Remake has SOUL

>Remake has SOUL

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That DOES look pretty good.

Thank god it's not a switch exclusive

Never played this game so I don't have any frame of reference to give it SOUL. Is this soulful, Yea Forums?

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watching the Treehouse yesterday I was honestly astounded how painstakingly close they kept it to the original while obviously making it new. Sometimes it felt a little TOO close to the original game, to where a remake in the first place is kind of superfluous. I can't believe it.

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please help i've been crying and choking laughing over that image of arthur for a good 3 minutes now

Do I have to play the other Mana games for this

I only hope when the time comes for a legend remaster/remake then it retains its beauty

It's standalone.

no, not at all

Ok thanks then I'll buy it since it looks like DQXI without boring combat

The SNES game is fantastic, and you'll get a few playthroughs with it.

Surprised that it looks decent after that abhorent Secret of Mana remake.

I'm gonna say it, the secret of mana remake from last year was good.

>bloom out the ass
>shitty grass
Peak soulless

Looks like a dreamcast game
Which is fantastic.

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That was limited by the fact that's it's on Vita.

I hope that they add more character interaction

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What area is this? I don't remember any windmills in the original game.

Yeah it's cool that there is a pc release but I don't know why they are even bothering with a playstation release given it will have to be censored, even if not the costumes there was some slight jiggle on the breasts

You don't remember how Dreamcast games looked.

i'm hoping for that and much more side quests, lack of stuff to do beyond the main story was one of the biggest flaws of the original

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Can you kill Moors in that game?

I own 2 DCs and one of them is still hooked to crt

based low iq poster

Pure, unfettered SOUL

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>hp bar on right, mp on left

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I hope the hidden boss isn't just limited to Duran and Angela's story this time around.

Okay, but its games didn't look like this. I get what you mean in that it's like a modern version of that low-poly aesthetic, but it's still way too advanced to make a direct comparison. I wouldn't even call it a Vita game in HD, it's more like early PS3.

I'm so happy bros, it looks so fucking good

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Just play the SNES version, it's one of the best looking 2d games of that era.

if you were a real FFdrone you would know by know that there is no soul left on squares side of the company and that this is going to be a disaster bigger than FF15 and yet I still hope I'm wrong

>He didn't forego thots and go with a full STR party for maximum DPS

Whats the matter user, you like pausing in an action RPG to cast spells or something?

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Heroes of Mana remake when?

soulless post

Yeah of course, I'm just saying it's the same "feel"

I just don't have any faith left for square

Yeah, I guess. Now I'm upset we'll probably never see Dreamcast games I love like Skies of Arcadia remade the same way.

Why the fuck were the first two SD remakes soulless mobile-tier garbage? Why couldn't the whole trilogy get this treatment?

That's a big word. If this or that can happens anything is possible

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Because the first one was literally a mobile game and the second was a handheld game. The second one had less excuse though, it still could have been much better.

Isn't it kind of troubling that the only consistently great games coming out anymore are remakes of already great games from 15+ years ago?

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That's not true and you know that.

No matter how many times you say it it won't excuse the shit art direction.

what's this SOUL shit you boomers talk so much?
It's a fucking game, just data on a hard drive. It can't have a soul, you mong.

>SP only
Square does it again.

Way to waste potential.

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I wouldn't mind an extended campaign either since each play-through felt way too short.

They're far from consistent. There are still plenty of insultingly bad remakes of good games.

>SD3 looks almost completely different from the original, it also plays differently
>SD2 and 1 look almost exactly the same and play identically
You people are such a fucking joke, literally nothing but cheap graphicwhores.

Anatman pls go

The only thing that's a joke is your comprehension-sense and lack of insightful arguments.