Did I fail to see threads about this yesterday? youtube.com
FF8 Remaster
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Overshadowed by FFVIIR pretty hard.
2. After the FFIX remaster I'm not too optimistic.
I saw one
Squall's face a bit too feminine imo
FF8 doesn't need a remaster, it needs a remake.
based. Although, the remaster will make me replay it for like the 100th time.
More exciting than the FF7 Remake DESU
i hope it doesn't take too long to come out, i was going to replay FF8 soon.
not a single one
Same user, if it's not before September (looking unlikely) it'll be a while until I play it because of all the games coming in Sept/Oct this year.
Duh! It's all pre-rendered backrounds
VIII fucking sucks.
Not a fan of Squall borrowing his most recent designs
What was the list?
People he wants to hug tenderly
>everything still animates at the silky smooth 20 fps
what a remaster
Leguna at this rate will straight up be a trap.
They're gonna look like shit just like IX, then modders will have to fix everything
The thot list
You really gonna say that with how the FF VII remake is turning out?
I need the HD remake so i can kill myself and live in 4k balamb garden
Seifer was essentially a school shooter
>that 3 rebels who never watch school uniform
Seifer is literally me
A remake with some much needed story changes
VIIR looks good though
doesn't matter, modders can just run it through that neural network shit that they used to spruce up FF7s backgrounds.
>So, how many parts will this take to complete?
>We can't tell you, because even we don't know.
Technically all schools were teaching their students to kill though?
80% of people stopped playing it when they had to face raijin and fujin after the space thing, they were unreasonably strong, also the game lost all of the appeal by that time anyway
Imagine the remake of this
>spam limits
I'm a hardcore FF8 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand
>he thinks that's going to be remade
it'll be the newmodels sticking out like sore thumbs
this. no one wants to play turn based boomer garbage
>80% of people stopped playing it when they had to face raijin and fujin after the space thing, they were unreasonably strong
The junction system is completely broke though? Nothing is strong in that game, those 80% clearly had no idea.
I first read that pasta on gamefaqs what's the origin anyway?