Here's your cyberpunk, bro

Here's your cyberpunk, bro.

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what's it like having your first interaction with the sun being through vidya user?

ugh why does the sun have to exist? It ruins all aesthetics.

>go to the beach
>it's full of half naked cyber thots with big breasts
God Bless Cyberpunk!

and penises though

>Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in the blasted ruins of San Francisco, Pacifica, Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz




This game needs to be set at night

>the bay area is now an entire combat zone like LA is

based and redpilled, day one pirate, then maybe a buy

That image is supposed to be an old picture of Pacifica promising a better future. That's like comparing 1950's Chicago and saying they are living in the past you retarded mongoloid.

Pacific in Cyberpunk modern is a disheveled barren shithole filled with Jamaican niggers occupying the place as a gang hideout.

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It has a day/night cycle.

thanks bro

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>its an RPG
>you can’t roleplay

Witcher was boring and juvenile, so I can't get particularly excited, bro.

imo if it were night all the time, with that glowing Neon look everyone loves from Cyberpunk, you would get overdosed and tune it out pretty quickly. This way makes the world more immersive and also ensures that whenever that aesthetic comes out, it's impactful. I can't wait. Who said Cyberpunk can't have sunlight? I was under the impression that the genre was defined by corporate dystopia, not what time of day it is.

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>big tits and big dicks
i can't wait

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Fuck yes
Night time is for incels. Can't wait to crack a Corona at the beach with my cyberbros

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>look closer at the photo
>it says Pacifica
Well shit this just killed all my cyber thots in swimsuit fantasies.

>Portmanteau of Chromosome and Manticore
>a mythical beast typically depicted as having the body of a lion, the face of a man, and the sting of a scorpion.

My sides. I can't believe they let a joke like this get into the game

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Can I play as an asian woman


damn, GTA6 looks nice


This is how you sound user, almost as stupid as trans idiots. Great for you i guess

m-m-muh smog

Day 1 pirate

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based and truthpilled