What headset should I buy if I'm just getting into VR?
VR Thread
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This VR isn't actually VR so don't buy anything.
I got a Rift S and it's not really worth it unless you have money to blow. The tech just isn't there. And maybe coughing up $1000 for an Index solves some of that but you're still just playing kinda wonky games or jerking off to kinda wonky porn.
unironically an oculus quest
Get a Vive with DAS addon or CV1 Rift with touch.
Don't bother with any of the idiots arguing for WMR/Rift-S/Galaxy, every day brings even more bad news for their platforms and inside-out tracking is a joke.
Also if you have the money this is the best VR HMD on the market right now
>curated store
>PCVR streaming is clunky as fuck, 60+ ms latency
>oculus don't want it on their store
If you really want to stream over wifi you can use ALVR, which is free.
>inside-out tracking is a joke
I never had issues aiming with pavlov on quest
>Get a Vive
>trash company
>with the worst screen and controllers on the market
>for a bad price
>CV1 Rift with touch
>discontinued product
>also with a bad screen and issues of it's own
brainlet, it's Rift S or Index
>he says as he ignores how awkward the controllers make it to rack the slide on pistols and also how you can't hold guns close to your face
rift S has the same problem btw
I have a PS4 VR and Samsung Gear VR headset that came with my Galaxy S8. But my phone got damaged and now doesn't work with the headset. I liked my Gear VR and its library much more than the PS4 VR.
> you can't hold guns close to your face
Ironically this might be worse on the Rift S than on the Quest due to more overlapping field of views of 4 corner oriented cameras
>Over $1000 in total for what is otherwise pretty good VR.
>Literally a rebranded WMR headset that aside from raw resolution is shittier in every respect to what it's replacing.
Vive / Rift CV1 are still perfectly viable in the current year given they go for reasonable prices on the used market. Also the shittier resolution can help if you have a less than bleeding edge system to push the 90fps+ at 1440p+ resolutions needed for the newer headsets.
Personally would still advice against CV1's though as upgrade paths don't exist outside of maybe software libraries, which even then is redundant between Steam VR and Revive.
don't, just don't
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Are there any games that even utilize the index controllers? I'm leaning more towards rift S based on the price, $1000 is just too much unless it revolutionizes vr and is unplayable without it
Get a used 'last gen' headset, price to spec considering minimum requirements not to be complete shit it can't be beat.
I see VR requiring windows 10 but I don't want that. Is it because of shitty side features of core shit? If I buy one right now will it work or am I fucked?
It's because the Vulcan engine (dx12) allows the code to be run closer to the metal so you get the performance to not vomit (low FPS).
All the index controller supported games have right now is individual finger tracking when you don't hold objects.
The first first party valve game specific for the index is half a year away. It's definitely the best headset coming, but its still to expensive.
WMRs downsides are even worse than the Rift S tracking, HTC is a shitty company and the vive controllers are junk, Rift S is the only legit 400$ option even with its downsides.
I'll wait for an index pricedrop but right now the quest offers plenty of content and is likely going to be the focus of Oculus.
If you don't have a gaming PC, an Oculus Quest
If you do, a referbished Lenovo Explorer
People will tell you the Rift S but it's uncomfortable, more expensive, and has worse specs than the Lenovo so I'd avoid that route.
The only upsides you are getting are better controllers and a wider field to track your hands. (If both of those things are very important to you, wait for the Vive Cosmos which will basically just be a better Rift S)
Do NOT do this.
The resolution on these headsets are awful compared to the new standard.
this, the vive especially has the worst screendoor in the industry and its still expensive
Is the rift s good for a first headset? I'm not willing to shell out full price for the index
Right here
*completely renders the S irrelevant*
>no tracking below the belt
It likely has the same downward tracking as the Rift S.
What exactly makes this superior to the rift s?
>HTC still isn’t sharing basic info about the headset like resolution, field of view, weight, tracking details, or price
I'll look into it. I'm only seeing one listing on ebay for around $140
It's basically a rift S but with a higher resolution.
Light assumption here, but it also looks much more comfortable. The fact that it's a halo band rather than a headstrap tells me it's at least light enough to not justify the headstrap too
I'll keep an eye out for it, but it's strange that they aren't revealing anything about it at all.
It's not in production anymore so no matter where you look will have to be aftermarket.
