"I wish Sony was here," Spencer said. "E3 is not as good when they're not here"

>"I wish Sony was here," Spencer said. "E3 is not as good when they're not here"


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Other urls found in this thread:


>companies literally partnered
gee i wonder why, they're probably eager for Google and Amazon to stay the fuck out.

This dude is all class. He has respect for his rivals. Makes me wish that Xbox wasn’t complete trash.

Yeah, everyone that has games to show should show them at E3.



>tfw no sony

Don't worry guys, we got you covered for next year.

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>even he knows he shows all the content people will just buy on sony platform
based sony throwing shade on their competition and still get praised and handed money

Although I don't like Sony games, I admit that I miss the feeling of competitiveness between the three big companies.

we miss the memes about the utter shit sony movie political games

when will trash faggots stop doing this nigger shit

>He said E3 is an important time of year to show the world that gaming is not just kids in a basement

Just fucking go third party already

This is c--ked beyond belief. If this happened in the '90s, Microsoft would have gone in for the kill. Sony is vulnerable - now is the time to position yourself as the solution to all the problems that the PS4 has brought to gaming.

Microsoft are good guys. They're not hyper agressive to the competition despite being much more wealthy than them. They don't mind to share. You think Epic would be ok with sharing Psychonauts 2 after having bought the game? No way.

Even if you don't like them you have to agree they're the lesser evil.

And if they did go in for the "kill" imagine all the headlines that would say Microsoft is being "Aggressive" and "Unsportsmanlike"

There is competitiveness coming from Sony which is being able to announce their console with a more favorable talk such as release date. First to the party and reasonably priced does wonders.

>the game
Meant to say the company. Forgot their name.

He said something 2 years ago about the midia being right and the fact that they are losing views is that the readers are toxic, he is a good guy but he is completely apart from the reality in some cases

more like Phil SpenKEK holy shit

phil is right. winning without your contenders at max strength feels empty. similar to how the raptors are gonna win tonight against broken golden state.

almost like not winning at all.

I mean Xbox during the 360 was super competitive with securing timed exclusivity for DLC and not only until the Xbox One reveal disaster they became more humble
It's a thing that goes in cycles
Sony got cocky with the PS2, PS3 had a terrible start
Nintendo got cocky with the Wii, WiiU flopped
Microsoft got cocky with the 360, Xbone had an awful reveal

>Microsoft would have gone in for the kill.
Remember when they were in a huge lawsuit against Europe because the IE was considered unfair to other companies? They made the IE always as shit as possible because of this just so Mozilla and Google could have room to grow.

He's right. E3 with just Microsoft and Ubi/Beth/EA is like a single competent man trying to put on a play with a gang of retarded cripples.

>Sony is vulnerable
>PS4 literally printing money
>PS5 right around the corner, ready to print even more money

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>please sony HELP US

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What are some games where the previous antagonist joins forces with the protagonist to fight a bigger threat?

Who cares what you guys think. Console wars will be a thing from the past and we will all share games and multi-player in the future and be happy getting older and dying having wasted our lives with vidya

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for whatever reason people in this thread fail to realize that sony has more than doubled microsoft in hardware sales and microsoft continues to give 0 reason to buy their xbones

all their conferences do is showcase cross platform games

What bigger threat? Google's console is fucking retarded.

The PS2 more than doubled the OG Xbox and MS was losing a lot more money on the console back then. And here we are still talking about the Xbox day and night

He's not wrong though. E3 was lacklustre this year. I doubt Sony would have saved anything, but aside from NIntendo (who even then didn't have a lot to show and it was stuff I was already interested in like NMH, Luigi's Mansion, etc.) there really wasn't much in terms of what was shown.

Sony and even EA not being here properly was really felt.

