How can people defend this? a game boy game from 1993 for 60 dollars
How can people defend this? a game boy game from 1993 for 60 dollars
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Find me someone defending the price.
I don't see people complaining either
Because that doesn't change the fact that it costs $60
*40 dollars
What’s the point of the zelda maker? You know what you’re facing for gods sake
It’s 60
The people who hate Nintendo's blatant theft don't own a Switch or watch their Directs.
That would have been the correct price, but unfortunately gamestop has it listed for 60
I pre-ordered the dreamers edition :^)
Because you have to go to the gamestop listing to see its price. I don't think people are happy with this price.
And it's partly Gamestop's fault that it isn't cheaper on the digital store.
Because it's a Switch game from 2019.
but user, there will be chalice dungeons in this one!
i'll take 3 special editions for 150 dollars scalped. one to play one to frame and one for collecting.
Remade from the ground up likely with many content additions yeah
i hacked my switch. don't give a shit about the price. in fact the higher the price the more premium the game feels to me
The game looks fun. Try getting a job and doing something with your life and $60 won't seem so earth shattering
What does it matter if it's a gameboy game? Link's awakening is one of the best handheld games ever made.
the game was pretty much limited by the hardware, I don't the developers would have done the same game if they had this generation's resources
>Walmart mobile game art style
That's why it's been completely remade from the ground up
That's not a game boy game though.
It looks like absolute garbage. I played a demo for a 3D LA fan remake from like 2006 that was more impressive than this. The top down 2.5D shit is annoying.
It's called patience and not being a manbaby who needs every game day one. Wait 6 months and grab it used for half off like any reasonable human being. There are more games than you will ever play in your lifetime, play something else for a while.
There's probably a way to share dungeons online.
graphics aside it's 1:1 the same game, with some gimmicky dungeon added on
You know that message that would play every single time you touched a rock without the bracelet? That's gone, the bracelet works like AlttP now. So do the boots. There's a bunch of QoL improvements.
>Buying games at launch
Lel, people love to have their asses raped.
>there's a bunch of QoL improvements
WOOOW, totally worth the same price as BOTW
fucking retard
You said the game was 1:1. I proved you wrong.
You get some rewards. At least a bottle, maybe some collectibles.
Links Awakening was my first game on my Gameboy color back in the day and I'm hype for this remake.
It's not a PC game
I unironically think it looks great, but not for $60. It's a $40 dollar game at best
Oh shit, they put bottles in?
Can you honestly say that you liked seeing that "HEY DUMBASS YOUR SCRAWNY BITCH ARMS CAN'T PICK THIS UP, DYEL BOY?" message every time Link so much as brushed up against a rock? Or being reminded that keys can open locks every fucking time you find one?
But it's not a GameBoy game? A complete remake of one. It's still too expensive[spoiler/]
Why do we NEED to complain about it? I save my displeasure for things that actually get my goat.
for some reason I thought this was a remake of a link to the past up until 5 minutes ago. I might have a degenerative brain disease.
>GB steelbook
yeah it's fucking retarded that they're selling this game for $60
This game should be $30, $40 MAX.
They're actually implying this shit is worth it just as much as something like BotW, fucking ridiculous.
Don't forget the $15 funko pop for that exclusive in-game content. Based Nintendo
Are you stupid, or just blind? You faggots havent stopped complaining since it was announced.
Let's be real for a moment, we're all going to buy it anyway.
I think they did that on the 3ds or wiiu, idk I don't buy this garbage. nice art style though.
I have better things to complain about, like shenmue 3
I found it at 45€ on Amazon? Cheaper than a 3DS game, I'm ok with it.
BOTW is only worth $0 though, considering it's the worst Zelda ever made
For the last time. It is 45 bucks.
that's 50 dollars
Inflation sucks, I know
Aside from the fact that 45 eur would be 40 dollars, that's not how gaming prices work.
If it is 40 bucks in america it will be 40 euro in europe.
Just look at Switch. Buying american switch was cheaper for europeans thanks to eur/dollar ratio.
Wait sorry I fucked up.
You're right, 45 euro are 50 dollars, but still that's not how it works, they have the same "numerical" price worldwide, even tough for an european the american version would be cheaper.
Wtf I thought it was going to be 40. Are they padding it with the dungeon maker or something, the game isn't that long.
This, I don’t like the fact they kept the text spam with the guardian acorns in though
they give you a glimpse of the superior product how nice!
Shit that's cool
>60 bucks for a reskin
that's a nope from me dawg
Last time I checked you could get this
> game boy game from 93 for a couple bucks
Or are you referring to the remake for Nintendo Switch, retard?
The soundtrack is the worst hack job in existence. Baby instruments, BABY INSTRUMENTS. GET KOJI KONDO BACK TO REDIRECT THIS OST, GOOD GOD THIS IS A BUTCHER JOB TO THE BEST OST.
Because I don't want it anyway. This is the golden standard of a filler title to pad the release schedule. LA didn't need a remake.
I get what you mean. That's why the EU stores are just such a fucking rip off. On PSN they want the equivalent of 80-100 bucks because they literally just keep the numerical price and disregard currency.
Really the scummiest platform.
Everything switch related costs too fucking much
every day there is at least one thread bitching about this game
I've heard before, a long time ago, that Aonuma's personal favourite zelda or the one he wanted to remake if he could was LA, but with BOTW2 obviously in the works due to how much of a critical and commercial success the first one was, I think LA got relegated to the sidelines and became this.
I'd pay 60 dollars for this
Links awakening is a good game, and this game looks great.
I can't wait to start playing and have fun
iirc you can only make dungeons the shape of hearts and you can't share them online
Complaining about things you cannot change is no way to move through life. I really like the new game, but I feel like it costs 20 dollars more than it should. I am still going to buy it, as Link's Awakening was a favourite of mine growing up, and I am an unabashed Zelda fan. Luckily, I can afford to pay full price, but of nintendo abuses their fans good will like this, knowing we will pay top dollar for nostalgia then they will slowly hemorrhage fans like bethesda is doing.
Will this be $60?
Did they explicitly confirm either of those things?
How can people defend this? a 360 game from 2009 for 60 dollars
no one defends call of duty facebookbro
Because muh Nintendo cant do wrong.
BBBBbuuuut it is not made by Nintendo and doesn't have the official Nintendo seal of approval so its not good.