Dead Space 1 came out 11 years ago

>Dead Space 1 came out 11 years ago
Would you still play it?

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No, it's too old

I played it yesterday.

I did just recently, it still looks and plays great

It’s a masterpiece so yes

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no, 3 is 100x better

i dont own a $3000 pc to play old games.
perhaps if there's a sequel some day.

That reminds me why doesnt EA do remasters? Every company out there is remastering games for easy money and EA just releases games and then forget they ever existed. Do they hate money?

I did but got bored half way because i already did that and the later parts lose all the pacing, but the starting chapters are really good

It's one of the best games ever made, unironically. But only the first one. Sequels are pretty bland.


I hated it back then, I clearly would loathe it today.

b8, but yo could run shit like this with sub-100€ computer nowadays.

Why did they grow babies in vitro ? Si their mothers could still work instead of being pregnant ?

3 isn’t bad honestly, not as good as 1 or 2 clearly but still solid.


That crap did irreversible damage to survival horror genre. It's pretty much the "Halo" of horror vidya. It is also boring AF; literally a mashup of Doom3 and RE4.

I like ideas about Necro moon in 3. Execution was very bad.

I think you're thinking of RE4 which dead space is a clone of but in space.

This. A game instantly becomes unplayable to me once it hits 5 years old

They're not real babies, iirc they don't have proper brains. They're grown for organ transplants.

It's still a great game so yeah. Wish it never went in the direction it did.

>irreversible damage to survival horror genre.
How so?

They are clone crew samples. When you get hurt or whatever, they would take the organ from the baby, age it, and put it in you as a replacement. You think a miner never shot their leg off with a plasma cutter?


Visceral Games, makers of Dead Space & Dante's inferno were known for making best games. Too bad we will never get to see them again.

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Dead Space is a very dystopic OSHA hell where its apparently cheaper to grow a clone baby to harvest its organs than it is to install a 4' guard rail

It's an interesting idea, and it let them put necromorph babies in without them actually being babies.

Then Dead Space 2 happened and we got real babies in the creepiest motherfucking childhood centre ever to exist.

Dead Space 1(and 2) have very little replayability because of its their reliance on jump scares. Don't get me wrong their really fun to play through it for the first time but after that they're just a chore because you already know everything that will be happen.

I replay once a year usually. Game is a masterpiece and holds up today easily

I miss this franchise so much bros it didn't have to fucking be this way

This game was better than God of War 3 in every way.

>Amazing setting/atmosphere and gunplay
>knowledge of the jumpscares make it have little replay value

wew lad

once a year still

>That crap did irreversible damage to survival horror genre.
That's funny because RE4 is what did this and we still haven't recovered from it.

It's still a fun game, i replay it every 2 years or so.

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very scary game desu

Fuck me, how is it that this game still looks so damn good? We don't even need a remaster.

Why would I play a shitty Resident Evil 4 clone with worse controls, terrible pase, and laughable story that holds your hand the whole time by reminding you to shoot limbs every 5 seconds like you were some kind of retard and literally draws a straight line to your next fetch mission not letting you explore anything?

>Dead Space 1 came out 11 years ago
No fucking way, it cant be older than 5 years now
I remember playing it for the first time very clearly

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that was so racist

Even Dead Space 3 is 6 years old now.

n-no it isnt, stop bullshitting me user

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Dead Space is unironically better than any RE game.

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Thought it was older.

sure, its a great game

i replay whole trilogy once a year for few reasons
1. it's really good
2. to not lose my origin account
3. i have friend to play dead space 3 coop

>2. to not lose my origin account
wait what?

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no because of the gay shitty meteor part

wtf was her problem?

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Replayed it and 2 a couple of months ago actually. Think that brings it up to about 8 playthroughs.

Git gud.
I have to do that shit with a controller and I have problems getting through those parts.

Dead Space? More like System Shock 3. Yes, really.

Would a HD remaster even improve the way this game looks? It already looks perfect. What else is there to improve upon?

Back then consoles got legitimately gimped versions that barely hit low-medium settings, and the high-ultra settings were more noticeable than ultra shadows

Most of the environments don't look anywhere near as good as Isaac's back. There is lots of room for improvement. Just PBR alone would make the game look a hundred times better.

