Cyberpunk 2077

>Dude it's the best game of all time OK?!?! The quality is much higher than everywhere else!!!

This a repeating narrative from almost every fucking YouTube Eceleb and Urinalist. No game has ever had the stigma of "Greater Game Ever" or bust like this. Games gonna fall on it's face pretty hard I think because now it can't be a good or pretty good game. It's gotta be the best!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jrps are shit for retard mouth breathers

Critics talking about quality is hilarious. The only thing they give a shit about is story

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I like all games user, what I hate is shitty, forced and aggressive marketing like this. This is worse than Nintendo, Rockstar, and 2005-2012 Bethesda shilling ever was for their games, before release.

This is the same shit that happened with Overwatch. I am weary

Tell me one thing you think it will suck. The demos look good

I dont think its going to be the next coming of christ but if its anything like witcher 3 ill be happy.
Honestly im buying it mainly to support cd projekts good business practices, it helps that the game looks good as fuck.

The way game journalists describe it, western rpgs have fucking been doing for years.

Does you not remember W3?

Wasn't this bad, don't even try to say it like it was

Post release "ZOMG, BEST GAME OF ALL TIME", "BEST RPG LMAO, WOW" was all over the place for several fucking months.

I'm conflicted. One side of journos are saying it's shit and other singing its praises.
Maybe it gets to stay in the middle and it's a decent game, as journals are always wrong

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You're an idiot and your thread is worthless

>traditional media tells controversial agenda driven drivel to maximise controversy between 2 extremes
>youtubers say they're overwhelmingly positive about the game because saying unnecessarily controversial bs will drive subs away

The future is now. Traditional media is dead

the journos that say its shit are talking about dumb political nonsense.
the journos that say its good praise the gunplay and aesthetic and say cd projekt is a trustworthy company.
Honestly though im just not getting hyped for it and buying it day 4 or something after reviews

Nice job being a corporate drone

Imagine how happy kotaku would've been to spoil the fact keanu was involved in cp, just to get a few clicks of ad rev and ruin the moment for everyone.

No senpai you just don't understand how normies react to these games. You remember all that "it's a GTA clone!" criticism? A futuristic GTA automatically signals 10/10 to the normie brain right now.

>yeah dude, CD Projekt Red is really one of the last western videogame developers that are still base-

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Based cute punk futa

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>adding the balls
Even better

Guaranteed cyberkino. I might just spend the whole game fucking robotic dickgirls.

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finally they have found something to rage against - again. weehoo.

if this stays till the final game that company deserves a damn award for... not giving a fuck, fucking snowflakes.


GTA marketing is big, but it's not this goddamn aggressive shoving GOAT shit down your throat.

Witcher 3 had the exact same hype and still ended up being a good game.

you must be a huge newfag


uh you do understand that when they say western and eastern it's usually NA + Europe = West and Asia = East right?

have we learned nothing from rdr2

Lol not even RDR2 was this bad.

so just like the tabletop?

I hope they resist the media pressure and dont change anything. Fucking trash generation of offended fags can fuck off

West is NA and Western Europe with AUSZ
East is Japan
Poland belongs to shitter

I recognize that bulge!

>Nomura putting his heart and soul in FF7R
>going to be completely overshadowed by Cyberpunk
poor guy can never catch a break

Attached: sad nomura.jpg (1050x694, 68K)


This one pic kinda summarizes everything. They're making YouTube Ecelebs, and journalist feel special at these behind doors viewings. Giving away free merch to them and giving them all these one-on-one interviews.

Should be easy to spot like Marketing 101 desu.

Attached: Screenshot_20190613-083700.jpg (3120x1440, 1.17M)

that nigga had more then 10years to catch his break

What's up with that futuristic crazy straw?

How about you stop listening to game "journalists" altogether?

who gives a shit about that bitch? who makes a remake in installments that will each cost full price and take years to come out? he deserves to be tarred and feathered desu

i already know for an absolute fact I'm going to love this game because I have no expectations for it. Cyberpunk tranny setting doesn't do anything for me, but eventually it'll be on sale and it'll have craptons of content and that's all i really care about. as long as it's close in quality to W3, it'll be fine.

Greg Miller fucking sucks so this isn't reassuring. He enjoyed Fallout 76 and looks like a rapist made out of marshmallows

You realize the game takes place in a dystopia, right?

