As a gamedev, would you accept an exclusive deal if you get a guaranteed 200K sale?

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Other urls found in this thread:


samruai shitown will not sell 1 million

>on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands
What does that even mean?

epic will pay for 100k+ copies.

depends on my sales expectations, if epic had more faith in my product than I did then lol be my guest

They'd spend $12m on a single release?

Not real sales, epic pays you those sales, and you can say that you sold X

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they do that all the time
they make billions, so it's not really a big deal for them

Epic tried to buy exclusivity for this SamSho?

Lol, get fucked, rodent swiney.

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Why do you think so many devs sold out to Epic? The payday has to be good


Fuck no. If I ever made a game, I’d want as many people to play it as possible, even if it meant somehow making LEAS money on multiple platforms than selling out to someone like Sweeney.

Jesus fucking christ

A game dev doesn’t make that decision.
Did you even bother to read the tweet?

You do if you're the sole developer

6 million for each 100k copies

they keep the keys
so 100k keys sold to whatever store

They guarantee a certain amount of sales. has it slightly wrong, they don't just add 100k to whatever would otherwise be bought, they just give you the sales money for the first x copies sold upfront.

I want people to play my games. If I was after money, I would not have become a game dev.

Theres no fucking way this game is selling a million

>valvefag saying valve don't care about money

this is a whole new level of cope

lmao you tards Epic will literally pay you millions of dollars even if your game is shit

they're funding mediocrity and incompetence
Epic is essentially autism bux of the gaming world

>selling a million
>modern SNK
They're joking, right?

I wouldn't accept exclusivity, since I'm the sort of queer that would want my game on every single platform with significant use.
Also it paints a poor picture of Epic adoption when they have to pay through the nose to secure exclusives, but when you're making that much bank it's nice to see some actual fucking competition.

>devs don't even get more money from their game, they just get it sooner
yikes, do devs really only care about the short term?

every third party exclusive is paid you moron

Epic is using a tactic that Chinese companies tend to use of just throwing money at something to try to fix it.
They expect that, if they throw enough money at exclusives, people will of course, end up using their launcher.

The problem is that the Chinese have never faced the power of PC gaming autism.

not if it did long term damage to the brand. assuming I have a brand. if im a no-name then fuck yeah id take it

definitely better than getting loans to pay labor
labor must be paid on exact day in most countries
the banks drool on the companies

Oof it's retarded not to take the deal. Samsho ain't selling millions.

Why put effort into being a good company or growing consumer trust/faith like everyone else in the world when you can just throw money at everything?

Guaranteeing returns so that the risk of development is completely removed is a pretty big bonus, and I'm sure some developers/publishers who took the deal ended up getting more money from the guaranteed sales than they might have even if the game was released on Steam. Go ask the guy that made Aztez how he would've felt about such a deal.

You do realize that this same tactic was used by nintendo for SNK heroines right.


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Ah bloo bloo

>epicshill cope that another dev showed integrity and spine
FPBP for all the wrong reasons kek

You sure? I see the game on Steam.

>Why put effort into being a good company or growing consumer trust/faith like everyone else
Like who?

How exactly do you think exclusives happen? It's either this way or funding the entire game.

we don't know if it was epic or windows store or uplay or origin or gog or even valve
valve faggot

I just hope enough people use piracy to the point where Epic's losing money.



I'm surprised you can type

No, they only pay the difference. It's a gamble, if the game flops they lose money (and the devs won 100k copies), if the game sells they don't lose anything and win everything above the 100k sales

Yes. Thats why the SNK guy is being smart. He is rebuilding the fanbase and creating a new one. The money from the Epic bribe wont make their characters popular again. It would just give them short term money. They are not retards. They have a great assort of popular characters (kof, samsho, metal slug, etc) and they want to sell toys, tshirts, mangas, movies, etc. Will Epic buy a trillion toy figures too?

The chink fears the chink.

what part of 'everyone else' is confusing?

what, did you think I'd fall for your shitposting and say Steam?
>butthurt reply to dev team rejecting epic exclusivity
>It could be anybody pcbro! I'm not epic tho, even though I'm butthurt that this game wont be exclusive to epic, which is totally not my botnet!

your precious store is going out of business in your lifetime

Nintendo trying yo bought exclusive right for western release, but NiSA, the western publisher for the game wanted the profit from every platform so they compromise to only give nintendo the exclusive physical release while PS4/Vita only got digital download.