System Shock 3 is basically Prey 2017

I replayed them all recently. The first is comically forgiving. I should not be playing on the highest difficulty, and just passing everything by because my inventory is full and I can't be fucked to run to a store to sell everything.
Dead Space 2 is infinitely worse on that front and I heavily dislike the shift from raw, horrific, rusty, industrial areas to clean residential ones. It's worse in every way, honestly. Still good.

The ios game and wii game are still legitimately good.

Dead Space 3 wasn't irredeemable garbage but man, that universal ammo, crafting, copy-pasted side-levels, horrible character drama, there's a lot of flaws. I still like the art direction, I guess, and the massive shifts from colony > spaceships > artic > gigantic Mountains of Madness tribute city. Variety was appreciated. Good thing it tanked the series because it'd only get worse from there.

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Not him but that looks like a ReShade though.

Dead Space 1 and 2 have that inventory "flaw" where you get ammo only for the weapons in your inventory. Grab 2, max out the plasma cutter, sell ammo from the second gun, and you have almost infinite money

fuck ea
>when niggers are enabling their shitty microtransaction tactics because muh sport

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there's no way you played either game if you think this

You don't ONLY get ammo for weapons in your inventory, it's just you are more likely to get ammo for those weapons.

I can see why they did that, but on the same note it's obvious they balanced the game so heavily around the Plasma Cutter and Line Gun that the inventory management comes off as borderline vestigial.

A Ripper and Flamethrower playthrough is neither feasible nor fun. Kneecaps replayability and discussion.

Textures are pretty bad. Lighting and animations are still really good though.

He's referring to the fact that Dead Space initially began development as literally System Shock 3.

Why replay the first game when the second one just has better gameplay? genuinely curious

Yes, it still looks and plays great

I'm not joking. Dead Space WAS supposed to be System Shock 3. Then EA saw RE4 and told the devs to make a clone of that instead. But the SS influence is still there.

Different weapons have different applications. Flamethrower sucks for most enemies but for the little bastards that crawl over the ground and walls it's great while the plasma cutter is shit for them. This is not an RPG. There are no "builds".

What's the best gun and why it's the Line Gun. Take the versatility of the Plasma Cutter, and make a super version of it on steroids, and you have a god tier gun.

Well true, but it is strongly weighted to the weapons you have equipped. 2/3rds of the time its going to be what you have in your inventory.

Flamer was so dissapointing

Honestly for horror, lighting/shadow and animations are going to be the most important compared to texture detail. Maybe particle effects are up there too.

I did mention Line Gun, which kills all those little queers in one shot with a mine. The mine that deals massive damage to everything, has a massive range, and is dick-all for ammo. Combine with stasis that they throw ammo at you for.

There should be "builds", though. Say which loadout is best in RE4 and you get a bitchfight on your hands, same with System Shock 1/2. Or go the Bioshock route and give you every weapon and upgrade and also a free rimjob.

There's no reason to have so many weapons with so restrictive ability to use them when all of them are shit compared to the first two.

Setting and atmosphere. I like the fucked up ghost ship setting and the feeling of isolation. Also nice Isaac doesnt swear every 5 seconds.

Just played through it again recently and the game looks just fine

>It's pretty much the "Halo" of horror vidya.

Dead Space never got big enough to truly be that though. RE 4-6 absolutely eclipse it in popularity so if anything is the Halo of horror games it is RE which also has been around much longer than Halo.

Dead Space was cool but EA isn't a good fit for any franchises well being.

I always liked using the pulse rifle. I know there are people who don't like but I love it. Getting swarmed and popping the alt fire and seeing everything drop dead fills me with such a high it's indescribable.

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Ah, you were by my side all along. My true mentor. My guiding BIG ASS LASER

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That's RE4 and arguably Amnesia.
Dead Space 2 took months to break even.

>Say which loadout is best in RE4 and you get a bitchfight on your hands
Who the fuck does this? There are no "best weapons" in RE4. They're all perfectly fine to use in pretty much every situation. Who the fuck just doesn't have every single weapon and swap between them depending on which one has the most spare ammo?
>same with System Shock 1/2
These are RPG.
>Or go the Bioshock route and give you every weapon and upgrade and also a free rimjob.
That's basically what Dead Space did.