I'm sorry but they have Keanu Reeves I have to buy it now. At least I can role-play as kogami or motoko

>Yes Young, 6k was was just deposited into your bank account. Please continue to shill us for the next year!


>Nomura putting his heart and soul in FF7R

Already preordered and faggot game journos and jewtubers have nothing to do with it.
>i loved The Witcher 3
>i loved everything i saw in the gameplay reveal
>i love everything i see in the screenshots

>hot off KH2FM
>gets to direct a FF game
>understaffed for years as a result of FFXII and FFXIV
>finally gets his team together
>now has to work on KH3 and FF7R
>gets taken off Versus/FFXV as a result because they felt the others needed him more
>removed from his magnum opus that he's wanted to create for years prior to its announcement
>KH3 development is underway, but handled by the inexperienced Osaka team that's notorious for taking shortcuts and poorly balanced gameplay
>also understaffed again because of FFXV development issues
>despite this he still manages to produce a game with better gameplay than FFXV despite having a fraciton of the budget and being comprised of his old Tokyo team
>everyone still hates it because it isn't KH2
>FF7R now has a good budget and development team
>completely overshadowed by Cyberpunk while half the people hate it for not being turn based

ofc they do, everyone is paying "influencers" to hawk their shit. buttering up a couple fags is far better than trying to pay off an entire company to pump out good stories. The dam has broken on journalists and they can now wear their biases on their t-shirts because they're competing with real people now so those subhumans have to appear like real people or the trick doesn't work.

firstly this

then this
You fucking RETARD

No it isn't you fucking dumb bastard. It's NA, CAN, WESTERN EUROPE and Aus/NZ as well

Fucking stupid cunt

bingo. That other user you're replying to is a fucking mongo

They did the same with W3, they invited some huge faggots like 7 dollar sanchez

Both W3 and BotW did. Were shit too.

For hating game journalists, you guys seem awfully hung up on what they say and do.
They are inconsequential these days yet people insist on giving them power by giving them attention.

Every single time there is this pointless argument. Just accept there are multiple definitions of "The West". It's a vague term has been around for at least a 1000 years.

Have sex

Is this the golden age of PRPGs?

and the current term stems from the Cold War and doesn't include Eastern Europe. Whats your point? It takes two minutes for dummies to open a new tab and do a bit research

literally every game does this. all of them.

Why did Greg Miller come out of nowhere all of a sudden? This nigger has been completely irrelevant since he gave uncharted 3 a 10/10. I've literally not heard or seen his name between then and now,and this e3 all of a sudden he's a big deal again.

Just go in with realistic expectations. Will it be the best game ever made? Probably not. Will it be a revolutionary game experience that innovates the medium to a whole new level? Doubt it. Will it be a decent game and a rare modern AAA experience that has some actual passion and soul behind it? Probably yes.

The latest details and demo descriptions all sound very promising, unless they massively fuck something up during the next 10 months I don't see why it won't be a decent title, which would still be more than many other AAA devs/publishers are capable nowadays.

The Open World quality and presentation is gonna be poor man's quality compared to a rockstar game.

bend over.

he threw a tantrum because his slightly less fag friend made a hacky joke and it got him some clout in the video game journalist world where being an outraged bitch is admired

Kinda Funny is incredibly popular, which is his main thing now. i stopped watching it after Colin left since Greg and Tim are insufferable and couldn't make a decent arguement about anything to save their lives.

>game hyped out the ass
>it's a 3rd person action game clone
>shitters pretend it's the best thing ever and revolutionary for the rest of their lives
>muh graphics (insert weather effects)
>repeat for every AAA game ever

Attached: 1558668310783.png (1022x731, 643K)
Listen to his voice.

>throws his best friend under the bus for internet points
>all Colin's old "friends" suddenly start calling him a racist and sexist because he isn't a liberal
truly a shitty industry

Are you high? CP is a first person Deus Ex inspired game, you dumb fag.

Greg is a fucking insufferable autist. I'll never forget his autistic reasoning for hating RDR2.

What did Collin do? Lmao

>3rd person

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>Games gonna fall on it's face pretty hard
just like the witcher 3 did. Oh wait...

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>It's okay when Nintendo does it
Eat your tendies and be happy your Mom bought you anything at all.

