Reskinned Assassin's Creed

Reskinned Assassin's Creed

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Looks like the makings of a good systems driven game, and I want it.

and thats a good thing

Looks like a pretty commercialised, commitee designed video game. Hard to see any soul in it.

AC is an absolute clusterfuck now. As long as they they keep the 1v1 multiplayer, WD looks to actually be heading in a positive direction.

This game will probably be better than Cyberpunk since they’ve already shown more gameplay that CDPR has

Did you miss the hour long gameplay demo months ago of 2077, you retarded tripfag

you only noticed just now? it was that from the start

No I saw it. It just wasn’t impressive since all we saw was mostly cutscenes and NPC set pieces where the player just watches them move

Wasn't impressed by it either. Don't quite get what all the fuss is about. Looks pretty generic & easy. Just looked like the player snuck about way too easily & used that mobile phone gimmick for everything. Lacked atmosphere too. Just doesnt seem to be much thought put into it.


Don’t care

>playing ubisoft showelware

Actual game
>here's your 10 types of NPCs that will repeat ad nauseam bro

Chav > shit > vomit > piss > every other "unique" character > meme grandma

Clint Hocking son, he of Far Cry 2 and OG Splinter Cell fame, has returned.

This. I'm going to fill my roster with chavs who aren't racist they just don't like muslims

Cyperpunk have 1 hour gameplay. Ubitrash is no match for CD Project. We know it will be Watch Dogs2 in neon London. I am glad i don't have to visit Londonistan. No way i will play anti white game from judeo-islamic shithole.

Watch Dogs was always a reskinned AC

Yeah tell us something we haven’t known since the first game. You’re late OP.

I'm just glad to have a dedicated game set in bongland

I played the first WD and it's definitely not reskinned Assassin's Creed. Its plays more or less exactly as you'd expect any GTA clone to play except with the addition of the hacking gimmick. You aren't claiming AC is just a GTA clone, are you? Because that would be very stupid.

I'm pirating it

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Blegh. Systems given games are a mistake. No story, nothing to express, just hamster-wheel gameplay in a brightly coloured skinner box.

Assassins Creed Odyssey is the first good Assassins Creed game though.

Exactly this.

the entire point of this game it to trick people into buying xp boost for their characters

Enjoy your movies then

All Ubisoft games are reskinned garbage

Now post the playable characters

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goddamnit I was excited to see London but it doesn't even feel like it

Lets be honest, we're all going to buy it anyway.

Why does nip food always look so goddamn tasty

For some reason I cannot get motivated to play through Odyssey after playing it for an hour or two.

I can't even remember the last time I bought an Ubisoft game so who the fuck are you kidding

CDProjekt is not a big name Dev to me. Their Witcher games were average. Ubisoft is shit too but at least they’ve shown more actual gameplay than cutscenes and NPC set pieces

Go back to Yea Forums and report shit like the good goy you are

Dohoho are you an anglo that got banned for spamming after you got BTFO by me? It’s ok, you’re not alone. Take solace in that fact my spazoid Central Asian friend.


Cope seethe because it looks better than RDR2 and Cyberpoop.

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>that roof texture
Taking some inspiration from Dark Souls 2 I see.

was the english ass creed any good? gameplay wise?

and still looks better than "night" city

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Both look average but I think Watchdogs will be more fun to hype since we have a lot of anglos here that we could mine for tears.

>there are literal Ubishills on Yea Forums
What the fuck happened?

Still waiting.

oh shit i thought that was my area

Stop being so mad bong. We’re gonna laugh at your country and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>demo from 2012 still looks better
I know it wasn't a real thing but c'mon ubi, you can do better

It was real but consoles couldn't run it and we're still with the same consoles

It's actually Assassin's Creed but you have guns instead of shitty melee combat and your abilities are more interesting than 5 variations of "knock people down in an AOE" or "block better" or "zoom in with a bow"

why are you obessed with anglos? sperg

lol anglo obsessed kraut tripfag

Obsessed kraut