Female Smash Bro Fighters

Let's face it, it's 2019. The Smash fighter pass has to have at LEAST one female. Who's it going to be?

Attached: SmashBrosGirlsClub.jpg (2900x1500, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:


any other answer is wrong except ado

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Someone forgot about Kazooie.


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Yeah but this isnt California or some liberal ran western city.


Shantae is my number 1 but Fio/Marco is my number 2

everyone to the left of chun-li is a literally who and honestly, Jill has the best shot given how much Capcom love Smash has

>b-but california
I think it's been a year since I've seen a thread that didn't have this stock post.

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We've been blaming Sony all this time, but secretly it was so that she had a costume acceptable enough to appear in Smash, it was Nintendo all along.

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>reimu is a literally who
kys yourself

Saber could fit with the FE sword fags and appeals to all the fateshitters

There’s more deserving girls sure but Jewtendo wants money

It'll be Jill with Leon, Claire, and Chris alts

Saber is a porn character.

I like you. While Shantae has never been on my wish list, Pirates Curse was a great game and I wouldn't be mad if she got in. She deserved Assist Trophy at least.

Cooking Mama could be cute, imagine the fanart of her cooking for everybody.

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>literal porn character PLUS gachashit

Still more likely than some in OP’s pic like Gaycer

>it's 2019

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It isn't ACTUALLY possible, is it?

Nakoruru would be the strongest contender if SNK managed to win over Nintendo.

I'm very thankful smash has mostly avoided the bullshit gender ratio thing. They put in the all-stars and the fan favorites, no matter who they are. Just the way it should be.

Probably tracer

It's going to be Byleth, both genders.

>going to the effort of making this image


Hoping for Dixie, but another Rare character seems unlikely.
Out of these, the one with the best chance is 2B.
Maybe Chun-li, but another SF rep is pretty unlikely imo. Shantae also has a chance even though she's not in the OP.

Literally all of these picks are shit. Are you even trying, women?

Nigga, anything's possible at this point.

The Boss

Jill is the most likely in my personal opinion

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Overwatch has like 1 song. How would they give us music from a game that has none

Bro, you just posted cringe!

Eldegard, btfo smelly smash autists.

Weren't we all sure that the male/Female character from Monster Hunter was going to come to Smash Bros?

I’m completely tapped out of good ideas otherwise. Banjo getting sealed it in. Nintendo has its icons in check (unless they somehow put in Arthur in Smash and Dab on Sony)

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Explain exactly WHY it needs to have a female.

A proper argument, none of that 'diversity' bullshit.

Cringe and bluepilled

At least 3 of these are already deconfirmed

Took less than 10 minutes, it's fun

Waifufags money

the plant is female

Kill this meme, you misunderstood Palutena.

Only tards thought that. Rathalos is the MH rep

You were almost right

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Haruka Amami.

Imagine the fanart of her fucking everyone. Wouldn't that be so nice? Hahaha

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KOS-MOS with T-ELOS as an alt and palettes that reference Elma (both forms), Pyra and Mythra shared between the two of them.

Where's Arle?

Weren't there talks about a Granblue character?

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She's with Lip in the trash

She's in!!

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Virginben already confirmed he got fed bullshit on that one

Sakurai is a waifufag

Based but never ever

i want to lick her tummy

>lewding cooking mama
There ought to be a law

Here are the ones I'd be 100% happy with.

Has the advantage of being a Xeno- character while having the loophole of technically being a different IP from Xenoblade
Has a history with Nintendo for over a decade
Was the best selling Xeno game until Xenoblade 2 came along (sold over 1 million copies in less than a year back in 2003)
Created by Monolith who is owned by Nintendo, belongs to Namco who is co-developing the last two Smash games.
Tons of moveset potential.
Appears in a bunch fighting games, it's not hard to make-up a moveset
Could be used to shill a Xenosaga remake (which has been teased for a while) or a future Xeno- game
Literally the only viable future Xeno rep, considering she's still the most popular Xeno character for 17 years and the other possible reps (Elma, Pyra/Mythra/Pneuma) are literally just KOS-MOS rehashes and Rex is deconfirmed.
Battle android partially made out of nanomachines who can morph her limbs into nearly any weapon (ranged and melee) of her choosing

Attached: KOS-MOS in smash.jpg (1200x1080, 193K)

The first female protagonist.