Has the other demo "leaked"?

they literally said in the "hidden" message they are doing this shit for marketing

>Greg Shiller
where the fuck did this asshole come from and why is he everywhere now

Now I can reenact my favorite futanari elf mangas.

Trannies are more mad about that than anybody.

You faggots would get offended over billboards in old GTA games today.

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futa IS based you fucking normie faggot

Sony dick sucking got him here. Literally

That's not the only definition. Just one of many. Fun fact, easy way to upset the Polish or Czech is calling them Eastern European.

So yeah my point is there just isn't a clear definition here as long as a sizeable amount of people think differently. The argument leads nowhere.

>not liking hentai futa in your vidya

>so your choices at the beginning will change how you play the game
>lol no Yea Forums is always going to be a mercenary and the origins are just there for flavor

Why can't devs learn from DA:O how to do backstories properly?


>DUDE think it's great too!! Or fuck you!

Cringe, don't you got some corporate tranny dick to suck?

Why would I?
Trannies hate the game.

You've lost, we've already established futa is based

Have we reached (You) depletion yet?
Can these threads die now?

Now I'm definitely buying an Xbox to play it

dilate tranny





>Can these threads die so we can keep hyping it despite being able to obviously see this all just marketing we're eating up?

>Yea Forums once again takes a single tweet from some shithead and uses it as proof that le SJW trannies are triggered by video games when no one actually gives a shit

this is getting old, stop making fake opposition because of video games your identity you fucking retards

>Gets BTFO with logic DILATE!!!!

That's what you r*tards sound like.

It uses Mass Effect mechanics in that none of it will matter outside of a few dialogue lines

Made this tweet and everyone went insane. Just Google "Colin Moriarty women's Day" and read the headlines

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>what is current term

You can't use that word, it's insulting to the differently abled.

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CDPR does it again, lads. Based slavnogs saving vidya.

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This isn't how you argue on v.

Attached: how to argue on v.png (824x624, 29K)

Don't worry OP CD Project red might bring it to switch 2U look what they did with the witcher


Imagine tanking your career. Anybody who isn't a full on Marxist should just delete all social media.

This game is gonna be the biggest shit show next year the industry has ever seen. I personally think it will be the most split opinionated game to hit the industry because of this aggressive marketing to up-hold this pre- early status quo of GOAT game.

I'm 100% sure the person behind that tweet is white

Why'd he have to go and leave humanity behind bro?

the last genuinely good western game i can remember is Nu-doom and maybe shadow of war

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He just started a new company which is still quite popular so I'm sure he's fine. Most people in the industry have stopped pretending to like him and now openly display how much they hate him, which is solely because he's one of the few people in the industry that is open about how he isn't a liberal. It's kinda hilarious honestly.

>E3 gameplay footage won't be shown before Gamescom
After the two months pass, they show us the footage, what next?

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imagine living in a world where a joke can ruin your career.

>Shadow of Bamham
Kys. Prey is the only good western game released this generation. Haven't played Doom so I can't comment on that

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next we get to play the game when it comes out

Game has worse open world textures than GTAV desu

i enjoyed it for what it was and i still need to pick up prey i keep forgetting to

Wow, some major pandering

>Quite popular
He's on patreon-welfare with only 5,000 patrons. He's fucked.

This game is going to dominate Yea Forums for WEEKS when it finally releases and there's nothing any of you can do about it.

Rose tinted goggles user, GTA V has dogshit textures.

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On what exactly are you basing this? Can you show a comparison?

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wtf I love critics now

>"We did it Vee we showed those corporate white males who's boss"
>dramatic music plays
>you leveled up!
>teleport back to "resistance" base
>LaQu1sha has a new side quest: "hack the patriarchy"
>you've unlocked the Muslim high technocracy hideout
>new outfit available: burqa bodyglove
>fade to black as you wake up
>Tyrone blurts out "ayo fug dat transuman crap blak pepol already perfect"
>open the shades, the sun's scorching radiation blinds you for 3 minutes straight, this happens after every mission
>your sólyent bar is critical, better go stock up

Attached: 1521633516105.png (800x560, 995K)

Could you imagine being this assblasted an actually good game is coming out and people are excited for it?

Finally futa representation in a game

>This game is pushing tech like no other!!
>GTAVI launches a year later
>None cares about last big games tech from a year ago
>Cycle repeats.

