIRIN MY LAZOR!!!!11 shooting it lolololol

wtf i love cyberpunk now


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Twitter screencap threads should result in OPs house being burnt to the ground.

Jesus fucking based. This might be the first single player game I purchase in years.
They should hire this twitter retard as a marketing executive.

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the game's creator is LITERALLY a black man

>tfw you can self insert as a half black guy who hates niggers
How did the Poles do it? All I need now is to be able to kill trannys in game and it'll be GOTY

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The ting goes SKKRRRRRRrAaaaAAA

They probably did, doctors give them lady pills in exchange for their cash earned from their pity hire tech careers.

Cyber Haitian Voodoo gang does sound cool as fuck though

I wasn't very sold on Cyberpunk 2077 but anything that triggers trannies this hard has got to be good

>trannies are not mentally ill

holy fucking based

Only when I saw this did I change my mind about not buying this game



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wtf I love cd projekt now

Shootin' darkies?

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lol fuck niggers amirite


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>That last one

trannies are truly fucking retarded


how do people actually get angry about this? Bet that tard has never even seen a black person.

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Sjws now think straight black men are just as bad as white men.

>you can massacre the blacks in the game
>furry gangs have also been confirmed to be in the game
I'm sold

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yup, thats a preorder

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Why do you give attention to this idiots? Seriously asking.

Wtf I love cyberpunk 2077 now

>blue shield
dafuck is that
or is that just some shit they put in their name


This is literally "RE5 is Racist" all over again.

>We NEED more diversity and representation in video games!
>b-but not as enemy NPC's that's racist!!!

What other ethnic minority stereotype gangs are there?

I just like voodoo

Making fun of the mentally ill is hillarious.

It's an endless source of entertainment

>"Imports Japanese swimsuit volleyball games but thinks queers are too sexual in public"
Buuuut you play that titty swinging game in the privacy of your home

....these people know you cant be multiple people at once, right? They have to be memeing......right guys?

To make fun of them.

As someone very left-leaning, that is often called an "SJW" this person's a fucking idiot.


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But can Yea Forums become a furry?

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literally don't even know what that means

>Bet that tard has never even seen a black person.
whats funniest is that this is the creator of Cyberpunk, those "stereotypical and racist" gangs are lifted straight out of his books

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these guys are fueled by their illness, they never stop seething so you can keep watching the fire burn because these people actually believe in what they type

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V can't be black or cut a deal with these black gangs?

The "professional" help tells them their delusions are perfectly rational

Look at this white supremacist.

Attached: 1200px-Mike_Pondsmith,_Gamelab_2017_(35483365351).jpg (1200x674, 161K)

ok cool, do i preorder it on steam to help them fight epic or on GOG to help gogdownloads?

Good things come from this place still.

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>see article that's critical of 2077
>They're mad because it's racist/sexist
Ooooh noooo, that sucks!

2019 is truly the year of the gamer

Is Mike the definition of a BBG?

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Yeah i watched 0 hours of trailers/game play and these tweets made me want to buy it.

I wasn't buying any of the hype for this game but non-lethal options make me somewhat interested now. I love pretending to be a morally upright operative in enemy territory

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Because like it or not these people actually have pull in the industry and you might actually see shit like the futa ad being removed from the game because it doesn't pass the nigger tranny faggot moral inquisition. And no, these people don't have power because Yea Forums reposts their tweets.

i think he's black

>the same thread
>not just the same kind of thread but its some faggot obsessively posting about a twitter tranny
you guys are as ill as the fucker in the screencap

>It's the most absolutely vile thing I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing
just wait until they have the surgery

but roving nigger gangs are an actual, dangerous reality all over the god damned planet. how are these faggots so blind to real life?

This. Basically unless youre a full blown faggot or a woman, you are the enemy.

That is clearly a white man user.

d i l a t e

>there are ledditors and retardera folk on here right now saying these people are the few extreme and not the average leftest

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Is cyberpunk going to be the game of the decade?

