ITT: Much needed redesigns that add 10x to their character depth
ITT: Much needed redesigns that add 10x to their character depth
I would marry a woman instantly if she looked like that.
Peak female body type. Anyone who disagrees is a faggot
Go ahead and marry your mom then.
based and redpilled
>ur mom fat
nigger shit
>tfw no sequence where she tries all kinds of workouts but still gets fatter
>ywn wrap your arms around the Wii Fit Trainers tender, lotion scented rolls
same. literally the only female body type i find appealing
can I marry your mom?
Can it really be cropped porn if it isn't porn to begin with? I mean, still looks hot but
no but it does look like porn when it's cropped
its a mental excersice, let your imagination complete the rest of the image, using "cropped porn" as a context for it.
>lotion scented
lame, gimme some M U S K
So we all agree that this/OP image is the peak body figure for Wii Fit Trainer (and literally every other female)?
>tfw no art that shows she's still incredibly fit and flexible despite having a medicine ball sized gut
It's too early for this thread
filia is not fat or a pig, she is, however, pleasantly plump
More like Wii Fat lol
It's sacrilege to take peak fit body and turn it into this disgusting shit.
I prefer them fit and slim thanks
Fuck off fake fans, none of you even cared about Wii Fit Trainer before Smash
Then I will blaspheme until the day I die
>Cuddle with skinny girl
>Bony as shit
>Cuddy with a chub girl
>Basically your pillow
There is a perfect balance somewhere between morbidly obese and chub that is ideal imo
I still don't give that much of a shit, I just fucking love fat girls
why would a fitness trainer be fat
Or in this case, girth
>Not liking art of a fit girl turning into a fat tub of blubber
knowledge doesnt make you thin you dork.
Can't you just draw fat characters. Why do you have to profane holy ground?
Nothing is sacred
Facial Expression
Hair Style
All I'll say is check Thickerwasp's DA and scroll until you see WFT. 6 parts.
post it
being a fitness trainer does though
>Facial expression
That’s my favorite WFT trait.
imagine the stench of wft's feet haha
Imagine having standards so low you have a fetish for the most undesirable females, even fictional ones.
Imagine having standards so shaped by the society you live in you can't accept different body types and wilfully ignore the well documented history of fat women being attractive in other times and cultures because you think modern "standards" are the only ones that exist.
Actually, barefeet don’t smell because they need fabric like socks or shoes for their footsweat to cling and soak into.
Still, doesn’t stop me from thinking they’re like vinegar.
They also died of preventable disease and generally lived like animals. We're better than that now.
fat people are fucking gross dude ugh
That's not a pro
>The "But fat women USED to be concidered attractive" arguement
Nigga it meant you had money and lived a luxurious lifestyle if you where fat.
Nowadays any turbolard can gorge themselves on McDonald's for 5 bucks.
Keep that desperate shit away from me bruh
you don't like it when a girl has feet?
Because making fit girls into fat girls is the best fetish.
literal depth huh
>look at that fat bitch. That fat bitched dressed nice. That fat bitch eat good. That fat bitch clearly has money. I want that fat bitch
Now that I think about it, fitfags are probably the most chill of the fetish bases.
Fatfags, footfags, and trapfags always wanna dump their fetish in every thread they can manage.
Fitfags keep to themselves more than anybody. I can respect that.
It's destroying something beautiful.
>Wii Fit Trainer
We have to go further
The holy grail are the girls with fat bodies but slim faces, arms and calves..
No one gives a fuck what you respect
They still have entire threads dedicated to their fetish
It's creating beauty
>Fatfags dump their fetish into every thread they can manage
Fatfags completely keep to themselves because unless they do so the threads get deleted.
Fitfags usually shit up the threads because they go in when they see the first picture in some sequence and get mad when it inevitably ends up being fat art
Cropped fat art is better than cropped porn
Why is Tifa so chunky?
I want to knead it's bulging cheeks and stuff it with batteries.