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KOS-MOS, Reimu, and Jill are the most likely in my opinion. KOS-MOS is still popular in Japan, and the West likes her because of XC 2. Reimu has Touhou. Jill has RE

Saber and 2B are well known for their porn. Nier became known after Automata.

The other character's are disqualified, already represented.

Why? Her iconic games, 1 & 3, didn't debut on a Nintendo system. Hell, she didn't appear on a Nintendo console until the remake in 2002. Chun-Li is way more of a "Nintendo" girl than she is

i want to hold out hope for dr coyle but my gut says it'll be RE jill or some other third party char

Do you feel the same way about Cloud?

I admire the effort kosmosfags put in these pics but sadly i don't think she'll ever happen. A shame, because I'm already satisfied with the roster and she looks like she could make a cool and unique projectile based character.

Ado would be a great choice!

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Good taste.

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Min Min is so fuckin JUICY

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>Min-min over Twintelle

My bet is Amaterasu.

Chunli is a spirit
ARMS girl is a spirit
Edelgard can't get in because sakurai already said characters whose game came out too late aren't getting in

>rulefagging this late to the game

Every fighter has a spirit.

Nigga sakurai literally told us very clearly springman couldn't make it because his game was too late to be picked, I'd bet anything min-min and edelgard are not getting in

that was for the base roster, stupid

I would prefer 2B or KOS-MOS, but odds are we'll get Edelgard unfortunately. Got to continue the tradition of wasting DLC characters on Fire Emblem.

It's gonna be Twintelle, she ticks off female AND black

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I'm genuinely shocked that we've barely gotten any female newcomers compared to the boys

Now who is the one rulefagging?

>calls twintelle black
>posts whitewashed fanart
based retard

Give me Jill or Claire, we need an RE rep. Smash Chunners would look god-tier, but i'm not in need of another SF rep. I'd love 2B, but we're not getting another Square rep.

Only 2B or KOS-MOS would make me happy.
If Blizzard, or Overwatch in general, were doing as great as it was during 2016, I might have believed you.

Trust me, i'd love at least one new female in the game, but can any of them really top the current releases, especially after E3?

Only way that's happening will be after the fighters pass, which i doubt they will make more afterwards, but would be nice cause she could bring more songs from FF finally with her.

Whoever is gonna be the furrybait waifu of Pokémon Gen 8.


>Game came out around the same time as Persona 5
>Insanely popular, especially for a Yoko Taro game
>Platinum Games rep, something that we only have one of
>Tons of great music

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add a female Xenoblade 2 character, fills 2 niches
some possibilities would include:
Pyra and Mythra where each one is a skin
Mòrag and Brighid
Zeke and Pandoria despite Zeke not being female
So they have decent options

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No, shut the fuck up you faggy waifufag

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>Square Enix
Not happening, unfortunately.

As was foretold in the prophecy.

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>can any of them really top the current releases
Reimu definitely would in Japan, and Tracer would probably cause a shitstorm big enough to break the internet

Fuck off. Fuck off. FUCK OFF

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It's too late to shill for 3H

I want Jill from Resident Evil.

Chunners would be great.
But I don't really want another character that plays the same as sf2


ok i see it now
I'm not this user but these are me

>Overwatch was voted Esport of the year 3 years in a row at the Gaming Awards
>Esports are the ultimate celebration of skillful hardcore gameplay, and the Overwatch League embodies this
>Over 40million players
>thats over 40,000,000(7 zeroes) players.
>LGBT representation,
>Most beloved character of 2016
>Has made appearances in hit movies such as the cult classic Ready Player One

Its her turn Loves.

The Cavalry's here!

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It's not even patterns. Why would they have 2 SE reps in the same season pass? If a second season happens, i could see it happening.

>Trust me, i'd love at least one new female in the game, but can any of them really top the current releases, especially after E3?
I actually fear it’s a repeat of Ultimates marketing
>Hit people with that blazing symbol as a teaser
>blow the biggest “Never Ever” meme right in people’s faces with the first reveal and basically starting the frenzy of “anyone could show up”
>finally put in Nintendo staples like Castlevania and King K Rool into smash. Mass hysteria and speculation intensifies
>for final smash, underwhelm 90% of people with the street fighter clone and a Pokémon, something everyone and their mothers could’ve expected and end with a jokey out of pocket Character in pirhana plant instead of a something on par with King K or Ridley.
It’s very likely now that Banjo has dropped, it’s just a given the last 2 will be some very underwhelming or stuff. Maybe one out of left field but again, not to the level of mass praise like Banjo or DQ (if you’re from Asia)

How has the "Reimu is popular in Japan" shit gotten so distorted that you think she would unironically be a more popular inclusion than fucking Dragon Quest?

