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Other urls found in this thread:

based ebin


I was gonna get it on switch anyway but god dammit i am so fucking sick of this shit

Metal Goose Solid is still on switch so who cares

Can we talk about the headline is a grammatical mess?

No Switch, no buy

*dabs on epic*

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Legit the only game I cared about

Oh well I own a switch.

Also Pirates rejoice this one is on Sweeny

guys, what if... we make our own games, and don't put them on the epic store!

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That's what I'm doing.

Damn shame, I was going to pick it up too.

Even when it's the star of a game, the horridness of Geese always prevail.


>the game untitled goose game epic games game store exclusive game, game dev announced

Based Epic eating the cost of the discounts and of course, providing free copies to us Pirates. Too bad about the devies, but that's their job I suppose.


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I'm waiting until handegg 17


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I only play PC games if its in service of Gabe Newell's cock

Another one bites the dust

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Me too. If by any chance I'll get lucky and become successful I'll post it on every single store out there, even shitty ones, except for epic.

If by any crazy luck I'll ever become "fuck you" successful, minecraft teir or more, I'll fucking scan the filesystem and if epic folder is found the game won't work and demand you uninstall epic first.

Fuck the chinks.

>Untitled Goose Game, too

I'll pirate it when it gets cracked

Hahaha fuck Steam. It killed a generation of indie games.

> I'll fucking scan the filesystem and if epic folder is found the game won't work and demand you uninstall epic first.
talk about petty.
talk more.

>he cares about digital
Look at this retard.

say that three times fast

How? If anything, steam created the indie game industry.


phew, another game I can pirate or ignore completely.

Now that really is a step too far. I was almost, kind of, very nearly hyped in some small way for Goose Gear Solid


Fuck this gay shit. I was actually looking forward to it. Ah well.

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why is this a problem?

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*Pays 2.2M dollars + tip for Untitled goose game*
Cringe but redpilled desu

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>we love steam and
>but not as much as we love the money epic is giving us
I bet the developers are geese as well.

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Ehh, I'll release my game on Epic Store
Sales are gonna be undercut if it's only on steam

Every single one of you fuckheads would do the same in his position and take the mountains of cash instead of being uncertain wether your game will sell even just a hundred copies. I hate Eoic but seriously fuck off and have sex.

Man Id respect if one of these developers just said, We did it for the fat cheque

Mate epic is majority owned by that American or Canadian guy whatshisname

>have sex
I counter with dilate

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Tim Sneedey

That feels a little more legitimate. Deciding early on that you want to publish exclusively on a platform rather than pulling the rug out from everyone at the eleventh hour.

Where's the problem you niggers just pirate everything


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>steam loses a low poly indie game
How will they recover?

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no shit, id at least state that instead of some bullshit like "providing the end user the most enjoyable experience"

What kind of gigacuck do you have to be to pay for a fucking videogame?

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He's not wrong though, those aren't games.

how will steamboys even compete?

lol no :)

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>what if i make product and then refuse money

You teens are always so fucking noble but the moment you finally own/make something truly yours all magically turns into the biggest jews on the planet.

If you say it 3 times in front of a mirror at full moon tim will appear behind you and make your anus epic exclusive

Is there a more garbage bird than fucking geese?

They're absolute trash animals.
And yes, I'm putting them below the rats of the sky - pigeons and seagulls.

post games with ducks in them

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There isn't a single offline epic exclusive that hasn't been cracked.
>Anno 1800
It's on Uplay.

>nearly 50% chinese
>2 chink board directors out of 5
That's a very deep and strong influence. They have enough power to kill the company if they really want to, and they just need 1 vote to fire tim.


No reason not to if Epic is footing the bill for my free games :)

Alright, real talk anons. These pointless store wars are just stupid, same things with console exclusives. We should be discussing the real problems of the industry these days: How do we fix the bloated budgets of modern games? Most companies are afraid of trying new ideas because if even one game fails, it can tank the whole company. How do we fix the million dollar marketing budget skinhole problem?

Companies could make PS2 era games nowadays with 10% of today's budgets, not to mention that a few really popular games in the past decade can run on a toaster.

What gives? Why is the industry so fucking obsessed with "muh graphics" and billion dollar marketing budgets?

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I was mad at Epic until i realized i haven't bought a new game in 5 years

Even so, it's our responsibility to tell him to fuck off and boycott / pirate his fame.
Publishers must learn not to make deals with the yellow devil

there is no reason to install additional bloatware for games that are free anyway


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Tu quoque, bitch.


Thanks for the free game, chink.

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Fuck off disgusting chink piece of shit, i'm not using your shitty anti consumer garbage.

