What is the verdict?
I'm quite concerned
It looks like a chink job
Doom Eternal butthurt thread
What is the verdict?
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gonna be fun. was thrown off by the grunting until i remembered that he always grunted
Wish more devs had there design philosophy when it comes to gameplay first
It's Doom (2016) with more mobility and guns, Its going to be good.
The art direction is all over the place for some reason
It looks like an expansion more than a new game
there were some absolutely priceless shitpost responses to the initial reveal last year. never forget these posts.
I like to think these are all bait
i promise they weren't, those threads were a fucking disaster, it was great
shillmanlives already shilled the title
not only that
he even mentions the id guys like they are his family, by using their names
the free trip to quakecon really did a thing on him
lol here we go
Mark my words, this is the future version of the Doom Slayer.
2018 quakecon reveal:
>game looms similar to doom 2016 in several good ways
>UI is clean and unobtrusive, partially transparent
>art design looked really good, similar to last game but a wider variety of levels
>some redesigns that were generally accepted
>new features that were generally well received
E3 2019 version:
>game has suddenly made several drastic changes from doom 2016 and even the 2018 reveal
>HUD looks like it was designed for 3 year olds, it's huge, obtrusive, opaque, and is composed of a series of contrasting neon colours
>art direction on levels seems to have taken a dive, everything looks like neon clown puke now
>Fucking 1UP powerups are in game now, as well as obvious neon colored platforms and other bing bing wahoo shit
>doomguy grunts every time he takes damage, but doesn't HUH when he jumps like he should
>game looks like unserious arcade trash
>meanwhile fucking wolfenstein keeps it's serious demeanor and avoids this shit redesign
What the fuck happened in the last year? Did they just showcase some trash arcade mode or something? My excitement for the game is almost non-existant at this point.
same armor, interesting
Arcadey as fuck HUD.
Live system seems dumb
Movement looks slow but at least there's dashing
I still fucking hate glory kills but they look toned dowm quote a bit and it looks likes there's far more emphasis on many more enemies in the regular parts of the maps instead of a handful before the arena sections.
Also, do we know what the fuck demonic corruption
the gameplay they provided to journos was recorded while using a gamepad, so it looks like floaty ass
the previous reveal was fantastic in comparison
Not like a Quake ranger though
I'm turned off by the UI, and the idea that most of the monster design was inspired by doom 64 sprites.
DOOM but with the suit from Crysis 1 would be awesome.
yeah, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. I've been spamming this everywhere where id devs can see it, so hopefully they revert back to Quakecon 2018 version. Literally everyone loved quakecon version, so why change?
>meanwhile fucking wolfenstein keeps it's serious demeanor and avoids this shit redesign
You seem to not be remembering when the black guy was fucking the fat German chick in the last game. Super serious demeanour my dude
>>doomguy grunts every time he takes damage, but doesn't HUH when he jumps like he should
>meanwhile fucking wolfenstein keeps it's serious demeanor and avoids this shit redesign
>wanting sjwolfenstein 2
>the artstyle is different and i cant tolerate anything
go dilate
the most annoying shit to me are those "pop" sounds whenever you headshot an enemy. EVERYTIME. It will get annoying fast and it sounds comical. It's like they are trying to turn this into a children's game.
also at 5:44
fucking stupid sound effect
and 1:52
are you seriously complaining about the ability to fucking JUMP?
Wtf if anything this looks better in every way compared to Doom 2016 that shit was boring as fuck and i am much more willing to give this one a chance
What the fuck is wrong with you Yea Forums
>so why change?
Console babies and twitch users. Maybe they wanted the game to be more colourful so doomguy could get in smash idk
better have better level design, ever room is an arena and enemies spawn around you in circles is just the laziest bullshit ever and exactly what I excpect from beth
It looks serious/grounded art direction wise, doom eternal looks like a playset for 5 year olds (other than the gore) at this point
Wtf is that. Disgusting
>sure we made your fps with a serious tone look like fortnite, and you should fuck off if you don't like it
the problem with the hud is the multiple colors and the stupid gradients
it looks like a HUD from honk world
It's Doom 2016 but better. What's not to like about this? These guys nailed the formula and nothing comes close to it these days, specially Cuckenstein.