>same with System Shock 1/2
SS1 isn't an RPG at all, just a particularly complex FPS. SS2 is Bioshock for high IQ people.

>Dead Space 1 came out 11 years ago

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I did! And then I went and played DS2 right after and I liked it even more.

And then I played DS3 and was slightyl confused but also sad because although the games have been twisted into something utterly different than the first two, you can clearly see the love and detail in the visual designs everywhere.

What if horror games randomized the jump spoops on every playthrough ?
It's not like they're integral to the plot.

Best alt fire in the game. Get surrounded on purpose just to turn into a plasma tornado

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Isnt amnesia basically the same shit as their Penumbra games?

It's not really jump scares but the Fatal Frame franchise, to some extent, randomizes enemy encounters. It doesn't really make the game any scarier.

Dead Space 2 has more because you've got the gimmick modes and unlockables, and both are fine to replay since there's very little that slows you down or wastes your time. I wouldn't blitz them, but every couple of years? Sure.

Compared to something like Killer is Dead, that has level rankings and wants you to replay it, and keeps wasting your fucking time with unskippable forced walking segments and minute long inlevel conversations.

Yeah, but Amnesia is the one that actually did well.
I'd retract the statement anyway. Amnesia was fine, in retrospect. Amnesia had nice pacing and well-done levels. Same with Penumbra. Not too many direct clones.

Slender Man was the game that made horror games a bunch of fucking intolerable zero-budget, zero-effort indie games for a while.

Yes, but amnesia wasn't nearly as clunky, retarded and embarrassing so it caught on with streamers

so with the end of 3 being really the end i guess, does that mean its a canonical bad end "humanity is fucked" for the series?

It's fitting.

Tried playing it few years ago, but felt bored after few hours. Same boring brown tubes with same boring jumpscare enemies. Also, no point of using any other weapon than starting weapon.

From what I understand the original plan was for Dead Space 4 to be, basically, a galaxy wide post-apocalypse crafting survival blah blah blah space game with Ellie as the protagonist. Last I heard they've kind of acknowledged the whole thing is unsalvageable and if there ever is going to be another Dead Space it'd probably have to be a complete reboot but that's almost certainly not going to happen because EA has the IP and neither wants to give it up or make another game.

Imagine if from software takes on this Dead space and makes Dead Space Souls

I got this for PC on Origin, do I need any mods or anything to get it to run or can I just jump in?

Turn off Vertical Sync if you're having issues with unresponsive controls.
That's about it.

fuck ya this shit was so fun and scary

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my negro

The first game? There's the mouse control issue but if you have a controller play with that rather than fixing mouse aiming. They didn't rebalance the game for the precision and speed of a mouse, that's why they gimped the control, and if you fix it the game is ridiculously easy even on hardest difficulty.

from soft make nothing but shit games.

>mouse control issue
is there one? i didnt notice it, and the game was still super easy

I've still got my 360 and Dead Space in my closet, nothing to stop me from gettin em out and slicing up some aliens, i kinda don't want to though. DS was super fun but the novelty really wore off after the first playthrough

Every year. Although I think playing it at 1440p 144fps completely fucked up the physics and lighting. Everything was way too dark.

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I don't see a problem, that's pretty great.

My favorite is The Ripper.
Most enemies run towards you anyway, so why not have them run into your blade so they take damage and gets stunlocked?
It might have a boring alt-fire, but it's just so damn fun to use.

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yes. it's a great game, but I think it's overrated.

I never played dead space but I heard it is comparable to system shock 2

Out of the way basic ass security shits, Riotchad coming right the fuck through.

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Is it? I love the games, read the comics and book, played the spinoffs, even saw the stupid Animatrix style movie, and still would give the best games a solid 8/10 on a good day.
I'd say just "consistently well received action horror franchise".

No. Lie. Go play Prey 2017 or Bioshock. Dead Space is RE4 deepthroating Event Horizon.

>multiplayer human unlockables was all skins for the security suits
>it was all basic-ass camo prints

there's a lot of people that think it's the peak of the horror genre and a close to flawless game. I see it in dead space threads a lot. I think it's a great game, but I also think it's far from the top.

is there any images, articles or interviews that go in-depth on this? At this point i feel like there's been a hundred "SS3"s that all went somewhere else. Hopefully a real SS3 never comes along either, those games were a product of their times by far.