>y-yeah? w-well you're s-stupid! *cries*

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And developers are starting to realize this.

The epic bribe only works for smaller games that will never develop merchandising or a loyal fanbase. It works for them fine, sure, but when you want a real fanbase, with real costumers, you need real sales. Not fictious epic sales.

paragon died for this

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It's part of Epic's strategy for buying exclusives.

They basically guarantee the publisher [X] amount of sales, so even if they sell nothing at all Epic will still pay them for whatever amount [X] would have been worth. Obviously, this is only effective with games where the publisher isn't sure they can sell more than [X] copies without help to begin with.

SamSho is going to be DOA on PC unless they release it at maximum a week after consoles

I’m surprised they’re letting SamSho release in its current state. The UI+menus look amateurish as fuck. Almost like the game was rushed for EVO.

>fighting game on PC
>not DOA
it is known that console is the go to platform for fighting games

No, they literally buy x amount of keys so the publisher can say that their game sold well and it looks like EGS has an actual paying playerbase

>be samurai shodown syndrome dev

hurr esports fighting gaem
hurr guaranteed sales for a quick start

>we fortnite now guise! we can do it!

Means epic buys keys to money hat games then offloads the keys to second hand sites to offload some of the cost. Max Jew.

Not for Tekken. People only put up with PS4s for the sake of tourneys.

Not really true of some games, PC is the preferred netplay experience for Guilty Gear for example
At locals we play on PS4's sure. But online we all us the PC version due to less input delay


>The community manager went on to clarify the terms of the deal, saying that Epic's promise didn't come in the form of a single paycheck. Instead it was "for a minimum guarantee - which means Epic will guarantee that we will sell X number of copies. Even if we don't hit that number, they still pay us."

ps4 input lag would like to have a word with you, you'd be surprised how many pro players play on PC

anthing that isn't mortal kombat, street fighter and tekken is doa on anything

unironically only if I knew my game was shit I'd take the cash and all the hate that comes with the epic deal. If it was something I was incredibly passionate and proud of I would even be willing to take less in sales or be relegated to obscurity on steam to have the good will of the playerbase.

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Not really. Most current gen console FGS die too and most of them survive on discord servers. You would know if you played them for more than the first year where they call themselves the SFV killer and then die miserably.

And if we take account of the whole FG genre, franchises like SAMSHO, Darkstalkers, Jojo and Fatal Fury survive exclusively through fightcade on pc. Like if the game is not current gen, its left to die on consoles, sometimes they dont even last their generation, but on pc? they survive forever.

PC is the actual FG platform due the fact that you can play online games that have more than 5 years.

What gives, ShamSho will gonna flop

I don't watch twitch much but from what I seen so far, Daigo played on PS4

>good will of the playerbase
>good will
if there's no playerbase tehre's no goodwill

Thanks SNK. I wanted Samurai Shodown already, now it's a guaranteed buy.

So they still buy x amount of keys, only later. A game on EGS can sell 50k copies in 5 months and Epic will buy the other 450k copies. The result is basically the same and the publisher can show how well their game sold

Unist want a word with you

lol they wont sell 1mil, no way

What the fuck is wrong with EGS shills? Nothing in that guy's post had anything to do with valve, you're mental

I would
But I'm a noname dev so why would anyone even bother giving me this money
I dont think Samurai Shodown will sell more than 300k though

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>The result is basically the same
That's not playing a smart game. Long term, they didn't actually achieve a playerbase. Without a core audience, you're not going to be able to make another game. You can but no one's going to buy it.

I would much rather have 3 people play, enjoy, and have a good opinion of a game I made that I was truly passionate about then a fat sack of yuan and the eternal and unyielding hate of the internet.

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Was epic already in chink hands by the time paragon closed?
I find it very off that one year they are giving money back and giving assets, then 2 years later they are actively antagonizing the costumer and refusing to add tools for a community to grow around each game

Epic only guarentees money from "lost sales", they don't actually guarantee a player base. Your average fortnite kiddie (the reason anyone uses EGS in the first place) isn't interested in samsho

And the switch version fucking lost to the ps4 version in Japan

If the game flops on steam, it would flop even harder on EGS

>eternal and unyielding hate of the internet.
steam forums are not the internet

Depends on my game. If I'm doing it for the money, absolutely. Otherwise, if I'm doing something independent, fuck no. I'd rather my game be played by as many people who want to play it as possible.