We need a Duke Nukem with this quality now.
>Also, do we know what the fuck demonic corruption
I think it's just a way to 100% the map if you want
They're not even pretending not to have cutscenes this time.
>Fucking 1UP powerups are in game now, as well as obvious neon colored platforms and other bing bing wahoo shit
Funny you mention that
>shit taste retard who didn't like the first game is liking how the sequel looks
That says a lot about how much they've strayed from the beloved first game
>game has tower of babel
That's always an instant buy for me.
they needed to do a couple things to elevate itnto truly great over 2016
>faster movement speed
>more enemies
>enemies integrated throughout levels more instead of big arena fights
if they fix that, 10/10
but looks like they wont, so itll be another 7/10
It's pretty much all yellow-green except for the health and ammo. Health to make it stand out, and ammo being color-coded.
>Also, do we know what the fuck demonic corruption
At 37:55
we bing bing wahoo now
I feel like I should be excited for it but I'm not. Maybe it's just too similar to Doom 2016- which I really like, just not enough to want to buy it again.
This is bullshit. We haven't even seen footage of the game running on switch. It's not even close to a priority.
In fact the team are almost certainly outsourcing the switch version probably to Panic Button again who did the first one.
1-ups and the new art design were all present in the QuakeCon build and grunts were shown off at a later Stadia conference footage, what the fuck are you on about?
I'll give you the HUD however
Time to abandon all hope, I can't beleive they're pandering to slow as fuck nintenbabies
The Switch port is coming day-and-date.
I don't like the art direction at all (wasn't fond of the previous one either). Serious chink mobile game vibes. How come the original Doom looks way more badass and legit and those were just clay figures and sprites
looks like pretty much the same game as doom 2016 but more
Classic designs aw yiss
Never finished any of the reboots, it was shit. Even the gunplay feels garbage.
the weapon wheel is also color coded
it is honk hell, lad
go play mario faggot
The weapon wheel includes ammo.
Real men just bind hotkeys for every weapon anyway.
I didn't think they would actually be stupid enough to put that in the main game, I was thinking it was in the invasion mode only. Disapointing honestly.
Its literally just a monster kill progress bar. I hope you can turn that and the lives display the fuck off
Doom 64 is good though.
God I fucking wish there was a mode to just execure enemies into gibs when they hit the glory kill state.
Not a faster glory kill, I don't fucking care if I can make is ultra fast in 2016, the stagger makes the guns feel wimpy because the enemies have fat loads of health buffer when they hit stagger so you can glory kill them without accidental overkill.
I want to fucking blast imps with my double barrel and see them fall into a bloody heap, not reel back and tank another short or two because I'm meant to sit through a canned HUTAH NECK SNAP animation for the 100th time.
Glory kills break the flow of gameplay and make guns feel weak.
well, in my opinion, real men know their guns silhouettes, and can´t discern between all those hues of purple and teal
Why? It looked fun
It's to show which weapons share ammo at just a glance.
Doom 64 doesn't have neon fortnite/overwatch inspired art direction in the game though, eternal does.
id software should have contacted the retards behind hollow knight
those fucks really know how to monotone a game in dark green and purple hues
the new HUD is probably thanks to a honk hire
It feels like it's been so long since I was genuinely hyped for a game the way I am with Eternal
How are you still hyped after the E3 reveal showed how shitty the new design direction is?
It looks closer to the original games, are you gay?
original doom wasn't arcadey looking. New demons and pickups are fine, but everything else isn't. Those pop sounds when headshotting an enemy like in some comedy show, 1ups, hud, all that trash.
Last I checked the origional games didn't have 1ups and neon purple and green HUDS
Eternal is soulless as fuck for some reason
it is like the enemies look tiny
the enemy design is the best by far, but the environments look like they are made of simple boxes
zero detail, and the whole double jump dash climb thing is cringe, and it is just a way to hide load times
why in the fuck do you need that much amount of slow as fuck air time during battle?
this is not a change of style: this is literally other team trying to imitate the 2016 team
and those guys are probably making quake 5, btw
>doomguy grunts every time he takes damage, but doesn't HUH when he jumps like he should
That's Quake, you dork.
