you literally can't argue with this
You literally can't argue with this
Other urls found in this thread:
if that were true people wouldn't love short haired bayo or that new brown pokemon girl
No one cares about your twitter faggots, nigger.
There are only two sexualities: straight and OP
hey buddy
watch tv sometime and count all the interracial commercials sometime
>not true
>skinheads look like shit, same with afros fuck off
>not true
The people that stalk twitter just for a ''hot take'' are the worse and generally shit people.
Twitter post threads usually get 400 replies, so you are either a liar, retarded, or a newfag.
So fucking true lol
t. Nonwhite short-haired fat bi woman
There's nothing wrong with having a colored protagonist as long as they're not trying to push some kind of agenda due to the color of their skin.
Female power fantasy characters can be done right: see Samus.
Afro black woman is getting to be a tiresome hairstyle to see in alot of modern rooty shooties.
The amount of non-politically motivate games with gay protagonists is miniscule compared to the amount on the other side of the spectrum.
The irony in the last statement is that they want everyone to look the same if a character is too attractive to not offend anyone so they just want 1 body type and nothing else.
No, I literally can but literally won't. Eat shit, tranny. You've convinced me to be political, too, and my policy is "hang the leftists".
The ONLY way to shut these faggots up for good is to vote for Trump in 2020, to the suicidal tears of Trannies all around America. Trump is a boogeyman to these people and literally Hitler to them. Gaming will be saved if Trump wins because it'll prove all that Tranny screeching and self-righteous SJW virtue signalling and propaganda all over media had the complete opposite effect. A bunch of seething trannies will reply to this, but their desperation simply proves the point, they don't want him to win. So vote Trump in 2020 to secure a future for gaming.
Get Woke Get Rope
it's a proven fact liberals are trying to push their political agendas into games
they even admit it
why are they denying this?
Metal Gear Rising was a politically charged game featuring a French-Algerian woman, a Cambodian man, and a Brazilian who was so popular that he got his own DLC chapter.
If you don't make a shitty game then no one will complain about.
cry white boy
it should remove that title immediately
>Trump in 2020
Nah that meme got stale
I just don't understand how you get to that stage in your life:
Everything and everyone is political, also you must post all thoughts on Twitter with no filter.
oh no no no bros we got too cocky!
>Games 15 years ago
Samus is a woman.
>Games now
Here's Why Samus Being a Woman is a Good Thing, and Why Gamer Manchildren Are So Upset
Twitter is pretty much what Tumblr used to be before people started leaving that website.
GTA San Andreas didn't have any problem it's mostly black but not political
Third post best post.
Maybe these characters should be more dimensional instead of cookie cutter stereotypes?
You guys are mentally ill
Crying is a human emotion. Leftists just screech and twitch, like insects.
>People are creaming themselves over short haired Zelda and opportunity to maybe play as her
That's like 3 points out of the way
Sometimes it's too obvious when someone is tweeting or at least writing the tweet for him.
Blame the mods
But everything is political for these kooks? Soo. . yes? To everything in that list? Are these people bipolar or something?
or maybe russian hackers hacked his twitter!
is she admitting that race is real?
Who or what are gamers?
imagine if you could push a button and everyone that uses twitter was genocided including Jack
following this he banned hanging the gay flag at all embassies and made it harder for trannies to get certain health benefits, based
For leftists EVERYTHING is political, so it's a step for worse.
yeah i noticed that white boys really love expressing that emotion online
>I used to be a liberal but then I saw a trans woman expressing her online 10000miles away from my home and this is when I realized that hitler had a point
its all you retards in a nutshell
well at least you can still hang the israel flag
>wypipo are the reason i'm not a winner
It doesn't matter what Trump says. He's a confident White Man that doesn't collapse every time someone calls him a racist/sexist. That's the only thing that matters to them. It has nothing to do with what he says and everything to do with what he is.
Just you wait for the Samus upgrade.
>Two races
That's why people called the entire Final Fantasy or Grand Theft Auto sagas "political". No, wait...
>Two genders
Ah, yes, the famous Beyond Good and Evil or Fear Effect dramas... Except there were none.
>Two hair styles
You never been in nexusmods?
>Two sexualities
I'm not awared about any polemical porn game yet, that's where sexualities matter anyway. Regardless, were there any upheaval for the gay, bi and ambiguous characters in Baldur's Gate?
>Two body types
Right, dwarfs are so political is unbeardable.
Nice bubble you live in.