Nintendo bros will it still be on switch?

source on this thing spying?

is it dangerous?

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If it had its own mod workshop, were able to leave reviews and comments on games, added a fucking cart, and had a better UI overall maybe I'd be singing a different tune.

thanks tencent for paying them for my own copy, they really deserve the money

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If I'm thinking of the right one, it's actually a total bro, and the Foundation actively uses its ability because of how good it is.


This is what you get for supporting PC as a platform.

Reminder, epic buys 100k copies themselves and gives the money to devs. Then claims that 100k is how many sold.

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>Epic fund game developing
What happen. I think fellow 4chans like video game. Why hate Epic. They compete Steam monopoly and make compete. Steam drones mad as fffuck hahaha. Oh no no looking at top of head.


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they've stolen the most highly anticipated sequel to the best game of the year of the year!
how can Steamcucks cope?
>lmao seething have sex dilate tranny janny discord yikes

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>developers of a shitty meme game are willing to sell out
Who would have guessed?

Fuck off ESL

>you can literally play everything on steam


>they literally said it will only be debuting on EGS, not limited to it

Harsh but factual.


pirate time

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Lefting is all steam key. Still have using Steam. Stop pretend Steam not a monopoly. At least on side right have choice of buy game and support developer.

who cares? I pirate all my games anyway

>what is timed exclusivity
EGS "exclusives" never stay exclusive.

Imagine being a retarded chink like this poster

holy KEK

Same here. No amount of Epic money is worth destroying your entire career and trust from players in the future.

Pretending to be retarded still makes you retarded, just so you know.

>Lefting is all steam key. Still have using Steam.
Factually false, but even when you purchase steam key externally steam doesn't get paid, unlike epic that force you to buy from them and pay them (more)

Get fucked, steamcuck

10 bux says you never heard of this game before this thread was made.

Time to pirate.

I was thinking to buy it when it comes out but because this shit I will pirate it on the switch and shitpost about the game on internet

No shit, he isn't going to stop pissing money away.

Steam still get cut, they literal lie to facing. Stop support monopoly like steam good epic bad oh no no no looking at top of head.

Holy shit you can't even write a coherent sentence anymore.
The absolute state of EGS shills.

>chink goes dead silent
Based user laying down the law

Wait I'm a fucking brainlet.

The title of the game is literally Untitled Goose Game?


you're going to say no to epic money?

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Is this a game about Ryan Gosling?

I know you fucking devs used to post around hygg/v/? threads and frequented /agdg/ before the Nintendo announcement
Fuck you, I can't believe you'd sell yourself to chink morons

a really shitty one

Chink detected >Steam still get cut, they literal lie to facing

Press T to thank sweeney for your free copy of Untitled Goose Game.

Yes, in a public manner so I'll become the hero of a week and get tons of free pr.

What's the name of this game ?

Or what if we just don't buy them!
Vote with your wallet. EGS exclusive will be a stain on your brand, devs will avoid it soon enough.

> (OP)
>why is this a problem?
Because reeee.

It's all over for Steam

i tried puting my game on GOG and they said it was too niche
and i completly agree but isnt niche games the reason GOG exists?

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>Devs get a guaranteed revenue
>I get a justification to pirate the game
All is well.

>isnt niche games the reason GOG exists?
no, that's

It's over Steam is finished.

Might want to look up what GOG stood for.

"too niche" is just a nice way of saying it sucks.

whats older than a pong game?

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Who gives a fuck about fucking H O N K game?

reeee etc

I'd sell out too easily.

I thought this a joke article with a made up game

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also neat game.

Epic are dum b and bad

looks like a great clipart for a commercial presentation slide - not so much for a game.


>implying epic would even consider your rpg-maker shitstain

Number? I've read thousands but I don't remember a duck skip at all.

Not him but, wasn't most of the stuff in there debunked as being mostly functions that happens even on steam to some extent? He didn't say everything was fake, but that a lot of it was overblown on how serious it is.

>SNK refused to bend over
>Epic has to search for another goose game

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fucking based

Name ?

I really fucking hope this thread is a joke. This was unironically the main game I was looking forward to this year.