Games age fast now.

>it's a 3rd person

Nomura didn't even want the job. He only found out he was director of FF7R when the first trailer dropped that flashed DIRECTED BY TETSUYA NOMURA.

Aggressive marketing lol. Conspiracy retards like you really think CDPR is paying these people

>making your character a big tiddy negress lusting for white cybercock
Jokes aside the game looks spectacular. A little bit too spectacular that i am starting to get worried if my PC will be able to even run it.

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>show your demos to youtube/twitch faggots
>wow wtf das AGGRESSIVE

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Still going

Imagine all those murdered Smash threads

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I expect 8GB of RAM will be minimum requirements, and a 1080 too.

i like that term, OP. Im gonna borrow it and introduce it on /pol/.

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It has to run with ps4 and xbone so minimum can't be that high.

GTAdogs 77 : Blinding Sunlight Edition

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Also this

Yeah, but they won't really bother much with optimizing PC.

no one is playing witcher 3 in 2019 it had no staying power

Skyrim MOGs it and so will Hammerfall

BethesdaBulls win again

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>Spend all day complaining on twitter about some imagined slight
>"This has to be about ME! ME! ME!"
>"Boring white male protags for white MANBABIES"
>99.9% of these people are white, genetically male, and are mentally ill projecting their own insecurities with no sense of self-awareness
>They ignore that the game has character creation
>They probably wouldn't have ever bought the game to begin with, spending all their money on onions and hormone treatments to further cultivate their mental illnesses

2019 is an absolute hellscape

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>they won't really bother much with optimizing PC
The Witcher 3 was really well optimized so what makes you think that they won't optimize cyberpunk 2077? It's an iteration of the same engine.

I guess I'm being too cynical here. I just don't expect decent PC versions of games.

>using the internet before you are done with at least 1 playthrough
only shitposters will be here

It's GTA5 all over again...

>that pic

I wasn't aware 2077 was getting a delayed PC release, with shitty business practices gouging its online component.

Maybe it is good.

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>moving goalposts

The CDPR dick sucking needs to stop they have not made a single good game.

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>I couldn’t parse intent through my hormone haze
>therefore it was bad and awful and evil

seething nintenerd

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Starting strength


LikeShows, it's because of the "first class" PC treatment they give to their games, that they aren't meet with more aggression like a R* game.

Yeah I'll be playing it instead like a true patrician.


If a game needs to ridicule/objectify trans people and satisfy racist shits with missions centered around killing PoC, then gaming needs to die

>this thread stays up, other gets deleted
The other twitter tranny said you get to slaughter niggers in this. Might be ok for a pirate, if that's the case.

Attached: NeglectedSpiffyAmphibian-small.gif (591x251, 1.22M)

Eh from cdpr you can give them some benefit. Never released a shit PC version ever.

>Trannies still seething even after the nature of Cyberpunk was carefully and explicitly explained to them as if they were children

Yes. This is good to me.

Attached: 1560346212484.jpg (572x531, 403K)

According to steam stats
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Current players: 21,455
Todays peak: 21,484
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Current players: 12,701
Todays peak: 15,740

Dumb frog poster.

Welcome to clickbait culture. Journos gotta churn that content.

there are people playing TW3 on GOG

>Not even including GOG
Based as fuck

You can give them a benefit that it will be downgraded and offer to Mod support. Shit on Rockstar all you want, their PC games are the definitive edition, matching those early trailers shown off and they let you mod.

He probs needs to have sex

Offer no mod support*

This edgy retard deserves all the shit he gets, he thinks a character being a depressed faggot that wears leather is "cool". He also can't direct a scene for shit, go watch any cutscene in his games there is always a solid 3 seconds of akward silence everytime a character finishes spouting their retarded dialoge.

Predicting future kotaku/polygon/whatever headlines
>This tweet proves that CDPR are nationalist, white supremacist, bigoted, racist, transphobic, homophobic nazis.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-13 17-11-00.png (638x300, 52K)

Bet the game "journalists" will start desperately trying to dig up dirt on anyone in Techland now so they can call them bigoted right wingers. Failing that they'll just make up bullshit about why Dying Light 2 is toxic and problematic but oh also it has bad gameplay too guys trust us.


Adding balls makes it gay

I recognize that bulge.