Also make sure you get WMR controllers too. Many of the sites don't list them alongside the headset itself.
Apparently it's coming out this year so we will know soon enough
The Rift S side cameras are angled slightly downwards
It's not even out yet you shill.
We will need to wait and see on the Cosmos. There is a very good chance the fov is angled downward
By the inherent nature of how such a system can function, inside out will ALWAYS be shit compared to any competent system that requires the use of external hard reference points for motion (Cameras, lighthouses, etc.), because all tracking is limited to the vantage point of the headset and/or controllers, which means either ALWAYS having a insufficient FoV for tracking both the headset and any controllers at all times, making any sort of body tracking impossible/impractical for reasons stated in a moment, and by the fact the tracking relies on computer vision to be accurate means you're ALWAYS going to have massive overhead comparatively speaking to lighthouse, which isn't that accurate anyway because computer vision is shit, and can't ever be better than shit because doing it good enough in real time requires REALLY good cameras and a LOT of processing power. Or literally strap an absurd number of cameras to literally every tracked device, which will be completely impractical to try and keep all objects spacially in sync with each other, not to mention the exponential amount of overhead having that many cameras brings.
tl;dr, Don't even touch inside out tracked headsets and systems, they are inherently inferior.
Try using one before writing a wall of text next time
is ALVR fully working with steamvr yet? Riftcat was "decent" but fuck if I'm paying money for that based on the quality.
And I gotta agree, I've owned rift and vive, but quest is the first one that actually feels like a game machine and not just a prototype for a game machine. That said if you are on the fence, I don't see anything wrong with waiting for future releases. Personally I expect mobile VR to be the future, and look forward to seeing more releases with more powerful hardware/better handling.
Have index shipped out yet?
Clearly you didn't read the 'wall of text'. EVEN if the tracking itself somehow wasn't shit, FoV will ALWAYS be inferior to a externally tracked solution because of the limited vantage point, any body tracking is practically impossible, and requires otherwise unnecessary overhead to process when we're already stripped for performance running VR anyway.
>Clearly you didn't read the 'wall of text'.
And why should he?
Don't have a rebuttal when you don't even bother to read all what it is you're responding to.
Okay but the WMR sets and Rift/Vive have very comparable FoV so I don't even see why it's worth bringing up. Unless you are talking fully hypothetically.
>Body tracking
Completely pointless unless you are a hardcore enthusiest anyway.
Damn it feels good to be proven right yet again
Next comes sideloading restrictions
Is Oculus run by retards?
It reminds me of something ancient Greek philosophers thought about that was eventually answered by Einstein.
Can someone in a sealed container perform an experiment that can tell them whether they are moving or not?
The rebuttal is there too much text
they've done this before, they want their facebook walled-garden
Inside-out isn't a joke, it just comes with a LOT of caveats. It isn't for people who want an uncompromised experience.
What is a joke is the OG Vive and Rift CV1 screens in 2019
Yes but fortunately they've all been fired by Facebook as everyone predicted, now Oculus (actually just a division of Facebook Technologies) is being run by very smart people who are so inherently evil they can't conceal their powerlevel for more than a couple weeks
We'd have full body tracking as a reasonably priced add on option if HTC weren't greedy and priced $40 worth of hardware (stuff like 3DoF sensors being a lot of that cost, and redundant with enough coverage with sub-dollar tier hardware per-unit tracking points) at $100 PER FUCKING SINGLE TRACKING POINT.
But no, we're stuck with two (poorly in the case of inside-out) hand controllers and the headset itself ant that's it.
Also, while you might not give a fuck about what's outside of your own field of view, being able to track outside of that brings gameplay possibilities not possible otherwise, something devs can't rely on if they have to cater to bottom of the barrel bare minimums.
>if HTC weren't greedy
>if Oculus weren't greedy
>if Facebook weren't greedy
>if Valve would feel the slightest bit of urgency
Is this the worst VR timeline?
This outcome was obvious from the start. Facebook is an absolutely shit and greedy company with no actual ties to the video game industry. Entrusting them with gaming is a fool's errand.
the quest is pefectly powerful enough for a VR device and the real issue with virtual reality was incompetent developers not optimizing shit, prove me wrong
Yeah, I think if somehow VR managed to be a thing before mobile market and DLC craze it would turn out quite differently. Too little too late, now everyone wants money upfront for everything (or nothing) and apparently caring for VR is when you release a 1000$ system before making any software other than tech demos. SteamVR is pretty shitty too, and it barely changed since I bought a Vive in 2018. VR is doomed to be enthusiast shit just like HOTAS and driving wheels.