Because the majority of people working on a bigger title are shit at their jobs. You have a small group of really talented developers in contrast to the vast majority of just filling in the blanks they aren't doing themselves as the scope is too big so you get really shallow experiences overall.
Graphics are everything unfortunately when appealing to the mainstream and so is marketing, plastering your game everywhere before and shortly after its release ensures that the mainstream audience knows of its existence and makes them want to buy it because it's the coolest new game, even if they might not actually like it (best recent example that would come to mind is Sekiro and the endless bitching and moaning about its difficulty).
The investors have to be pleased at the end of the day so regurgitating the same proven formula with a different coat of paint and the newest technology can make insane returns and the cycle repeats itself once more. There's a reason why many talented developers leave their cookie cutter job at a big studio to make their own games.


goat simulator

Where is Gabe to stop all this bullshit? He's just going to lounge lazily by while his store keeps getting undercut and all the games stolen from him?


Literally who?

>release game on Steam where the userbase is 10 billion people


>release on Epic that 5 people use and has not even a basic shopping cart function

Which one is going to sell more? Yeah let's the pick the platform everyone hates and no one uses. Genius!

Well, I was going to pirate the game on Switch anyway. But, hey, at least now Epic is paying for it, so I feel a slight bit less bad about pirating the game.

>You think this is a game, boy?

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>Steam still get cut
oh no no no looking at top of head

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>hundred of thousands of copies already paid by Epic
I love being able to pirate with a clear conscience.

I've been preaching for years now that all the MUH GRAPHICS faggots are secretly graphics card shills.

Can these fucking shills fuck off, nobody wants this shit. Just make good video games, FUCK

Chinks under suicide watch

>bany's first drawing but as a game made it past epic store curation
lmao what the fuck

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Bucko, dont worry, this one is on me.

In all seriousness how long can they keep up this minimum sales guarantee. Its gonna bite them in the ass eventually.

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Taking into account how much money they are spending with exclusives and free games trying to make people migrate, I take they will eventually see that PC autism is too strong and stop trying to force it.

Pretty sure its the one that makes water dissapear at the cost of slowly dehydrating you but you get to Moses throu water so its cool.

a shitty one that has no security and leaks your credit card/bank info. also when it dies you will lose access to the games you bought on it.

Well I was about to make a comment about how those drivers have no souls for what looked like they were speeding up to hit the sheep, but then the truck part came. Holy fuck.

Why did the truck driver even think driving down the guardrail with people there was a good idea?

No, Epic responded to WHY they supposedly access this stuff (scraping metadata for their client) but did not really justify it. Considering how feature deprived EGS is and how shameful their security has been I don't think it's unreasonable an unreasonable assessment.



>get a email telling me some suspicious logins have been detected on my steam and gmail accounts
>get into my epic account to change the password
>find out my name is some random chink shit and the location set to taiwan
>never got a email that someone was logging into my epic account or a warning about name changes or anything
Thanks Epic. Reminder to delete your epic account, if you used your actual information there it might already be too late for you.

Pls guys, really, if a kind user knows the name of this game, just let me know, thanks.

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>Epic snatching up exclusives by guaranteeing a sale number (aka buying a couple hundred thousand copies themselves)
>make a piece of shit, fake hype, and catch Epic's attention
>they spend millions to acquire your Goose game

Sorry, Xi. Takes a real jew to jew a jew.
You're just playing pretend.

You better not put it on Steam. I hate those guys, just do a GoG please.

I wonder how the beady eyed fucked felt like when they hacked my account and saw my name was NIGGER KILLER

piracy is dead

Attached: pirateseething (2).png (1784x919, 1.11M)

You better release it on Steam only, or else you're a villain.

let me just get a small loan of a million dollars first to hire a crew to make a game
fucking retard

Guess EA,bethesda, activision, ubisoft are the real villains then
Oh wait what is that? Even those dogshit companies that are literally killing gaming are releasing the games people want across both their stores?

I for one can't wait for Steam and Valve to die

these are things that actually have an effect though, user.

>hold to your principles, please some random guys on the internet, risk your game being a failure and making no money
>give up your game to epic pigs, get a 1 million$ check and don't have to work for the rest of your life
as if you would say no to free money

Wow this is legitimately surprising and disappointing. However keep in mind they have a real publisher now, who probably forced the decision onto the team. Still pieces of shit though.

Unless you're an AA game minimum or a very notable indie, Epic Games would reject your game even if you pitched it to them.

Fuck, I'm saving this, glad I haven't ever installed it. What other programs do this?

And this is exactly why I own a PC and consoles
I'll play what I want without giving epic a dime

So it's a pirate and switch exclusive?

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You are either misinformed or you are lying.

>why did the truck driver even think it was a good idea
He made a conscious decision, he had a pretty clear view from a point at which he could have at least slowed down but didn't.

Better question is why did those people exit their cars to look at the damage without paying attention to the fucking oncoming traffic.

not one of them survived that's assuming no children in the car
That's not what they're saying on Twitter. They're pulling the "Think of the poor indie developers :(" card instead.

that's just how chinese drivers are in china, whats depressing is I can't even huehue shitpost its truly mind numbing how common these things are of just rampant uncaring for others.

