Why black people play only fighting games?

why black people play only fighting games?
ive never seen a black playing different games

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I'm a black. I play everything but sports games.
My favorite game is Final Fantasy 8.

Black roommate said because they are violent people.

They also play Madden you dumbass

what about this guy youtube.com/watch?v=XX-qXNfmIic

Because arcades were a gathering spot for kids of medium-to-low socioeconomic standing. It was a place you could go and waste an afternoon for relatively cheap, and fighting games let people bond through competition in a way that wasn't possible with other genres

Same with anime, there are so many black weebs because cable is cheaper than enrolling your kid in summer camp and shit

Because fighting and sports games are the most fun with friends.

Fast twitch muscle fibers

I play civ5 and 6 with my black friend. He knows more about it and competitive play than I do.

>Fighting games
>High skill ceiling, high skill floor
>Black people dominate this particular genre
it doesn't really compute

>why black people play only fighting games?
because to play fighting games competitively you need to have a higher amount of twitch muscle fibers to mash controls instantly in a game where parries and repostes happen instantly without delay.

it simply requires a higher amount of athleticism and physical dexterity to play fighting games, in which black men naturally excel.

They are 13% of the American population. How many of those do you think play games? Those that do just want to play sports games, GTA, or maybe fighting games.

You need to leave the house.

>This is a response that was typed by the best a man could jizz out.
I have no faith in humanity left.

>Black people
>dominate fighting games
Japs and Gooks dominate fighters with the exception of Chinks and Mexicans for KoF.

I'm black and I enjoy visual novels, action games, open world games, racing games, sports games, dead MMOTPS games. But yes, fighting games are fun when playing with your family.

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This, I play fighting games but my favorites have always been platformers, RPGs, and adventure stuff.

Fighting games benefit from high population density, which also fuels arcade culture. It has nothing to do with race, since it applies to almost every region that has thriving communities and a supply of good players.

I have a black friend who really likes Smite.

What’s up with the poor Nazi edit? Like it was just an afterthought or something?

>blacks are only good at violence fight games
explain that

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It's a healthy outlet for their aggression.

I'd rather they hurt eachother in Streetfighter than the Streets.


Must be the case. I prefer this one

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because niggers are violent apes and only good for button mashing videogames

hello monkey, ooga booga booga :^)

? A black gay furry is the best fighting game player in the world.

I have plenty of black friends that love really fast-paced games and really chill ones to banter. We also have plenty of fun fucking around in gmod and building dumb shit.

>dude, black people are pretty normal they aren’t like the memes xddd
No, it is you that needs to leave the house mutt.

About 50% or so

You should learn a fighting game.

you need to meet the autistic/weeb blacks OP. they really are on an another level

This is the real answer

The dude can't because he thinks nintendo party games are fighters.

have sex

Constantly being told you're a minority instills a more collective mindset, they play them simply because they see other black people playing them