>eternal and unyielding hate of the internet.

I need that FF13 on 360 pasta

Publishers dont care. They just want money and to show their investors that the game sold well even if it didnt. Devs have no decisional power and only get a bad reputation

what if your game suck and nobody buy it?

You're right about that.

Its not the same you fucking retard. If they dont actually sell the game to customers, if they only manage to sell it to Epic,they wont develop a healthy fanbase, It wont have tournament legs. It wont have sequel hype. It wont sell toys and merchandise. You are not building a long term franchise. Just getting some fast bucks.

For a company in the position of SNK it doesnt make sense. They need to rebuild the fanbase from nothing. And no, the mexicans playing in fightcade dont count. They need paying costumers that will help them grow organically.

You are the retard that buys Instagram likes for your bussiness and dont understand why your bussiness doesnt grow or why it doesnt translate into sales.

>healthy fanbase
>fighting game

I mean wow

As an actual 1ma dev: fucking yes, obviously. Much better than the peanuts 99% of indie games make

Except the SNK corporation is the publisher in Asia, so they actually care about the long term since they are the same fucking company


But not cringe corporate chinks like Epic
But the based waifu obsessed chinks.

I wouldn't release it if it sucked. If nobody buys it, so be it. I would market the fuck out of it regardless of my intentions though.

Just ignore the thread. Ignore reality.

as long as epic gets shitted on i am happy
i want them to burn

So long suckers

>As an actual 1ma dev

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Another retard that doesnt play fgs and never realized that for the last 10 years SAMSHO was only played and kept alive on pc.

PC is the only FG platform that matters. Most games in consoles die after 3 years. But in PC the great classics are played forever.

Try finding a healthy console fanbase for Injustice 2 or the last Guilty Gear on console. It doesnt exist.

>Terraria devs said no to the Tencent bribes
>Epic cuts off their trailer on the PC E3 showcase because they're mad at them
>nobody at the conference addresses this

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Pick one

>PC is the only FG platform that matters.

Let's not go that far.

Depends on the size of the studio and the sale price.
A 4-man studio selling a 20 dollar game would be getting 4M, enough for everyone to be a millionaire.
Pretty fucking good deal if you ask me.

>the power of PC gaming autism
I like the way this sounds and it represents me to boot.

>for the last 10 years SAMSHO was only played and kept alive on pc.
Yeah, by 250 people

>SNK starts to make pachinko
>gets bought out by some chinese guy
>forces them to actually make games again
honestly based


Terraria has sold so much at this point (and continues to sell) that it's a name everyone knows. Relogic does not need Epic for a goddamn thing.

>If nobody buys it, so be it.
Why do I feel you're not that good with business. Unless you do it as a hobby and not as a source of income, you want profit from your work. Its not as easy as "oh nobody buy my game, oh well I'm in a huge debt now, no biggie"

I believe the conference was 100% pre-recorded and they were just playing clips in order

>w...we don't know
everyone knows Tencent bribes at this point.
Tencent is getting desperate because they KNOW their store, that was shilled non stop everywhere by journos, is hated by the majority of the public.
Look at what they did with Shenmue 3, that was the final straw and now everyone hates their shit business practices.

im desperate for money so sure

I would do whatever it took to make the most money.

250 more than consoles

the conference was a big Epic shilling

the samurai fears the rice farmer

>250 people
melty was kept alive at one point by like 25 people and played in a bathroom m8. UNIST went from literal who to main stage at evo thanks to a small but dedicated playerbase.

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fuck no
integrity is more important than being a fucking sellout especially in the long run
epic can suck my fucking dick

Depends on the context. In my situation no, because it'd be a passion project outside of my real job. If I was a struggling game dev as a primary job though, then yeah I'd consider sucking the dick.

>fuck your clients over using steam dildo
>fuck your clients over using epic dildo, while epic pays you in 200K sales

If you're trying to bring morals into this, any dev that's considering this choice is already a filthy kike. The moral way is to sell your games libre, or at least use a platform that has no DRM or faggy launchers like GOG.

