How would you handle this situation?
How would you handle this situation?
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That's actually so much better
Fuck those fluffy titties
I just want a cute gf
I already told you, I'd bring her out back and shoot her with a shotgun.
so she's a werefox? i see no problems here
>The girl that actually came
She was faking it.
Mating press.
That's not how tits work on dogs/fox or whatever. There's supposed to be a lot of nipples.
Fuck so damn much and make many pups.
I don't fuck dudes in fur-suits since I'm not wh*te.
Kill her
Was the left just a photoshop job or does she actually transform? Because if so HOLY SHIT that's my fetish
It's ok.
>tfw no fluffy gf
melon leaf is fucking based
post moar
I'll bring that up next time I go on a date with a talking fox.
Do not trust. She deceived you she will deceive again and cheat behind your back.
Fucking retards trying find logic in furries
You must be fun at parties
Touch fluffy tail.
Long as I can inpregnate
human male on anthro female is patrician
>still has big milkers
Fuck her senseless
*chair clattering*
If animals were human intelligent, I would probably date one. Until then? Nah.
Seek mental health, OP
>Getting catfished by a furry.
It's fortune cookie night. Fuck yeah!
Assure her no one except me could ever love such an atrocity but I still do because I'm merciful.
Video games
By telling furfags to yiff in hell
Looks like köksal baba
Are you thinking what I am thinking?
Truly the worst.
He is still trying to handle the situation, please understand.
kys myself because I'm obviously beyond salvation.
/hmofa/gs where u at?
Yes user
I only fuck bunny girls, foxes are overrated
It's all good.
>big tits on sight
Proceed to fluffy paizuri then impregnation
id wake up
perro caca
>bigger tits
>smaller hips
I honestly dont know
Tell her to fuck off because I only fuck bird girls
I'd never be in that situation because I hate anything with breasts
call her an ambulance
I call in the glowniggers, since we're obviously undergoing an alien invasion.
Porn unironically turned me into a furfag
Present and wondering where things went so wrong
gas all faggots.
Bitch cant even fly
I want to hug Madotsuki and tell her that everything is going to be alright, and then we'd wake up
>check one thread
>only one pic that's hmofa
>the rest of the thread is solo pics (or worse, furry on furry) and writefag circlejerk
Big yikes for me.
Sneks a best.
cringe and bluepilled.
Hell yeah my man. Feels good writtan for em
>Mizutsune theme starts playing
Means she can't fly away
Go shill your shitsona elsewhere, fatfag.
I'm more into dobermans
I would literally be arrested at the time
What's this fucking furry shit?
Impregnate on the spot.
Also those are some big fluffy tits.
imagine the handies she could give with that