Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch?

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i do but i never use it because no good games

the few games that interested me either have PC releases (Octopath, DQ, Mary Skelter) or have become shit during development (Pokemon SworlySwooshy)

I do but I don't buy multiplats on it. So unless Rune Factory 5 is on PC, I'll just buy it on Switch.

I do?

I do and I use it a lot because so many good games

I'll wait for the PC/emulator release of the good games.
Thanks for betatesting though.

I do, nigga. But I also have a PS4 and PC, so my attention sometimes gets put elsewhere. Like recently I've been playing a lot of Rising Storm 2 again, so my Switch has been collecting dust. Should change once Mario Maker 2 comes out.

i'm not a soys boy

I'm homosexual.

cuz im not retarded

What am I supposed to play this year that isn't Mario? I already played all the Wii U games.

But I do.

PC, Switch master race.

I’m a poor collegefag with no tv.

Does it make sense to play it only on portable?

I'll buy one when Rune Factory 5 comes out.

I'm holding out to see if they release a cheaper, portable-only version.

What's the second one?

Was going to get one for Pokémon before Masuda fucked it up.

erase the top two and your golden

>ported to PC six months later
>only exclusive
Im regretting my Switch purchase

So I can avoid all that trash

I own a switch but it sure as fuck isn't because of the disgusting oversaturation of god-awful weebshit.


I never played a dragon quest before, the last rpg I liked a whole like was golden sun on the gba

would I like dragon quest?

I'm buying all of those except the 2nd one. What the fuck is the 2nd game?

Also, if they're porting Mary Skelter 2 then might as well port Mary Skelter

Maybe if you like grinding to death and kill off those metal slimes satisfyingly.

Dont have enough time to play a lot and not that interested to invest in a Switch right now, so I stick with PS4. When they release the Switch mini or whatever I might get one

As someone that enetered with and hated DQ9, is 11 good enough to give it DQ a chance again?

One of the only reason to own a Switch is because you can play games from 2010s, it's perfectly made for us who doesn't want to play on TV or doesn't own a TV.

It's pointless to own a Switch unless you're into 1st party games. If you prefer open world with fancy graphics then just stick with PS4. I don't see any reason owning a Switch as well if I'm happy with GTA, RDR, Sleeping Dogs, etc.

Nope, the genre is not meant for you.

Try spin off games like DQ Builders 2 however, it might pique your interest if you like Minecraft.

>only shows weebshit
same reason i don't own a vita

>It's pointless to own a Switch unless you're into 1st party games
Not really, the switch has a healthy amount of third party games as well. Unless you're counting AAA junk.

To put this into perspective, even fucking Metokur owns a Switch.

>Every game that's on multiple platforms is a multiplat but on switch it's called a port

The most epic of memes

>Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch?
>bunch of weebshit games

congrats, you have solved the puzzle

Mary Skelter is a Vita port
DQ11 is a 3DS/PS4 port
only Omega Labyrinth is a multiplat and that will probably get ported like 99% of IF/CH shit

Nothing I can think of are worth playing on the Switch to be honest. Most games I buy on the Switch are mostly available for other platforms. I bought Dragon Marked for Death but that game is only enjoyable when played online, and currently the online room is barren as fuck, Octopath Traveler was pretty boring too and I dropped it at 2 hour mark.

The first 3rd party exclusive I might get interested in is either Astral Chain or Daemon x Machina, next would be Rune Factory 5.

DQXI was remade from the ground up with exclusive content, but yeah its a port

Mary Skelter 2 got butchered by Sony because of the damn chinks and the commies, so fuck that and play the best version on Switch, and besides, the cleansing mechanic will definitely make full use of Switch's touchscreen just like the Vita.

Personally, the port is very justifiable, if it sold well then we might be very lucky to have a sequel and maybe one day it might become as big as Neptunia, I'm crossing my fingers on that.

I have no interest in the switch games catalog.

Because I had a Wii U

And as of today BOTW is still the only game worth getting a Switch