So if epic increased the pre-orders number SNK will bow down to them? Wow what a gold digger. Epic Games Exclusives confirmed, mark my words.

Which is so incredibly ironic since most if not all of the games that got the crowd cheering ad the steam release icon on them
Epic shilling themselves with whatever games they could grab just fed Steam and piracy a lot more than anything else

People misunderstood what SNK really meant, they are asking for more money from Epic, and Epic is planning to do so, they just need to collect more fund from little fortnite kids' wallet.

Shut the *fuck* up, freetard.

>million copies
Is SNK delusional?

Epic shills falling so low as to go "if we cant have it, no one else should".

Epic: pirate
Free drm: pirate

Remember it always

Based fucking Chink CEO of nu-SNK telling Epic to go suck a dick. I'm loving this guy each day more and more.

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They are trying to get a hard bargain from Epic, they are not as noble as they look. And steamdrones are praising them mindlessly without understanding what SNK really wants.

The steam drm isn't forced on devs, you're given a choice to use it.

when will Tencent and their shills finally accept that everybody hates them?

>Epic team bought out Psyonix to move Rocket league to their store exclusively, but couldnt
>Epic team tried to buy out Factorio devs, they flat out refused
>Epic team tried to buy out Terraria devs, they refused as well
>Epic team bought out Shenmue 3, now have to use PRspeak and backpedal slowly to avoid fanbase backlash
They will never fucking learn

You have really low IQ, we live in a capitalist world.

The only reason for a company to have "integrity" is if it means more money later. Anything else is delusion.

>to move Rocket league to their store exclusively, but couldnt
Why couldn't they?

And thats exactly why they need real sales that build a real fanbase for the long term profit of the games and the short and long term profits of merchandising, instead of fake sales bribes from Epic.

snk's ceo is a chink? why doesn't he go with the his home team then? Is he a taiwan/hing kong niggy and hates the mainland. if he is then I want to give snk even more money to support the middle finger they gave to epic and tencent

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Seethe harder low IQ shill.

You have really low IQ, we live in a capitalist world.

I know it's hard to swallow, but what Epic is doing is pure unadulterated kike capitalism.
Pure and simple capitalism.

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Fortnite unironically makes $12 million in a day. Add to that licensing fees for Unreal. The number of copies they were ready to buy is a literal bucket drop.

SNK would be kind of stupid to make Sam Sho an exclusive in any way if they want to revive the franchise

Rocket league has simply too many features and too many fans on Steam, moving it away would be a death sentence to the IP as 90% of them would simply stop playing it and look for alternatives elsewhere as the game loses a lot of features as well. They got a taste of this when their buyout of Rocket league nuked the game's linux fanbase. Imagine that atleast a 100 times worse
They may be stupid enough to try force exclusivity later, though. I really dont know

You have really low IQ, we live in a capitalist world.

We live in a capitalist world, so wouldn't the Chink company that bought out SNK have them produce even more pachinko machines and gacha phone games instead of making them produce real games and potentially work on a new neo geo console as is currently rumored?
I mean safe bets instead of risky moves that would potentially bankrupt SNK again, right?

Yes, SNK was bought out by a Chinese company. Legend says that the billionaire owner of that company is a big fan of the Neo Geo and SNK so he personally bought out the company to get them to produce new games again. Antonov from KOFXIV is rumored to be based on him (in the game Antonov is a billionaire that buys the in-universe KOF tourney against the wishes of his company)

>commie chink of a failing economy that cant even feed itself properly without exports lecturing anyone on capitalism
kek get fucked

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lmao at the Tencent shills seething ITT

>Epic team bought out Psyonix to move Rocket league to their store exclusively, but couldnt
Weren't they going to take the game out of Steam by September?

Its not hard to swallow. Its reality. And its fine. They are in their right to be kikes. We are on our right to refuse to be kiked. And SNK is on the right for refusing short term profit over rebuilding their company and ips, which really need to be rebuilded carefuly.

Wait what? I thought they were still going to move the game?

Did some update from the devs happen?

but im not an epicshill?

That's one shady tactic, but also effective. The devs get guaranteed money, and Epic can recoup the loss at launch. Epic takes the hit if it flops, so it's basically risk free for devs.

Nah, they will make rocket league 2 leave rocket league 1 on life support and let anyone who wants to play the old game keep doing it without any other support than online functionality.