>my feet hurt
>I wish Sony was here

Phil just wants some competition. it was boring without Sony. hopefully they have shit to show next year

>mocking someone for showing respect to the competitor
the absolute state of this board

Microsoft and sony are evil
But theyre not nearly as evil as google or amazon

>companies literally partnered

unironcally this


>smash DLC is to be revealed
>sony doesn't even bother showing up
>microsoft nervously tries their best
>the smash DLC is revealed

it's like a sandwich during smash time, nintendo is the stomach stuffing bread and the filling is too afraid to even have a flavor

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microsoft is lending sony their cloud technology for next gen

I feel like next year's E3 will be a very big one.
>Both the PS5 and Scarlett launch titles as well as a showcase of hardware and what it can do
The bullish schoolboy nature of this board never ceases to amaze. These fags hunger for a TORtanic style fuckup constantly so act like any admission of failure or anything less than boasting is the end of the world.

This is very much the case. Even with both teams launching streaming services, not once have they attempted to move away from owning games entirely. Unlike amazon and google, they understand their market and not having total control.

>problems PS4 brought to gaming
God, the fucking Yea Forums culture drone program is doing wonderful, I see.

Right now, I think Sony is getting cocky in their stupid fucking decision to move their business to the U.S. I am sure they did so because an American designed the PS4 and it became a success. Their mentality of being another ESRB commitee is stupid, and it shows how much backlash they fear from either really vocal SJWs, and celebrities themselves; how could you be afraid of getting #metoo'd from fucking Jap video games? I won't act like some you hypocritical faggots that say gameplay being fun is the most important thing but then cry when characters aren't catered to your fetishes, but overall it's just stupid to create contention with Jap developers since they love putting their shit on Playstation. Perhaps the censorship shit is why the Switch is now #1 in Japan, though it could also be because it is a hybrid. But even knowing all this, I know Sony is going to get exclusives I will need to play. Still, I am hoping my Switch keeps me busy for a year or two after the PS5 and the Scarlet come out and I see which one is worth my purchase. I assume it will be Sony, but we will see.

In terms of gaming divisions, Sony is far from vulnerable. It's their other studios that are haemorrhaging money.

sony would have just showed more grimdark cinematic movie games
who cares

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But Sony's gonna be there next year.
They skipped out because for once, they didn't want to show the same shit again.

>the best announcement at e3 was a microsoft character appearing in a nintendo game

who really won e3?

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You're actually delusional if you think PS5 will sell anywhere near as successfully as PS4. By the time the next-gen of consoles launch, the market will be different.

Me :)

Yeah but they have the money to brute force it into widespread adoption if they're willing.

We did, the gamers

>the best announcement at e3 was a microsoft character appearing in a nintendo game

That's your opinion though
Personally I think the Xbox Scarlett being announced with a release date as well as 60fps demo/cur-scene was a much better announcement

The companies that swindled people into believing it would be a good e3.

Except Xbox as a platform is more consumer friendly than the other two competing systems

this. MS would know of this more than anyone, (sega)

el oh el

All that says is that the next Xbox will be less successful than the Xbone.

They skipped because all their upcoming games are on the PS5 which is set to announce at PSX this year.

Epic fucking response. Can you prove otherwise? You're getting better product for less money for an Xbone over PS4 or Switch.

But PSX was last year and PS5 isn't releasing before the next E3. It would make more sense to announce it next year.

Le evil meme

Prove yourself right first.
>You're getting better product for less money for an Xbone over PS4 or Switch.
el oh el

>>God, the fucking Yea Forums culture drone program is doing wonderful, I see.
he's not wrong desu

>xbox exclusives end up on pc
>ps4 exclusives either don't end up on PC at all or they're just timed exclusives that sony paid for

It wasn't as good because this is the year before new consoles come out, it's always like this.

>But PSX was last year
It wasn't. They skipped December 2018, it's happening on December 2019. It's ironically the fifth PSX (PS5).
>PS5 isn't releasing before the next E3
You don't actually know that. It could come out in March of 2020.

I remember when people said the PS3 will be the last console then came the PS4 and now once again tards claim that the next PS won't sell.

If you're gonna be a retard about it I won't even bother.

I meant to say it was canceled last year. And You are absolutely delusional if you think PS5 is launching spring of next year.

Yet you expect me to bother when you're being a retard about it? kek.

DESU the last Sony conference was terrible

>wanting to Play anything made by that piece of shit

>And You are absolutely delusional if you think PS5 is launching spring of next year.