>the switch is pefectly powerful enough for a game device and the real issue with video games was incompetent developers not optimizing shit, prove me wrong
Shouldn't you post a graphically impressive webm to prove your point?
Oh right, there aren't any...
Is Vader immortal out yet? I haven't seen it on the Oculus store
There's making 40mb the size of 4mb by exploiting aspects of that 40mb that can reasonably be repeated, flipped, mirrored, etc, and then there's asking a Genesis to run Sega Saturn games.
Some games straight up were designed with a certain level of compute hardware in mind, and trying to run that on a cellphone either straight up not work, or cut the fidelity of the game to the point it's almost not really worth it anymore.
Well look on the bright side, VR happened after the indie craze which means while we now have a lot of fucking shovelware, we have a number of absolute gems buoying up VR where the AAAs won't touch it
>VR is doomed to be enthusiast
It's never going to be mass adopted like some retards here hope but it's not going to stay this niche either. In it's current state it absolutely deserves to be niche which is unsurprising seeing as we're still in first gen. FFS its been what, 3 years since VR launched?
I have a feeling Quest-likes system will lead the market.
>Get rift during their christmas sale
>love it with my only real complaint being that the resolution is just a little too low to not be noticeable
>valve announces index with the slightly higher resolution that I want
I can't justify spending that much money on a headset just to have slightly clearer pictures but I really wish I could.
PSVR, currently on sale
yes, it released on quest first but its coming to rift s soon
Well consoles lead the vidya market so that wouldn't be surprising
But wireless PCVR hasn't come into its own yet, and it will eventually. I do wonder how many people actually want to take their VR anywhere opposed to how many just want to be free of that fucking cable.
Too early to predict much, a single innovation can totally remake the field right now, hell even HTC could have their redemption arc (they won't.)
>PSVR, currently on sale
Sony censors pantyshots in VR
Carmack literally BTFO by Zuck
I don't mind the cable... but for fuck's sake make it LONG and SPIRAL with some easy to detach points so I can attempt to run it overhead and disconnect my headset when I don't use it instead of leaving it hanging like a Pinata.
Depends, how much do you want VR porn?
Carmack is still working on it though
this is what Jason Rubin said atleast.
>Right now the solutions you’re seeing, hacking wise, yeah they work — yeah you can send one screen to another, great — experience-wise, not very good. So until we, Oculus, can get the quality level to a point where we believe its good enough, we won’t launch it
As long they don't remove sideloading I honestly can't get angry at them
they can't make it long - they're already pushing the limits on displayport and USB3 cables as is
Yeah if anything needs a breakaway cable it's a fucking HMD
I've yet to work all the kinks out of my overhead system, even the slightest bit of tugging is annoying and getting on the floor and doing the dinosaur is ill advised. And I have to take breaks to check if the cable is getting too twisted.
First gen WMR headset to hold you over while you save for an Index.
And I think Wigig wireless is basically capped at Vive Pro can shit out, Index is already over that with the resolution and 144Hz. Surely there must be some ways to boost the signal with those linkboxes?
Wait for the Valve Index to come out then get the Vive at a discount.
Vive is a disaster in this regard. Getting to the cables is a nightmare, they can stick that extra USB port up their ass too.
>As long they don't remove sideloading
Damn, this is what the quest looks like?
A vive.
Don't settle for second rate shit when you're only going to buy a vr headset once.
Get the vive, get the knuckle things and hip trackers, go play Creed VR.
This is what the Quest looks like.
Friendly reminder thats actually a fat neckbeard dancing
get an Index, it's the best
after this debacle, there is 0% chance they allow sideloading on their next headset
Friendly reminder I don't care anymore.
That is worrying user
Not for me.
How can the quest handle all those physics? Isn't it just a snapdragon 835?
I can't play this or Superhot or my furniture would get knocked over all the time.
What's the price?
If it shoots to be in the middle of the Index and Rift, Cosmos has no place at all. HP Reverb shits down its throat if it's similarly priced.
Cosmos has to be $400 to be successful.
