She makes the game so much better
Why aren't you playing BOTW with Linkle?
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the outfits are way cuter too
she just look more fierce than boring old Link
Show butt
underwear Linkle
cutscenes look more epic as well
I used to play it in Wii U but just starting a game session with the mod was a pain in the ass and a waste of time.
You just know!
on the switch the mod is just ON at all times. No reason to go back and play with faggy ass Link
I don't want to pirate my Switch yet. Don't want to lose access to the eshop.
Because I can't get the game to run smoothly on CEMU even though I have the specs for it. I don't understand what's wrong.
i tried to play it, and got bored after clearing 2 of the main story "dungeons"
you don't want to lose access to ONLINE, but eshop? all of the games past, present and future suddenly become free
If you have an amd gpu just dual boot to a Linux distro like Ubuntu and use mesa drivers.
I get 30-60fps with a 3570k + rx580.
Don't have AMD, I have a 1070
Follow any guide on youtube and you should be fine then.
how would this run on a i54670k and a 1060 6gb?
I'm actually finishing a replay of chrono trigger tonight then I'm starting linkle botw. She's beyond the cutest thing ever. Bless modders and bless cemu
I should add that it actually have full girly "grunts" and voice sound effects for every action, ripped from official Linkle in that Hyrule Warriors game.
hell ye
Cause I don't play as girls
Already did, twice. Knight outfit best outfit
I wish the Zelda one was as fleshed out
>no crossbow
That's just femLink
How long does it usually take for sequels to come out in this franchise? I want to get BOTW but I'm not sure if I should wait and get some bundle with it and the sequel.
Does she still need to wear the Gerudo outfit to get into the town?
Already did, great mod and Linkle is really adorable.
But now I'm kind of afraid of emulating stuff again, lost my previous processor to overheating.
what’s the best way to pirate without not losing acceso to online?
The royal bow (??) is modded to look like her crossbow.
it will be years before we see the sequel released. I would guess november 2020 at the absolute earliest but probably 2021/2022
No, you can just walk in, but I think you need a separated mod to change the text in-game to make the npcs recognize you as a girl in dialogue
If you play as Linkle or Zelda in that mod, can you enter the Gerudo town freely?
Because playing as Link with his Sheikah armor is the best BotW experience.
No, the mod comes with a "gerudo pass", so you don't have to do that particular quest.
How do I cache so it runs well?
Linkle is just so precious in this mod, I love the redesigned armor sets
>No, you can just walk in, but I think you need a separated mod to change the text in-game to make the npcs recognize you as a girl in dialogue
Gotta love that attention to detail. I didn't know BotW modding had gone that far, the last time I was paying attention to that kind of thing turning the Hinoxes (Hinoxii?) into Shreks was the big thing.
I see these screenshots of Linkle's slutty outfits and my impression is that anyone playing as her is a little whore deep down inside. I don't think it's possible to be a true hetero male and play as her, at least not in those outfits
but go ahead and be in denial, you little whore
and to think it's mostly the work of one dedicated guy.
Is there a nude version?
I wish her butt was bigger.
You're such a bully, user.
i would, but he didn't update all the outfits yet.
Cute boy > ugly girl
of course there is, a separate mod, but imo it looks kind of stupid running around naked around town be it in hyrule, tamriel or whatever.
Try some guides on youtube. There's some really specific things you can do in your own video card's graphics options when running CEMU that can double or triple your FPS. I went from 15-17 to a constant 45 in even the heaviest areas the game had to offer. I'm running a CPU from 2011 and I got a 1060 6GB, I think if you spend enough time doing research there's some very good solutions you can find.
God fucking dammit, sauce.
OP is a tranny in denial
What about lewd lingerie?
There are some mods for you too
Trannies and Waifufags ruining videogames. Truly sad
Acceso a tu ano, puto.
Because waifufaggotry is degenerate
if playing as a girl threatens your fragile masculinity, there are some other amazing mods as well
imagine being the driver in the red car in the middle. Modern urban purgatory. fuck that. i would just get the tire iron out of the trunk and go to work.
real question here senpai
does she has breast jiggle physics? can you make her breasts bigger?
jiggle physics, yes. make them bigger, no mod so far for it that i'm aware of.
all of the BOTW mods are here: