Ooga booga sexy women important!

>ooga booga sexy women important!
In what way does a female’s attractiveness affect gameplay?

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>bait thread #204829

Nobody wants to play a game that looks ugly. That goes for graphics and characters both male and female.

I like feeling horny while I play video games.

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it affects my dick which is part of the experience, retard

it affects whether or not I want to play the game

females aren't important
stop shilling

In what way does a female's attractiveness NOT affect my dick?
Athiests destroyed.

I want to play games with ugly characters.

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You must be retarded. Seek help.

Ich will.

10/10 response.

Video games are about escapism. If I wanted to walk around and be incredibly attractive I can just go outside.

It doesn't. This is the same thing with MK11, the only reason people complained about Sonya's titties is because Mortal Kombat's only things it has going for it are gore and tits, and MK fans were losing the tits.
If you put that much stock in titties, your game was probably shit to begin with.

Based Chad.


Yea Forums likes the claim that gameplay is the most important aspect of a videogame. But then procceed to drop a game if it hasn't got a pretty anime lady in it, or if a women's tits are too small.

Video games are inherently visual.
I like to look at pretty things.


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Visuals are the second most important part. This is why we don't still play games that look like PS1 era games.

Having nothing but "attractive" characters is boring, you need the uggos to spice things up and add life to the game's world.
If everyone is just a 10/10 model, then it feels like the creator only cared about making cute characters as opposed to interesting ones, and everything just feels sterile and fake, which is a problem a lot of the time with a lot of seasonal anime that have no lasting power.
Ugly characters don't need to be attractive to be charming or endearing, heck you don't have to like them in any way, but life is filled with people you don't like so having these kind of characters helps make the game feel immersive.
Also having ugly and stupid looking characters plays well into humour, you gotta have a couple of clowns in the world.

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A woman's appearance doesn't matter is the point. She can be ugly, pretty, cute, deformed etc. It adds nothing meaningful to the game.


Perhaps you're just gay?