Yeah I think she's in

Yeah I think she's in

Attached: Taimanin Asagi.jpg (1024x768, 69K)

Steam release when

>Clone Asagi's scene in RPGX
Good shit

her tits are too big, user.

not big enough

>Yeah I think she's in

Nah, some kind of monster is probably in her though.


Attached: 37f47701985adaf43851afca084b2c44.jpg (1015x1200, 224K)

>she's in

Cow tits are meh.

That would have unironically been amazing.

Taimanin Square Massacre

How does it feel to be gay?

>No one will ever fund a $30 million DMC style Asagi game

It hurts to live

Bitch can stop giving disease to orcbros

Attached: 1537393394975.jpg (1024x1209, 200K)

>tfw like the old version of Asagi more than the Fisher-Price TA:Zero version

Attached: 9dc67ea5436c39dbde431232aac81ba7.jpg (832x1200, 125K)

I didn't say that tits are meh ib general. I like above avarage ones, but it also depends on shape.

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>blowing up body parts and destroying the shapely beauty that is the female figure
Fuck off, Dobson.

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We all do user

Was the other girls’ hair pink or purple? I could never tell because of the dozens of blurs and filters in most scenes.

More like half the multiverse is inside her.

Attached: eheh.gif (450x450, 3.76M)

when she makes pig noises is the best


how can so many kinks fit into such a slutty body?

yea all the old designs were better, especially sakura's

I prefer Taki.

Attached: __taki_soulcalibur_and_soulcalibur_vi_drawn_by_tea_nakenashi__8468c9772e9e5aeb50019618241b7326.png (1000x687, 249K)

Needs more orc babies in her


Yeah, I'm think she's in.

Attached: __mizuki_yukikaze_taimanin_series_and_etc_drawn_by_shimejinameko__9132736f2d419ec1e32b3ba27ef7eadd.j (2864x2025, 563K)