Oh no, not *checks notes* random low-effort indie goose game!

>not a single announcement

worst treehouse ever

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Holy fuck, I didn't expected that ending.

>egs apparently pays for hunderds of thousands of copies
>if you pirate game they essentially paid it off so its not a lost sale

there we go, thanks good guy epic, really supporting the growth of the industry there and consumer freedom

"debunked" they basically called people racist because it was "anti china propaganda"

Ultimately this comes off as then not trusting that their game will do well if they need this exclusively deal for the money. It’s probably not going to be worth the buy in the first place.

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If you actually managed to make a good game that epic wanted I doubt you would resist their millions of dollars.

That retarded mentality only works if you plan to make 1 product. If you plan to build a fanbase of dedicated consumers, limiting yourself to one shitty store that has terrible PR is a horrible idea and will ruin you long term.

For some reason this place is having a console war of sorts between Steam and Epic which you would think wouldn't be a problem since you don't have to buy anything just download it. Brand Loyalty is silly and makes people act like baboons over non issues.

>getting out of your car on the highway
China is one massive darwinism experiment.


Fuck no I wouldn't. I hate the idea of having a dozen game clients on your computer. Even if it would make me rich I would never force my playerbase to bloat their computer up because I wouldn't want to myself.

Denuvo gets cracked super fast

They were on a freeway, where else could they go? You get hit you need to get out and exchange information with the other drivers. The truck behind should have just stopped like a normal person and not plowed his way through at 65 mph but then again it the Chinese who have no regard for human life.

How have people not tried to scam epin yet?
>make game
>garner fake attention, bare minimum to get noticed by epin
>ask epin to fund your game
>your game is funded, release it in a barebones state
>fuckoff with the money since there's no backlash due to LMAO NO FORUMS
Isn't this like the whiny indie dev's wet dream right here?

Reminder if you buy 5 games in a row on Epic they outright ban you and you can't play your paid for games.

They're quite exquisite with what they do fund. The closest thing was that fighting game made by Chileans originally for PS4 with the Unreal Engine.

>Epic gets Untitled Goose Game
Fuck it, I'll just become a pirate then
>940 days and Handball 17 still isn't cracked

I don't get the outrage, it's not like it's exclusive to a certain platform are PC gamers really this fanboyish about their preferred DRM framework platform?

It is. Have you seen some ont he shit on EGS?
>John wick fangame
>this one

I love how Epic's shills are either pirates or consolefags. Imagine trying to win a trade war and all your allies don't even do business with you.

Epic outright pays Goose devs for the first 200k or whatever copies. Buying the game from Epic Store does not support the devs in any way at this point, it just reimburses and funds Epic. Also, fuck Epic and their launcher that runs Chinese spyware on your system.

Why is leddit screeching and fighting tooth and nail to protect and shill the Epic store, but don't give a shit about and Discord?

>all these people saying they wouldn't dare violate their ethics for money
>on the board that constantly screams about blacks being thieves
>on the board that pirates everything they can
Dunno what makes you think you would act differently when it goes from being $60 at stake to a few million.

Isn't like two payments, the upfront cash for the year exclusivity and the minimum sales guarantee?

Thanks for the free game I guess.

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Reddit are massive Steam fanboys though
Your enemy this time are vidya "journalists" and their Twitter followers

>we wont accept crappy games
whatever happen to that?

the majority of epic's games don't have denuvo.
There is no incentive for the developers to pay money for protecting their game when they are guaranteed money anyway.
It's a win - win for developers and pirates

post yfw you'll never install Epic crap on your PC

Epic is so based, they keep paying for my copies so I can pirate without any guilt on my conscience.

what makes you think they're paying for YOUR copy? they're paying for mine

>tfw installed EGS because retarded 10 year old cousin wanted to play Fortnite on PC like his favorite Youtubers™ and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for an entire day
In retrospect it would have been better to just slap him

Don't worry man, china is paying for ALL our copies.

Thanks for the free copy Tim!

The sad thing is that Steam has only to start paying for exclusivity too and then you get bidding wars over the ability to have a fucking game in your store, like thousands will be spent so that a fucking shitty indie game isnt owned by the oppossition, and a shitty game just made a killing before even making a sale.

Steam doesn't need to make bidding wars when for the majority of the developers it's easier and more financially viable to just sell on Steam.

wtf I love Xing Ping Pong now

switch and pc fags eat a dick and die

How will us pcbros ever recover from this, what the fuck man