Attached: file.png (651x347, 36K)

2020 is also the 20 year anniversary of the PS2

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my peenus weenus of course (:

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>in Japan
PS5 is going to be a worldwide release, just like the PS4. Also if you're going to use google you could have easily searched and realized the PS5 isn't releasing before May 2020.

I said it's not launching in spring of 2020. Fall/Holiday 2020 is all but guaranteed.

The legit leaker said that Sony is currently choosing between spring 2020 and fall 2020, you're right.

>Also if you're going to use google you could have easily searched and realized the PS5 isn't releasing before May 2020.
Elaborate on this. They haven't made a release range as far as I'm aware.

has anyone filled a bingo yet?

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Literally 2 seconds on google

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>PS5 is going to be a worldwide release, just like the PS4
What's to stop it coming worldwide in March? The Switch just did that in 2017.

There is something off about this picture. Find it.

Now read what OP said. Something fucking you want to say, Phil?

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Thanks user.

Hey retard


Why is it wrong for a console other than Nintendo to have exclusives?

Is Phil a Snoy sleeper agent?

Damn, MS are Chads.
"Sorry you couldn't make it to the party, bro. I know you had to stay at home with your gf and Jamal. The party just wasn't the same without you, though."
Holy fucking based.

Attached: philJusted.jpg (500x700, 47K)

>Sony is vulnerable
PS4 is closing in on 100m sold and the gap between Xbone and PS4 grows wider by the day.

Playstation exclusives are now highly popular mainstream titles as Xbox's greatest titles fade to obscurity with every passing year.

Sometimes getting more for your money at the moment is less to your overall benefit in the future. I am sure you wish to point out what a great deal game pass is but fact is that it only works because Microsoft has a lot of money to spare. As soon as they stop giving out 1$ subscription everyone who keeps using the service will be fucked with micro transaction and dlc. Game pass forces Sony and other publisher to lower their prices in order to compete which will result in trash games. Nintendo is safe they can charge 60$ for years without a sale and people will buy it.

I found the amerikike.

rent free

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The PS4 wasn't a worldwide release

It released in the US first, opposite of the PS2 which released in Japan first.

god fuck off every fucking thread all the time about anything

No but Yoshida is a sleeper agent for nintendo

Attached: sleeper.jpg (900x1200, 232K)

Loot boxes in your Halo 5. Broken FH4 that’s took them months to fix.

This desu baka senpai


When was that? I'm seriously starting to think Sony and Microsoft might be working together for cloud gaming because of Apple, Google and Amazon.

it will sell more.

day one backwards compatibility,
incoming PSVR2 to take people affordably into second generation of VR
their devs have already started working on games specifically for it, hence why they weren't at e3. If Death Stranding looks that good on ps4, imagine what they're working on behind closed doors for ps5.
better and more exclusives
more powerful
PS5 is going to blow xbox out of the water

Even the Sony fans were pissed at Playstation Experience.

Nothing important shown and nothing short of Bloodborne II would have made it worth waiting.

No one was happy with interviewing developers being the "highlight" of the show.

It was obvious that Sony doesn't have enough shit for 2 big shows in one year, so maybe skipping E3 is a sign they're saving it for this years PS experience.

When the fuck has Yea Forums EVER been right? WHy the fuck should anyone listen to you? I would have thought MHW selling shitloads would have pushed you tendies into hiding?

lol wtf

Why the fuck should anyone listen to you, Yea Forums?

Tim Schafer



>no answer
Imagine consoles having exclusives to entice costumers. Oh how terribly anti-consumer.

choose one you retarded donkey

Can’t play Mario odyssey on my Xbox.

As usual, the best games at the Xbox conference were also on PS4 and will most likely sell far majority of copies on PS4.

>People eat shit with Sony when all they do is lock their shit up and abuse the consumer

it isn't fun if it's not a competition. the point of E3 is to compare apples and oranges and have fun doing it. Phil is pretty based to actually want the challenge Sony poses to Microsoft. what's the point if it isn't fun.