Legitimately good picks
>Jill Valentine

Good picks
>Chun Li
>Dixie Kong

Mediocre picks

Shit picks
>Hat Kid

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The truth is right there in front of your face. You need only accept reality for it is, my friends.

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Fantastic taste.

>didn't guess DQ rep
stop reposting this

Insanely popular indie rep, with potential for unique mechanics (activate Easy mode when offstage for unlimited jumps)

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A Dragon Quest character was expected in Japan, which is why it didn't get as much buzz as even Banjo's reveal. Touhou is definitely popular there, and so far removed from Nintendo that the genuine surprise factor of Reimu's reveal will destroy them.

This, if anyone has earned it, it's Jill Valentine

Sorry I didn't mean to imply that it was more popular than DQ, but I think it would cause more excitement, and especially more fanart.

>Reddit spacing
(You) need to go back, tranny.

Whats wrong Love? You can't handle the future of gaming and the face of esports?

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No offence but Reimu feels more like a meme now, just not as aggressive as Steve was.

You'd think it be Tracer since she is the mascot and all, but for some reason I feel they'd choose D.Va

With the reveals bigger than the last and the latest 2 essentially fulfilling the most requested characters not int ill now, I'm gonna assume the last 2 will just be dream matches, such as Dante vs Bayo or Scorpion vs. Ryu. A shame cause I'd love more females and I can't think of anyone who'd fit that theory.

>Final Smash:mixed-race abortion

>Sakurai adding any Xenoblade 2 character other than Rex
If he isn't in then the others aren't in either

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What about Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden or anyone from SNK? What about Doom?

>they will be a video game character

Holy shit what a leak

>Her iconic games, 1 & 3, didn't debut on a Nintendo system.
Uh, so what? The remaster of RE1 came out on Nintendo systems first and that's widely considered one of the best out there
>Hell, she didn't appear on a Nintendo console until the remake in 2002
So we're just ignoring the fact that there were Resident Evil games even before 2002 on Nintendo consoles, right?

Reimu has genuine merit in being playable though with how her series helped kickstart the doujin and indie scene. She also has far better potential as a playable fighter than Steve ever had.

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>Not a single Nintendo hardware appearance
>Thinking Nintendo gives a fuck about "representation"

How "Nintendo" they are doesn't really fucking matter. They need to be as Nintendo as Joker or Cloud are. One appearance on hardware pre-release. That's it.

>Not a single Nintendo hardware appearance
Who is Cloud
Who is Joker

I'd like to say there's no reason to believe that but at the same time I can see Sakurai trying to appeal to waifufags with one dlc pick


Who the fucking cares at this point? The most popular ones are in and the ones that were popular are an assist trophy or a spirit.
The next two will be a curve ball just like joker was but the roster is perfect as it is now.

So are we going to pretend that one of the last two DLC spots won't go to a Danganronpa character? Despite Sakurai being a huge fan of the series, Spike Chunsoft being supervisors of the last Smash game AND the last DLC character would be saved for next year which is Danganronpa's 10th anniversary?

Smash needs better puzzle game representation.

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>The next two will be a curve ball just like joker
This. I'm honestly expecting some Joker like curves for the last two or one of those two so this may be relevant

No, you are a retard, tell me characters that are literally who that aren't from nintendo or are classic characters/returning ones.
You literally can't.

>Kingdom Hearts GBA and DS
>Persona Q2
>Persona 5 Scramble coming to the Switch
Meanwhile, Tracer

There will be... a chosen one!

"And then, he told me of the significance"

It will be significant!

>no females for this Fighters pass and there wont be another...
>Cause there is gonna be a Femme Fatale pass after this.

Stop trying to make patterns like this. I don't want Tracer in at all, but come on.

>Despite Sakurai being a huge fan of the series
lol i see this argument used for every single fucking game someone please tell me what game sakurai doesn't like

>Guessed the wrong SE rep
>Never posted their supposed video
Great leak

All i did was respond to the other person claiming that Joker and Cloud had never been on a Nintendo system, so they break the rules, when they clearly fucking have.