Mobile GPUs can be overlocked impressively when they're not sealed inside a tiny plastic/glass case with no fans or ventilation.
> The Quest solves a lot of the issues I had with the original Rift. It is a breeze to set up, simply pop the headset on and draw the playable area around your room with a controller. No wires, no sensors to set up, no nothing. Fantastic.
>The hand controls are equally great, fixing one of the core disconnects I felt early on as using an Xbox controller instead of being able to see your virtual hands in front of you really messed up the user experience. Now, picking up everything from blocks to guns feels fantastic, and it’s a new level of immersion that I’ve never experienced before. There are still technical challenges to overcome of course, namely better FOV and resolution, as both are still pretty low, but besides that, the Quest is a massive leap forward over the original.
he is right that software is the only real issue at this point
>I’ll really get back into the Quest when No Man’s Sky comes to VR
oh dear, no-one told him the quest has less processing power than a pocket calculator? There's no way it could play an infinite universe like NMS
Get the valve headset if you can afford it, we just got a few at my office and they are a huge step up from other headset in every way. Even comfort wise they feel way better on your face, doesn't feel like you're wearing a scooba mask. Vive is my second favorite so if you want a headset now go with vive.
>every day brings even more bad news for their platforms
WMR just got an update that lets you run any windows application inside of any vr environment, including Steam VR games. In what world do you consider that "bad news"?
>Mobile GPUs can be overlocked impressively when they're not sealed inside a tiny plastic/glass case with no fans or ventilation.
this, you can a very faint fan noise when you turn sound off
OVRdrop has existed for literally years
>In what world do you consider that "bad news"?
Because you have to use WMR
Wait for the index
>the Quest mostly sits idle in favor of my PC, PS4 and Xbox. Beside it is the Rift. At least it has a friend now
The absolute state of VR, occupying space in the closet in favor of 4k HDR. VR is a gimmick.
The Vive is unironically one of the worst headsets you can get now
WMR is fantastic. I use mine way more than I use my Rift S at least
Nowhere near as good. OVRdrop lets you spawn your desktop in SteamVR. WMR spawns any windows app as it's own thing, and lets you spawn as many different programs as your system can handle.
What advantage do they have besides higher res on some of the high end ones?
I don't care about PC VR until the index gets a price drop
Not him but much easier setup, less strain on system resources, built in Windows 10 stuff like , and Cliff House being by far the comfiest VR "home" environment.
Actually they UNIVERSALLY all have a higher resolution. The Lenovo is the cheapest one and it's a higher resolution than Rift, S, Vive, etc.
It's also EASILY the most comfortable set I have used. A fraction of the weight of the Rift S and a much much more comfortable face plate
The biggest downsides is the lack of inline mic, headphones, etc. But that's all minute. As far as the headset itself goes it's flawless
I picked up a dell visor for £120
What am I in for bros?
Not a bad choice
hows the inside out tracking on wmr?
can you put your hands down and be looking foward with them still being tracked?
>mfw finding out Pavlov has workshop maps
>all these CoD & CS maps
This game is based as fuck, now I understand why it's the #1 VR shooter. Now if only I can figure out how to get the game to use my thumbsticks for turning and moving instead of the janky touchpads then I'll be able to move on from offline bots and play competitively online.
it is. you're probably a kid who thinks vr is something like matrix
Lack of inline mic and headphones is a minor nitpick anyway as you should really be using high quality dts headphones anyway.
Headset tracking is fine. Controllers could be better. Your example is doable though.
3dof without tracked controllers is not proper VR. If you knew the difference, you'd understand.
HTC vive or valve index, the occulas bran is garbo, any of the phone headsets are shit.
the S also has a halo strap. It's heavy though.
We don't know about the resolution yet, but even if it's better, we need to hope the lenses are better too to make up for it. Plus, the Cosmos doesn't have a top camera, so I can easily predict more tracking issues than the S has unless they have some trick up their sleeve.
The bad news is that they fucked up the update and now everyone is complaining about the screen being blurry and lord knows how long it will take them to fix that
Also I wouldn't be surprised if that's the last big improvement we see for a long time, it's clear MS finally noticed their WMR team being too competent and eager to innovate and reined them in
sorry, I misunderstood and though you meant current VR headsets in general
I have that headset, it's pretty good and about the same comfort-wise as the PSVR headset which is the only thing the PSVR has going for it.
based and strokepilled
>any body tracking is practically impossible
That's for VRChat ERP faggots.
