Tell me about your perfect game

Tell me about your perfect game.
The one you'd make if you had all the money and coders in the world.

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Dating simulator with furry and monster girls
Every girl is best girl, best personality, body

3D SS13 remake with its own custom engine
Artificial Academy 3 with insane scale and customization with easy to grasp modding tools

You think too small.

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portal 3

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God Hand 2

It's basically any of the big 3 blizzard titles (Diablo SC Warcraft) but made like they used to make them.

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It's already coming out in 8 days.

Massive open world adventure game where you play as a dragon in a high tech world that wants to kill you
You have to hide and fight, forage and hunt for food as you make your way to various landmarks, choosing your path wisely because despite being a giant fantastical firebreathing lizard you're adversaries have SAMs and shit that are equally as dangerous

I've actually wrote a synopsis and design doc for a cool incremental game but I won't share it here, as I may actually use it in a future.

There is no such thing as a cool clicker game.

TWEWY sequel.

GF simulator

Battle Royale.
But the environment would be alive.
Basically.. PUBG x RDR2 x Far Cry 5 x Cabela's Big Game Hunter x ATV offroad fury. Add in stealth elements from metal gear and tactical shooting from gears pf war.

A game that captures the feeling I got when I played Mario Galaxy 1 for the first time. The incomprehensibility, vastness, and mysteriousness of space, as well as its dual harshness and benevolence. This is shown through the superb environments, gameplay, and level design, not an overly complex story. I'd also add a Rosalina's library equivalent.

Essentially, I'd make Mario Galaxy 1 2.0, but much harder and with an actual endgame, and Mario's movement options from Odyssey minus the cap throwing/possession in favor of the spin.

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I would retcon the last 15 years of nu-blizzard and make warcraft 4

It's not clicker game, it's more in the vein of Frog Fractions or Stanley's Parable, but with actual coherent plot that pushes the tonal shifts.
Basically it starts as something boring, but evolves with the events of the game.

Oh, and it's in FPP 3D.

I'd rather talk about how cute that cat is

That'll do

Republic commando

Did grafics cat have a kitten?

Spore done right

There can be no perfect game because imperfection is the crux of our existence.

a gran turismo game with more realistic physics and damage and all the licenses for all the relevant racing series with actual rules and regulations including F1, Indy, DTM, NASCAR, etc...
keeping the GT brand to make simdads seethe

i have SO many pics of this cat

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Some new technology where you can actually plug yourself right into the game, AI's advanced enough to give you actual feedback based on your rl dialogue. Basically Matrix lite.

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3rd person over the shoulder fighting game that isn’t dogshit.

A game where you are a necromancer living in a cave on the outskirts of a village. You must abduct villagers and perform experiments, harvest them for parts, or kill and reanimate them in order to create an undead army. Once you build a large enough army, you could assault the town and slaughter its residents. You’d then have to work on conquering the duchy, then the kingdom, and eventually all of Europe.

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why is this cat so beautiful

Based wholesome thread.

Id want a Vampire Chronicle remake, coming DRM-free to PC.
New Intro sequence, real simple, mix of Vampire Savior 2 and Vampire Hunter 2's intros.
Revamped training mode allows easier play/record dummy action.
A new ending for every character.
Dee and adult Anita playable.

Remastered art for all Vampire and Vampire Hunter endings for all characters.

Based and Alexandered.


>Make Wacraft 4
>direct sequel of 3 and retcon all of WoW

>Make Diablo 4
>Athmosphere, Style and more survival/roguelike like 1
>Fun loot and overall quality of life from 2 and beyond
>recton Diablo 3

I would like a tokusatsu hero action rpg that isn't based on already existing ips like sentai or kamen rider but has a story mirroring series like build or gaim
it should also alow you to customize you suit

I forgot:
>Make a modern mmo game but with the realization of an actual living world like Ultima Online
>3D switchable from first to third person
>dungeons are like Ultima Underworld, little pocketed adventures you can experience alone or with friends
>Player economy almost on the level of Eve Online but less autistic
>Players can be carpenters, bow makers, policeman, knights or adventurers etc.
>Politics is also player driven, but NPCs will take their positions or land if inactive
>It's not survival bullshit

a dedicated, difficult nuzlocke pokemon game, with a good adult story, portraying a harsher and more realistic pokemon world contrasted to the lovey dovey kiddy shit modern pokemon games became

Basically a game like Starcraft with only a few races but with more units which allows for more tactics. Same type of graphics. But if not that then a space game with fully destructible environments + building

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>puzzle action game where you control a cyber assassin
>you control assasins body in very slow motion
>you essentially choreographic crazy fight scenes, running off walls, dodging bullets and shooting people.
> once you complete a level your fight is shown at normal speed. you could have spent 2 hours for a 20 sec real time fight.