I think that symbol on the throne is the Doomslayer's one
>green headed zombies
>bright pink monsters fucking everywhere
>textures that glowed an eye searing red-blue/green/reed
>floating red meatballs that spit bright blue balls
>the meatballs burst into blue mush as well
>powerups were a variety of clours
>be doom93
because you can probably turn it off in options sperg lord
overall I think it looks good. I hope they add some shit to minimize the glory kills if you want to though. one of my biggest complaints with D44M was that there were a lot of runes that were made for glory kills and none that rewarded you for choosing just to kill them normally. I hope they have runes that make weapon damage increase when staggered or if you kill an enemy while staggered without glory killing them you get a small buff to something.
a gameplay option in the menu to turn them off and just have them fight to the death with no stagger would also be great.
Might just be D'nur's king or some other higher up dude that gets to sit on a throne like another Night Sentinel ghost, since the insignia on the throne is the Night Sentinel sigil.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't like the new HUD, and I feel like they made the glory kills slower, but hopefully they'll have something like the rune in the last game that made them basically instantaneous.
So people are mad about the HUD?
Just mod it
glory kills suck ass just take them out of the fucking game for fuck's sake. i'll wait for D66M
b-but the hud is too vibrant
Some of these are criticizing people who criticize the game, some of these are criticizing the game and some are just shitposting. This was made by a newfag.
The Switch is unironically a better console for shooters than Xbone and PS4.
Not PS4.
Gyro > DS4
DS4 has gyro, faggot.
I bet you faggots never played original doom. The hud was big there, but it had only two colors, grey and red. Pickups weren't oversized and glowy, no fucking 1ups... Just shut the fuck up and go play your nintendo toddler games.
I hope i can turn off some things of the hud. It looks way colorful and out of place.
Wolfenstein had one-ups.
That it doesn't use.
Yeah, and the Switch has no FPS games running at 60fps so who gives a shit?
i'd like for them to make the chainsaw a normal weapon same for BFG but can't have everything game looks great can't wait
People who want good aiming that isn't aim assist garbage.
It is not the original doom if you haven't noticed. Why are you seething this hard about glowing pickups?
People want games, not slideshows.
Game with aim assist aren't games.
Neither are games running at unacceptable framerates.
Both platforms are shit.
Did you also cry about nuDoom16 having quad damage you fucking autist?
My only gripe is the HUD, it looks unnecessarily cluttered, the gameplay from Quakecon last year had a better one why did they change it?
Because they made this game with Nintendo toddlers in mind, so they can see pickups on their small screen.
I can't believe that there's still people on Yea Forums who unironically fall prey to the "mature games for mature gamers such as myself" meme
No, because it was a part of many doom mods and Quake. Stuff 1ups, glowy pickups, annoying headshot pop sound effects were made with nintendo shitters in mind.
I think it looks really fun but my computer isn't good enough to run Doom 2016, let alone Eternal.
oh look, a nintendo faggot. Go circlejerk in your smash thread manchild
The headshot pop was there in Doom 4 as well.
>Filling DOOM with rich lore and story
Why? Who cares about that shit?
This is fucking DOOm we're talking about here, not some fantasy RPG like Divinity or TES. Most people just want to shoot demons in the face, and not give a flying fuck about some lore, that tries so hard to matter, yet utterly failing at that.
Shut the fuck up you falseflagging nintenigger, trying to make it look like everyone who hates Nintendo has to be an obnoxious faggot, just to fool everyone into hating Nintendo.
I've seen through your pathetic trickery.
the HUD looks like they just got done playing halo
>glowy pickups
but doom has always had glowy pickups
what kinda potato you running B?
Doom has always looks arcadey and colorful. The only games that deviated from that were Doom 64 and Doom 3.
if they keep it on the backburner then I'm fine with it. it was interesting to go back after beating the game and read the logs and all that in D44M.
I honestly think they went overboard.
Many games have a sound effect to boost satisfaction out of headshotting an enemy, but it sounds gory and meaty, not comical, it sounds like opening a bottle in Doom eternal.
