Do you usually agree with the soulless meme?

do you usually agree with the soulless meme?

Attached: quistis.jpg (937x422, 74K)

Looks nice. Any other improvements or just updated models like the IX remaster?

FF8 is soulless no matter what they do.

the towns and music have plenty of soul

looking good Samus

Unironically is my fave psx era 3d final fantasy, I'll buy this instead of ff7 remake

>renzokuken: the game
I liked it desu

Right looks a lot better, wtf are you on about

souless is more boner inducing.
and thats based on my book.


Kys tranny

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I can smell the irony from here



Sometimes. Not in this instance, but there are some where the new version of something doesn't evoke the same or even a similar "feeling" or "vibe" that the original did. There's a lot of factors to it and it's subjective obviously, but there are some games that look just a little too different in a way I don't like. Some have done good at capturing that same imagery, though, just better looking.

>do you usually agree with the soulless meme?
No I truly hate it

Why does she have a kike nose?

you're a faggot

FF8 is every trannys favorite FF

>VIIIfags get an updated version of their game with tastefully updated visuals
>VIIfags get an overambitious monstrosity that is never going to be finished

Attached: 1559368889361.png (1256x1304, 1.74M)

Only around 20% of the time. The meme has been stolen by legitimately autistic people in their late 20' to early 30' who don't like change of any kind. Since it's a popular meme format, it emboldens them into sharing their disdain for anything new and it generates bumps and (you)s from 4chans lower IQ users. Whenever I see it, I imagine someone on the spectrum posted it.

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fuck off zoomer, your whore mother sucks nigger cock

>looks like shit
>this is the style of remake ff7 fans wanted

You first tranny

I'm old enough to take your mom dancing, user.

>(citation needed)

>some blind cuntface thinks the right one looks good.

Attached: disgust3.jpg (453x439, 59K)

It looks like a DS game

nah we wanted the graphics of the ff7 remake, we just wanted the same combat system. having seen the combat at e3 though it still looks really fun, just a little jarring for how different it is

Just updated models and filtered textures and backgrounds like FF9 port, + cheats like FF9 port.
Shit is gonna need a Moguri Mod equivalent for it because the filtered backgrounds will look like utter shit if FF9 is anything to go by.

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Squall is literally gay for not tapping that Aryan perfection and choosing bland Japanese housewife plank instead.

Attached: CharVIII_Quistis.jpg (614x1424, 463K)

The entire soul/soulless is just "old game good, new game bad"

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she has the thousand cocks stare, squall knew she's a whore

Quistis literally has oneitis for Squall.

there is literally no difference between the 2 models

i don't get you people

I'm a hardcore FF8 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>soulless soulless
FF8 was a mistake.

Just like you.

but user, she's his superior. he's just being professional

Most of us aren't typing using braille

baito desu

No, he's just gay.
He only goes for Rinoa because she won't even leave him alone so he accepts it because he's a beta omega that can't stay assertive.

They need to rewrite the game from about the whole 'orphanage' shit show to the end. It's so terrible.

I agree with it for some games. Don't know about it for this one because I'm not a final fag.

I normally do, but in this case the original game looked absolute dogshit

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Akshully just before confessing she says she is no longer her instructor

>VIIfags get reinvented combat that combines the unique features of the original with more interesting and tactical real-time combat
>VIIIfags get the same shitty gameplay that they somehow forgive because of the shitty story

They should just scrap everything in the remaster except Triple Triad, since that's the only good part of FFVIII.

No because it's a shit meme

Go dilate, tranny fantasy

Stop posting on Yea Forums and go be a shitty rival, Seifer.

no and I fucking hate it

Attached: 6ED5D03F-1FB7-4D86-A1CA-D546CEF72453.jpg (300x300, 10K)

all I know is I want to fuck Quistis raw

In some cases? Absolutely. I don't think this is one of them.

I need to figure out how to make Moguri mod work with a pirated version because I'll be damned if I shill out another 20 europoors on a game I already own on PS1 and PS3.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-IX-foto-5.jpg (1280x720, 704K)

This is all I wanted from the FF7 remake, updated models with hd background art.

Why hasn't Square-Enix gotten Squall's hair right in any of his post-VIII appearances?

Attached: 1552938650319.jpg (460x720, 88K)

How is it supposed to look?

Why did their change the color tones? Not in this image but in every new pic.

Id wish they used the neural ai to remaster the backgrounds. Would literally take no more than 2 weeks.


They neither got Cloud's hair right after Ergheiz either

In this example they both look like function over form.

Usually I disagree

I have latest pirated build and it works just fine for me. You probably have outdated build, get latest one from ALI.

I was going to start a FF VIII replay this weekend but I guess I'll wait.

I wish Quistis is my neighbor

Right is how I remember it being back then.
Left is how it actually looked like but people didn't notice.

I remember always thinking the cg scenes of VIII looking insane and I think they still hold up.



If you don't know what ALI is then you have no business pirating.

Looks like Georgie Lyall

omg soul in every pixel

So wait it’s coming to steam can we choose between either texture since the pc version has the originals

I'm getting the FFVII remake because it looks well done.
SE throwing a bone to the FF8 audience after screwing us over for so long and essentially laughing in our faces (see FF7, 9, 10 coming to switch, not 8 though, because that game doesn't exist, fuck any other port, too) just to update models when there are already mods for that on the Steam version of it? No. They need to fuck themselves and put effort in if they want people to care and spend money on it.

I just want to see my boy Zell desu.

>I'm getting the FFVII remake because it looks well done.
Citation needed. Other than GRUPHIX it seems to be a really subpar action game, scripted as hell, probably as rail roaded as FFXIII considering the first game is only about Midgar. All flashy but no substance unlike Bayonetta or DMCV who are flashy yet have substance. Even the mediocre action jrpg combat of Xenoblade 2 and Tales Of seem to be miles ahead of this.

Even the OST is a letdown compared to the original, let alone to the newer dozen official arranges that are of higher quality and more faithful to the spirit of the originals. The boss theme sounds like shit, I dont use the soul meme often, but its completely soulless compared to the hard rock original one. Might as well be a random generic orchestra dark souls boss theme.

>Citation needed
>For an opinion
Sorry that I have a different opinion than you, dude. Also it seems scripted as hell because of unplayable segments, which is mostly what they've shown so far, aka cutscenes. For the action, yeah it could probably fit more of the original turn/ATB based system, however I find this to be a good compromise where the actual turn/ATB is much more effective than the action based system, making the action a supplement to the rest of the game. With the scorpion sentinel, have to agree on the music, though won't really know too much about the rest of the games music, or if they'll have an original music/sound effects mode