In Japanese Frampt and Kaathe are referred to as the “World Snake" or 世界の蛇 (sekai no hebi) which may refer to...

In Japanese Frampt and Kaathe are referred to as the “World Snake" or 世界の蛇 (sekai no hebi) which may refer to "Ningishzida" who is the "Earth-Snake" in Sumerian mythology who is two serpents connected, sometimes with human faces. Ningishzida is the origin of Hermes, the messenger of the gods, symbolized by the "Caduceous." The Caduceus Shield in Dark Souls depicts Fraampt and Kaathe connected with heads on opposite sides.

So, who's actually right, Frampt, or Kaathe?

Attached: Primordial_Serpent_DS3.jpg (607x656, 127K)

Kaathe is more based though

They appear opposed but actually serve the same ultimate goal.

>Shitton of Serpent statues in DS3
>That leak that claimed you would fight Kaathe in Lothric castle

I mean I get From loves being ambigous and there is no more ambigiuity than not giving you anything, but fuck me did I want to know more about these snake fucks

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>Trusting either side of a digutsing two headed snake monster instead of living life in comfy painted Ash world

Elaborate? One wants to continue the age of fire, one wants to end it.


>'world snake' being sumerian shit instead of Jormungandr

Yeah but what about the other snakes in the Dark Lord ending?

Attached: The_Dark_Lord_Ending.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

The world-serpent doesn't have two heads you dumb nigger.


Not him
In the dark ending of DaS1 Frampt was a side switching faggot anyways so we can assume Kaathe is also. They support whoever has the most power and leech off that power to continue having influence on the world.

>the whole fucking bunch of screenshots and leaked gameplay of DaS3
bamco cheated us. fuck them.

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So wait, they are literal Snake jews?

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part 2 of what they robbed from us

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>That cut content video on youtube where they show all the different skyboxes and lightning conditions for different areas

Its agonizing knowing we will never see what they were planning to do with all of it

I was really looking forward to making bonfires :(

>dark souls lore

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>That fucking cut ending where you meet Gwyns ghost and fuck up the Serpents once and for all

Oh fuck


Why did they have to cut this

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Reminder that most *souls players on vee are gank squaders and shiteating casuals who couldn't beat crystal sage without 2 or 3 phantoms

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This is literally "my dad works at nintendo" tier shit you faggot

why do you assume that both are seperate just because they have opposing statements for the player?
what if right or wrong is irrelevant as long as a choice is made, and the being that is both of them, and all the other world snakes too, simply tells people what they need to hear to act?

The blue part maybe but the upper one us right.

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>He has to summon in order to finish souls

Whats your excuse user

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Daily reminder that Sekiro is the best From game.

a filtered post appeared.
should i open it?

>No build variety
>No multiplayer
>No neat ambigious lore

It's neat to see From do something different but didn't they just strip out all the interesting and unique stuff from Souls?

You don't know how game development works, shut the fuck up

Lore is better in Sekiro than all other games. The other complaints are tranny complaints.

>Two serpents
But why were there so many of them?

The top part is actually true, the bottom is pure fanfiction and I don't understand why it's included in the image

I could never bring myself to play DS2 and 3 for two reasons

-No interconnected world with sequence breaking and shortcuts
-Shitting the bed with lore, completely

What does this have to do with Elden Ring?

As much as this looked great I'm so fucking glad they didn't include all your equipped items on your back like that, makes rolling look even more stupid.

It's not a Souls game so why compare it to Souls?
It's like shitting Demon Souls and saying it's not a From game because it lacks mechs
>No neat ambiguous lore
Good, fuck this lazy shit
Either have lore or don't because the guessing game isn't really lore especially when you can never know if anything is real or not


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Turns out they weren't snakes after all.

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>Fromsoft lore

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I always thought The serpents where inspire by norse mitology snake Jörmungandr the one who start the raknarok (the end of the gods)and the same time by the uroboros snake (represent an edless cycle)

>connected with heads on opposite sides.
does the lore say anything about how they go number 2?

Chaos sneks have been around for millennia

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In my headcanon the serpents are literally just the primordial beings which every other being originated from. They got the worst combination of everything but they have it all in them. They have human like features but are also imperfect dragons and their moustache is what evolved to wings on dragons
You CANNOT disprove this!!

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