Clouds presence really fucks with the logic of smash characters. I’m sure this was more about Nintendo making peace with SquarEnix just like Altus and Nintendo and yet FF7 is so god damn conflicting with the idea of Smash Bros being a celebration of Nintendo. You’d think you’d never ever see not only someone that wasn’t a Nintendo game show up, but it’s one of the harbingers to Nintendo’s fall from total gaming dominance where all the 3rd parties like Square and Capcom ran away and made Sony the winner of Gen 5


You two are completely delusional.

I want Miku!!!

Get in line

Most of the great male reps that people actually like and would expand nintendo’s relationships with other companies are already exhausted

He doesn't like most franchises.

Cool story, he was still on Nintendo hardware pre-reveal. Both Joker and Cloud were.

It is something Sakurai said and every single 3rd party has followed. It is the last bankable rule along with starting in video games.

I wish, Nintendo is sitting on a lot of IPs that could be cool in Smash.

How am I delusional for asking a question
I see literally everyone defend their pick with the argument "sakurai liked the game"
So seriously, what game does he not like

Cloud's main games have not been on Nintendo.


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Who the fuck said main game. The character just needs to have appeared on Nintendo hardware at some point prior to being announced. Cloud was in KH on GBA and the music game on 3DS. Done. Eligible.

Not eligible. Cloud's role was just a cameo there.


You're forgetting that Spike Chunsoft actually worked with Sakurai on the last Smash game.

Who the fuck do you think? the ghoul in the middle.

A shame they didn't go for KOS-MOS

>Besides that, it might be something like a courtesy to include a character who has the experience of being on a Nintendo platform.

He's been on it. Cameo, not cameo. Doesn't matter.

>The Smash fighter pass has to have at LEAST one female.

But it does, you silly billy.

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That's fine. Amaterasu is still in.

Yeah and bamco literally developed ultimate
Bamco character when

I was going to make a post about how nintendo would never have their last two fighters be sylux and a fire emblem rep but fuck it's a genius move. All the smashkiddies would have already bought the fighters pass because of the banjo hype.

>anyone from SNK?

Please give me him Sakurai

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Nakoruru ichiban

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You forgetting Pac Man champ?

She's in. Get ready.

>Nakoruru is mediocre
>Hat Kid is shit
>But 2B, who's already in SoulCal is okay
Fuck off, retard.

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“The future of eSports”
>game is effectively dead barely 3 years into its lifespan
>Overwatch League viewership numbers declining
have fun with your SFM porn game, tranny

Girl geno

>All those literal whos
>character from a porn game
Honestly, the only real choices there are Chun Li and Edgelord. If they put in an ARMS character, it will be Spring Man and Ribbon Girl as alternating costumes.

Good argument and I think she has a shot but Pyra/Mythra are more likely.

Reimu will be dead before she's in Smash!

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Why does the blind seer see her true form as a beautiful girl, then?

can we have a titty ninja

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WaHH Reimu is functionally retarded, she could at minimum stalemate Kasen easily with FH if she actually tried.

You say that but you post a character who originates from a fighting game. Don’t be silly. Regardless, good taste.

I'd be all about Cooking Mama

Nakoruru is mediocre because while she'd be an okay pick, there's no reason for her to get in over Haohmaru.

Hat Kid is shit not only because she falls into the same pitfalls as other indie shitters like Yooka Laylee, Shantae, and Celest, but because A Hat In Time isn't even on the Switch still.
>B-b-but Joker!
Is from a franchise with a long history with Nintendo platforms. Just because Persona 5 never touched a Nintendo platform doesn't mean Megami Tensei didn't on the Famicom.

2B is Namco's current favorite crossover shillpick, falling in the footsteps of KOS-MOS and Heihachi before her. Just because Heihachi was in SoulCalibur 2 didn't mean he couldn't make it into PSASBR.

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Haohmaru and Nakoruru are the same levels of popularity, Nakoruru is a girl and has a bird so she has a quota to fill

I mean they refer to her as "Sweet mother to us all" or something

I guess its a technicallity because of Shiranui.

I just want a cute girl to play, none of the current fighters satisfy that


Please, Overwatch is alive and well, we have over 40,000,00 players!