They promised the steam wasnt going to stop being updated compared to the epic version, but never said anything about a sequel

Exactly, I'm not defending Epic, in fact I hate their bribery practices.
But this is all thanks to capitalism. Uncontrolled capitalism does this.

I actually liked that game, it was sad to see it go.

>Risk free
Read the fucking thread mong. Its risk free only for smaller games and indie shits. Anyone who wants to create a long term franchise fanbase doesnt profit from this. Will epic buy 100k movie ticket? Will they buy 100k Hanzo figurines too?

>Unless you do it as a hobby
That's the point, it would be a hobby. I would never do video game dev full time. If I actually have a company with employees, or required that it be self sufficient, that would completely change my angle on the issue. That's why I said it depends.

>Kuroki saving me from installing EG store

Absolutely based

It's not really shady. It's commonly how publishing deals with independents go, e.g. "We give you $30 million now and keep all the money from sales until we've made $30 million for ourselves and then we'll start sharing."

reminder that this is all thanks to Fortnite zoomers

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only if I had zero confidence in my game being able to make 200k on its own and simultaneously didn't mind the PR nightmare that such a deal would cause


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wait so this is how that Satisfactory game can claim to of sold 500k+ copies?



Lets not pretend the console version is alive

Yep. That's why nobody believes that number of sales, especially since THQN refused to comment on PC sales of that and exodus
>chinkshill damage control
kek right on cue

People are literally begging the Terraria devs to make paid DLC rather than free updates so they can pay more money for Terraria, that's how much goodwill the devs have garnered over the years. You can imagine the SEETHING of the no name hack devs that sell out to Epic who always whine about Terraria.

Waifu-obsessed chinamen are huge bros. They have the best fetishes as well like dress gloves and garter belts.

Satisfactory's devs only boasted about the sales AFTER the game's price dropped to single-digit numbers.

What an absolute rodent. Fuck Sweeney, bring back bullying and bully all the Fortnite kiddos for giving this faggot power.

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Antonov looks like this?
And yes I'm pretty sure the KOF otome game will sell billions.

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I would, that guy is delusional if he thinks he will sell in the millions. Welcome to capitalism. Hate on Epic all you want, the only reason they still exist is that they don't take one third of the money from games.

Thanks for the pic OP, gonna rename this barter 0.jpg for filename threads
>On August 6, 2015, 37Games Acquired SNK Playmore Corporation.
So Tencent is China, China is evil, Epic Games bad, but SNK is good. Pheww lads~

>Hate on Epic all you want, the only reason they still exist is that they don't take one third of the money from games
u wot m8
The Epic Store is literally kept afloat by Unreal cuts and Fortnite money.

>get 6 million for a deal
>then make no more cause game is on epic store

Yes and the only reason devs put their games on the epic store (not just exclusives) is that epic won't take one third of their money.

The absolute state of shill in this thread. They have started repeating themselves to drown out the conversation

>epic doesn't get any cunny
yet they think they can still win

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Who's shilling now?
SNK belongs to a chink company.

>the only reason
Nope. Epic pays devs for their exclusivity. Otherwise, why wouldn't they release on multi PC platforms?

Why is it always Deep Silver?

Is THQ Nordic going to spank their asses soon?

>Reading comprehension

Because the chinks that own SNK are the ones that make waifu games, I think they own Warframe too.

Yeah, no way to tell that the sky is blue either. It's a mystery.

>Epic Game Store, Spyware, China Tracking You!
>Based SNK long life Chink CEO for reviving the fighting game scene with SamSho!

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Akira EX fighting games are even more obscure and niche than SNK fighters.

But then why wouldn't he take it? 100k+ guaranteed, and nothing stops them from selling 1 million on top of the guaranteed 100k?

So are there any legitimate criticisms of EGS or is everyone just worshipping Valve in the same way Nintentoddlers worship Nintendo?

The way I see it, both Valve and Epic are evil for selling us game licenses instead of actual games like in the physical CD days.

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Companies don't realize that this doesn't really work on PC since piracy is largely pretty easy.
Like, I ONLY buy games from devs I like, I don't care if the game is amazing, unless I'm getting a physical copy, if I don't like you as a developer, I'm fucking pirating it.