Hub based non-linear martial arts Tokusatsu/Tataunoko, God Hand and Ninja Gaiden inspired very fast action game where you play as a loli (honestly sounds very much like Symphogear already) and fight a very large selection of bad guys who don't fuck around and can fuck your shit up. There is no sexual content in here tho, just have to add this.
There is an extremely cheesy cutscene before every boss fight, everyone is voiced by a professional Japanese voices actor with Norio Wakamoto being the voice of the main villain who gets a cutscene after every boss fight where he is informed about the boss losing. Most of the game is narrated by Issei Futamata, the narrator in Hunter x Hunter 2011
Yes i'm a weaboo fuck off

universe simulator with big bang and heat death

its the eyeliner

SuperHot is like the more exciting version of your idea desu
But I can imagine a more strategic/puzzle version with mouse controls where you control a more sneaky and acrobatic assasin

trespasser remake with cryengine

Quake 3 Arena remake:
> Better graphics (including ray tracing to future proof it)
> Hundreds of different maps
> Mod support for even more maps
> AI that plays realistically like a human
> Online play
> More extra/experimental game modes. Imagine something like COD zombies but in quake 3 and you're mowing down zombies with quad damage
Quake 3 is already the closest thing that exists to a perfect multiplayer game so why not make it even better? If Bethesda ever makes this or anything close to it I will forgive them for all the decades of fuckups and pay whatever they are asking

>Tower Defense game with procedural generation
>rock paper scissor element type towers
>light > dark > water > fire > nature > earth
>start your initial base in a element of choice
>starting area is the biome you chose, which you explore by building pieces of walls
>timer counts down next 'wave', coming from other players of similiar power in neighbouring biomes
>you can upgrade the nature type units you send yourself to other biomes
>succesfull takedowns from your waves give bonus income to your own
>as you build walls for your free forming maze, e.g. in a nature biome there's a lot of trees and forestry, you make pathing for yourself
>as you wall in 'nature resources' they start a trickle income that follows the pathing of enemies
>you need towers to defend the pathing along your walling, both to keep enemies out and allies within
>as you completely conquer all resources of an area, a new 'puzzle piece' proceduraly generated of a different elemental type spawns in a new biome that you don't have
>once you have another elemental biome under control, allow research to combine the elements you have
>additional biomes of same element gives higher levels within that element, e.g. fire tower becomes flamethrower tower etc.
>new elements also adds new spawns
>multi armor type enemies
>multi attack type towers, e.g. nature + fire = poison type that's strong against both earth and nature
>start imperial trading with other players like markets in games such as HoMM, player driven economy of elements
>add special waves outside of player waves that include special monster types
>beat a special monster type, research it with your elemental biome types to add them to your waves
I have endless ideas for this game, zero ability to create it myself.

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Sounds like tooribash

"JRPG", turnbased-ish but with some level of mini^2-game to perform actions so it's not just mashing buttons, also something different for each character. Choices actually matter + multiple endings. Game set in world/universe with all sorts of environments and unique fantastic landscapes. Change of protag throughout the game due to protag dying. Generally well-built and emotional story with fleshed-out, believable characters and no asspulls/things happen because plot/cutscene vs in-game power gap. Also foreshadowing sprinkled everywhere and a great climax. Honestly haven't played enough games to make a choice there but get me Shimomura for battle BGMs and Uematsu for the rest and I'll be good.
Customizable look for characters, if you want your waifu/husbando sexy you can have it if you're a tranny you can cover everyone up pretty good. Environmental status effects in and outside of battle if you're in extreme regions. There is an open world but you'll never be too far from unique stuff; at the same time more barren landscapes will have their reasons to be that way and include challenging stuff and/or great design to keep them worth going through. Mini-games which may play like other genres entirely like sports, shooters, party and stuff. Great amount of (lore and/or plot-relevant) superbosses with unique mechanics and some secret scenario with a beefed-up version of the final boss being the hardest in the game (could also be done through some extra difficulty, just like the idea of the final boss actually being the ultimate test). Different zones may have different challenges to navigate them, like platforming, swimming, climbing, gliding...
Honestly just thought this up as I went, you did give me all resources in the world though.

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Runescape 2 but with a new world and new weapon balance system and no automated systems like the Grand Exchange.

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I would make a game that makes me smarter, one way or another.