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>Why yes, I do believe that Sylux and Edelgard shall be my next picks for the DLC, what gave me away?

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Nakoruru is one of the company faces in the Fighting Game side. Up there with Terry (Who would be my Fightan Pick, not gonna lie) and Kyo. She's just as big as Haohmaru, if not bigger.
The Hat Kid shit is fair. I like her and I think she'd be fun, but not only is she not on Switch, but her turboautist devs are AGGRESSIVE about her not being on there.

>Just because Heihachi was in SoulCal 2, didn't mean he couldn't make it into PSASBR
Yeah, those games were over 10 years apart, user.

This. Plenty of beautiful women, but no cuties!

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Kazooie's already in.

Yes but choosing Nakoruru over Haohmaru would be like picking Sonya Blade over Scorpion/Sub-Zero or Mai over Terry. The only time I could buy the female lead being picked over the male lead for a new fightan rep for Smash is Morrigan over Demitri since the gap between the two is much bigger than the gap between Haohmaru and Nakoruru.

You have Kazooie. And why does there need to be a female fighter?

Nah, Nakoruru isn't the Sonya to Haohmaru's Scorpion. She's not even the Chunners to his Ryu. She's more. In non-fightan terms, she'd be more the Jill to his Chris.

They go together like bananas and strawberries

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Kasen's back to normal anyway, but she spooked the shit out of Reimu so that's cool.

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Arle would be a cool pick. Also, I'm pretty sure you can only play every "mainline" Puyo Puyo game on Nintendo hardware

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So are there consequences for her not following the SCR or what?


My money is on Cooking Mama or the female nigger.
I can't name half of the other ones you picked.
And most of those characters aren't even on the Switch.

Kazooie is already in.

I'm fine with having a girl in but what hte fuck are some of those choices? Chun-Li and Cooking Mama are the only realistic ones

If a female character is necessary, honestly I'd be surprised if it wasn't Shantae.

Who knows, translation's not out yet.

Her series has a new game coming out next year. On top of that she taps the niche of dating sim and (assuming the moveset) mecha fans.

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Name a flaw.

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My money on Agnes.

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she's a dog. That might offend some people.

But I fucking wish she was in the DLC.

Nakoruru has her own game and OVA while Haohmaru doesn't.

Shantae or Hat Kid would be great but not likely. I'd be cool with 2B or Dixie too.

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Final fantasy 7 only has 1 song but Cloud is still in


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>The Smash fighter pass has to have at LEAST one female
They ready revealed one

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Give me Kos-mos

Haohmaru does appear in literally every mobage crossover

I prefer the Astral Chainers

>colors the match
Is there a single one of these fanmade pictures with a good tagline?

Bring on the next two chad male characters, Doomslayer and Ryu Hayabusa

Raring to Go was in almost every Banjo pic that wasn't "get jiggy with it"

>not D Va
End my life

As sad as it is, she's the mascot

Considering that Smash somehow actually manages to get people interested in source material in a way that Marvel VS Capcom never does, maybe Morrigan in Smash would actually lead to a new Darkstalkers game.

This one.

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user, that isn't even an issue now a days when the likes of Joker and Cloud are in Smash.

We need a black character before we worry about adding more roasties

Capcom shouldn't get more free advertising untill they fucking start making new games for the console instead of late ports

Reimu, Miku, or Saber. One of these, minimum, is getting into Smash. Count on it.


Just maybe there's a 1% chance

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Tracer would be pretty easy to create as she would just be a Samus re-skin

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D.Va sells a fuckton more mech than Tracer, but Tracer is still the mascot.

Cheers Loves! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Lena Oxton (yes, THE Tracer from Overwatch) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate!
Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Tracer blinks into the spotlight!

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2B would be the most obvious choice I guess.

If it were up to me though, it would be pic related

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>anyone from SNK?
metal slug reps

Attached: slug.jpg (1920x1080, 2.77M)

>Edelgard and Dixie
Nothing from franchises already represented Nintendo said
Nobody is asking for her except Yea Forums
Porn character, fat chance
>Hat Kid
Actually more likely than a lot of those other character
SF already represented
Could work after her inclusion in Xenoblade 2
I wish an ARMS character would make it
>Cooking Mama
Not a chance
Too recent


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but can I spam soul fist UMVC3 style?