Nope, Warframe belongs to Leyou, Hong Kong.

Except the utterly furious fanbase that now will refuse to buy your shit or even actively pirate it
Dumb chinkshill, have you even been following these threads at all?

I bought that game soon as it released and refunded it almost as quickly as I bought it. No idea why they chose to overhaul the game to have such shitty inputs. They went overkill on the simplifications. No idea who the target audience was for this.

Yea and 37games throw billions into SNK to fix it and it's still shit.

Isn't this fraud?
It's literally like the tinfoil theory of Disney buying tickets to their own capeshit.

Wait a minute, after much survey, I realized that half of the gaming industry is owned by chinese company, what the fuck man!

In a heartbeat. If I’m the head of a small company, I’m responsible for my company not going under. Guaranteed sales are just too enticing.

Reading all this pseudo-logic and beautiful inside of the industry makes me want to kill you all.
I'm beginning to understand how mass shooters are born.

Easy there, Chang. Remember Tiananmen Square 1989 June 4.

I'd have made an effort to support them, but I'm honestly pretty tired of dead fighting games on Steam. Even KoF 14 is mostly a graveyard unless you live in China.

oh, i remember. and guess who those protesters represent now, steamtard

My thoughts exactly.

>chinkshill butthurt nobody wants his money over quality
welcome to life outside communism, chink. Please buy a proper gun in the USA, not those factory manufactured plastic toys they sell in china and shoot yourself

Hey, you're pretty cute. Would you mind showing me your feet?

ok, i bite,
please, tell me who is choosing money over quality? valve is now offering some kind of 'quality' to developers?
and are you seriously accusing china of communism now after accusing them for a few months of the most capitalistic behavior in gaming?
and you want to be treated like adults... go rise up from your cradle and read a book or something

SNK belongs to China.
Whats your point?

Tipped the FBI
Take care kiddo

I'd rather they give me money during development for exclusivity. It's more understandable that way.

No shit. Of course I fucking would.

You mean what every company in a capitalist country does? Near-monopolies buy smaller companies all the time to avoid competition or to strengthen their own product.
In the case of launchers specifically, that's how it works yeah. Look at GOG and you'll see that the "Be a good guy" approach doesn't work, you can offer completely DRM free games and put all of your games on every platform and people will still avoid your store. They even recently laid off staff for GOG because of how poorly it's doing.

Too bad it's coming to Steam so late
I'm still going to support it when it comes out

>Epic fucked up their pr so hard that publicly refusing them has become pr
ok this is literally epic

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I'm indie so yes. That would fund me for two years and allow me to work on my next thing. My current one is, I think, a good unique concept that's executed well, but the market is so crowded that I'm not sure if it's going to stand out or catch on, and marketing on my own is a nightmare.

>tinfoil theory
>a basically proven fact is nothing but a tinfoil theory

>be Tim Schafer-tier jew developer
>have decent rep because your previous games have been well-received
>work on two titles at the same time
>put all your effort and budget in one of them but hype the other to be your next big title
>get an exclusivity deal with Epic for the shit game, release the good game on all platforms
>rake in Schweiney-bucks while making money from your good game as well

How long until someone pulls this off?

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reminder that you are a forced meme cock sucking faggot

Wait which of his games got the Epic deal?

So there's nothing wrong with what Epic is trying to do then?

noe so far, unless he changes his mind on psychonauts 2

200k is fucking nothing. Comeback when you can guarantee atleast 5 million.

Ubisoft is the only publisher/dev so far completely playing Epic like a fiddle.

None man, I said "Tim Schafer-tier".
Yeah, Tim is being played by them fairly hard.Division 2 underperformed a bit though.

Funny, I had no problem whatsoever using epic store before they started taking exclusives

I'd sell out, fuck those entitled neckbeards.

My bad, I've been really busy lately and you got me worried they sniped Psychonauts.

>Nothing stops them from selling 1 million on top of the guaranteed 100k?

Uh, how about the disdain people have for the EGS?

So Epic is the store for those who have no faith on their game or are desperate for cash

People have figured this out months ago lad. It's why their exclusives are mostly desperate indie devs aside from the greedy publisher like 2K or Deep Silver.

They throw out that faustian bargain to devs in development hell or are in need of one last cash infusion to finish their game or are scared that their game is way too niche despite all their effort put into it.