>That kid that straight up lied About things in games
That kid that straight up lied About things in games
That was a pretty good show looking back on it.
>That kid who said there were only 20 copies of morrowind in the world
What would be a good way to respond to this with something like "everyone knows star trek was a good show retard" but in a subtle way? I'm trying to work on my trolling.
>YFW Smash Ultimate's roster is the kinda shit that lying kid would make up
was his name todd?
>when you had internet access before everyone else in the playground and you learned things about Japanese versions of games before they came out, but everyone thought you were that kid who lied about things in games
>I got called stupid for saying the bird in Episode 1 of Pokemon wasn't Moltres, it was a new pokemon called Houou
>that episode where the little kid gets abducted by the closet demon
>it's true
"Starwars is better"
Fuck, that's pretty good. I don't know if I'm cut out for this.
Stop trying to be a know-it-all, moron
>that kid who said you could go to space in Ruby & Sapphire and catch an alien
yeah fuck you kevin
>If you beat Gary 10 times in Pokemon Red you can capture Mew.
>that kid who said he unlocked yoshi in Mario 64
Fuck you Dustin for trying to convince me I could play GameCube games in my psp
>that kid that kept saying he has a gm account
Fuck off daniel you cant get past lvl 27.
user... Kevin was a time traveller.
>hey if you put a wailord and this level 1 pokemon at the start of your party
>and dive underwater into this secret cave
>and walk in this certain pattern after translating alien shit on the wall
>you unlock a new pokemon
>dude i'm not fucking kidding
I lied on tumblr about a rumble feature that happened if you played Lightning Returns long enough and returned to Hope, he would give you a massage a la Naomi in MGS1.
>Cousins told me there was a cheat in halo to make the aliens have huge tits and shit
If you collect all flags in assasins creed [1] you unlock the crossbow!
Didn't have the flags but was told you could get a crossbow
>when Yea Forums falls for a fake article
>that kid who talked about how there was one Lord of the Rings game where you could construct a whole new giant body for Sauron or Morgoth and then it would go about and wasting whole cities with one swipe of his mace
That kid was me.
>“The Beyond Belief: fact or fiction story about the monster in the kid’s closet was based on an actual event that I personally investigated,” she was told. “At the time it happened there was no explanation for the boy’s disappearance— until two weeks later when it was learned that he had climbed out of the closet through a ceiling panel and ran away from home. He stayed at a friend’s house surreptitiously until the friend’s mother discovered him hiding in the attic of their home and exposed the ruse.”
>Ghost of lockout
Was fun as a kid at least.
Or that poster is 12 years old
>friend told me kotor was like a star wars gta
>you could wander coruscant and kill random people and they'd send troops after you
>at high wanted levels you'd get jedi coming after you
>at six stars famous jedi would show up to wreck your fucking shit
>even went into gory detail about being able to pick up people walking their space dogs and slice them into several pieces with your lightsaber
>i believed every fucking word and bought kotor 2 a day later, sadly couldn't find kotor 1
>(i still think kotor 2 is better, kotor 1 is too clean and shiny, not gloomy and foreboding)
>none of what that little bastard told me was true but i'm still glad i bought the game
>fuck you sam, but thank you
>friend comes round my house and we play oblivion together
>spoiled fag got shivering isles on release and parents let him miss school for a week to play the fuck out of it
>tells me about a glitch to see titties in game
>i don't believe him, it sounds too good to be true
>he comes round my house one day with his shivering isles disc (remember when DLC was fucking based and consumer friendly?)
>puts game on mega easy and blows through shivering main quest until he obtains necessary item
>proceeds to perform the glitch
>it's fucking true, those are titties!
>stupid low res and 2D flat drawn on nipples, but still, nudity was rare in video games back then
the one lie that turned out to be true
I didn't have the internet and got shivering isles from a game magazine disc. It was cool
But that's real
>Six million? Not a chance.
Lmao nerd
some anons have the craft honed down to surgical precision
The show was Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, you zoomer.
>told my little brother if you tinker with the menus a bit you could unlock some of the enemies as playable characters in ratchet and clank going commando
>he kept trying at it for days
6 years later i think he still believes me and just thinks i'm witholding information
>that kid that gave you a game genie code he made up
I remember watching it a lot with my dad
good times
DELIGHTFULLY devilish, user