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I hope you can finish the game killing only niggers

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can't wait for the revolution to eat white females, it will be hillarious

You can have MPD.
Most mental illnesses are highly comorbid with each other.

Yes I would do that because I don't want my wife's son playing shit video games. I preordered the Sword and Shield double pack for us to play together too.

Someone decipher this gibberish.

why though

Have sex

Here's your (You), faggot

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Man. I never even post on Yea Forums, I've lurked for over a decade. But I see prople like this and I wanna go on a fucking autistic rant.
What the hell is wrong with these people? Like how fucking delusional can they get? The more of those posts I read the more I fucking wish it was some sort of elaborate ruse MEANT to make me mad. It is hard to accept people this fucking stupid exist, and they fucking go around believing they are paragons of morality. Jesus fuck why. Imagine if these SJWs or whatever they are labeling themselves had to legitimately face hardship in life beyond a fucking regular ass dude on the cover of a videogame box. Their already high suicide rates would triple.
Ideally we just ignore people like this and move on, right? But every now and then I get saturated and pretty angry at their stupid worldview and the way they constantly try to push it into everything they can.
Do you guys think this fad will die out anytime soon?

Jesus this guy is based. When was that written, recently, or ages ago.

Obviously he needs to be saved from his internalised racism.

You americans and westerners really raised a generation of horrors.

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look, look at all that internalized racism, as a proper opinion haver and white trans twitter idiot, i must tell him how wrong his thoughts are without a shred of irony

So, black people don't have gangs? I mean if they themselves stop talking about drugs, money, guns, and killing people, maybe I would believe that.

oof, yikes, cope, have sex, dilate, cringe

Just because you're black doesn't mean you can't be a white supremacist in 2019.
Google “multiracial white supremacy”.

>one person on twitter is a retard
Color me shocked.

Attached: bored.gif (521x250, 1002K)

Still won't buy this trash game though.

mentally ill and delusional

Can confirm, know a gay furry with a vore fetish who has multiple personalities

in the 80s
yeah, Mike is based

It was written in either the 80's or the 90's, I can't quite recall.

>roving nigger gangs are an actual, dangerous reality all over the god damned planet

Agreed the CIA is a concern for all people.

Wtf I’m buying cyberpunk now

Holy shit he fucking knew. Absolutely fucking based.

based CDPR dabing on normalfags

The madder you get at them the more of you is just like them. Not that you're wrong of course, just that they're the anger addicts, not you. I think it will be a very hard slog for this to die out. Even once we become immune to the outrage we will spot them in the wild 50 years in the future like we still find hippie stereotypes once in a while, or it will mutate into a new horror, or it will consume us all and we will start with a homesteading foundation to keep us sane this time.

2600+ people.

so wait they were going to keep quiet about this DISGUSTING AND VILE PIECE OF SHIT but because cyberpunk 2077 can't shut up they decided to talk about it?

>Has clockwork Orange poster on his wall

Hella based

>Google “multiracial white supremacy”.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

>Resetera and Twitter whines about Ikumi Nakamura's fanart as she posts the fanart on her twitter
>Resetera and woke twitter whines about black representation in game universe lifts right from a black man's creation
>Resetera and woke twitter whines about male fetishization of transgenders when the art director is a woman

Does this thing truly live in Japan? How and why?

Is Mike Pondsmith a black Kojima?

Why is it that black nerds/weebs and uncle toms are always based in a way like this.

But theyre in the 44% so they wont last long.


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You've just gotten on this ride. Not only did this "person" post this, but they also regularly update it.

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Will these fucking trannies ever not be BTFO'd by reality?

I think the dilating hurts so they rage on twitter.

okay, 2600+ people are retards.

I think the scariest thing is that these tweets gets an average of 1k likes.

>it's a white supremacist fantasy
>it's absolutely vile
Well to be fair in RDR2 and that Mafia3 game you can kill white supremacists so it evens out.
>b-but you see. .
No buts you young tolerant activist of tolerance and inclusion and love! You have to tolerate everybody! Otherwise you're intolerant!

>professional help

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