Space Engine Steam Release

since Yea Forums is slightly more usable now and there wasnt a thread
>get it here
>free older versions

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Other urls found in this thread:

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keep this shit bumped against the rosterniggersand tifaggots, space is awesome

>check for torrents
>the idiots released with all the optional dlc, coming up to 40gb while the game itself is just 4gb
oh well

If you could delete our solar system the game probably would only weigh in at 2 gigs

Have they made the stars look sharper? I had to mod the old version to make dense fields not look like crap.

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Vanilla for comparison.

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Ivan & co have tinkered a lot with the visuals, for the better.

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Some pseudo-bloom proof of concept.

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Can you actually do anything in this game? From what I hear it's not even a game, it's basically just some wallpaper generator. I'm interested, but I'm not paying money for it if there's nothing to do.

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its mostly for people interested in astronomy to look at things.
you can edit stuff and make your own planets/nebulae/galaxies but i havent tinkered around with that too much
if you want to fly around and shoot shit go play something like no mans sky

I've spent so much time in this software that it would have been worth the price.

What are the chances that this is stolen technology from nasa?

you can get lost in that shit
as far as i know he got their permission

What do i get for my money over the free version?

What type of "technology" are you talking about, user?

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its like photoshop, you can use the free one just fine but the paid one looks better and has more features

Volumetric nebulae, a horde of improvements to visuals and a horde of fixes.
But on the basic level, they are not that different. You mostly pay for increased future development. Make of that what you will.

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I bought it to support the free updates they kept dolling out and the Yea Forums threads were pretty cool, even if it was just wallpapers.

its the latest version, the free one will always be one update behind (I think)

its one single russian guy developing it

Kind of, several modders are now working on and off on the project too.

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I want a game to create universes... sim them is cool, but want to create shit, see it grow and then destroy it.

Curses on you SPORE!

Universe Sandbox 2, kinda.

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This 40 GB planet pack is pretty, but i don't think it's worth the size.

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I have the free 0.98 version.

is steam 0.99 worthy?

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It's a planetarium.

lots of graphical improvements
there is a wip flight sim mode

Is there new music tracks ?
I know just play your own music but is there new music tracks ?

So the M82 finally gets it's starburst regions. Kind of wonky looking at times, but it's good enough.

Yeah, it has 17 new tracks. Some new A.E.R.O. and Water Drips songs i think.

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You can see these regions from the M81 nearby, but you have to zoom in a bit because they don't spawn otherwise.
They also fry your GPU.

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is that a planemo?

The new planetary surface generation algos seem to be doing a pretty good job.

Nah, it orbits a yellow dwarf in a 10 planet system. Planemos have no light sources to illuminate them, user.

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You can turn on ambient light so you can see planemos.

Here is the new star system view comparison thing. The view is now centered there, kind of like in Elite Dangerous. Rotating only spins the objects.

What. I have no idea that this was a thing. How?

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A closer look on the planets of the system.

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If I remember correctly, wasn't Space Engine a big thing on Yea Forums back around 2011?

Bottom right menu -> settings.
There's a slidder called "ambient light"

This game has intricate graphical settings, could i have some recommandations on which slider to set to what and such ?
Maybe a pic of your good settings please ?

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it was, but Yea Forums was way slower back then.

It all depends on what you want to achieve, biggest one for me are star size (smaller are more realistic) and star brightness, with increasing visible amount of stars you can create this "grain" of stars, absolute wallpaper material

How do the clouds look when you're at ground level of a planet?

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Thanks user.

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Not that user, but kind of like this?

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The new accretion disks are even better.

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Is he based?

space engine is terrifying

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Though with the new lighting improvements, taking pictures of those with auto mode results in this even when next to planets. These new accretion disks are immensely bright.
As they should be

Speak of the devil

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>Mostly negative in 5 years
No thanks

Instabought it when I noticed it on steam. I'm a sucker for some space.


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>2500 C
Is it practically hugging a supermassive star?

It's gonna stall indefinitely in early access state without ever fixing or addressing multiple major issues, reported by absolutely everybody, until it gets bombarded with negative reviews from jaded customers. Maybe it will get an official "fuck you, i've already got your money" 1.0 release.

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Not necessarily supermassive.

What makes you think that?

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Have always heard great things about this game but what do you do in it? Are you just a camera and fly around space looking at shit? Sounds boring

but its not boring

Ah thanks for clarifying, might try one of the old free versions see if I like it.

historical precedents of similar cases - this project has already been in EA and adding money to the pile before it's fixed would rarely incentivise project owners who are probably already sick of coming back to it with no finish line anywhere near the horizon, to get it done.
They might re-orient their free time to focus on fixing SE by sustaining from the sales, but most likely they're just cashing in on a worthy asset that will never ever be finished.

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It also has a KSP-like spaceflight mode, but the game is mostly centered on just looking at shit yes.
Enjoyment from here on in depends on if your autism can be satisfied by the sheer amount of things you can explore. There is always something new to see.

I understand your fears, but you may be a bit pessimistic.
The game is honestly not that unstable. The new lighting can be kinda wonky, and VR is hit and miss from what i've heard, but the game is fine otherwise.
Works on my machine

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fantastic thread.

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That looks more like actual photographs we have of our galaxy

What was that screensaver from 10 - 15 years ago that randomly generated planets?

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Is the surface of the Earth still just a bad texture?

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>saw this
>went and downloaded the last free version
>went on youtube to see if the old Yea Forums music playlist from the original threads back when was there still
>it was

It was a really comfy nostalgia time boys.

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The scariest experience I've ever had with a video game is flying to the edge of the milky way and facing towards the darkness. Always freaked me the fuck out, so every time afterward I would purposefully look toward the milky way as I was backing away from it.

Is it still not a game but a pretty encyclopedia?

I have the addon pack, so yes it does look better.
From the ground it's still ugly

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Here is your potato for tonight.

Pretty much, yeah.

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They still look like shit upclose, but AFAIK SpaceEngineer said volumetric nebulae is not the end of it and the same technology will later be used for gas giants, clouds and real nebulae (they still use the old sprite-based models, unlike the procedural ones).
You haven't seen anything yet if you haven't flown outside of the observable universe. At least you know there are other galaxies around when you're at the edge of the Milky Way, but there, it's an actual void, and it's scarier than any horror game could ever dream of being.

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>it's basically just some wallpaper generator.
No son, it's a fear generator

>Just bought it
>Zip files are password encrypted
Bloody hell, considering a refund.