>had the perfect setting and gameplay to make a RE4+L4D mp
>instead make a shitty but also fun (if you don't play against level 60) mp that dies quickly

Well shit.

Played it last year without music to see if the ambience was good enough.
Pretty good experience, but the audio quality of the necromorph grunts where awful and didn't mesh with the other environmental sounds.

Would you still play Silent Hill 2? Of course you would. Would you still play Smash Melee?

>literally a mashup of Doom3 and RE4
and how is this a bad thing?

inb4 someone complains about tank controls

Just played it last year. Still great but I hate you can't use telekinesis to impale enemies like in 2

Same. Wish we could go back. 2 was definitely a step backwards (and 3 super shit) but 2 had some good moments.
>walking through the Ishimura in DS2

Spector is working on SS3 with "Otherside Entertainment" right now

>tfw playing 2 before 1 slightly ruined the experience since the gameplay in 2 feels a lot smoother

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For real, DS3 had some good ideas, the crafting was a welcome addition, as Isaac is supposed to be an engineer, so that fit his character. But the universal ammo system was dumb, as was the focus on action.

I think people who complain about tank controls don't realize they're so much easier to get a handle of when you pretty much just run everywhere

Complaining about tank controls is old hat. Shit works, it's fine, as long as the turn speed isn't King's Field tier retarded slow.

Clunky gameplay is the point user, same goes with tank controls. They actively work against the player to increase tension.

it's easy to maneuver with FCA, they're simple, and they make it so combat puts pressure on your resources more.
it's a good mechanic in survival horror, but people don't like to adapt a lot. especially now with a lot of games playing fairly similarly to each other.

Took me a bit to get used to it... and the slower kinesis, but I had a blast with it still. I remember having the same problem with Prototype 1 and 2, where a some of controls and other little tweaks to the gameplay made it pretty difficult to jump back and forth from one another.

>not having an October essentials list
I play 1 and 2 yearly

>to a completed series
I dont even know how they would resurrect it even if they wanted to

yes, it's a good game

>New games good
>Old games bad

the controls on pc have not aged well

That's why you use a controller and not keyboard+mouse.

3 could have been great if it removed the coop, removed 80% of the enemies and balanced the game appropriately to make it survival horror again instead of Gears of War: Space Cthulu edition, and played more with Lovecraftian ideas and a sense of Isaac going insane from loneliness and the extreme conditions of the planet, making it more of a psychological horror storyline. The moment I heard that you would be fighting enemies that shot back at you back in a gameinformer article, I knew the series was ruined.

It is great

>literally a mashup of Doom3 and RE4.
I actually played DS recently and you're not wrong lol. I didn't finish it though, it gets crazy repetitive after like 4 hours. Take the tram, go to a place, do the thing, BACKTRACK, take the tram again, rinse and repeat. Such a grind, no idea how people found it entertaining.

>not using the mousefix

but I play on PC specifically to not have to use a controller for any kind of shooter

how so? Never played it on PC

For me it's the force gun.

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Sounds like you would have wanted it to be a third person walking simulator focusing on the story and character instead. Those kind of games are meant to be "played" on Youtube.

mouse sensitivity changes when you aim and is extremely low when you're not aiming

>controller on a shooter
fuck off pleb

>mouse sensitivity changes when you aim and is extremely low when you're not aiming

Aiming with a mouse is too easy. It's like playing with auto aim. Controller is more comfy.

No, I just wanted it to have the pacing of Dead Space 1 again. I remember Dead Space 3 had fucking horde rooms that threw dozens of enemies at you. That has no place in a horror game.

I was upset when they turned it into a generic grenade launcher in the sequel.

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if my six-year-old controller wasn't trashed, sure

Same. Maybe it was impressive on the 360 back in the day, but playing it now on the PC it feels super mediocre. Just another boring ass third person shooter with a brown color palette and awkward controls.

Buy a new one?

Sounds like you're getting too old for playing games.

>Gothic 2 came out 17 years ago

im currently playing it for the first time
miles better than the garbage rpgs we get nowadays

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