>it's the best game of all time
it certainly have the potential

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Oh yeah I know, I don't expect it to be a stellar PC version, just for it to perform well.

And yes, when RDR2 comes out on PC it'll probably blow CP 2077 away on the tech front. Gta V and Max Payne 3 are fucking amazing.

>every fucking YouTube Eceleb and Urinalist
Nah. Ecelebs are saying the combat is weak, Urinalists are saying it's not diverse enough or not the kind of diversity they want.

Gonna laugh when this game blows everything else out of the water in sales next year and they rage about it even harder

You know I was just thinking. The Witcher 3 had absolutely shit combat so what makes anyone think CD Projekt can pull of good gunplay?

Attached: C48CDDBE-35AD-431B-8D2B-2B2626934551.jpg (500x500, 40K)

If you're playing with a mouse all gunplay is the same. Feels good to not have that problem.

for me, is the femme faltale reptilian corpo stealth agent (with camaleonine augment)

Attached: 11-6-2019 12.6.39 6.jpg (224x587, 58K)

gun combat is way easier to get right than melee combat

Hell look how they reacted when they saw that pic of the dev team behind Hatred. One guy had a ghost division shirt and they tried to label them as nazis. The guys response was beautiful though

>there is always a solid 3 seconds of akward silence everytime a character finishes spouting their retarded dialoge.
this is a problem in all japanese games, and its cause by the dubbing as japanese sentences are not the same length as english once. you'd know this if you weren't underaged

Well maybe he should learn to ship a game on time, then.

>hosts ea shill event
>wants to be taken seriously

Attached: 1482829859745.jpg (1500x1500, 149K)

I've heard they hired some fps nerds to make sure gunplay is on point

>shit s o i devs
>makes abomination trannies and worries about pronouns with concealed gashes that need dilation every 3 in-game hours or you start losing max hp

>based WESTERN CHAD devs
>sassy punk character with a large visible COCK that you can see from far away knowing exactly what you're getting into and that that person doesn't give a shit that it's bulging and wants you to stare at it
This is unironically perfectly fine and how it should be done.

Based retard

>no one actually gives a shit

Gwent has loot boxes and Witcher 3's "free DLC" was already in the game from the beginning but they removed it to make themselves look good for offering "free DLC". Don't fall for the reddit le based CDPR business practices circlejerk.

>Fun fact, easy way to upset the Polish or Czech is calling them Eastern European.
kek, we are eastern european, slavs and definitely not white
>identifying as white western men in 2019

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>tfw no bulge
What's the point

All I want out of it is some good Pen and paper RPG like mechanics and story telling, and some decent gameplay.

From what I've seen this might be very RPG heavy and I love that, if the gameplay is good then that will make it even better, but I'd settle for ok gameplay sort of like new vegas or something.

I don't like the usual cinematic games, but from what I've seen it reminds me of playing RPGs.

and what about the story and character development? did you get all that in the 2 demos? Remember Fallout 4? Idiots.

>No game has ever had the stigma of "Greater Game Ever" or bust like this.
You forget Red Dead Redemption 2 already? I guess that's what a bust looks like.

Attached: Screenshot_20181126-091734_Chrome.jpg (1058x1540, 188K)

Overwatch would have died in 2 months if not for fan art. Fan art was the only good thing about Overwatch. Same can be said for a ton of games, really. Fan art and fan mods carry them. Some shitty developers have more luck than others.

I'm pretty sure RDR2 was in the development far longer than CP 2077

>rapist made out of marshmallows
underrated post

more than 7 years?

7 years for RDR2.
CP was announced in 2013, so it's the same ballpark, even if probably weren't fully committed until they finished TW3 .

>make a first person action game
>let player listen to multiple dialogue options that ultimately are of no fucking consequence
>get to pick from a couple of combat control types
>call it an RPG
why do western devs do this

Because you don't buy traditional RPGs.

RPGs are a popular genre right now, and very easy to monetize.

politics is fucking gay I just want fun games

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The game looks pretty good, but I'm still very disappointed that they are going with voiced protag.
That shit is always the worst.

>of no fucking consequence
based underage shitposter

Zoom zoom newfag

-d because this is unironically pissing off trannies.

2.6k likes is literally fucking nothing you boomer. Random shitpost accounts get more just sharing old memes.