Inside out is indeed by its nature an inferior solution but it's by no means bad, the rift S does it almost perfectly and it can still be improved upon. For me as someone on the move who also doesn't want to hang shit all over his room, it's more than adequate. You need to see it in a performance vs cost vs convenience mindset and not just what is the absolute best, otherwise there is no point in getting anything other than the Index.
Works fine for me.
Only had slight problems with the update fucking up Bluetooth drivers, and the headset is as sharp as ever. You might want to check your SteamVR settings and make sure it isn't fucking around with the headset resolution with that new automatic scaling bullshit.
>Works on my machine
I haven't tried the update myself, I'm going by what everyone is bitching and moaning about. I considered the possibility that it's a mass delusion but then remembered that MS regularly fucks up updates. I can wait, MS already acknowledged the issue.
These would be cool if they were from real games and not gimmicky shooting galleries with the bare minimum for content.
Pretty much spot on. It's a sweet gimmick though.
>software is the only real issue at this point
Nah, the resolution is still garbage, and will remain garbage for the next decade.
But that's a pretty minor issue compared to the absolutely fucking monumental one that is NO GAMES. And this isn't the kind of NO GAMES we saw on consoles like the PS3, because we knew eventually there might be something other than Talladega Nights to play.
This is eternal, catch-22, checkmate NO GAMES.
>we knew eventually there might be something other than Talladega Nights to play.
but there wasn't
I didnt want to buy oculus shit because i had a bad feeling about facebook shit and this just confirms it.
NEVER buy oculus. You'll destroy the future of VR if those pieces of shit gain monopoly on it.
Inside-out is only adequate at best, the worst part is that it's going to influence VR game design and Facebook has already refused some games being ported to its Quest store ostensibly due to the inside-out tracking not being up to it.
It's very much one of those faustian "accessibility" tradeoffs, meanwhile B&S is teasing foot tracking capability (with gameplay applications!) in upcoming updates.
I've defended inside-out a lot but it's a dead end that will lead to "dysegnic" game design instead of embracing everything VR is capable of. It's very much the path to VR being only a barely-immersive gamey gimmick.
We saw the same problem on the Wii. I think the cost of development and testing for motion controls ensures that serious game projects will never be profitable or desirable. I want to be proven wrong, but with over a decade of evidence suggesting it, I'm not sure I will be.
No, the problem with the wii was that the motion controls were garbage.
We've had good games with good motion controls before. Time Crisis is fantastic. The problem is that a game like that could never really be made today.
>Time Crisis is fantastic
that's not motion controls
Maybe he meant to say Police 911
>>that's not motion controls
In terms of concept, it is. What difference is there between a real lightgun and a VR gun mapped to a motion controller?
>What difference is there between a real lightgun and a VR gun mapped to a motion controller?
how the input works.
Otherwise we would have had better lightgun VR emulation by now.
>>Otherwise we would have had better lightgun VR emulation by now.
The only reason we don't have good lightgun VR emulation is because light guns are niche, and nobody has bothered working on it.
Literally every light gun game can be played on PC with a mouse, it isn't hard to map the path of a motion controller to a virtual screen.
>it isn't hard to map the path of a motion controller to a virtual screen
apparently it is
>apparently it is
Well, no, it isn't. SteamVR manages it. Virtual Desktop manages it. Literally any game with a menu in which you can point and shoot to select manages it.
This isn't a difficult task. The problem is lack of development, because nobody cares.
There's people who care about Lightguns
A lightgun is a primitive pointer operating in a small 2D window while a 6DOF motion controlled gun is a 3D object in a 3D world with all the added complexity and freedom
Why do people keep going on about shitty lightgun games, they're a relic
This thing looks like a fucking mess ergonomically. And while it's nice to have an LCD solution that isn't Aimtrak garbage, I'd still rather just have a VR lightgun.
>Why do people keep going on about shitty lightgun games
Probably because they're still better than anything VR has to offer. It's funny, the same problems I see in VR today are ones I experienced over 20 years ago, trying to play shit like Dead Aim. Holding a gun and doing locomotion with your hands at the same time is fucking awkward as all hell, and unless you live in a warehouse, you're going to need some kind of artificial locomotion in VR. Give me an exciting moving camera and varied environments any day of the week.