>Another western game to pirate
Thanks for paying for all my games Sweeney, I really appreciate it.
I doubt you can play with others on pirate.
If you do not play RTS for multi you are a tower hugging faggot.
Yoho landlubbers, were setting sail again!
Why would I give a fuck about playing this shit online?
Day 1 pirate, baby.
i was gonna buy it too, OH WELL
I love Epic Games™ and Tim Sweeney!!!
>playing online
sorry I'm not a niggerfaggot
I baked this.
Fuck everything.
But you do have a short penis and are afraid of it being visible online.
what the fuck i did their survey years ago and this is the thanks i get
When will they learn?
no steam = no buy
Lets be honest, we are all going to buy it anyway
Post yfw when kikestarter is going to die thanks to the chinks and deepshitver
You forgot the "steam is a monopoly" in your post
>Shenmue 3
>Iron Harvest
>Borderlands 3
>Phoenix Point
Not gonna lie, Epic is pretty based for bringing all these games to my attention.
Can't wait to pirate them.
>he doesn't know about multi5
>he doesn't know how to host his own server
>he doesn't have any friends to play with
piratechads win again
Remember kids, China doesn't give a fuck about copyright laws, so all Epic Store products are free game!
post it
Another kick starter. Game actually looked cool.
Also what the golf went to epic as well.
>he doesnt know
Timmy is really going all out trying to piss off as many people at once as possible.
>playing with other pirates
>multi5 even
Its asking for playing with russian hackers
So is future scamstarters gonna have to declare if they go Epic exclusive in the future? I fucking hope so
More like
There will be no more successful game kickstarters in future
We won.
More likely people just won't back game kickstarters anymore.
Idiots will still spend money on kickstarters, maybe not to the same extent as now though, I mean, people still give up hefty amounts of their paychecks to pay for patreon thots, porn sites and what not
Imagine actually paying for porn in 2019, or donating to a project that can't promise anything like kickstarter
It's actually not Tim, but Deep Silver. At this point it is spite.
>no steam = no buy
don't you niggers get it
epic already bought them out for minimum sales
they don't care if people don't buy it
they already won
and there's nothing anyone can do about it
>more shovelware coming to the epic store
bravo tim
Has anyone seen gameplay of this? It's nothing more than a reskinned DoW2 clone
Say it ain't so
Based Epic paying for my copy
(((Deep Silver)))
It won't be Epic Store exclusive*
*to the kickstarter backers
It's obvious by now Deep Silver is jewish cancer.
Iron whovest?
>it won't be Epic Store exclusive
Exclusives aren't a state of mind, dumb dev.
It is so.
Day one pirate for me.
>iron harvest
never heard of it. What is it?
I'm actually scared bros
I put like $2k into my Steam library
It would be an actual oh no no no for that shit to be outmoded help
>implying any game worth its salt ever went epic exclusive
There's a reason these fucks want money for sales before actually selling anything, user
you're not allowed to distribute steam keys for a game that isn't available for purchase on steam
metro exodus keys we're honored because people bought it directly from steam
im not sure how this one is going to play out
The thing is you aren't alone, lots of people are in the same situation. Right now most people unironically supporting the Epic store are literal commie supporters and contrarians, Tim has yet to get the casual player audience to use his store for something other than Fortnite. In fact, all this money going after the PC audience makes no sense, the PC audience isn't even that big. We have always been a lot smaller compared to consolefags.
Nothing of value has been exclusive to the Epic Store so far. They won't actually kill Steam, the best they can hope for is relevance.
Remember when pcfags were vehemently against drm? Now they can’t get their tongues out of gabe’s asshole.
If you’re going to be against a store you should be against them all bar gog who do their best not to fuck the player
The one good thing that's come of this epic store exclusivity crap is that devs are outing themselves and basically saying they don't give a shit about what the customer thinks, makes it a lot easier to see which developers are worth supporting, hopefully these scummy fuckers go under in the future
Why don't you exclusively buy Japanese games yet user-chan?
The game doesn't look great.
Deep Silver is a name I'll have to remember though. They are now on my shit list.
I'll be pirating all Deep Silver games from now on.
Thank god Techland got out from under them.
Never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually glad Microsoft bought out inXile since it means their games won't be on the EGS.
I know it's a shoop, and you didn't edit it, but at least try to make it Chinese instead of Jews
But I do exclusively play and pay Japanese games, with very few exceptions like some indie games like Slay The Spire
>Deep Silver
>Inhaling Epic cock
Y'all should know this by now
>I doubt you can play with others on pirate.
thankfully your doubts have zero effect on reality
>Thanks for your support we managed ot get with a publisher who received disgusting amounts of backlash and suffered badly for bad decisions!
We dont know what will happen on release! We will decide when it happens!
>All that disgusting PR-speak
>there are unknowns we cant talk about! That's the reality of PC game development!
>gargling this many chink dicks at once
This game was a total kikestarter scam like MN9
They milked it for all they could, and then some, through epic exclusivity
Have not pirated games for like a decade, since I wanted to support the devs. Thanks for the free games Epic (and Winnie).
I dunno. I used to pirate every fucking thing back in the day but then steam/flash sales made me go legit just cause it was so cheap and convenient. Now with sweeny trying to set up an epic monopoly and exclusives I'm back on the pirate train but even if epic disappeared tomorrow and we went back to the yesteryear of just steam I think I'd still keep pirating. Steam just isn't that cheap or convenient anymore desu
What is Deep Silver's fucking problem?
They released shit game fo years and now they're desperate for cash. Cant wait for Thq nordic to set them straight
People can purchase Iron Storm on any platform they want, as long as it's the Epic Game Store