>Two hair styles for women: long and "political"
So did I just imagine all those guys that cream themselves over tomboys?
I see her problem.
She believes there is one type of male. All the things bad are wrapped up with A singular white male image. there is no other image.
Surprised this doesn't have more (You)'s, truly an underrated post.
>Who or what are gamers?
Obviously only straight white nazi incels who don't shower and are ugly. They started gamer gate and got trump elected. Very powerful and influential force. So influential they can't even get laid.
>I used to be a liberal but then I saw a trans woman expressing her online 10000miles away from my home and this is when I realized that hitler had a point
This but unironically, excluding the Hitler part. Thanks for red-pilling me in 2012, user.
well tomboy hairstyle predates the 3rd wave feminazi movement but sadly they have taken it as their symbol and it kinda ruined it for everyone. still love tomboys tho
it's true
Clown world
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up... what are "women?"
They're the ones who made it political by complaining about all the straight white males though?
I wonder who this poster could be?
Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY uses the term "Normative". Fuck outta here with that. The hairstyle one is complete nonsense as well, and no one argues for genders in video games but the queer. Only accurate part of this post is race.
What liberals believe
>white and niggers only
>male, female and everything else that isn't a gender
>long and unattractive
>straight and deviant
>normal and fat
You are posting twitter screencaps, are you fucking retarded?
If it even does get 400 replies it's either retards like you,furries,faggots or basedims.
Go post shit like this to b not here.
Imagine caring about the shitty opinions of Literal whos on the twatters and game """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""journos"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
BS faggit its just no one wats to play as the nigger not even niggers, Sleeping dogs was great
yet it's always the gamer hating sites that keep using "political"
>Voting for Donald "We must protect Israel" Trump
Kill yourself.
It's true because it's literally true, as in
>Female protag
>Shoehorn feminist themes
>Black protag
>shoehorn BLM themes
>Multiple females
>Shoehorn faggot themes
Basically they don't use tokenism which is the only right way to do diversity, they go straight for political activism.
>I used to be a conservative straight man but then I saw a trans woman on TV 10000miles away from my home and this is when I realized that I had to cut my dick off
You retards in a nutshell.
>and no one argues for genders in video games but the queer.
what about the endless crying about having women in ww2 games
its almost like you people have never browsed that board before
Because we live in a clown world.
What is she a PhD in?
Because it's true
>decide to infect games with politics and modern gaming journalism
>wonder why people are more angry than ever before
NPC slacktivism
Ah yes, some literally who twitter screenshot
Capcom's newest game is about amputee's journey to figure out why he became one, and how to cope, every bowlcut haired tranny in that conference should fuck off and commit neckrope
good post, everyone else is a faggot ITT
This buttblasted tranny means "male and female," with fellow trannies being political.
You had a fun run t_d, but its time to fuck off now.
Fuck Trump and his Zionist cabinet.
That is sex, not gender.
Every dog and it's mother has a phone these days. Time to stop being surprised at large numbers online.
Why would I waste my time voting for a shill for Israel? Fuck off
asking the real questions hear, fellow non gender conforming user
Fuck off and kill yourself OP
lie in the bed you made, niggers
It literally is political, lol. What are they complaining about? They did a political takeover of the games industry, are currently raping it, and are crying because consumers dislike the politics.
because (You)s are not upvotes you fucking dolt, you can just have a laugh and keep scrolling
Remind me how many games insert:
>long haired females
>sexually attractive body types
for political reasons
Substitute "political" for "propaganda" and you've got something closer to the truth. There's a difference between an organically written believable story and superficial propaganda designed to make a race or gender look good.
There's an easy way to tell if something is propaganda. Does it portray its subject as flawless? Does it show them as a genius at something their demographic generally doesn't do? Does it portray them as effortlessly superior to one of the chosen out-group?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then what you're watching is probably propaganda. Propaganda doesn't make a good story, it just makes anyone cringe who hasn't drunk the kool-aid.
Example: A handsome, tall blonde Christian man is a genius at biology, one of his atheist collegues attempts to argue with him but is humiliated by his blinding intelligence and is forced to accept that creationism is true.
Example 2: A sassy beautiful black woman is a genius computer hacker, she can effortlessly beat up multiple large men at once. An ugly, smug nerd tries to prove she's not good at computer hacking but she hacks his computer and humiliates him, forcing him to admit he's inferior to her.
Now which of these two examples are you more likely to see in a modern videogame?
imagine wasting years of your life to get a PhD on video games
You misogynist incel pig, go do some re-programming on women
Why try to satisfy people that will always hate you?