Where are glowy 1ups and glowy weapon pickups? Where's the colorful hud?
It's the same sound from Doom 4.
get a geforce now account, mate
I play all the AAA stuff on my toaster through that
it's free, at least for now
>Where are glowy 1ups and glowy weapon pickups?
Its unnecessary, simple logic does that just fine, you shoot a gun once and you see the type of ammo obviously, if it shoots bullets it needs bullets, if it shoot energy it needs energy, if it shoots buckshot it needs shells, etc.
Do they think people are really that retarded that they can't memorize 6 weapons?
??? It's not. I have 300 hours in doom 2016 and that game had a typical generic blood spurting sound effect when headshotting enemy.
It's not a 1up moron, its a health boost also
>cool demonic head locked in an orb that makes sense for the setting
>glowy helmet with "1up" text
woah, shush it nintentoddlers
this is how Doom 2016 did the colorful pickups thing. Looks better than nintendo looking kiddie trash
I was thinking of arcade mode, which is the only thing I've played in that game since completing it.
Ah yes, now this is an art direction for a real gamer.
I think they wanted to up the speed of the game, and keeping consoles players on a leveled playing field they had to add lives.
Serious Sam did the same thing when it went to consoles.
>and the idea that most of the monster design was inspired by doom 64 sprites
You retarded, son? There's one single enemy that supposedly takes inspiration from Doom 64 specifically, as shown at Quakecon.
Doom 64 designs are generally better than the originals, minus the Cacodemon.
Opinion discarded
>like 4 colors in the whole screen
>this is colorful
Yes it fits the WW2 setting. What, you'd like colorful nintendo hud for a game about WW2? Lmao you nintentoddlers are hilarious
the 2016 multiplayer artwork spilled over the single campaign of Eternal
as simple as that
they probably have people from that team working on the main campaign
and there you have it
it looks kind of bad and unpolished, for different reasons
1 excessive glows and colors, like they are calling you a retard in the face, that can't read a level
2 empty areas up the wazoo, and platforming segments, that look ridiculous
3 a weird mix of art styles
4 a lot of reused assets and reworked stuff from 2016, that instead of looking good, look like it's a chink remake
5 the gameplay looks heavily influenced by gamepad use, to give the feel of speed and movement by using the hook and dodge, hardly actual movement
that team needs an art director ASAP
>it was interesting to go back after beating the game and read the logs and all that in D44M.
Had exact same experience w/ D3, AVP2, Bioshock and pretty much any game that hooked me w/ its gameplay first.
Doom 64 is colorful, just dark. Doom 3 is black.
>slow as fuck
pick one, faggot.
don't forget: gggmanlives said that they made the movement even SLOWER than Doom 2016, so nintendo kiddies can keep up, and they added dash instead to make dodging easier.
The grunting was too much. It wasn't even a cool sounding grunt like doom1, 2.
90% of the sounds in the original Doom games are stock audio.
The new HUD sucks ass and they took it a bit too far with all the arcadey shit.
I know there was a 1-up in the 2018 reveal, but here we have fucking question marks and floating glowing weapons that ruin the immersion - even the originals weren't that blatant.
it is very obvious in the b-roll journos are showing
the game looks very slow
i'm pissed
It is you slow as fuck tendies
Who else here is pre-ordering? Are you getting the deluxe edition? Ngl, I'm really tempted to preorder this shit, but God damn is it expensive
sounds like the headshot sound from DOOM 2016's arcade mode, kind of out of place in the main game, but maybe its an option that can be toggled
do you want the helmet, you fetishistic fuck?
Good dentists in Hell.
Only thing i didn't like was the painful to look at UI and the few times in cut scenes it jumped out of the FPP. Still hyped otherwise.
And the Doom Hunter thing that has the Doom 64 chainsaw for an arm.
This user speaks the truth. Pic related is an actual screenshot of Hell from the original Doom.
Collectors edition for me.
What the fuck is this HUD
Doom 64 was really colorful though. Probably the most colorful game in the franchise. Doom 3 was just a dark, grey mess though.
colours are fine in doom just as long as they are a bit darker/muted IMO.