Some sort of tulpas, from what I've heard.
>i'm an anarchist!
>fuck corporations!
>fuck capitalism!
>fuck fascism!
>*clicks like on twitter*
Yeah I'll throw you a (You)
>Two races: white and "political"
That's objectively incorrect because nobody thought CJ was political, because HE WASN'T. He was just a genuine guy and a believable character in a genuine and believable setting. He wasn't crowbarred into the game for the sake of "REPRESENTATION" or whatever left-wing fucking buzzword of the day you want to choose.
Doubting that this person actually has a PhD so let's see what it's in...
>PhD in gender & games
In the UK we have a term "mickey mouse degree". It means a meaningless and stupid degree in something irrelevant and not at all rigorous, e.g. "surf science". A joke degree, if you will. And her "degree" couldn't be closer to that definition. If you were to take a degree that literally was about mickey mouse, a pop culture subject, then that would be the biggest joke of a degree. And her "degree" is similarly a "degree" in criticising pop culture. That isn't a degree. It's an embarrassment.
Tim Pool talked about this on Rogan. It's called traffic assignment and these thieves are making boatloads of cash off of gullible sponsors.
Kek even funnier than I could have imagined.
Fucking lol.
Google "white guilt". It's like dementia except it happens to 20-30 year olds.
I've slowly become more and more anti-LGBT as it's become painfully obvious that 95% of the gay community is made up of corporate shills doing the bidding of their rich masters and trying to not only sow division in the proles but also shut down any and all criticism of the corporate world by calling anyone who disagrees sexist/homophobic.
Even blacks aren't this bad, not only are there actual black figures out there who recognize this kind of stuff and actively fight it, but they're much more likely to carry anti-corporate sentiments even if many of them are retards who go out and buy the latest overpriced shit or spend $400+ on a pair of shoes.
I genuinely believe that the LGBT stuff is just a tool used to silence dissenters.
I don't understand this comic. Normally they come with some smug, stilted "refutation" of the opponent's argument, but here it's just "This guy disagrees with us and he is bad"
Get fukt
I honestly can't wait for the downfall of America
Virtue signallers are convinced there are only:
Two body types: Fat and "racist"
Two races: Black and "racist"
Two hair styles for (black) women: Fro and "racist"
Two sexualities: Non-binary and "bigoted"
That's not true though, Asians are also okay in Japanese games.
Oh boy here comes the womanchildren with persecution complexes
>The ONLY way to shut these faggots up for good is to vote for Trump in 2020,
>being a true right winger
>supporting trump
>voting even
jesus fuck you might aswell donate to israel
What I dislike is all those leftist game developers acting like they're saving the world.
Take Neil Druckman and The Last of Us 2. He has two lesbians kiss and one of them isn't traditionally pretty or cute. Naughty Dog and game journalists like they're making a big difference. Yet in the real world, Muslims still execute gays and lesbians no problem and Google helps them monitor their women.
>another Twitter screencap thread
Video games were able to become the most successful industry as they are. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel. There's nothing wrong with White and Japanese straight Male protags. They clearly work.
Black people love games like Marvel vs. Capcom and that game's roster is far from racially diverse.
You can try to include tribal wheelchair trannies from New Guinea into your video game but don't cry if no body buys it.
>one of them
One is a solid 4/10, the other is a 2/10.
tpbp, based and
"Normative" does actually have a meaning in academic philosophy, but these left-wing twats have taken this word and completely misused it in a vain attempt to sound clever.
Are we not already experiencing that?
This is why
>it's pointed out the ac has a new feature
Identity politics as a whole was just a mechanism for the elites to draw the heat away from themselves.
Think about when this stuff ramped up. Real left-wing thinking, the economic sort, was hitting a fever point. People were in the streets campaigning to "do away with the 1%" (tea party, etc.)
The only way to keep themselves safe was to redirect the mob's attention onto itself. Divide & conquer, that's what identity politics was. It also dissuades people from leftist thinking: people want economic fairness, but they don't want immigrants and trannies in their children's bathrooms.
You say this as if trannies on twitter have every played video games or care about anything video game related
>the only way to stop the evil SJWs for good is to vote for Trump, even though it didn't do shit to stop SJWs in 2016.
I thought Trump shills were just a meme and liberal boogeyman but I'm changing my mind.
Not all gays are brainwashed. Some are actually anti-trans and despise the LGBT, which is a good thing